path: root/importtemp/fapi2/include/fapi2_target.H
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 467 deletions
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-/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
-/* */
-/* $Source: hwpf/fapi2/include/fapi2_target.H $ */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* EKB Project */
-/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT 2015 */
-/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
-/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
-/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
-/* */
-/// @file fapi2_target.H
-/// @brief Common definitions for fapi2 targets
-#ifndef __FAPI2_COMMON_TARGET__
-#define __FAPI2_COMMON_TARGET__
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <target_types.H>
-#include <target_states.H>
-#include <plat_target.H>
-namespace fapi2
-/// @brief Class representing a FAPI2 Target
-/// @tparam K the type (Kind) of target
-/// @tparam V the type of the target's Value
-/// @remark TargetLite targets are uint64_t, Targets
-/// are uintptr_t (void*).
-/// Assuming there are representations of a processor,
-/// a membuf and a system here are some examples:
-/// @code
-/// #define PROCESSOR_CHIP_A 0xFFFF0000
-/// #define MEMBUF_CHIP_B 0x0000FFFF
-/// #define SYSTEM_C 0x0000AAAA
-/// @endcode
-/// * To define a target:
-/// @code
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP> A(PROCESSOR_CHIP_A);
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM> C(SYSTEM_C);
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP> B(MEMBUF_CHIP_B);
-/// @endcode
-/// * Functions which take composite target types
-/// @code
-/// void takesProcOrMembuf(
-/// const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP |
-/// fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP>& V );
-/// void takesAny(const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_ALL>& V );
-/// @endcode
-/// * Traversing the target "tree"
-/// @code
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP> A(PROCESSOR_CHIP_A);
-/// // Get A's parent
-/// A.getParent<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM>();
-/// // Get the 0x53'd core
-/// fapi2::getTarget<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_CORE>(0x53);
-/// // Get all *my* present/functional children which are cores
-/// A.getChildren<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_CORE>();
-/// // Get all of the the cores relative to my base target
-/// fapi2::getChildren<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_CORE>();
-/// @endcode
-/// * Invalid casts
-/// @code
-/// // Can't cast to a specialized target
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE> D(MEMBUF_CHIP_B);
-/// takesProcOrMembuf( D );
-/// // Not one of the shared types
-/// fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_ABUS_ENDPOINT> E;
-/// takesProcOrMembuf( E );
-/// @endcode
-template<TargetType K, typename V = plat_target_handle_t>
-class Target
- public:
- ///
- /// @brief Create a Target, with a value
- /// @param[in] Value the value (i.e., specific element this
- /// target represents, or pointer)
- /// @note Platforms can mangle the value and K to get a
- /// single uint64_t in value which represents all the information
- /// they might need. value( K | V ), for example
- ///
- Target(V Value = 0):
- iv_handle(Value)
- {}
- ///
- /// @brief Assignment Operator.
- /// @param[in] i_right Reference to Target to assign from.
- /// @return Reference to 'this' Target
- ///
- Target& operator=(const Target& i_right);
- ///
- /// @brief Equality Comparison Operator
- /// @param[in] i_right Reference to Target to compare.
- /// @return bool. True if equal.
- /// @note Platforms need to define this so that the physical
- /// targets are determined to be equivilent rather than just the handles
- ///
- bool operator==(const Target& i_right) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Inquality Comparison Operator
- /// @param[in] i_right Reference to Target to compare.
- /// @return bool. True if not equal.
- /// @note Platforms need to define this so that the physical
- /// targets are determined to be equivilent rather than just the handles
- ///
- bool operator!=(const Target& i_right) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get the handle.
- /// @return V The target's handle, or value
- ///
- V get(void) const
- {
- return iv_handle;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the handle as a V
- /// @return V The target's handle, or value
- ///
- inline operator V() const
- {
- return iv_handle;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Get a target's value
- /// @return V The target's handle, or value
- ///
- inline V& operator()(void)
- {
- return iv_handle;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the target type
- /// @return The type of target represented by this target
- ///
- inline TargetType getType(void) const
- {
- return iv_type;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Get this target's immediate parent
- /// @tparam T The type of the parent
- /// @return Target<T> a target representing the parent
- ///
- template< TargetType T >
- inline Target<T> getParent(void) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Is this target a chip?
- /// @return Return true if this target is a chip, false otherwise
- ///
- inline constexpr bool isChip(void) const
- {
- return ( (K == TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP) ||
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Is this target a chiplet?
- /// @return Return true if this target is a chiplet, false otherwise
- ///
- inline constexpr bool isChiplet(void) const
- {
- return ( (K == TARGET_TYPE_EX) ||
- (K == TARGET_TYPE_L4) ||
- (K == TARGET_TYPE_EQ) ||
- (K == TARGET_TYPE_MI) ||
- (K == TARGET_TYPE_NV) ||
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Get this target's children
- /// @tparam T The type of the parent
- /// @param[in] i_state The desired TargetState of the children
- /// @return std::vector<Target<T> > a vector of present/functional
- /// children
- /// @warning The children of EX's (cores) are expected to be returned
- /// in order. That is, core 0 is std::vector[0].
- ///
- template< TargetType T>
- inline std::vector<Target<T> >
- getChildren(const TargetState i_state = TARGET_STATE_FUNCTIONAL) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Get the target at the other end of a bus - dimm included
- /// @tparam T The type of the parent
- /// @param[in] i_state The desired TargetState of the children
- /// @return Target<T> a target representing the thing on the other end
- /// @note Can be easily changed to a vector if needed
- ///
- template<TargetType T>
- inline Target<T>
- getOtherEnd(const TargetState i_state = TARGET_STATE_FUNCTIONAL) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Copy from a Target<O> to a Target<K>
- /// @tparam O the target type of the other
- ///
- template<TargetType O>
- inline Target( const Target<O>& Other ):
- Target<K, V>(Other.get())
- {
- // In case of recursion depth failure, use -ftemplate-depth=
- static_assert( (K & O) != 0,
- "unable to cast Target, no shared types");
- static_assert( bitCount<K>::count >= bitCount<O>::count,
- "unable to cast to specialized Target");
- }
- private:
- // Don't use enums here as it makes it hard to assign
- // in the platform target cast constructor.
- static const TargetType iv_type = K;
- V iv_handle;
-// EX threads map to CORE threads:
-// t0 / t2 / t4 / t6 fused = t0 / t1 / t2 / t3 normal (c0)
-// t1 / t3 / t5 / t7 fused = t0 / t1 / t2 / t3 normal (c1)
-// So when splitting the EX, we need to map from EX threads
-// to CORE threads.
-/// @brief Given a normal core thread id, translate this to
-/// a fused core thread id. (normal to fused)
-/// @param[in] the ordinal number of the normal core this thread belongs to
-/// @param[in] a normal core thread id - 0, ..., 3
-/// @return the fused core thread id
-inline uint8_t thread_id_n2f(const uint8_t i_ordinal, const uint8_t i_thread_id)
- return (i_thread_id << 1) | i_ordinal;
-/// @brief Given a fused core thread id, translate this to
-/// a normal core thread id. (fused to normal)
-/// @param[in] a fused core thread id - 0, ..., 7
-/// @return the normal core thread id
-inline uint8_t thread_id_f2n(const uint8_t i_thread_id)
- return i_thread_id >> 1;
-/// @brief Given a normal core thread id, translate this to a
-/// normal core bitset.
-/// @param[in] a normal core thread id - 0, ..., 3
-/// @return the normal core bitset
-/// @note to got from a fused core id to a normal core bitset,
-/// translate from a fused core thread id first.
-inline uint8_t thread_id2bitset(const uint8_t i_thread_id)
- // 0xff means "set all bits"
- static const uint8_t all_threads = 0xff;
- static const uint8_t all_normal_threads_bitset = 0x0f;
- if (i_thread_id == all_threads)
- {
- return all_normal_threads_bitset;
- }
- // A thread_id is really just bit index.
- return (1 << (4 - i_thread_id - 1));
-/// @brief Given a bitset of normal core thread ids, translate this to
-/// a bit mask of fused core thread id. (normal to fused)
-/// @param[in] the ordinal number of the normal core this thread belongs to
-/// @param[in] a normal core thread bitset - b0000, ..., b1111
-/// @return the corresponding fused core bitset
-inline uint8_t thread_bitset_n2f(const uint8_t i_ordinal, const uint8_t i_threads)
- // Since we only have 4 bits I think this is better than a shift-type solution
- // for interleaving bits
- static uint8_t core_map[] =
- {
- 0b00000000, // b0000
- 0b00000010, // b0001
- 0b00001000, // b0010
- 0b00001010, // b0011
- 0b00100000, // b0100
- 0b00100010, // b0101
- 0b00101000, // b0110
- 0b00101010, // b0111
- 0b10000000, // b1000
- 0b10000010, // b1001
- 0b10001000, // b1010
- 0b10001010, // b1011
- 0b10100000, // b1100
- 0b10100010, // b1101
- 0b10101000, // b1110
- 0b10101010, // b1111
- };
- return core_map[i_threads] >> i_ordinal;
-/// @brief Given a fused core thread bitset, translate this to
-/// a normal core thread bitset. (fused to normal)
-/// @param[in] the ordinal number of the normal core this thread belongs to
-/// @param[in] a fused core thread bitset - b00000000, ..., b11111111
-/// @return the corresponding normal core bitset
-inline uint8_t thread_bitset_f2n(const uint8_t i_ordinal, const uint8_t i_threads)
- uint8_t normal_set = 0;
- // core 0 is the left-most bit in the pair
- uint8_t pair_mask = (i_ordinal == 0) ? 0x2 : 0x1;
- // For each bit which can be set in the normal core bit_set ...
- for( auto i = 0; i <= 3; ++i )
- {
- // ... grab the two fused bits which represent it ...
- // ... and mask off the bit in the pair which represents this normal core ...
- // (the << 1 shifts the masks over as we walk the pairs of bits)
- uint8_t bits = (((3 << (i << 1)) & i_threads) & (pair_mask << (i << 1)));
- // ... if either bit is set, set the corresponding bit in
- // the normal core bitset.
- normal_set |= (bits != 0) << i;
- }
- return normal_set;
-/// @brief Return the string interpretation of this target
-/// @tparam T The type of the target
-/// @param[in] i_target Target<T>
-/// @param[in] i_buffer buffer to write in to
-/// @param[in] i_bsize size of the buffer
-/// @return void
-/// @post The contents of the buffer is replaced with the string
-/// representation of the target
-template< TargetType T >
-inline void toString(const Target<T>& i_target, char* i_buffer, size_t i_bsize);
-/// @brief Return the string interpretation of this target
-/// @tparam T The type of the target
-/// @tparam B The type of the buffer
-/// @param[in] A pointer to the Target<T>
-/// @param[in] i_buffer buffer to write in to
-/// @param[in] i_bsize size of the buffer
-/// @return void
-/// @post The contents of the buffer is replaced with the string
-/// representation of the target
-template< TargetType T >
-inline void toString(const Target<T>* i_target, char* i_buffer, size_t i_bsize);
-/// @brief Get an enumerated target of a specific type
-/// @tparam T The type of the target
-/// @param[in] Ordinal representing the ordinal number of
-/// the desired target
-/// @return Target<T> the target requested
-template<TargetType T>
-inline Target<T> getTarget(uint64_t Ordinal);
-// Why has the been removed? For starters, the API name
-// is probably wrong as it's already been confused with
-// Target::getChildren(). And if I'm going to change it
-// I really want to see if we need it. I'm still not
-// clear on whether we're alloing this traversal or not.
-#if 0
-/// @brief Get the base target's children
-/// @tparam T The type of the target
-/// @return std::vector<Target<T> > a vector of present/functional
-/// children
-template<TargetType T>
-inline std::vector<Target<T> > getChildren()
- // For testing
- return {Target<T>(), Target<T>()};
-/// @brief Return the string interpretation of this target
-/// @tparam T The type of the target
-/// @tparam B The type of the buffer
-/// @param[in] i_target Target<T>
-/// @param[in] i_buffer buffer
-/// @return void
-/// @post The contents of the buffer is replaced with the string
-/// representation of the target
-template<TargetType T, typename B>
-inline void toString(const Target<T>& i_target, B& i_buffer);
-/// @brief Check if the target is of a type, or in a type subset.
-/// @tparam K the TargetType to check
-/// @tparam T TargetType or TargetType composite to check against
-/// @return True, iff K is a proper T
-template< TargetType K, TargetType T >
-inline constexpr bool is_same(void)
- return (K & T) != 0;
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