path: root/src
diff options
authorStephen Cprek <>2016-10-25 17:10:06 -0500
committerDaniel M. Crowell <>2016-11-16 13:24:54 -0500
commita301193c570cfb2462e7d3fe4e0a25b1fc24bef1 (patch)
treeb40cc59af41b39c3f49693f597db8453873d33f3 /src
parent929569a227f8d3477fc47abf617e00111445dd4c (diff)
Port new buildpnor files from p8
Change-Id: I47ab0092b591a0c995c139b9abbfa3acac4b46b2 RTC: 163081 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server <> Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Michael Baiocchi <> Reviewed-by: Nicholas E. Bofferding <> Reviewed-by: Daniel M. Crowell <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 1842 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/ b/src/build/buildpnor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c167d5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/ $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+package PnorUtils;
+use File::Basename;
+use Exporter 'import';
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(loadPnorLayout getNumber traceErr trace run_command PAGE_SIZE
+ loadBinFiles findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch checkSpaceConstraints
+ getSwSignatures getBinDataFromFile checkFile);
+use strict;
+my $TRAC_ERR = 0;
+# 0=errors, >0 for more traces, leaving at 1 to keep key milestone traces.
+my $g_trace = 1;
+use XML::Simple;
+# Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains
+# bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white-
+# space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense).
+$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
+use constant PAGE_SIZE => 4096;
+# loadPnorLayout
+sub loadPnorLayout
+ my ($i_pnorFile, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_physicalOffsets, $i_testRun) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ unless(-e $i_pnorFile)
+ {
+ traceErr("$this_func: File not found: $i_pnorFile");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ #parse the input XML file
+ my $xs = new XML::Simple(keyattr=>[], forcearray => 1);
+ my $xml = $xs->XMLin($i_pnorFile);
+ #Iterate over the <section> elements.
+ foreach my $sectionEl (@{$xml->{section}})
+ {
+ my $description = $sectionEl->{description}[0];
+ my $eyeCatch = $sectionEl->{eyeCatch}[0];
+ my $physicalOffset = $sectionEl->{physicalOffset}[0];
+ my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionEl->{physicalRegionSize}[0];
+ my $side = $sectionEl->{side}[0];
+ my $testonly = $sectionEl->{testonly}[0];
+ my $ecc = (exists $sectionEl->{ecc} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sha512Version = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512Version} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sha512perEC = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512perEC} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $preserved = (exists $sectionEl->{preserved} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $reprovision = (exists $sectionEl->{reprovision} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $readOnly = (exists $sectionEl->{readOnly} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $xz = "";
+ my $xzSize = 0;
+ if((exists $sectionEl->{compressed}) &&
+ ($sectionEl->{compressed}[0]->{algorithm}[0] eq "xz"))
+ {
+ $xz = "xz";
+ $xzSize = $sectionEl->{compressed}[0]->{uncompressedSize}[0];
+ }
+ if (($i_testRun == 0) && ($sectionEl->{testonly}[0] eq "yes"))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ trace(3, "$this_func: description = $description, eyeCatch=$eyeCatch, physicalOffset = $physicalOffset, physicalRegionSize=$physicalRegionSize, side=$side");
+ $physicalOffset = getNumber($physicalOffset);
+ $physicalRegionSize = getNumber($physicalRegionSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{description} = $description;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{eyeCatch} = $eyeCatch;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalOffset} = $physicalOffset;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalRegionSize} = $physicalRegionSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{side} = $side;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{ecc} = $ecc;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512Version} = $sha512Version;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512perEC} = $sha512perEC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{preserved} = $preserved;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{reprovision} = $reprovision;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{readOnly} = $readOnly;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{compressed}{algorithm} = $xz;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{compressed}{uncompressedSize} = $xzSize;
+ #store the physical offsets of each section in a hash, so, it is easy
+ #to search physicalOffsets based on the name of the section (eyecatch)
+ if ($side eq "sideless")
+ {
+ foreach my $metadata (@{$xml->{metadata}})
+ {
+ foreach my $sides (@{$metadata->{side}})
+ {
+ $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sides->{id}[0]}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$side}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ # Save the metadata - imageSize, blockSize, toc Information etc.
+ foreach my $metadataEl (@{$xml->{metadata}})
+ {
+ # Get meta data
+ my $imageSize = $metadataEl->{imageSize}[0];
+ my $blockSize = $metadataEl->{blockSize}[0];
+ my $tocSize = $metadataEl->{tocSize}[0];
+ my $arrangement = $metadataEl->{arrangement}[0];
+ $imageSize = getNumber($imageSize);
+ $blockSize = getNumber($blockSize);
+ $tocSize = getNumber($tocSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{imageSize} = $imageSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{blockSize} = $blockSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{tocSize} = $tocSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{arrangement} = $arrangement;
+ my $numOfSides = scalar (@{$metadataEl->{side}});
+ my $sideSize = ($imageSize)/($numOfSides);
+ trace(1, " $this_func: metadata: imageSize = $imageSize, blockSize=$blockSize, arrangement = $arrangement, numOfSides: $numOfSides, sideSize: $sideSize, tocSize: $tocSize");
+ #determine the TOC offsets from the arrangement and side Information
+ #stored in the layout xml
+ #
+ #Arrangement A-B-D means that the layout had Primary TOC (A), then backup TOC (B), then Data (pnor section information).
+ #Similaryly, arrangement A-D-B means that primary toc is followed by the data (section information) and then
+ #the backup TOC.
+ if ($arrangement eq "A-B-D")
+ {
+ my $count = 0;
+ foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
+ {
+ my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
+ my $primaryTOC = ($sideSize)*($count);
+ my $backupTOC = ($primaryTOC)+($tocSize);
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden;
+ $count = $count + 1;
+ trace(1, "A-B-D: side:$sideId primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arrangement eq "A-D-B")
+ {
+ foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
+ {
+ my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no");
+ my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
+ my $hbbAddr = $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sideId}{eyecatch}{"HBB"};
+ my $primaryTOC = align_down($hbbAddr, $sideSize);
+ my $backupTOC = align_up($hbbAddr, $sideSize) - $tocSize;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
+ $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden;
+ trace(1, "A-D-B: side:$sideId HBB:$hbbAddr, primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trace(0, "Arrangement:$arrangement is not supported");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# align_down: Align the input to the lower end of the PNOR side
+sub align_down
+ my ($addr,$n) = @_;
+ return (($addr) - ($addr)%($n));
+# align_up: Align the input address to the higher end of the PNOR side
+sub align_up
+ my ($addr,$n) = @_;
+ return ((($addr) + ($n-1)) & ~($n-1));
+# getNumber - handle hex or decimal input string
+sub getNumber
+ my $inVal = shift;
+ if($inVal =~ "0x")
+ {
+ return oct($inVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $inVal;
+ }
+# trace
+sub traceErr
+ my $i_string = shift;
+ trace($TRAC_ERR, $i_string);
+# trace
+sub trace
+ my $i_traceLevel;
+ my $i_string;
+ ($i_traceLevel, $i_string) = @_;
+ #traceLevel 0 is for errors
+ if($i_traceLevel == 0)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($g_trace >= $i_traceLevel)
+ {
+ print "TRACE: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+# run_command - First print, and then run a system command, erroring out if the
+# command does not complete successfully
+sub run_command
+ my $command = shift;
+ trace(1, "$command");
+ my $rc = system($command);
+ die "Error running command: $command. Nonzero return code of ($rc) returned.\n" if ($rc !=0);
+# loadBinFiles - Load bin file CSV into hash
+sub loadBinFiles
+ my ($i_binFilesCSV, $i_binFilesRef) = @_;
+ print "Loading bin files...\n";
+ foreach my $binFile (split(',',$i_binFilesCSV))
+ {
+ # Format is 'BIN_NAME=FILENAME'
+ my @arr = split('=', $binFile);
+ $$i_binFilesRef{$arr[0]} = $arr[1];
+ }
+# findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch - Figure out hash key based on eyeCatcher
+sub findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch
+ my $layoutKey = -1;
+ my($eyeCatch, $i_pnorLayoutRef) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}};
+ for $key ( keys %sectionHash)
+ {
+ if($sectionHash{$key}{eyeCatch} eq $eyeCatch)
+ {
+ $layoutKey = $key;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $layoutKey;
+# checkSpaceConstraints - Make sure provided files will fit in their sections
+sub checkSpaceConstraints
+ my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles, $testRun) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ my $key;
+ my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}};
+ for $key ( keys %{$i_binFiles})
+ {
+ my $filesize = -s $$i_binFiles{$key};
+ my $layoutKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch($key, \%$i_pnorLayoutRef);
+ if( $layoutKey == -1)
+ {
+ die "ERROR: $this_func: entry not found in PNOR layout for file $$i_binFiles{$key}, under eyecatcher $key";
+ }
+ my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{eyeCatch};
+ my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{physicalRegionSize};
+ if($filesize > $physicalRegionSize)
+ {
+ # If this is a test run increase HBI size by PAGE_SIZE until all test
+ # cases fit
+ if ($testRun && $eyeCatch eq "HBI")
+ {
+ print "Adjusting HBI size - ran out of space for test cases\n";
+ my $hbbKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch("HBB", \%$i_pnorLayoutRef);
+ adjustHbiPhysSize(\%sectionHash, $layoutKey, $filesize, $hbbKey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "ERROR: $this_func: Image provided ($$i_binFiles{$eyeCatch}) has size ($filesize) which is greater than allocated space ($physicalRegionSize) for section=$eyeCatch. Aborting!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trace(1, "Done checkSpaceConstraints");
+# adjustHbiPhysSize - Adjust HBI physical size when running test cases and fix
+# up physical offsets of partitions between HBI and HBB
+sub adjustHbiPhysSize
+ my ($i_sectionHashRef, $i_hbiKey, $i_filesize, $i_hbbKey) = @_;
+ my %sectionHash = %$i_sectionHashRef;
+ # Increment HBI physical size by PAGE_SIZE until the HBI file can fit
+ my $hbi_old = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize};
+ while ($i_filesize > $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize})
+ {
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} += PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ my $hbi_move = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} - $hbi_old;
+ my $hbi_end = $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalRegionSize} + $hbi_move;
+ # Fix up physical offset affected by HBI size change
+ foreach my $section (keys %sectionHash)
+ {
+ # Only fix partitions after HBI and before HBB
+ if ( ( $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} >
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbiKey}{physicalOffset} ) &&
+ ( $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} <
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbbKey}{physicalOffset} )
+ )
+ {
+ $sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} += $hbi_move;
+ # Ensure section adjustment does not cause an overlap with HBB
+ if ($sectionHash{$section}{physicalOffset} >
+ $sectionHash{$i_hbbKey}{physicalOffset})
+ {
+ die "Error detected $sectionHash{$section}{eyeCatch}'s adjusted size overlaps HBB";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# getSwSignatures - Extracts concatenation of sw signatures from secure
+# container header. Simplified to skip around to the data
+# needed.
+sub getSwSignatures
+ my ($i_file) = @_;
+ # Constants defined in ROM code.
+ use constant ecid_size => 16; #bytes
+ use constant sw_key_size => 132; #bytes
+ # Offsets defined in secure boot PLDD.
+ # Relative offset are based on the previous constant
+ use constant sw_key_count_offset => 450; #bytes
+ use constant relative_offset_to_hw_ecid_count => 73; #bytes
+ # Offset assuming Default of ECID count = 0 and SW count = 1
+ use constant relative_offset_to_sw_ecid_count => 626; #bytes
+ # Offset assuming Default of ECID count = 0
+ use constant relative_offset_to_sw_signatures => 1; #bytes
+ # Header info
+ my $sw_key_count = 0;
+ my $hw_ecid_count = 0;
+ my $sw_ecid_count = 0;
+ my $sw_signatures = 0;
+ # Get header data from file
+ my $header_data = getBinDataFromFile($i_file);
+ # get sw key count
+ my $cur_offset = sw_key_count_offset;
+ $sw_key_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # get hw ecid counts
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_hw_ecid_count;
+ $hw_ecid_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # Variable size elements of a secure header
+ # Note 1 sw_key is already considered in above constants
+ my $num_optional_keys = ($sw_key_count > 1) ?
+ ($sw_key_count - 1) : 0;
+ my $variable_size_offset = ($num_optional_keys * sw_key_size)
+ + ($hw_ecid_count * ecid_size);
+ # get sw ecid count
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_sw_ecid_count + $variable_size_offset;
+ $sw_ecid_count = unpack("x$cur_offset C", $header_data);
+ # Variable size elements of a secure header
+ $variable_size_offset = ($sw_ecid_count * ecid_size);
+ # get sw signatures
+ $cur_offset += relative_offset_to_sw_signatures + $variable_size_offset;
+ # Get concatenation of all possible sw signatures
+ $sw_signatures = substr($header_data, $cur_offset,
+ $sw_key_count*sw_key_size);
+ return $sw_signatures;
+# getBinDataFromFile - Extracts binary data from a given file into a variable
+sub getBinDataFromFile
+ my ($i_file) = @_;
+ my $data = 0;
+ open (BINFILE, "<", $i_file) or die "Error opening file $i_file: $!\n";
+ binmode BINFILE;
+ read(BINFILE,$data,PAGE_SIZE);
+ die "Error reading of $i_file failed" if $!;
+ close(BINFILE);
+ die "Error closing $i_file failed" if $!;
+ return $data;
+# sub checkFile
+# Check if file exists and is of type XML
+# @param [in] i_layoutFile - PNOR layout file
+# @return - N/A Die on failure
+sub checkFile
+ my $i_layoutFile = shift;
+ my($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($i_layoutFile,".xml");
+ unless(-e $i_layoutFile)
+ {
+ die "File not found: $i_layoutFile";
+ }
+ if ($suffix ne ".xml")
+ {
+ die "File not type XML: $i_layoutFile";
+ }
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/ b/src/build/buildpnor/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2ac721bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/ $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
+use lib dirname abs_path($0);
+use PnorUtils qw(loadPnorLayout getNumber traceErr trace run_command PAGE_SIZE
+ loadBinFiles findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch checkSpaceConstraints
+ getSwSignatures getBinDataFromFile);
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
+use constant COMMUNITY => "community";
+# Hostboot base image constants for the hardware header portion of the
+# secureboot header
+use constant BASE_IMAGE_TOTAL_CONTAINER_SIZE => 0x000000000007EF80;
+use constant BASE_IMAGE_TARGET_HRMOR => 0x0000000008000000;
+use constant BASE_IMAGE_INSTRUCTION_START_STACK_POINTER => 0x0000000008280000;
+# Be explicit with POSIX
+# Everything is exported by default (with a handful of exceptions). This is an
+# unfortunate backwards compatibility feature and its use is strongly discouraged.
+# You should either prevent the exporting (by saying use POSIX (); , as usual)
+# and then use fully qualified names (e.g. POSIX::SEEK_END ), or give an explicit
+# import list. If you do neither and opt for the default (as in use POSIX; ),
+# you will import hundreds and hundreds of symbols into your namespace.
+use POSIX ();
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha512);
+my $programName = File::Basename::basename $0;
+my @systemBinFiles = ();
+my %pnorLayout = ();
+my %PhysicalOffsets = ();
+# Truncate SHA to n bytes
+use constant SHA_TRUNCATE_SIZE => 32;
+# Defined in src/include/sys/vfs.h
+use constant VFS_EXTENDED_MODULE_MAX => 128;
+# VfsSystemModule struct size
+use constant VFS_MODULE_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE => 112;
+# VFS Module table max size
+# Flag parameter string passed into signing tools
+# Note spaces before/after are critical.
+use constant LOCAL_SIGNING_FLAG => " -flag ";
+use constant OP_SIGNING_FLAG => " -flags ";
+# Security bits HW flag strings
+use constant OP_BUILD_FLAG => 0x80000000;
+use constant FIPS_BUILD_FLAG => 0x40000000;
+use constant KEY_TRANSITION_FLAG => 0x00000001;
+# TODO: RTC 163655
+# Implement dynamic support for choosing FSP or op-build flag type.
+# For now, assume OP build
+my $buildFlag = OP_BUILD_FLAG;
+# Corrupt parameter strings
+use constant MAX_PAGES_TO_CORRUPT => 10;
+# rand file prefix string. Note hbDistribute cleans up files with this prefix
+use constant RAND_PREFIX => "rand-";
+# Signing modes
+my $DEVELOPMENT = "development";
+my $IMPRINT = "imprint";
+my $PRODUCTION = "production";
+# I/O parsing
+my %globals = ();
+my $bin_dir = cwd();
+my $secureboot = 0;
+my $testRun = 0;
+my $pnorLayoutFile = "";
+my $system_target = "";
+my $build_all = 0;
+my $install_all = 0;
+my $key_transition = "";
+my $help = 0;
+my %partitionsToCorrupt = ();
+my $sign_mode = $DEVELOPMENT;
+my $sb_signing_config_file = "";
+GetOptions("binDir:s" => \$bin_dir,
+ "secureboot" => \$secureboot,
+ "test" => \$testRun,
+ "pnorLayout:s" => \$pnorLayoutFile,
+ "systemBinFiles:s" => \@systemBinFiles,
+ "build-all" => \$build_all,
+ "install-all" => \$install_all,
+ "key-transition:s" => \$key_transition,
+ "corrupt:s" => \%partitionsToCorrupt,
+ "sign-mode:s" => \$sign_mode,
+ "sb-signing-config-file:s" => \$sb_signing_config_file,
+ "help" => \$help);
+if ($help)
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+# Environment Setup, Checking, and Variable Initialization
+# Put mode transition input into a hash and ensure a valid signing mode
+my %signMode = ( $DEVELOPMENT => 1,
+ $PRODUCTION => 0 );
+if ($sign_mode =~ m/^$DEVELOPMENT/i)
+elsif ($sign_mode =~ m/^$PRODUCTION/i)
+ $signMode{$PRODUCTION} = 1;
+ $signMode{$DEVELOPMENT} = 0;
+ die "Invalid signing mode = $sign_mode";
+# Secure boot signing config file only required in production mode.
+if ($signMode{$PRODUCTION})
+ die "SB signing config file path not provided" if ($sb_signing_config_file eq "");
+# Put key transition input into a hash and ensure a valid key transition mode
+my %keyTransition = ( enabled => 0,
+ $IMPRINT => 0,
+ $PRODUCTION => 0 );
+if ($key_transition =~ m/^$IMPRINT/i)
+ $keyTransition{$IMPRINT} = 1;
+ $keyTransition{enabled} = 1;
+elsif ($key_transition =~ m/^$PRODUCTION/i)
+ $keyTransition{$PRODUCTION} = 1;
+ $keyTransition{enabled} = 1;
+elsif ($key_transition ne "")
+ die "Invalid key transition mode = $key_transition";
+if ($secureboot)
+ # Ensure all values of partitionsToCorrupt hash are valid.
+ # Allow some flexibility for the user and do a regex, case insensitive check
+ # to properly clean up the corrupt partition hash.
+ foreach my $key (keys %partitionsToCorrupt)
+ {
+ my $value = $partitionsToCorrupt{$key};
+ if ($value eq "" || $value =~ m/^$CORRUPT_PROTECTED/i)
+ {
+ $partitionsToCorrupt{uc($key)} = $CORRUPT_PROTECTED
+ }
+ elsif ($value =~ m/^$CORRUPT_UNPROTECTED/i)
+ {
+ $partitionsToCorrupt{uc($key)} = $CORRUPT_UNPROTECTED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Error> Unsupported option for --corrupt, value \"$key=$value\"";
+ }
+ }
+# @TODO RTC: 155374 add official signing support including up to 3 sw keys
+# Signing and Dev key directory location set via env vars
+if ($secureboot)
+ # Check all components needed for developer signing
+ die "Signing Dir = $SIGNING_DIR DNE" if(! -d $SIGNING_DIR);
+ die "Dev Key Dir = $DEV_KEY_DIR DNE" if(! -d $DEV_KEY_DIR);
+ die "hw_key_a DNE in $DEV_KEY_DIR" if(!glob("$DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_a*"));
+ die "hw_key_b DNE in $DEV_KEY_DIR" if(!glob("$DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_b*"));
+ die "hw_key_c DNE in $DEV_KEY_DIR" if(!glob("$DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_c*"));
+ die "sw_key_a DNE in $DEV_KEY_DIR" if(!glob("$DEV_KEY_DIR/sw_key_a*"));
+my $openSigningTool = 0;
+ $openSigningTool = 1;
+### Local development signing
+# Requires naming convention of hw/sw keys in DEV_KEY_DIR
+my $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS = "-skp ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/sw_key_a";
+# Key prefix used for current key siging of partitions (N/A for open edition)
+my $SIGN_PREFIX_PARAMS = "-hka ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_a -hkb "
+ . "${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_b -hkc ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_c "
+ . "-skp ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/sw_key_a";
+# Key prefix used for secureboot key transition partition.
+# Default key transition to same keys.
+if ($keyTransition{enabled})
+ # Note: simply reordered the keys to create a pseudo production key.
+ $SIGN_SBKT_PREFIX_PARAMS = "-hka ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_c -hkb "
+ . "${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_b -hkc ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/hw_key_a "
+ . "-skp ${DEV_KEY_DIR}/sw_key_a";
+### Open POWER signing
+# By default key transition container is unused
+# Production signing parameters
+my $OPEN_PRD_SIGN_PARAMS = "--mode production "
+ . " --sign-project-config $sb_signing_config_file";
+# Imprint key signing parameters
+my $OPEN_DEV_SIGN_PARAMS = " -hwPrivKeyA $DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_a.key "
+ . "-hwPrivKeyB $DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_b.key "
+ . "-hwPrivKeyC $DEV_KEY_DIR/hw_key_c.key "
+ . "-swPrivKeyP $DEV_KEY_DIR/sw_key_a.key";
+# Handle key transition and production signing logic
+# If in production mode, key transition is not supported yet
+# If in developement mode, key transition can move to either imprint or
+# production keys
+if ($signMode{$PRODUCTION})
+ # Production to Production key transition not supported yet
+elsif ($keyTransition{enabled} && $signMode{$DEVELOPMENT})
+ if ($keyTransition{$IMPRINT})
+ {
+ }
+ elsif ($keyTransition{$PRODUCTION})
+ {
+ }
+### Secureboot headers
+# Contains the appropriate flags, prefix, and file names.
+my $randPrefix = "rand-".POSIX::ceil(rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
+my %sb_hdrs = (
+ DEFAULT => {
+ flags => sprintf("0x%08X",$buildFlag),
+ prefix => $SIGN_PREFIX_PARAMS,
+ file => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.default.secureboot.hdr.bin"
+ },
+ SBKT => {
+ outer => {
+ flags => sprintf("0x%08X", $buildFlag | KEY_TRANSITION_FLAG),
+ prefix => $SIGN_PREFIX_PARAMS,
+ file => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.sbkt.outer.secureboot.hdr.bin"
+ },
+ inner => {
+ flags => sprintf("0x%08X", $buildFlag),
+ file => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.sbkt.inner.secureboot.hdr.bin"
+ }
+ }
+# main
+# Print all settings in one print statement to avoid parallel build to mess
+# up output.
+my $SETTINGS = "\n//========== Generate PNOR Image Settings ==========/\n";
+$SETTINGS .= $build_all ? "Build Phase = build_all\n" : "";
+$SETTINGS .= $install_all ? "Build Phase = install_all\n" : "";
+$SETTINGS .= $testRun ? "Test Mode = Yes\n" : "Test Mode = No\n";
+$SETTINGS .= $secureboot ? "Secureboot = Enabled\n" : "Secureboot = Disabled\n";
+$SETTINGS .= %partitionsToCorrupt && $secureboot ? "Corrupt Partitions: ".Dumper \%partitionsToCorrupt : "";
+$SETTINGS .= $secureboot ? "Sign Mode = $sign_mode\n" : "Sign Mode = NA\n";
+$SETTINGS .= $key_transition && $secureboot ? "Key Transition Mode = $key_transition\n" : "Key Transition Mode = NA\n";
+$SETTINGS .= "//====================================================//\n\n";
+print $SETTINGS;
+if($secureboot && !$openSigningTool)
+ # Generate each secureboot header file
+ foreach my $header (keys %sb_hdrs)
+ {
+ next if($header eq "SBKT" && !$key_transition);
+ # SBKT parition has 2 sections outer and inner, need to create both
+ if ($header eq "SBKT")
+ {
+ foreach my $section (keys %{$sb_hdrs{$header}})
+ {
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/prefix -good -of $sb_hdrs{$header}{$section}{file}".
+ LOCAL_SIGNING_FLAG."$sb_hdrs{$header}{$section}{flags}".
+ " $sb_hdrs{$header}{$section}{prefix}");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/prefix -good -of $sb_hdrs{$header}{file}".
+ LOCAL_SIGNING_FLAG."$sb_hdrs{$header}{flags}".
+ " $sb_hdrs{$header}{prefix}");
+ }
+ }
+ # Generate test containers once and limit to build phase
+ if ($build_all)
+ {
+ gen_test_containers();
+ }
+#Load PNOR Layout XML file
+loadPnorLayout($pnorLayoutFile, \%pnorLayout, \%PhysicalOffsets, $testRun);
+# Generate final images for each system's bin files.
+foreach my $binFilesCSV (@systemBinFiles)
+ my %binFiles = ();
+ my $system_target = "";
+ # Check if format includes a system target 'TARGET:<csv of bin files>'
+ if ($binFilesCSV =~ m/:/)
+ {
+ my @arr = split(':', $binFilesCSV);
+ $system_target = $arr[0];
+ $binFilesCSV = $arr[1];
+ }
+ # Load bin files into hash to know what to generate
+ loadBinFiles($binFilesCSV, \%binFiles);
+ #Perform any data integrity manipulation (ECC, sha-hash, etc)
+ manipulateImages(\%pnorLayout, \%binFiles, $system_target);
+ # Make sure provided files will fit in their sections
+ checkSpaceConstraints(\%pnorLayout, \%binFiles, $testRun);
+# Clean up temp header files
+foreach my $header (keys %sb_hdrs)
+ if($header eq "SBKT")
+ {
+ foreach my $section (keys %{$sb_hdrs{$header}})
+ {
+ system("rm -f $sb_hdrs{$header}{$section}{file}");
+ die "Could not delete $sb_hdrs{$header}{$section}{file}" if $?;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ system("rm -f $sb_hdrs{$header}{file}");
+ die "Could not delete $sb_hdrs{$header}{file}" if $?;
+ }
+# Subroutines
+# partitionDepSort
+# Custom sort to ensure images are handled in the correct dependency order.
+# If a dependency is not specified in the hash used, use default behavior.
+# Hardcoded defined order that binfiles should be handled.
+my %partitionDeps = ( HBB => 0,
+ HBI => 1);
+sub partitionDepSort
+ # If $a exists but $b does not, set $a < $b
+ if (exists $partitionDeps{$a} && !exists $partitionDeps{$b})
+ {
+ -1
+ }
+ # If $a does not exists but $b does, set $a > $b
+ elsif (!exists $partitionDeps{$a} && exists $partitionDeps{$b})
+ {
+ 1
+ }
+ # If both $a and $b exist, actually compare values.
+ elsif (exists $partitionDeps{$a} && exists $partitionDeps{$b})
+ {
+ if ($partitionDeps{$a} < $partitionDeps{$b}) {-1}
+ elsif ($partitionDeps{$a} > $partitionDeps{$b}) {1}
+ else {0}
+ }
+ # If neither $a or $b have a dependency, order doesn't matter
+ else {0}
+# manipulateImages - Perform any ECC/padding/sha/signing manipulations
+sub manipulateImages
+ my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFilesRef, $system_target) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}};
+ trace(1, "manipulateImages");
+ # Prefix for temporary files for parallel builds
+ my $parallelPrefix = RAND_PREFIX.POSIX::ceil(rand(0xFFFFFFFF)).$system_target;
+ # Partitions that have a hash page table at the beginning of the section
+ # for secureboot purposes.
+ my %hashPageTablePartitions = (HBI => 1);
+ my %preReqImages = (
+ HBB_SW_SIG_FILE => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.hbb_sw_sig.bin"
+ );
+ foreach my $key (sort partitionDepSort keys %{$i_binFilesRef})
+ {
+ my %callerHwHdrFields = (
+ configure => 0,
+ totalContainerSize => 0,
+ targetHrmor => 0,
+ instructionStartStackPointer => 0);
+ my $layoutKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch($key, \%$i_pnorLayoutRef);
+ my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{eyeCatch};
+ my %tempImages = (
+ HDR_PHASE => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.hdr.bin",
+ PREFIX_PHASE => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.hdr.prefix.bin",
+ TEMP_SHA_IMG => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.sha.bin",
+ PAD_PHASE => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.pad.bin",
+ ECC_PHASE => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.bin.ecc",
+ VFS_MODULE_TABLE => => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.vfs_module_table.bin",
+ TEMP_BIN => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.temp.bin",
+ PAYLOAD_TEXT => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.payload_text.bin",
+ PROTECTED_PAYLOAD => "$bin_dir/$parallelPrefix.$eyeCatch.protected_payload.bin"
+ );
+ my $size = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{physicalRegionSize};
+ my $bin_file = $$i_binFilesRef{$eyeCatch};
+ # Check if bin file is system specific and prefix target to the front
+ my $final_bin_file = ($system_target eq "")? "$bin_dir/$eyeCatch.bin":
+ "$bin_dir/$system_target.$eyeCatch.bin";
+ # Get size of partition without ecc
+ if ($sectionHash{$layoutKey}{ecc} eq "yes")
+ {
+ $size = page_aligned_size_wo_ecc($size);
+ }
+ # Sections that have secureboot support. Secureboot still must be
+ # enabled for secureboot actions on these partitions to occur.
+ my $isNormalSecure = ($eyeCatch eq "SBE")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "SBEC")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "PAYLOAD")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "SBKT")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "OCC")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "HBRT")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "CAPP")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "BOOTKERNEL");
+ my $isSpecialSecure = ($eyeCatch eq "HBB")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "HBI")
+ || ($eyeCatch eq "HBD");
+ my $openSigningFlags = OP_SIGNING_FLAG.$sb_hdrs{DEFAULT}{flags};
+ my $secureboot_hdr = $sb_hdrs{DEFAULT}{file};
+ if ($signMode{$PRODUCTION})
+ {
+ $CUR_OPEN_SIGN_REQUEST .= " --sign-project-FW-token $eyeCatch ";
+ }
+ # Used for corrupting partitions. By default all protected offsets start
+ # immediately after the container header which is size = PAGE_SIZE.
+ # *Note: this is before ECC.
+ my $protectedOffset = PAGE_SIZE;
+ # Handle partitions that have an input binary.
+ if (-e $bin_file)
+ {
+ # FSP workaround to keep original bin names
+ my $fsp_file = $bin_file;
+ my $fsp_prefix = "";
+ # Header Phase
+ if( ($sectionHash{$layoutKey}{sha512Version} eq "yes")
+ || ($secureboot && $isSpecialSecure) )
+ {
+ $fsp_prefix.=".header";
+ # Add secure container header
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing supported
+ if ($secureboot)
+ {
+ $callerHwHdrFields{configure} = 1;
+ if (exists $hashPageTablePartitions{$eyeCatch})
+ {
+ if ($eyeCatch eq "HBI")
+ {
+ # Pass HBB sw signatures as the salt entry.
+ $tempImages{hashPageTable} = genHashPageTable($bin_file, $eyeCatch,
+ getBinDataFromFile($preReqImages{HBB_SW_SIG_FILE}));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tempImages{hashPageTable} = genHashPageTable($bin_file, $eyeCatch);
+ }
+ }
+ # Add hash page table
+ if ($tempImages{hashPageTable} ne "" && -e $tempImages{hashPageTable})
+ {
+ trace(1,"Adding hash page table for $eyeCatch");
+ my $hashPageTableSize = -s $tempImages{hashPageTable};
+ die "hashPageTable size undefined: errno = $!" unless(defined $hashPageTableSize);
+ # Move protected offset after hash page table.
+ $protectedOffset += $hashPageTableSize;
+ if ($eyeCatch eq "HBI")
+ {
+ # Add the VFS module table to the payload text section.
+ run_command("dd if=$bin_file of=$tempImages{VFS_MODULE_TABLE} count=".VFS_EXTENDED_MODULE_MAX." ibs=".VFS_MODULE_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ # Remove VFS module table from bin file
+ run_command("dd if=$bin_file of=$tempImages{TEMP_BIN} skip=".VFS_EXTENDED_MODULE_MAX." ibs=".VFS_MODULE_TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE);
+ run_command("cp $tempImages{TEMP_BIN} $bin_file");
+ # Pad after hash page table to have the VFS module table end at a 4K boundary
+ my $padSize = PAGE_SIZE - (($hashPageTableSize + VFS_MODULE_TABLE_MAX_SIZE) % PAGE_SIZE);
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/zero bs=$padSize count=1 | tr \"\\000\" \"\\377\" >> $tempImages{hashPageTable} ");
+ # Move protected offset after padding of hash page table.
+ $protectedOffset += $padSize;
+ # Payload text section
+ run_command("cat $tempImages{hashPageTable} $tempImages{VFS_MODULE_TABLE} > $tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT} ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("cp $tempImages{hashPageTable} $tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT}");
+ }
+ if($openSigningTool)
+ {
+ run_command("$CUR_OPEN_SIGN_REQUEST "
+ . "-protectedPayload $tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT} "
+ . "-out $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing
+ # supported
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $secureboot_hdr -of $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} -bin $tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ }
+ run_command("cat $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} $bin_file > $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ # Handle read-only protected payload
+ elsif ($eyeCatch eq "HBD")
+ {
+ if($openSigningTool)
+ {
+ run_command("$CUR_OPEN_SIGN_REQUEST "
+ . "-protectedPayload $bin_file.protected "
+ . "-out $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing
+ # supported
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $secureboot_hdr -of $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} -bin $bin_file.protected $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ }
+ run_command("cat $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} $bin_file.unprotected > $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($openSigningTool)
+ {
+ my $codeStartOffset = ($eyeCatch eq "HBB") ?
+ "-code-start-offset 0x00000180" : "";
+ run_command("$CUR_OPEN_SIGN_REQUEST "
+ . "$codeStartOffset "
+ . "-protectedPayload $bin_file "
+ . "-out $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing
+ # supported
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $secureboot_hdr -of $tempImages{HDR_PHASE} -bin $bin_file $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ }
+ }
+ # Customize secureboot prefix header with container size,
+ # target HRMOR, and stack address (8 bytes each), in that
+ # order. Customization begins at offset 6 into the container
+ # header.
+ if($eyeCatch eq "HBB")
+ {
+ $callerHwHdrFields{totalContainerSize}
+ $callerHwHdrFields{targetHrmor}
+ $callerHwHdrFields{instructionStartStackPointer}
+ # Save off HBB sw signatures for use by HBI
+ open (HBB_SW_SIG_FILE, ">",
+ $preReqImages{HBB_SW_SIG_FILE}) or die "Error opening file $preReqImages{HBB_SW_SIG_FILE}: $!\n";
+ binmode HBB_SW_SIG_FILE;
+ print HBB_SW_SIG_FILE getSwSignatures($tempImages{HDR_PHASE});
+ die "Error writing to $preReqImages{HBB_SW_SIG_FILE} failed" if $!;
+ close HBB_SW_SIG_FILE;
+ die "Error closing of $preReqImages{HBB_SW_SIG_FILE} failed" if $!;
+ }
+ }
+ # Add simiple version header
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("env echo -en VERSION\\\\0 > $tempImages{TEMP_SHA_IMG}");
+ run_command("sha512sum $bin_file | awk \'{print \$1}\' | xxd -pr -r >> $tempImages{TEMP_SHA_IMG}");
+ run_command("dd if=$tempImages{TEMP_SHA_IMG} of=$tempImages{HDR_PHASE} ibs=4k conv=sync");
+ run_command("cat $bin_file >> $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($secureboot
+ && ( ($sectionHash{$layoutKey}{sha512perEC} eq "yes")
+ || ($isNormalSecure)))
+ {
+ $callerHwHdrFields{configure} = 1;
+ if($openSigningTool)
+ {
+ run_command("$CUR_OPEN_SIGN_REQUEST "
+ . "-protectedPayload $bin_file "
+ . "-out $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing supported
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $secureboot_hdr -of $tempImages{HDR_PHASE} -bin $bin_file $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("cp $bin_file $tempImages{HDR_PHASE}");
+ }
+ setCallerHwHdrFields(\%callerHwHdrFields, $tempImages{HDR_PHASE});
+ # Prefix phase
+ # Add SBE header to HBB
+ if($eyeCatch eq "HBB")
+ {
+ run_command("echo \"00000000001800000000000008000000000000000007EF80\" | xxd -r -ps - $tempImages{PREFIX_PHASE}");
+ run_command("cat $tempImages{HDR_PHASE} >> $tempImages{PREFIX_PHASE}");
+ }
+ # Otherwise propagate image to next phase
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("mv $tempImages{HDR_PHASE} $tempImages{PREFIX_PHASE}");
+ }
+ # Padding Phase
+ if ($eyeCatch eq "HBI" && $testRun)
+ {
+ # If "--test" flag set do not pad as the test HBI images is
+ # possibly larger than partition size and does not need to be
+ # fully padded. Size adjustments made in checkSpaceConstraints
+ run_command("dd if=$tempImages{PREFIX_PHASE} of=$tempImages{PAD_PHASE} ibs=4k conv=sync");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("dd if=$tempImages{PREFIX_PHASE} of=$tempImages{PAD_PHASE} ibs=$size conv=sync");
+ }
+ # Create .header.bin file for FSP
+ if ($build_all)
+ {
+ $fsp_file =~ s/\.bin/$fsp_prefix.bin/;
+ run_command("cp $tempImages{PAD_PHASE} $fsp_file");
+ }
+ # Corrupt section if user specified to do so, before ECC injection.
+ if ($secureboot && exists $partitionsToCorrupt{$eyeCatch})
+ {
+ # If no protected file ($tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT}) exists
+ # for this partition, then that means there is no unprotected
+ # section. A protected file is only created when there's a need
+ # to split up the partition for signing purposes.
+ corrupt_partition($eyeCatch, $protectedOffset,
+ $tempImages{PAYLOAD_TEXT},
+ $tempImages{PAD_PHASE});
+ }
+ }
+ # Handle partitions that have no input binary. Simply zero or random
+ # fill the partition.
+ elsif (!-e $bin_file)
+ {
+ # Test partitions have random data
+ if ($eyeCatch eq "TEST" || $eyeCatch eq "TESTRO")
+ {
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/urandom of=$tempImages{PAD_PHASE} count=1 bs=$size");
+ }
+ elsif ($eyeCatch eq "SBKT" && $secureboot && $keyTransition{enabled})
+ {
+ $callerHwHdrFields{configure} = 1;
+ create_sb_key_transition_container($tempImages{PAD_PHASE});
+ setCallerHwHdrFields(\%callerHwHdrFields, $tempImages{PAD_PHASE});
+ }
+ # Other partitions fill with FF's if no empty bin file provided
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/zero bs=$size count=1 | tr \"\\000\" \"\\377\" > $tempImages{PAD_PHASE}");
+ # Add secure container header
+ if ($secureboot && $isNormalSecure && $eyeCatch ne "SBKT")
+ {
+ $callerHwHdrFields{configure} = 1;
+ # Remove PAGE_SIZE bytes from generated dummy content of file
+ # to make room for the secure header
+ my $fileSize = (-s $tempImages{PAD_PHASE}) - PAGE_SIZE;
+ die "fileSize undefined: errno = $!" unless(defined $fileSize);
+ run_command("dd if=$tempImages{PAD_PHASE} of=$tempImages{TEMP_BIN} count=1 bs=$fileSize");
+ # @TODO RTC:155374 Remove when official signing supported
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $secureboot_hdr -of $tempImages{PAD_PHASE} -bin $tempImages{TEMP_BIN} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ setCallerHwHdrFields(\%callerHwHdrFields, $tempImages{PAD_PHASE});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ECC Phase
+ if( ($sectionHash{$layoutKey}{ecc} eq "yes") )
+ {
+ run_command("ecc --inject $tempImages{PAD_PHASE} --output $tempImages{ECC_PHASE} --p8");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run_command("cp $tempImages{PAD_PHASE} $tempImages{ECC_PHASE}");
+ }
+ # Compression phase
+ if( ($sectionHash{$layoutKey}{compressed}{algorithm} eq "xz"))
+ {
+ # Placeholder for compression partitions
+ }
+ # Move content to final bin filename
+ run_command("cp $tempImages{ECC_PHASE} $final_bin_file");
+ # Clean up temp images
+ foreach my $image (keys %tempImages)
+ {
+ system("rm -f $tempImages{$image}");
+ die "Failed deleting $tempImages{$image}" if ($?);
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean up prerequisite images
+ foreach my $image (keys %preReqImages)
+ {
+ system("rm -f $preReqImages{$image}");
+ die "Failed deleting $preReqImages{$image}" if ($?);
+ }
+ return 0;
+# corrupt_partition : Corrupts a single byte of a section's bin file.
+# The input $protected_file is used to determine the
+# unprotected offset. Some partitions have no unprotected
+# section, so the file DNE.
+# *Note: this should be run before ECC is injected.
+sub corrupt_partition
+ my ($eyeCatch, $protected_offset, $protected_file, $bin_file) = @_;
+ die "Error> Missing bin file to corrupt $bin_file" if (!-f $bin_file);
+ my $section = $partitionsToCorrupt{$eyeCatch};
+ my $offset = 0;
+ my $bin_file_size = -s $bin_file;
+ die "size of $bin_file undef" unless(defined $bin_file_size);
+ if ($section eq $CORRUPT_PROTECTED)
+ {
+ $offset = $protected_offset;
+ }
+ elsif ($section eq $CORRUPT_UNPROTECTED)
+ {
+ # If no protected_file file exists for this partition, then that means
+ # there is no unprotected section. A protected_file is only created
+ # when there's a need to split up the partition for signing purposes.
+ # *Note: Must add PAGE_SIZE to protected size as it does not include
+ # the secure container header.
+ $offset = (-f $protected_file) ? (-s $protected_file)+PAGE_SIZE : 0;
+ die "offset undef" unless(defined $offset);
+ if ($offset == 0)
+ {
+ die "Error> Section $eyeCatch does not have an unprotected section to corrupt";
+ }
+ elsif ($offset <= $protected_offset)
+ {
+ die "Error> Unprotected offset($offset) <= Protected offset($protected_offset)";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Error> Unsupported --corrupt value \"$section\"";
+ }
+ # Error checking
+ die "Error> corrupt offset not set" if ($offset == 0);
+ die "Error> Offset=$offset is past the size of the bin file to corrupt size=$bin_file_size" if ($offset >= $bin_file_size);
+ # Corrupt partition
+ my $num_pages_to_corrupt = 1;
+ # If corrupting the unprotected HBI section, corrupt multiple pages in
+ # attempt to corrupt a page that is actually used to result in a VFS
+ # verify page failure.
+ if (($eyeCatch eq "HBI") && ($section eq $CORRUPT_UNPROTECTED))
+ {
+ $num_pages_to_corrupt = MAX_PAGES_TO_CORRUPT;
+ }
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_pages_to_corrupt; $i++)
+ {
+ my $page_offset = $i*PAGE_SIZE;
+ my $hex_offset = sprintf("0x%X", $offset + $page_offset);
+ trace(1,"Corrupting $eyeCatch $section section offset=$hex_offset");
+ # dd used with seek to manipulate a bin file in-place at a specific location.
+ run_command("printf \'\\xaf\' | dd conv=notrunc of=$bin_file bs=1 seek=\$(($hex_offset))");
+ }
+# page_aligned_size_wo_ecc : Size of partition without ECC, rounded down to
+# nearest multiple of PAGE_SIZE.
+sub page_aligned_size_wo_ecc
+ my ($size) = @_;
+ die "Size must be at least (9/8)*PAGE_SIZE" if ($size < ((9/8)*PAGE_SIZE));
+ return POSIX::floor((($size * 8) / 9) / PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE;
+# truncate_sha - Truncates sha hash
+# @return sha hash if already less than truncate size
+# otherwise truncated sha hash
+sub truncate_sha
+ my ($sha) = @_;
+ # Switch Perl to byte mode vs char mode. Only lasts in scope.
+ use bytes;
+ (length($sha) < SHA_TRUNCATE_SIZE)? return $sha :
+ return substr ($sha, 0, SHA_TRUNCATE_SIZE);
+# genHashPageTable - Generates hash page table for PNOR partitions
+# @return filename of binary hash page table content
+sub genHashPageTable
+ my ($bin_file, $eyeCatch, $saltData) = @_;
+ # Open the file
+ my $hashPageTableFile = "$bin_dir/$eyeCatch.page_hash_table";
+ open (INBINFILE, "<", $bin_file) or die "Error opening file $bin_file: $!\n";
+ open (OUTBINFILE, ">", $hashPageTableFile) or die "Error opening file $hashPageTableFile: $!\n";
+ # set stream to binary mode
+ binmode INBINFILE;
+ binmode OUTBINFILE;
+ # Enter Salt as first entry
+ my $salt_entry = 0;
+ if (defined $saltData)
+ {
+ # Use input salt data
+ $salt_entry = truncate_sha(sha512($saltData));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Generate random salt data
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < SHA_TRUNCATE_SIZE; $i++)
+ {
+ $salt_entry .= sha512(rand(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
+ }
+ $salt_entry = truncate_sha(sha512($salt_entry));
+ }
+ my @hashes = ($salt_entry);
+ print OUTBINFILE $salt_entry;
+ # boundary
+ my $total_pages = POSIX::ceil((-s INBINFILE)/PAGE_SIZE);
+ # read buffer
+ my $data;
+ # Read data in chunks of PAGE_SIZE bytes
+ my $index = 1;
+ while ($index <= $total_pages)
+ {
+ read(INBINFILE,$data,PAGE_SIZE);
+ die "genHashPageTable reading of $bin_file failed" if $!;
+ # Add trailing zeros back in to pages at the end of the bin file.
+ if(length($data) < PAGE_SIZE)
+ {
+ my $pads = PAGE_SIZE - length($data);
+ $data .= pack ("@".$pads);
+ }
+ # hash(salt + data)
+ # salt = previous entry
+ # data = current page
+ my $hash_entry = truncate_sha(sha512($hashes[$index-1].$data));
+ push @hashes, $hash_entry;
+ $index++;
+ print OUTBINFILE $hash_entry;
+ }
+ close INBINFILE or die "Error closing $bin_file: $!\n";
+ close OUTBINFILE or die "Error closing $hashPageTableFile: $!\n";
+ # Pad hash page table to a multiple of page size (4K)
+ my $temp_file = "$bin_dir/$eyeCatch.page_hash_table.temp";
+ run_command("cp $hashPageTableFile $temp_file");
+ run_command("dd if=$temp_file of=$hashPageTableFile ibs=4k conv=sync");
+ run_command("rm $temp_file");
+ return $hashPageTableFile;
+# gen_test_containers : Generate test containers used in hostboot CXX tests
+# Documents how the original test container files were generated for use
+# by CXX tests. Note these files have been cached via "hb cacheadd". This
+# simply provides transparency on how they were originally generated.
+# They will not match the original file as the executable generates a
+# unique container each time, even if the code is the same.
+sub gen_test_containers
+ my $randPrefix = "rand-".POSIX::ceil(rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
+ my %tempImages = (
+ TEST_CONTAINER_DATA => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.test.cont.bin",
+ PROTECTED_PAYLOAD => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.test.protected_payload.bin"
+ );
+ # Create a signed test container
+ # name = secureboot_signed_container (no prefix in hb cacheadd)
+ my $test_container = "$bin_dir/secureboot_signed_container";
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/zero count=1 | tr \"\\000\" \"\\377\" > $tempImages{TEST_CONTAINER_DATA}");
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $sb_hdrs{DEFAULT}{file} -of $test_container -bin $tempImages{TEST_CONTAINER_DATA} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ # Create a signed test container with a hash page table
+ # name = secureboot_hash_page_table_container (no prefix in hb cacheadd)
+ $test_container = "$bin_dir/secureboot_hash_page_table_container";
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/urandom count=5 ibs=4096 | tr \"\\000\" \"\\377\" > $tempImages{TEST_CONTAINER_DATA}");
+ $tempImages{hashPageTable} = genHashPageTable($tempImages{TEST_CONTAINER_DATA}, "secureboot_test");
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $sb_hdrs{DEFAULT}{file} -of $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} -bin $tempImages{hashPageTable} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ run_command("cat $tempImages{PROTECTED_PAYLOAD} $tempImages{TEST_CONTAINER_DATA} > $test_container ");
+ # Clean up temp images
+ foreach my $image (keys %tempImages)
+ {
+ system("rm -f $tempImages{$image}");
+ die "Failed deleting $tempImages{$image}" if ($?);
+ }
+# create_sb_key_transition_container
+# Generate sb key transition container used for transitioning from an
+# imprint to production key.
+# Format:
+# Steps:
+# 1. Generate 4K blob of random data
+# 2. Sign #1 with production keys
+# 3. Sign #2 with the imprint keys
+sub create_sb_key_transition_container
+ my ($o_file) = @_;
+ my $randPrefix = "rand-".POSIX::ceil(rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
+ my %tempImages = (
+ RAND_BLOB => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.rand_blob.bin",
+ PRD_KEY_FILE => "$bin_dir/$randPrefix.sbkt_prod_key.bin"
+ );
+ # Gen 4K blob of random data
+ run_command("dd if=/dev/urandom of=$tempImages{RAND_BLOB} count=1 bs=4k");
+ if($openSigningTool)
+ {
+ die "Key transition not allowed in $sign_mode mode" if ($OPEN_SIGN_KEY_TRANS_REQUEST eq "");
+ # Create a signed container with new production keys
+ . "$sb_hdrs{SBKT}{inner}{flags} -protectedPayload $tempImages{RAND_BLOB} "
+ . "-out $tempImages{PRD_KEY_FILE}");
+ # Sign new production key container with imprint keys
+ . "$sb_hdrs{SBKT}{outer}{flags} -protectedPayload $tempImages{PRD_KEY_FILE} "
+ . "-out $o_file");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Create a signed container with new production keys
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $sb_hdrs{SBKT}{inner}{file} -of $tempImages{PRD_KEY_FILE} -bin $tempImages{RAND_BLOB} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ # Sign new production key container with imprint keys
+ run_command("$SIGNING_DIR/build -good -if $sb_hdrs{SBKT}{outer}{file} -of $o_file -bin $tempImages{PRD_KEY_FILE} $SIGN_BUILD_PARAMS");
+ }
+ # Clean up temp images
+ foreach my $image (keys %tempImages)
+ {
+ system("rm -f $tempImages{$image}");
+ die "Failed deleting $tempImages{$image}" if ($?);
+ }
+# setCallerHwHdrFields
+# Sets the caller hardware header fields in the passed in file based on
+# the input hash passed in.
+sub setCallerHwHdrFields
+ my ($i_callerHwHdrFields, $i_file) = @_;
+ if($i_callerHwHdrFields->{configure})
+ {
+ # If not already explicitly set, compute total container size
+ if(!$i_callerHwHdrFields->{totalContainerSize})
+ {
+ $i_callerHwHdrFields->{totalContainerSize}
+ = -s $i_file;
+ die "Could not determine size of file $i_file; errno = $!" unless
+ defined($i_callerHwHdrFields->{totalContainerSize});
+ }
+ my $callerHwHdr = sprintf("%016llX%016llX%016llX",
+ $i_callerHwHdrFields->{totalContainerSize},
+ $i_callerHwHdrFields->{targetHrmor},
+ $i_callerHwHdrFields->{instructionStartStackPointer});
+ run_command( "echo \"$callerHwHdr\" | xxd -r -ps -seek 6 - $i_file");
+ }
+# print usage instructions
+sub usage
+print <<"ENDUSAGE";
+ $programName = Manipulates bin files to prepare for building of pnor.
+ Usage:
+ $programName --pnorlayout <layout xml file>
+ --systemBinFiles HBI=hostboot_extended.bin,HBEL=HBEL.bin,GUARD=EMPTY
+ --systemBinFiles MURANO:HBD=simics_MURANO_targeting.bin
+ --build-all --test --binDir <path> --secureboot --corrupt HBI
+ Parms:
+ -h|--help Print this help text
+ --pnorlayout <file> PNOR Layout XML file
+ --build-all Indicates script should operate as if in ODE build_all
+ This is used to handle things that should happen once in
+ build_all phase and avoid parallel call issues.
+ --systemBinFiles [SYSTEM:]<NAME=FILE,NAME=FILE> CSV of bin files to format. Multiple '--systemBinFiles' allowed
+ Optional prefix 'SYSTEM:' used to specify with system bin files are being built.
+ For sections <NAME> that simply require zero-filling, you can pass in EMPTY or
+ any non-existing file. If a file DNE, the script will handle accordingly.
+ Example: HBI=hostboot_extended.bin,GUARD=EMPTY
+ MURANO:HBD=simics_MURANO_targeting.bin
+ --test Output test-only sections.
+ --secureboot Indicates a secureboot build.
+ --corrupt <Partition name>[= pro|unpro] (Note: requires '--secureboot')
+ Partition 'eyeCatch' name to corrupt a byte of.
+ Optional '= pro|unpro' to indicate which section of the secure container to corrupt.
+ Default (empty string '') is protected section.
+ [Note: Some sections only have a protected section so not relevant for all.]
+ Multiple '--corrupt' options are allowed, but note the system will checkstop on the
+ first bad partition so multiple may not be that useful.
+ Example: --corrupt HBI --corrupt HBD=unpro
+ --sign-mode <development|production> Indicates how to sign partitions with either development keys or production keys
+ --key-transition <imprint|production> Indicates a key transition is needed and creates a secureboot key transition container.
+ Note: "--sign-mode production" is not allowed with "--key-transition imprint"
+ With [--test] will transition to test dev keys, which are a fixed permutation of imprint keys.
+ --sb-signing-config-file Path to ini-formatted config file for production signing
+ Current Limitations:
+ - Issues with dependency on ENGD build for certain files such as SBE. This is why [--build-all | --install-all ] are used.
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/parse-pnor b/src/build/buildpnor/parse-pnor
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..720c03ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/parse-pnor
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/parse-pnor $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+use strict;
+use XML::Simple;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Basename;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd);
+use lib dirname abs_path($0);
+use PnorUtils qw(loadPnorLayout checkFile);
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
+# Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains
+# bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white-
+# space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense).
+$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
+my $debug = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my %pnorLayout;
+my %PhysicalOffsets;
+my %globals = ( "branch" => "master" );
+GetOptions("debug!" => \$debug,
+ "help" => \$help);
+my %commands = ( "display" => \&execute_display,
+ "help" => \&execute_help,
+ );
+if ($help)
+ execute_help();
+my $command = shift @ARGV;
+if ($commands{$command})
+ &{$commands{$command}}();
+ execute_help();
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
+ print "Unprocessed arg: $arg\n" if $debug;
+############################## Begin Actions ##################################
+sub execute_help
+ my $command = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($command eq "")
+ {
+ print "parse-pnor:\n";
+ print " Parse a PNOR XML and get useful information\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print " Syntax:\n";
+ print " parse-pnor [options] <tool>\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print " Available subtools:\n";
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %commands)
+ {
+ print " $key\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print " Global options:\n";
+ print " --debug Enable debug mode.\n";
+ print " --help Display help on a specific tool.\n";
+ }
+ elsif (not defined $commands{$command})
+ {
+ die "Unknown subcommand: $command.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my %help = (
+ "display" =>
+ Display the XML pnor layout in an easier to read format
+ Use option '--gaps' to find unused space
+ Options:
+ --layout=<xml-file> Full path to PNOR layout file [required].
+ --gaps Display where gaps are [default=false].
+ --verbose Display more of the PNOR layout [default=false].
+ );
+ print "parse-pnor $command:";
+ print $help{$command};
+ }
+sub execute_display
+ my $pnorFile = "";
+ my $verbose = 0;
+ my $gaps = 0;
+ GetOptions("layout:s" => \$pnorFile,
+ "verbose" => \$verbose,
+ "gaps" => \$gaps);
+ die "Missing pnor layout" if ($pnorFile eq "");
+ checkFile($pnorFile);
+ my $rc = loadPnorLayout($pnorFile, \%pnorLayout, \%PhysicalOffsets);
+ die "Error detected from call to loadLayout()" if($rc);
+ if (!$verbose)
+ {
+ print "-------------------------------------------------------- \n";
+ print "Name-physicalOffset-physicalRegionSize-physicalRegionEnd \n";
+ print "-------------------------------------------------------- \n";
+ }
+ my $curOffset = 0;
+ my $totalFree = 0;
+ # Iterate through all sections of PNOR, including TOC's
+ foreach my $section (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$pnorLayout{sections}})
+ {
+ # Get hex format for each value
+ my $offset = sprintf("0x%X",$pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{physicalOffset});
+ my $size = sprintf("0x%X",$pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{physicalRegionSize});
+ my $end = sprintf("0x%X",hex($offset)+hex($size));
+ # Check if there is a gap between sections
+ if ($gaps && ($curOffset < hex($offset)))
+ {
+ print " > Gap Found: addr = ".sprintf("0x%X",$curOffset);
+ # Display address and size of gap
+ my $gapSize = hex($offset)-$curOffset;
+ print " size = ".sprintf("0x%X",$gapSize)."\n";
+ $totalFree += $gapSize;
+ $curOffset = hex($offset) + hex($size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $curOffset += hex($size);
+ }
+ # Print sections
+ if ($verbose)
+ {
+ print $pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{eyeCatch}."\n";
+ print Dumper $pnorLayout{sections}{$section};
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print $pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{eyeCatch}."-$offset-$size-$end\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Display total free space
+ if($gaps)
+ {
+ my $hexVal = sprintf("0x%X",$totalFree);
+ my $kiloBytes = $totalFree/1024;
+ print "\n---Total Free Space = ".$totalFree." Bytes or ".$kiloBytes." KB";
+ print " (".$hexVal.")\n";
+ }
diff --git a/src/build/tools/parse-pnor b/src/build/tools/parse-pnor
deleted file mode 100755
index 658a658e2..000000000
--- a/src/build/tools/parse-pnor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-# This is an automatically generated prolog.
-# $Source: src/build/tools/parse-pnor $
-# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
-# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
-# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# permissions and limitations under the License.
-use strict;
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
-use File::Basename;
-# Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains
-# bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white-
-# space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense).
-$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
-my $debug = 0;
-my $help = 0;
-my %pnorLayout;
-my %PhysicalOffsets;
-my %globals = ( "branch" => "master" );
-GetOptions("debug!" => \$debug,
- "help" => \$help);
-my %commands = ( "display" => \&execute_display,
- "help" => \&execute_help,
- );
-if ($help)
- execute_help();
-my $command = shift @ARGV;
-if ($commands{$command})
- &{$commands{$command}}();
- execute_help();
-foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
- print "Unprocessed arg: $arg\n" if $debug;
-############################## Begin Actions ##################################
-sub execute_help
- my $command = shift @ARGV;
- if ($command eq "")
- {
- print "parse-pnor:\n";
- print " Parse a PNOR XML and get useful information\n";
- print "\n";
- print " Syntax:\n";
- print " parse-pnor [options] <tool>\n";
- print "\n";
- print " Available subtools:\n";
- foreach my $key (sort keys %commands)
- {
- print " $key\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- print " Global options:\n";
- print " --debug Enable debug mode.\n";
- print " --help Display help on a specific tool.\n";
- }
- elsif (not defined $commands{$command})
- {
- die "Unknown subcommand: $command.\n";
- }
- else
- {
- my %help = (
- "display" =>
- Display the XML pnor layout in an easier to read format
- Use option '--gaps' to find unused space
- Options:
- --layout=<xml-file> Full path to PNOR layout file [required].
- --gaps Display where gaps are [default=false].
- --verbose Display more of the PNOR layout [default=false].
- );
- print "parse-pnor $command:";
- print $help{$command};
- }
-sub execute_display
- my $pnorFile = "";
- my $verbose = 0;
- my $gaps = 0;
- GetOptions("layout:s" => \$pnorFile,
- "verbose" => \$verbose,
- "gaps" => \$gaps);
- die "Missing pnor layout" if ($pnorFile eq "");
- checkFile($pnorFile);
- my $rc = loadLayout($pnorFile, \%pnorLayout, \%PhysicalOffsets);
- die "Error detected from call to loadLayout()" if($rc);
- if (!$verbose)
- {
- print "-------------------------------------------------------- \n";
- print "Name-physicalOffset-physicalRegionSize-physicalRegionEnd \n";
- print "-------------------------------------------------------- \n";
- }
- my $curOffset = 0;
- my $totalFree = 0;
- # Iterate through all sections of PNOR, including TOC's
- foreach my $section (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$pnorLayout{sections}})
- {
- # Get hex format for each value
- my $offset = sprintf("0x%X",$pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{physicalOffset});
- my $size = sprintf("0x%X",$pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{physicalRegionSize});
- my $end = sprintf("0x%X",hex($offset)+hex($size));
- # Check if there is a gap between sections
- if ($gaps && ($curOffset < hex($offset)))
- {
- print " > Gap Found: addr = ".sprintf("0x%X",$curOffset);
- # Display address and size of gap
- my $gapSize = hex($offset)-$curOffset;
- print " size = ".sprintf("0x%X",$gapSize)."\n";
- $totalFree += $gapSize;
- $curOffset = hex($offset) + hex($size);
- }
- else
- {
- $curOffset += hex($size);
- }
- # Print sections
- if ($verbose)
- {
- print $pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{eyeCatch}."\n";
- print Dumper $pnorLayout{sections}{$section};
- print "\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print $pnorLayout{sections}{$section}{eyeCatch}."-$offset-$size-$end\n";
- }
- }
- # Display total free space
- if($gaps)
- {
- my $hexVal = sprintf("0x%X",$totalFree);
- my $kiloBytes = $totalFree/1024;
- print "\n---Total Free Space = ".$totalFree." Bytes or ".$kiloBytes." KB";
- print " (".$hexVal.")\n";
- }
-######################### Begin Utility Subroutines ###########################
-# sub checkFile
-# Check if file exists and is of type XML
-# @param [in] i_layoutFile - PNOR layout file
-# @return - N/A Die on failure
-sub checkFile
- my $i_layoutFile = shift;
- my($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($i_layoutFile,".xml");
- unless(-e $i_layoutFile)
- {
- die "File not found: $i_layoutFile";
- }
- if ($suffix ne ".xml")
- {
- die "File not type XML: $i_layoutFile";
- }
-# sub align_down
-# Align the input to the lower end of the PNOR side
-# @param [in] i_addr - PNOR address to align
-# @param [in] i_sideSize - PNOR side size
-# @return integer - aligned PNOR address
-sub align_down
- my ($i_addr,$i_sideSize) = @_;
- return (($i_addr) - ($i_addr)%($i_sideSize));
-# sub align_up
-# Align the input address to the higher end of the PNOR side
-# @param [in] i_addr - PNOR address to align
-# @param [in] i_sideSize - PNOR side size
-# @return integer - aligned PNOR address
-sub align_up
- my ($i_addr,$i_sideSize) = @_;
- return ((($i_addr) + ($i_sideSize-1)) & ~($i_sideSize-1));
-# sub loadLayout
-# Load PNOR XML into hashes
-# @param [in] i_pnorFile - PNOR XML file
-# @param [in] i_pnorLayoutRef - PNOR layout hash
-# @param [in] i_physicalOffsets - PNOR physical offset hash
-# @return NA
-sub loadLayout
- my ($i_pnorFile, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_physicalOffsets) = @_;
- #parse the input XML file
- my $xs = new XML::Simple(keyattr=>[], forcearray => 1);
- my $xml = $xs->XMLin($i_pnorFile);
- #Iterate over the <section> elements.
- foreach my $sectionEl (@{$xml->{section}})
- {
- my $description = $sectionEl->{description}[0];
- my $eyeCatch = $sectionEl->{eyeCatch}[0];
- my $physicalOffset = $sectionEl->{physicalOffset}[0];
- my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionEl->{physicalRegionSize}[0];
- my $side = $sectionEl->{side}[0];
- print "description = $description, eyeCatch=$eyeCatch, physicalOffset = $physicalOffset, physicalRegionSize=$physicalRegionSize, side=$side\n" if $debug;
- $physicalOffset = hex($physicalOffset);
- $physicalRegionSize = hex($physicalRegionSize);
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{description} = $description;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{eyeCatch} = $eyeCatch;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalOffset} = $physicalOffset;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalRegionSize} = $physicalRegionSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{side} = $side;
- #store the physical offsets of each section in a hash, so, it is easy
- #to search physicalOffsets based on the name of the section (eyeCatch)
- if ($side eq "sideless")
- {
- foreach my $metadata (@{$xml->{metadata}})
- {
- foreach my $sides (@{$metadata->{side}})
- {
- $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sides->{id}[0]}{eyeCatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$side}{eyeCatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset;
- }
- }
- # Save the metadata - imageSize, blockSize, toc Information etc.
- foreach my $metadataEl (@{$xml->{metadata}})
- {
- # Get meta data
- # Get meta data
- my $imageSize = $metadataEl->{imageSize}[0];
- my $tocSize = $metadataEl->{tocSize}[0];
- my $arrangement = $metadataEl->{arrangement}[0];
- $imageSize = hex($imageSize);
- $tocSize = hex($tocSize);
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{imageSize} = $imageSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{tocSize} = $tocSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{arrangement} = $arrangement;
- my $numOfSides = scalar (@{$metadataEl->{side}});
- my $sideSize = ($imageSize)/($numOfSides);
- print "metadata: imageSize = $imageSize, arrangement = $arrangement, numOfSides: $numOfSides, sideSize: $sideSize, tocSize: $tocSize\n" if $debug;
- #determine the TOC offsets from the arrangement and side Information
- #stored in the layout xml
- #
- #Arrangement A-B-D means that the layout had Primary TOC (A), then backup TOC (B), then Data (pnor section information).
- #Similaryly, arrangement A-D-B means that primary toc is followed by the data (section information) and then
- #the backup TOC.
- if ($arrangement eq "A-B-D")
- {
- my $count = 0;
- foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
- {
- my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
- my $primaryTOC = ($sideSize)*($count);
- my $backupTOC = ($primaryTOC)+($tocSize);
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
- # Fill out TOC info
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{eyeCatch} = "TOCPRIMARY";
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{eyeCatch} = "TOCBACKUP";
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{physicalOffset} = $primaryTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{physicalOffset} = $backupTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{physicalRegionSize} = $tocSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{physicalRegionSize} = $tocSize;
- $count = $count + 1;
- print "A-B-D: side:$sideId primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC\n" if $debug;
- }
- }
- elsif ($arrangement eq "A-D-B")
- {
- foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}})
- {
- my $sideId = $side->{id}[0];
- my $hbbAddr = $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sideId}{eyeCatch}{"HBB"};
- my $primaryTOC = align_down($hbbAddr, $sideSize);
- my $backupTOC = align_up($hbbAddr, $sideSize) - $tocSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC;
- # Fill out TOC info
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{eyeCatch} = "TOCPRIMARY";
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{eyeCatch} = "TOCBACKUP";
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{physicalOffset} = $primaryTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{physicalOffset} = $backupTOC;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$primaryTOC}{physicalRegionSize} = $tocSize;
- $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$backupTOC}{physicalRegionSize} = $tocSize;
- print "A-D-B: side:$sideId HBB:$hbbAddr, primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC\n" if $debug;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "Arrangement:$arrangement is not supported" if $debug;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- print Dumper %pnorLayout if $debug;
- print Dumper %PhysicalOffsets if $debug;
- return 0;
-} \ No newline at end of file
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud