path: root/src/include/usr/isteps/istep16list.H
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Enable mss_scrub on MPIPL if NVDIMM is configuredTsung Yeung2019-02-191-1/+5
* SMP wrap mode - Run host_load_io_ppe earlier in Wrap mode.Thi Tran2018-10-031-0/+1
* Itep16 substep order does not match documentationBrian Bakke2018-06-081-6/+6
* Introduce new shared library for image processing fucntionsRichard J. Knight2018-03-021-0/+1
* HB supports - Use ADU chipops to switch fabric configurationThi Tran2018-02-031-1/+2
* IPL Time Checkstop Analysis Part 1: Load OCCIlya Smirnov2017-08-221-3/+0
* Do not call mss_scrub on MPIPLZane Shelley2017-08-181-1/+1
* Add host_load_io_ppe to istep16Dzuy Nguyen2017-06-271-0/+17
* security -- split p9_chiplet_scominit and p9_chiplet_enable_ridi istepsJoe McGill2017-05-221-4/+4
* Enable p9_rng_init_phase2 istepNick Bofferding2017-03-031-6/+3
* Disable PRD checking when multicast groups are in fluxDean Sanner2016-12-151-1/+1
* PRD: Hostboot PRD should not be called after starting background scrubZane Shelley2016-10-271-2/+3
* Call rng init phases 1,2 in istepDzuy Nguyen2016-10-101-3/+3
* PRD: re-enable bg scrub at istep16Caleb Palmer2016-09-211-5/+3
* Create a Separate module for cpu_special_wakeupLateef Quraishi2016-09-021-0/+1
* Doorbell Interrupt Base Support for Core/Thread WakeupBill Hoffa2016-05-061-6/+3
* Call host_runtime_setup and host_verify_hdatDean Sanner2015-12-111-2/+0
* Enable host_ipl_completeDean Sanner2015-12-111-7/+15
* HOSTBOOT: Support fused coresBrian Stegmiller2015-12-111-2/+2
* Remove all compile dependencies on old fapiPrachi Gupta2015-12-111-1/+0
* P9 Isteps: Created directory structure for istep 15 & 16 wrappersPrachi Gupta2015-12-111-5/+81
* Establish a working P9 Hostboot and Simics baseDean Sanner2015-12-111-0/+3
* P9 - added new HWP's and removed old functionsElizabeth Liner2015-12-111-11/+1
* Stripped down P9 isteps to what is needed for functionalityElizabeth Liner2015-12-111-15/+0
* Config flag to enable ONLY ipl time checktop analysisaalugore2015-09-291-1/+1
* start occ checkstop handling during IPLBrian Horton2015-09-181-1/+4
* Move pcie power off prior to starting PCIe clocksDean Sanner2014-09-261-1/+1
* Power off hot plug controller to avoid downstream MEX issuesBill Schwartz2014-08-011-1/+4
* Change copyright prolog for all files to Apache.Patrick Williams2014-05-211-10/+10
* Hostboot Serviceability Review Part 2Mike Jones2014-02-141-50/+11
* Integrate IPL Flow Reconfig Loop Memory HWPsElliott Dahle2013-12-141-3/+17
* Unload unused modules - simple versionRichard J. Knight2013-02-161-2/+11
* Check for attentions and do PRD analysis after each istep substepCamVan Nguyen2012-12-151-0/+4
* Update hostboot to version 1.28 IPL Flow documentRichard J. Knight2012-12-131-1/+1
* Update IPL flow for MPIPL modeCamVan Nguyen2012-12-041-0/+4
* Updates to IPL flow to match doc v1.18Richard J. Knight2012-11-151-23/+23
* Add IStep Stubs for all ISteps in IPL Flow DocumentMark Wenning2012-04-171-0/+111
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