path: root/src/build/buildpnor/
diff options
authorStephen Cprek <>2016-10-25 17:10:06 -0500
committerDaniel M. Crowell <>2016-11-16 13:24:54 -0500
commita301193c570cfb2462e7d3fe4e0a25b1fc24bef1 (patch)
treeb40cc59af41b39c3f49693f597db8453873d33f3 /src/build/buildpnor/
parent929569a227f8d3477fc47abf617e00111445dd4c (diff)
Port new buildpnor files from p8
Change-Id: I47ab0092b591a0c995c139b9abbfa3acac4b46b2 RTC: 163081 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server <> Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Michael Baiocchi <> Reviewed-by: Nicholas E. Bofferding <> Reviewed-by: Daniel M. Crowell <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/buildpnor/')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/ b/src/build/buildpnor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c167d5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/ $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+package PnorUtils;
+use File::Basename;
+use Exporter 'import';
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(loadPnorLayout getNumber traceErr trace run_command PAGE_SIZE
+ loadBinFiles findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch checkSpaceConstraints
+ getSwSignatures getBinDataFromFile checkFile);
+use strict;
+my $TRAC_ERR = 0;
+# 0=errors, >0 for more traces, leaving at 1 to keep key milestone traces.
+my $g_trace = 1;
+use XML::Simple;
+# Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains
+# bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white-
+# space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense).
+$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
+use constant PAGE_SIZE => 4096;
+# loadPnorLayout
+sub loadPnorLayout
+ my ($i_pnorFile, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_physicalOffsets, $i_testRun) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ unless(-e $i_pnorFile)
+ {
+ traceErr("$this_func: File not found: $i_pnorFile");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ #parse the input XML file
+ my $xs = new XML::Simple(keyattr=>[], forcearray => 1);
+ my $xml = $xs->XMLin($i_pnorFile);
+ #Iterate over the <section> elements.
+ foreach my $sectionEl (@{$xml->{section}})
+ {
+ my $description = $sectionEl->{description}[0];
+ my $eyeCatch = $sectionEl->{eyeCatch}[0];
+ my $physicalOffset = $sectionEl->{physicalOffset}[0];
+ my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionEl->{physicalRegionSize}[0];
+ my $side = $sectionEl->{side}[0];
+ my $testonly = $sectionEl->{testonly}[0];
+ my $ecc = (exists $sectionEl->{ecc} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sha512Version = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512Version} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sha512perEC = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512perEC} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $preserved = (exists $sectionEl->{preserved} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $reprovision = (exists $sectionEl->{reprovision} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $readOnly = (exists $sectionEl->{readOnly} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $xz = "";
+ my $xzSize = 0;
+ if((exists $sectionEl->{compressed}) &&
+ ($sectionEl->{compressed}[0]->{algorithm}[0] eq "xz"))
+ {
+ $xz = "xz";
+ $xzSize = $sectionEl->{compressed}[0]->{uncompressedSize}[0];
+ }
+ if (($i_testRun == 0) && ($sectionEl->{testonly}[0] eq "yes"))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ trace(3, "$this_func: description = $description, eyeCatch=$eyeCatch, physicalOffset = $physicalOffset, physicalRegionSize=$physicalRegionSize, side=$side");
+ $physicalOffset = getNumber($physicalOffset);
+ $physicalRegionSize = getNumber($physicalRegionSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{description} = $description;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{eyeCatch} = $eyeCatch;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalOffset} = $physicalOffset;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalRegionSize} = $physicalRegionSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{side} = $side;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{ecc} = $ecc;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512Version} = $sha512Version;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512perEC} = $sha512perEC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{preserved} = $preserved;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{reprovision} = $reprovision;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{readOnly} = $readOnly;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{compressed}{algorithm} = $xz;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{compressed}{uncompressedSize} = $xzSize;
+ #store the physical offsets of each section in a hash, so, it is easy
+ #to search physicalOffsets based on the name of the section (eyecatch)
+ if ($side eq "sideless")
+ {
+ foreach my $metadata (@{$xml->{metadata}})
+ {
+ foreach my $sides (@{$metadata->{side}})
+ {
+ $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sides->{id}[0]}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$side}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ # Save the metadata - imageSize, blockSize, toc Information etc.
+ foreach my $metadataEl (@{$xml->{metadata}})
+ {
+ # Get meta data
+ my $imageSize = $metadataEl->{imageSize}[0];
+ my $blockSize = $metadataEl->{blockSize}[0];
+ my $tocSize = $metadataEl->{tocSize}[0];
+ my $arrangement = $metadataEl->{arrangement}[0];
+ $imageSize = getNumber($imageSize);
+ $blockSize = getNumber($blockSize);
+ $tocSize = getNumber($tocSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{imageSize} = $imageSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{blockSize} = $blockSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{tocSize} = $tocSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{arrangement} = $arrangement;
+ my $numOfSides = scalar (@{$metadataEl->{side}});
+ my $sideSize = ($imageSize)/($numOfSides);
+ trace(1, " $this_func: metadata: imageSize = $imageSize, blockSize=$blockSize, arrangement = $arrangement, numOfSides: $numOfSides, sideSize: $sideSize, tocSize: $tocSize");
+ #determine the TOC offsets from the arrangement and side Information
+ #stored in the layout xml
+ #
+ #Arrangement A-B-D means that the layout had Primary TOC (A), then backup TOC (B), then Data (pnor section information).
+ #Similaryly, arrangement A-D-B means that primary toc is followed by the data (section information) and then
+ #the backup TOC.
+ if ($arrangement eq "A-B-D")
+ {
+ my $count = 0;
+ foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
+ {
+ my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
+ my $primaryTOC = ($sideSize)*($count);
+ my $backupTOC = ($primaryTOC)+($tocSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden;
+ $count = $count + 1;
+ trace(1, "A-B-D: side:$sideId primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arrangement eq "A-D-B")
+ {
+ foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
+ {
+ my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
+ my $hbbAddr = $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sideId}{eyecatch}{"HBB"};
+ my $primaryTOC = align_down($hbbAddr, $sideSize);
+ my $backupTOC = align_up($hbbAddr, $sideSize) - $tocSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden;
+ trace(1, "A-D-B: side:$sideId HBB:$hbbAddr, primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trace(0, "Arrangement:$arrangement is not supported");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# align_down: Align the input to the lower end of the PNOR side
+sub align_down
+ my ($addr,$n) = @_;
+ return (($addr) - ($addr)%($n));
+# align_up: Align the input address to the higher end of the PNOR side
+sub align_up
+ my ($addr,$n) = @_;
+ return ((($addr) + ($n-1)) & ~($n-1));
+# getNumber - handle hex or decimal input string
+sub getNumber
+ my $inVal = shift;
+ if($inVal =~ "0x")
+ {
+ return oct($inVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $inVal;
+ }
+# trace
+sub traceErr
+ my $i_string = shift;
+ trace($TRAC_ERR, $i_string);
+# trace
+sub trace
+ my $i_traceLevel;
+ my $i_string;
+ ($i_traceLevel, $i_string) = @_;
+ #traceLevel 0 is for errors
+ if($i_traceLevel == 0)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($g_trace >= $i_traceLevel)
+ {
+ print "TRACE: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+# run_command - First print, and then run a system command, erroring out if the
+# command does not complete successfully
+sub run_command
+ my $command = shift;
+ trace(1, "$command");
+ my $rc = system($command);
+ die "Error running command: $command. Nonzero return code of ($rc) returned.\n" if ($rc !=0);
+# loadBinFiles - Load bin file CSV into hash
+sub loadBinFiles
+ my ($i_binFilesCSV, $i_binFilesRef) = @_;
+ print "Loading bin files...\n";
+ foreach my $binFile (split(',',$i_binFilesCSV))
+ {
+ # Format is 'BIN_NAME=FILENAME'
+ my @arr = split('=', $binFile);
+ $$i_binFilesRef{$arr[0]} = $arr[1];
+ }
+# findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch - Figure out hash key based on eyeCatcher
+sub findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch
+ my $layoutKey = -1;
+ my($eyeCatch, $i_pnorLayoutRef) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}};
+ for $key ( keys %sectionHash)
+ {
+ if($sectionHash{$key}{eyeCatch} eq $eyeCatch)
+ {
+ $layoutKey = $key;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $layoutKey;
+# checkSpaceConstraints - Make sure provided files will fit in their sections
+sub checkSpaceConstraints
+ my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles, $testRun) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ my $key;
+ my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}};
+ for $key ( keys %{$i_binFiles})
+ {
+ my $filesize = -s $$i_binFiles{$key};
+ my $layoutKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch($key, \%$i_pnorLayoutRef);
+ if( $layoutKey == -1)
+ {
+ die "ERROR: $this_func: entry not found in PNOR layout for file $$i_binFiles{$key}, under eyecatcher $key";
+ }
+ my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{eyeCatch};
+ my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{physicalRegionSize};
+ if($filesize > $physicalRegionSize)
+ {
+ # If this is a test run increase HBI size by PAGE_SIZE until all test
+ # cases fit
+ if ($testRun && $eyeCatch eq "HBI")
+ {
+ print "Adjusting HBI size - ran out of space for test cases\n";
+ my $hbbKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch("HBB", \%$i_pnorLayoutRef);
+ adjustHbiPhysSize(\%sectionHash, $layoutKey, $filesize, $hbbKey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "ERROR: $this_func: Image provided ($$i_binFiles{$eyeCatch}) has size ($filesize) which is greater than allocated space ($physicalRegionSize) for section=$eyeCatch. Aborting!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trace(1, "Done checkSpaceConstraints");
+# adjustHbiPhysSize - Adjust HBI physical size when running test cases and fix
+# up physical offsets of partitions between HBI and HBB
+sub adjustHbiPhysSize
+ my ($i_sectionHashRef, $i_hbiKey, $i_filesize, $i_hbbKey) = @_;
+ my %sectionHash = %$i_sectionHashRef;
+ # Increment HBI physical size by PAGE_SIZE until the HBI file can fit
+ my $hbi_old = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize};
+ while ($i_filesize > $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize})
+ {
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} += PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ my $hbi_move = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} - $hbi_old;
+ my $hbi_end = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} + $hbi_move;
+ # Fix up physical offset affected by HBI size change
+ foreach my $section (keys %sectionHash)
+ {
+ # Only fix partitions after HBI and before HBB
+ if ( ( $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} >
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalOffset} ) &&
+ ( $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} <
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbbKey}{physicalOffset} )
+ )
+ {
+ $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} += $hbi_move;
+ # Ensure section adjustment does not cause an overlap with HBB
+ if ($sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} >
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbbKey}{physicalOffset})
+ {
+ die "Error detected $sectionHash{$section}{eyeCatch}'s adjusted size overlaps HBB";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# getSwSignatures - Extracts concatenation of sw signatures from secure
+# container header. Simplified to skip around to the data
+# needed.
+sub getSwSignatures
+ my ($i_file) = @_;
+ # Constants defined in ROM code.
+ use constant ecid_size => 16; #bytes
+ use constant sw_key_size => 132; #bytes
+ # Offsets defined in secure boot PLDD.
+ # Relative offset are based on the previous constant
+ use constant sw_key_count_offset => 450; #bytes
+ use constant relative_offset_to_hw_ecid_count => 73; #bytes
+ # Offset assuming Default of ECID count = 0 and SW count = 1
+ use constant relative_offset_to_sw_ecid_count => 626; #bytes
+ # Offset assuming Default of ECID count = 0
+ use constant relative_offset_to_sw_signatures => 1; #bytes
+ # Header info
+ my $sw_key_count = 0;
+ my $hw_ecid_count = 0;
+ my $sw_ecid_count = 0;
+ my $sw_signatures = 0;
+ # Get header data from file
+ my $header_data = getBinDataFromFile($i_file);
+ # get sw key count
+ my $cur_offset = sw_key_count_offset;
+ $sw_key_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # get hw ecid counts
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_hw_ecid_count;
+ $hw_ecid_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # Variable size elements of a secure header
+ # Note 1 sw_key is already considered in above constants
+ my $num_optional_keys = ($sw_key_count > 1) ?
+ ($sw_key_count - 1) : 0;
+ my $variable_size_offset = ($num_optional_keys * sw_key_size)
+ + ($hw_ecid_count * ecid_size);
+ # get sw ecid count
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_sw_ecid_count + $variable_size_offset;
+ $sw_ecid_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # Variable size elements of a secure header
+ $variable_size_offset = ($sw_ecid_count * ecid_size);
+ # get sw signatures
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_sw_signatures + $variable_size_offset;
+ # Get concatenation of all possible sw signatures
+ $sw_signatures = substr($header_data, $cur_offset,
+ $sw_key_count*sw_key_size);
+ return $sw_signatures;
+# getBinDataFromFile - Extracts binary data from a given file into a variable
+sub getBinDataFromFile
+ my ($i_file) = @_;
+ my $data = 0;
+ open (BINFILE, "<", $i_file) or die "Error opening file $i_file: $!\n";
+ binmode BINFILE;
+ read(BINFILE,$data,PAGE_SIZE);
+ die "Error reading of $i_file failed" if $!;
+ close(BINFILE);
+ die "Error closing $i_file failed" if $!;
+ return $data;
+# sub checkFile
+# Check if file exists and is of type XML
+# @param [in] i_layoutFile - PNOR layout file
+# @return - N/A Die on failure
+sub checkFile
+ my $i_layoutFile = shift;
+ my($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($i_layoutFile,".xml");
+ unless(-e $i_layoutFile)
+ {
+ die "File not found: $i_layoutFile";
+ }
+ if ($suffix ne ".xml")
+ {
+ die "File not type XML: $i_layoutFile";
+ }
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