path: root/sbe/tools/ppetracepp/trac_interface.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/sbe/tools/ppetracepp/trac_interface.h b/sbe/tools/ppetracepp/trac_interface.h
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index 05f447ea..00000000
--- a/sbe/tools/ppetracepp/trac_interface.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
-/* */
-/* $Source: sbe/tools/ppetracepp/trac_interface.h $ */
-/* */
-/* OpenPOWER sbe Project */
-/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016 */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
-/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
-/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
-/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
-/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
-/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
-/* */
-// @file trac_interface.h
-// @brief Interface codes for TRAC component.
- *
- * @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
- * @section _trac_interface_h trac_interface.h
- * @verbatim
- *
- * Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
- * ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
- * TEAM 06/16/2010 Port
- * @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
- * @pb00E pbavari 03/11/2012 Added correct include file
- * @at009 859308 alvinwan 10/15/2012 Added tracepp support
- * @ai005 860268 ailutsar 11/20/2012 Create trace test applet
- * @rc005 864101 rickylie 12/12/2012 add small circ buffer to handle ISR semaphore conflict
- *
- * @endverbatim
- *
- *///*************************************************************************/
-/** \defgroup Trace Trace Component
- * Port of the trace code used in the fsp and tpmd.
- */
-// Includes
-// Externs
-// Macros
- * \defgroup TracMacros Trace Component Macro Interfaces
- * \ingroup Trace
- * Used to trace 0 - 5 arguments or a binary buffer when using a hash value.
- */
-// @at009c - start
-#define TRACE(i_td,i_string,args...) \
- trace_adal_write_all(i_td,trace_adal_hash(i_string,-1),__LINE__,0,##args)
-#define TRACEBIN(i_td,i_string,i_ptr,i_size) \
- trac_write_bin(i_td,trace_adal_hash(i_string,0),__LINE__,i_ptr,i_size)
-#define FIELD(a) \
- printf("%s",a)
-#define FIELD1(a,b) \
- printf("%s%lx",a,(unsigned long)b)
-#define FIELD(a)
-#define FIELD1(a,b)
-#endif // NO_TRAC_STRINGS
-#define SUCCESS 0
-// @at009c - end
-// Defines/Enums
-#define TRACE_MAX_ARGS 5 /*!< Maximum number of args to trace */
-typedef uint32_t trace_hash_val;
-// NOTE! Increment this when new components are added!
-#define TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 // @ai005a
-#define CIRCULAR_BUFFER_SIZE 4 // @rc005a
-typedef uint32_t UINT32;
-typedef int32_t INT32;
-typedef uint8_t UCHAR;
-typedef uint8_t UINT8;
-typedef int8_t INT8;
-typedef uint16_t UINT16;
-typedef int16_t INT16;
-typedef char CHAR;
-typedef unsigned int UINT;
-typedef unsigned long ULONG;
-typedef int INT;
-typedef void VOID;
-// Structures
- * @brief Structure is put at beginning of all trace buffers
- */
-typedef struct trace_buf_head {
- UCHAR ver; /*!< version of this struct (1) */
- UCHAR hdr_len; /*!< size of this struct in bytes */
- UCHAR time_flg; /*!< meaning of timestamp entry field */
- UCHAR endian_flg; /*!< flag for big ('B') or little ('L') endian */
- CHAR comp[16]; /*!< the buffer name as specified in init call */
- UINT32 size; /*!< size of buffer, including this struct */
- UINT32 times_wrap; /*!< how often the buffer wrapped */
- UINT32 next_free; /*!< offset of the byte behind the latest entry */
- UINT32 te_count; /*!< Updated each time a trace is done */
- UINT32 extracted; /*!< Not currently used */
- * @brief Timestamp and thread id for each trace entry.
- */
-typedef struct trace_entry_stamp {
- UINT32 tbh; /*!< timestamp upper part */
- UINT32 tbl; /*!< timestamp lower part */
- UINT32 tid; /*!< process/thread id */
- * @brief Structure is used by adal app. layer to fill in trace info.
- */
-typedef struct trace_entry_head {
- UINT16 length; /*!< size of trace entry */
- UINT16 tag; /*!< type of entry: xTRACE xDUMP, (un)packed */
- UINT32 hash; /*!< a value for the (format) string */
- UINT32 line; /*!< source file line number of trace call */
- * @brief Parameter traces can be all contained in one write.
- */
-typedef struct trace_entire_entry {
- trace_entry_stamp_t stamp;
- trace_entry_head_t head;
- UINT32 args[TRACE_MAX_ARGS + 1];
-} trace_entire_entry_t;
- * @brief Binary first writes header and time stamp.
- */
-typedef struct trace_bin_entry {
- trace_entry_stamp_t stamp;
- trace_entry_head_t head;
-} trace_bin_entry_t;
- * @brief Used as input to traces to get to correct buffer.
- */
-typedef trace_buf_head_t * tracDesc_t;
- * @brief Structure is used to hold array of all trace descriptors
- */
-typedef struct trace_descriptor_array
- tracDesc_t *entry; /*!< Pointer to trace descriptor */
- CHAR *comp; /*!< Pointer to component name */
-// @rc005a - start
-typedef struct circular_buf_head
- UINT32 head; // pointer to head
- UINT32 tail; // pointer to tail
- UINT32 entryCount; // nums of entry
-} circular_buf_header_t;
-typedef struct circular_entire_data {
- UINT32 len;
- CHAR comp[4];
- trace_entire_entry_t entry;
-} circular_entire_data_t;
-// @rc005a - end
-// Globals
-// All TPMF component trace descriptors.
-extern tracDesc_t g_trac_inf; // @at009a
-extern tracDesc_t g_trac_err; // @at009a
-extern tracDesc_t g_trac_imp; // @at009a
-extern const trace_descriptor_array_t g_des_array[];
-// Function Prototypes
- * \defgroup TracIntefaces Trace Component Interfaces for External Use
- * \ingroup Trace
- */
- * @brief Allocate and initialize all trace buffers in memory.
- *
- * This function will allocate memory for each of the pre-defined trace
- * buffers, initilize the buffers with starting data, and setup the
- * trace descriptors which each component will use to trace.
- *
- * This function must be called first before any components try to trace!
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error.
- */
-UINT TRAC_init_buffers(void);
- * @brief Retrieve full trace buffer for component i_comp
- *
- * This function assumes memory has already been allocated for
- * the full trace buffer in o_data.
- *
- * @param i_td_ptr Trace descriptor of buffer to retrieve.
- * @param o_data Pre-allocated pointer to where data will be stored.
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error
- */
-UINT TRAC_get_buffer(const tracDesc_t i_td_ptr,
- void *o_data);
- * @brief Retrieve partial trace buffer for component i_comp
- *
- * This function assumes memory has already been allocated for
- * the trace buffer (size io_size). This function will copy
- * in up to io_size in bytes to the buffer and set io_size
- * to the exact size that is copied in.
- *
- * @param i_td_ptr Trace descriptor of buffer to retrieve.
- * @param o_data Pre-allocated pointer to where data will be stored.
- * @param io_size Size of trace data to retrieve (input)
- * Actual size of trace data stored (output)
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error
- */
-UINT TRAC_get_buffer_partial(const tracDesc_t i_td_ptr,
- void *o_data,
- UINT *io_size);
- * @brief Retrieve trace descriptor for input component name
- *
- * @param i_comp Component name to retrieve trace descriptor for.
- *
- * @return Valid trace descriptor on success, NULL on failure.
- */
-tracDesc_t TRAC_get_td(const char *i_comp);
- * @brief Reset all trace buffers
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error
- */
-UINT TRAC_reset_buf(void);
-/*@}*/ // Ending tag for external interface module in doxygen
- * @brief Trace input integers to trace buffer.
- *
- * This function assumes i_td has been initialized.
- *
- * @param io_td Intialized trace descriptor point to buffer to trace to.
- * @param i_hash Hash value to be recorded for this trace.
- * @param i_fmt Output format
- * @param i_line Line number trace is occurring on.
- * @param i_type trace type. filed or debug.
- * @param ... parames that are limited to a size of 4 bytes, i.e. int, uint32_t, nnn*
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error.
- */
-UINT trace_adal_write_all(tracDesc_t io_td,const trace_hash_val i_hash,
- const char *i_fmt,const ULONG i_line, const ULONG i_type,...);
- * @brief Trace input integers to trace buffer.
- *
- * This function assumes i_td has been initialized.
- *
- * @param io_td Intialized trace descriptor point to buffer to trace to.
- * @param i_hash Hash value to be recorded for this trace.
- * @param i_line Line number trace is occurring on.
- * @param i_num_args Number of arguments to trace.
- * @param i_1 Input Parameter 1
- * @param i_2 Input Parameter 2
- * @param i_3 Input Parameter 3
- * @param i_4 Input Parameter 4
- * @param i_5 Input Parameter 5
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error.
- */
-UINT trac_write_int(tracDesc_t io_td,const trace_hash_val i_hash,
- const ULONG i_line,
- const UINT i_num_args,
- const ULONG i_1,const ULONG i_2,const ULONG i_3,
- const ULONG i_4,const ULONG i_5
- );
- /**
- * @brief Trace binary data to buffer.
- *
- * This function assumes i_td has been initialized.
- *
- * @param io_td Intialized trace descriptor point to buffer to trace to.
- * @param i_hash Hash value to be recorded for this trace.
- * @param i_line Line number trace is occurring on.
- * @param i_ptr Pointer to binary data to trace.
- * @param i_size Size of data to copy from i_ptr.
- *
- * @return Non-zero return code on error.
- */
-UINT trac_write_bin(tracDesc_t io_td,const trace_hash_val i_hash,
- const ULONG i_line,
- const void *i_ptr,
- const ULONG i_size);
-// Functions
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