path: root/sbe/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sbe/test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/sbe/test/ b/sbe/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88fd6a29..00000000
--- a/sbe/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# This is an automatically generated prolog.
-# $Source: sbe/test/ $
-# OpenPOWER sbe Project
-# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016
-# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# permissions and limitations under the License.
-# @file
-# @author: George Keishing <>
-# @brief Framework class Host SBE interface on simics
-# Created on March 29, 2016
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# @version Developer Date Description
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# 1.0 gkeishin 29/03/16 Initial create
-# Imports packages
-import time
-import conf
-import testUtil
-import testPSUUserUtil
-from sim_commands import *
-# Macros constants
-This is a simulator obj mapped. Refer simics folks if new objects are needed.
-simSbeObj = conf.p9Proc0.sbe.mibo_space
-simHostObj = conf.p9Proc0.p9_mem_map.host_xscom_device_mm
-simMemObj = conf.system_cmp0.phys_mem
-This is a base MBOX registry address from 0..7
-# Register MBOX 0..3 SBE side address in order
- 0x00680500,
- 0x00680510,
- 0x00680520,
- 0x00680530
- ]
-# Register MBOX 4..7 host side address in order
- 0x00680540,
- 0x00680550,
- 0x00680560,
- 0x00680570
- ]
-# Supporting Class objects
-Base function members definitions for set,get,read, write and others needed.
-Keep it simple and modular so that it can be extended as a base class.
-# Registry class
-class registry(object):
- #------------------------------
- # Set the reg data
- #------------------------------
- def setRegData(self, addr, value, size):
- self.regAddr = addr
- self.regVal = value
- self.regSize = size
- #------------------------------
- # Read Reg value set or updated
- #------------------------------
- def getRegData(self):
- print " Addr : ",hex(self.regAddr)
- print " Value : ",self.regVal
- print " Size : ",self.regSize
- #------------------------------
- # Write to a Registry
- #------------------------------
- def writeToReg(self, objType):
- address = self.regAddr
- value = self.stringToByte(self.regVal)
- size = self.regSize
- print " WData : 0x%s -> Byte Data %s"% (self.regVal,value)
- print " Addr :", hex(address)
- print " Size : %s Bytes"% size
- self.__write(objType,address,value,size)
- return
- #------------------------------
- # Write to Registry 0..3 using
- # test data directly.
- #------------------------------
- def writeTestData(self, data):
- simObj = SIM_get_interface(simSbeObj, "memory_space")
- entryCount = len(data)
- size = 8
- for i in range (entryCount):
- value = stringToByte(data[i])
- print "\n Writting ", hex(REGDATA_SBE[i])
- print " %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x" % (value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3],value[4],value[5],value[6],value[7])
- simObj.write(None, REGDATA_SBE[regIndex],
- (value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3],value[4],value[5],value[6],value[7]),
- size)
- return
- #------------------------------
- # Write using SIM object
- # 4/8 Bytes data
- #------------------------------
- def __write(self, Targetobj, address, value, size):
- simObj = SIM_get_interface(Targetobj, "memory_space")
- if int(size) == 4:
- simObj.write(None, address,
- (value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3]),
- size)
- elif int(size) == 8:
- simObj.write(None, address,
- (value[0],value[1],value[2],value[3],value[4],value[5],value[6],value[7]),
- size)
- print " SIM obj: Write %s bytes [ OK ] " % size
- return
- #---------------------------
- # Read from a Registry
- #---------------------------
- def readFromReg(self, objType):
- address = self.regAddr
- size = self.regSize
- value = self.regVal
- if int(value) !=0:
- print " RData :", value
- print " Addr :", hex(address)
- print " Size : %s Bytes"% size
- value = self.__read(objType,address,size)
- return value
- #---------------------------
- # Read from a memomry
- # Max Sim interface can read 8
- # byte data at a given time
- #---------------------------
- def readFromMemory(self, objType, magicNum):
- # Start addr + 8 bytes
- address = self.regAddr
- size = self.regSize # Max it can read is 8 Bytes
- value = self.regVal # Max lentgth it should read
- MaxAddr = address + value # This is the addres range it could read
- print " MaxAddr Range:",hex(MaxAddr)
- OffsetAddr = address
- print " OffsetAddr:",hex(OffsetAddr)
- print " Memory Entries to be read : %d" % (value/8)
- print " Match Magic Number : ", magicNum
- while ( OffsetAddr <= MaxAddr):
- sim_data = self.__read(objType,OffsetAddr,size)
- print " ", hex(OffsetAddr),self.joinListDataToHex(sim_data).upper()
- OffsetAddr += 8
- if self.validateTestMemOp(sim_data,magicNum) == True:
- print " Test validated .. [ OK ]"
- return SUCCESS
- return FAILURE # Failed validation
- #------------------------------
- # Read using SIM Object
- #------------------------------
- def __read(self, Targetobj, address, size):
- simObj = SIM_get_interface(Targetobj, "memory_space")
- value =, address, size, 0x0)
- #print " SIM obj: Read %s bytes [ OK ] " % size
- return value
- #--------------------------------
- # Prepare the byte data from the
- # string and return the list set
- #-------------------------------
- def stringToByte(self,value):
- '''
- The sim interface doesnt take the values as it is ..
- it takes as byte arrays
- Ex: "0000030100F0D101"
- '\x00\x00\x03\x01\x00\xf0\xd1\x01'
- [0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 240, 209, 1]
- '''
- # Convert it to a hex string
- hex_val= value.decode("hex")
- # Prepare the conversion to a list of byte values
- value=map(ord, hex_val)
- return value
- #---------------------------------------
- # Joing the list set data to hex data
- # Reverse of the stringToByte logic
- #---------------------------------------
- def joinListDataToHex(self, data):
- # simics> (0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 240, 209, 1)
- # Join this data into hex string 0xf0d101
- bit_shift=56
- hex_val = 0x0
- for val in data:
- hex_val |= int(val) << bit_shift
- bit_shift -=8
- return hex(hex_val)
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # Execute the read or write operation in loop as per
- # Test data set pre-defined
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def ExecuteTestOp(self, testOp, test_bucket, raiseException=True):
- '''
- 3 prong steps : set data, read/write data, validate
- '''
- #--------------------------------------------
- for l_params in test_bucket:
- #--------------------------------------------
- print " Desc : %s " % l_params[5]
- print " Op : %s " % l_params[0]
- if "func" == l_params[0]:
- print " Func : %s " % l_params[1]
- if l_params[4] != "None":
- print " Expect : %s " % l_params[4]
- if "func" == l_params[0]:
- print " Function Params :",l_params[2]
- else:
- # addr, value, size
- self.setRegData(l_params[1],l_params[2],l_params[3])
- # ---------------------------------------------
- # Check the Op and perform the action
- # read/write
- # ---------------------------------------------
- if "read" == l_params[0]:
- sim_data = self.readFromReg(testOp)
- print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
- print " simics Data : ", sim_data
- print " simics Hex : ", self.joinListDataToHex(sim_data).upper()
- # Validate the test data
- '''
- This field in the test entry holds the data
- that needs validation against sim data.
- '''
- if l_params[4] != "None":
- if self.validateTestOp(sim_data,l_params[4]) == True:
- print " Test validated .. [ OK ]"
- else:
- if(raiseException == True):
- raise Exception('Data mistmach');
- return FAILURE # Failed validation
- else:
- print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
- elif "write" == l_params[0]:
- self.writeToReg(testOp)
- elif "memRead" == l_params[0]:
- # (Sim obj) (Validate)
- return self.readFromMemory(testOp, l_params[4])
- elif "func" == l_params[0]:
- # Func name Params
- rc = self.loadFunc( l_params[1], l_params[2] )
- return rc
- else:
- print "\n Invalid Test Data"
- if(raiseException == True):
- raise Exception('Invalid Test Data');
- return FAILURE # Unknown entry op
- print "\n"
- return SUCCESS
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # Validate simulator data against test data
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def validateTestOp(self, sim_data, test_data):
- print " Test Expects : 0x%s " % test_data
- print " Expect bytes : ", self.stringToByte(test_data)
- if self.compareList(self.stringToByte(test_data), sim_data, "None") == True:
- print " Test ... [ OK ] "
- print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
- return SUCCESS
- else:
- print " Test Failed... !!!"
- print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
- return FAILURE
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # Validate simulator data against test data
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def validateTestMemOp(self, sim_data, test_data):
- if self.compareList(self.stringToByte(test_data), sim_data,"memRead") == True:
- return SUCCESS
- return # Return nothing to check next memory entry
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # Compare the result vs expected list data
- # byte by byte
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def compareList(self, expList, resList, opType):
- for i in range(0,8):
- if int(expList[i]) == int(resList[i]):
- #print " %s : %s " % (expList[i],resList[i])
- continue
- else:
- if opType != "memRead":
- print " Error \t %s : %s [ Mismatch ]" % (expList[i],resList[i])
- return False # mismatch
- return # Return nothing for Next Mem byte read
- return True
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # A basic loop poll mechanism
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def pollingOn(self, simObj, test_data, retries=20):
- for l_param in test_data:
- while True:
- print "\n***** Polling On result - retrials left [%d] " % retries
- print "\n"
- testUtil.runCycles( 1000000);
- test_d = (l_param,)
- rc = self.ExecuteTestOp(simObj, test_d, False)
- if rc == SUCCESS:
- print ('Polling Successful for - ' + l_param[5])
- break
- elif retries <= 0:
- print " Retrials exhausted... Exiting polling"
- raise Exception('Polling Failed for - ' + l_param[5]);
- break
- else:
- retries = retries - 1
- return FAILURE
- #----------------------------------------------------
- # Load the function and execute
- #----------------------------------------------------
- def loadFunc(self, func_name, i_pArray ):
- rc = testPSUUserUtil.__getattribute__(func_name)(i_pArray)
- return rc # Either success or failure from func
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