path: root/hwpf/fapi/include/variable_buffer.H
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diff --git a/hwpf/fapi/include/variable_buffer.H b/hwpf/fapi/include/variable_buffer.H
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index a1280830..00000000
--- a/hwpf/fapi/include/variable_buffer.H
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-/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
-/* */
-/* $Source: $ */
-/* */
-/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
-/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2014 */
-/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
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-/* */
-/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
-/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
-/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
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-/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
-/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
-/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
-/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
-/* */
- * @file variable_buffer.H
- * @brief definitions for fapi2 variable length buffers
- */
-#include <buffer_base.H>
-namespace fapi2
- /// @brief Get a 32 bit mask quickly
- // This is one of the main reasons we static_assert in the ctor's
- // to ensure the unit_type is 32 bits.
- inline uint32_t fast_mask32(int32_t i_pos, int32_t i_len)
- {
- // generates an arbitrary 32-bit mask using two operations, not too shabby
- static const uint32_t l_mask32[] = {
- 0x00000000,
- 0x80000000, 0xC0000000, 0xE0000000, 0xF0000000,
- 0xF8000000, 0xFC000000, 0xFE000000, 0xFF000000,
- 0xFF800000, 0xFFC00000, 0xFFE00000, 0xFFF00000,
- 0xFFF80000, 0xFFFC0000, 0xFFFE0000, 0xFFFF0000,
- 0xFFFF8000, 0xFFFFC000, 0xFFFFE000, 0xFFFFF000,
- 0xFFFFF800, 0xFFFFFC00, 0xFFFFFE00, 0xFFFFFF00,
- };
- return l_mask32[i_len] >> i_pos;
- }
- //
- // General set a series of bits in the buffer.
- //
- ///
- /// @cond
- /// @brief Internal bit inserting method.
- /// @tparam unit_type The type of a unit of the arrays
- /// @tparam bits_type The type of the bit counting values
- /// @param[in] i_source The incoming data
- /// @param[in] i_source_length The length in bits of the incoming data
- /// @param[in] i_target The outgoing data
- /// @param[in] i_target_length The length in bits of the outgoing data
- /// @param[in] i_source_start_bit The starting bit location in the
- /// incoming data
- /// @param[in] i_target_start_bit The starting bit position in this
- /// @param[in] i_length The length, in bits, the user wants copied.
- ///
- template<typename unit_type, typename bits_type>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode _insert(const unit_type* i_source,
- bits_type i_source_length,
- unit_type* i_target,
- bits_type i_target_length,
- bits_type i_source_start_bit,
- bits_type i_target_start_bit,
- bits_type i_length)
- {
- const bits_type bits_per_unit = fapi2::parameterTraits<unit_type>::bit_length;
- // tartgetStart is defaulted to the sizeof(target) - (sizeof(source) - i_source_start_bit)
- // which makes this act like insert from right
- if (i_target_start_bit == ~0)
- {
- i_target_start_bit = (i_target_length - (i_source_length - i_source_start_bit));
- }
- // len defaults to (sizeof(OT) * 8) - i_source_start_bit
- if (i_length == ~0)
- {
- i_length = i_source_length - i_source_start_bit;
- }
- // Check for overflow
- if ((i_length + i_target_start_bit > i_target_length) ||
- (i_length + i_source_start_bit > i_source_length))
- {
- return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_OVERFLOW;
- }
- do
- {
- const bits_type src_idx = i_source_start_bit / bits_per_unit;
- const bits_type trg_idx = i_target_start_bit / bits_per_unit;
- // "slop" = unaligned bits
- const bits_type src_slop = i_source_start_bit % bits_per_unit;
- const bits_type trg_slop = i_target_start_bit % bits_per_unit;
- // "cnt" = largest number of bits to be moved each pass
- bits_type cnt = std::min(i_length, bits_per_unit);
- cnt = std::min(cnt, bits_per_unit - src_slop);
- cnt = std::min(cnt, bits_per_unit - trg_slop);
- // generate the source mask only once
- bits_type mask = fast_mask32(src_slop, cnt);
- // read the source bits only once
- bits_type src_bits = i_source[src_idx] & mask;
- // "shift" = amount of shifting needed for target alignment
- int32_t shift = trg_slop - src_slop;
- // ideally (i << -1) would yield (i >> 1), but it
- // doesn't, so we need an extra branch here
- if (shift < 0)
- {
- src_bits <<= -shift;
- mask <<= -shift;
- }
- else
- {
- src_bits >>= shift;
- mask >>= shift;
- }
- // clear source '0' bits in the target
- i_target[trg_idx] &= ~mask;
- // set source '1' bits in the target
- i_target[trg_idx] |= src_bits;
- i_source_start_bit += cnt;
- i_target_start_bit += cnt;
- i_length -= cnt;
- } while (0 < i_length);
- return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
- }
- /// @endcond
- /// @brief Class representing a FAPI variable_buffer.
- /// @remark Variable buffers are buffers which can be variable in length
- /// (and "odd sized.") These best represent the FAPI 1.X ecmdDataBuffer,
- /// however they are implemented using the same template techniques
- /// as the new fapi::buffer.
- /// @note Variable buffers are not (presently) declared as std::bitset
- /// as bitsets' size is fixed at runtime. It is not clear if this is
- /// acceptable for variable_buffers at this time.
- /// @note Variable buffers are not (presently) declared as std::vector<bool>
- /// as it would need to be implemented separate from std::vector, and
- /// it's not clear it would give us any real advantage. Howevever, its is
- /// more likely this will become a std::vector<bool> than a std::bitset.
- class variable_buffer : public buffer_base<bits_container>
- {
- public:
- ///
- /// @brief Variable buffer constructor
- /// @param[in] i_value number of *bits* (sizeof(uint_type) * 8)
- /// needed.
- variable_buffer(bits_type i_value = 0);
- ///
- /// @brief Variable buffer list constructor
- /// @param[in] i_value an initializer list to initialize the container.
- ///
- variable_buffer(const std::initializer_list<unit_type>& i_value);
- /// @name Bit/Word Manipulation Functions
- ///@{
- ///
- /// @brief Return the length of the buffer in bits
- /// @return Length in bits
- ///
- inline uint32_t getBitLength(void) const
- { return iv_perceived_bit_length; }
- ///
- /// @brief Return the length of the buffer in OT units
- /// @return Length in OT units rounded up
- /// @tparam OT the type to get the length of. For example, if one
- /// wanted the length in double words, OT would be uint64_t
- /// (getLength<uint64_t>().) Similarly, to get the length in words,
- /// getLength<uin32_t>().
- ///
- template< typename OT >
- inline uint32_t getLength(void) const
- {
- static const uint32_t bits_in_ot = sizeof(OT) * 8;
- return (getBitLength() + (bits_in_ot - 1)) / bits_in_ot;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Set a bit in the buffer
- /// @param[in] i_bit the bit number to set.
- /// @note 0 is left-most
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if OK
- ///
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode setBit(const bits_type& i_bit)
- {
- const bits_type index = i_bit / bits_per_unit;
- if (index > iv_data.size())
- {
- }
- iv_data[index] |=
- unit_type(1) << (bits_per_unit - 1) -
- (i_bit - (index * bits_per_unit));
- return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Clear a bit in buffer
- /// @tparam SB Start bit in buffer to clear.
- /// @tparam L Number of consecutive bits from start bit to
- /// clear
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- ///
- template< bits_type SB, bits_type L >
- fapi2::ReturnCode clearBit(void);
- ///
- /// @brief Invert bit
- /// @tparam SB Start bit in buffer to invert.
- /// @tparam L Number of consecutive bits from start bit to
- /// invert, defaults to 1
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- ///
- template< bits_type SB, bits_type L = 1 >
- fapi2::ReturnCode flipBit(void);
- ///
- /// @brief Get the value of a bit in the buffer
- /// @tparam B Bit in buffer to get.
- /// @return true/1 if bit is on, false/0 if bit is off
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- ///
- template< bits_type B >
- inline bool getBit(void) const
- {
- const bits_type index = B / bits_per_unit;
- const unit_type mask = unit_type(1) << (bits_per_unit - 1) - (B - (index * bits_per_unit));
- return iv_data[index] & mask;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Test if multiple bits are set
- /// @tparam SB Start bit in buffer to test.
- /// @tparam L Number of consecutive bits from start bit to
- /// test, defaults to 1
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- /// @return true if all bits in range are set - false if any
- /// bit is clear
- ///
- template< bits_type SB, bits_type L = 1 >
- bool isBitSet(void) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Test if multiple bits are clear
- /// @tparam SB Start bit in buffer to test.
- /// @tparam L Number of consecutive bits from start bit to
- /// test, defaults to 1
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- /// @return true if bit is clear - false if bit is set
- ///
- template< bits_type SB, bits_type L = 1 >
- bool isBitClear(void) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Count number of bits set in a range
- /// @tparam SB Start bit in buffer to test.
- /// @tparam L Number of consecutive bits from start bit to
- /// test, defaults to 1
- /// @note Asserting that all the parameters are known at
- /// compile time so this can be templated only. If that is not
- /// the case we can add a function parameter version.
- /// @return Number of bits set in range
- ///
- template< bits_type SB, bits_type L = 1 >
- bits_type getNumBitsSet(void) const;
- ///@}
- /// @name Buffer Manipulation Functions
- ///@{
- // Note: Many (all?) of these are not needed and the compiler complains
- // as the cast to T yields a better operator. There are here mainly for
- // documenation purposes.
- ///
- /// @brief operator>>()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator>>(bits_type i_shiftnum);
- ///
- /// @brief operator<<()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator<<(bits_type i_shiftnum);
- ///
- /// @brief operator+()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator+(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator+=()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator+=(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator|=()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator|=(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator&=()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator&=(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator|()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator|(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator&()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator&(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator^=()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- variable_buffer<T>& operator^=(const T& rhs);
- ///
- /// @brief operator!=()
- ///
-#ifdef DOXYGEN
- bool operator!=(const T& rhs) const;
- ///
- /// @brief operator==()
- /// @return true if and only if lhs == rhs
- ///
- inline bool operator==(const fapi2::bits_container& rhs) const
- {
- if (&iv_data == &rhs)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return iv_data == rhs;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Copy part of an element into the DataBuffer
- /// @param[in] i_data OT value to copy into DataBuffer
- /// @param[in] i_targetStart The position in this where the copy starts
- /// @param[in] i_len How many bits to copy
- /// @param[in] i_sourceStart The start positon in i_data, defaults to 0
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success, FAPi2_RC_OVERFLOW otherwise
- ///
- template<typename OT>
- fapi2::ReturnCode insert(const OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_targetStart = 0,
- bits_type i_len = ~0,
- bits_type i_sourceStart = 0);
- ///
- /// @brief Copy in a right aligned (decimal) element
- /// @param[in] i_data the incoming data
- /// - data is taken right aligned
- /// @param[in] i_targetStart The starting bit position in this
- /// - Defaultst to 0
- /// @param[in] i_len The length, in bits, the user wants copied.
- /// - Defaults to all of the bits in the source which fit
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success, FAPI2_RC_OVERFLOW otherwise
- ///
- template<typename OT>
- fapi2::ReturnCode insertFromRight(const OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_targetStart = 0,
- bits_type i_len = ~0);
- ///
- /// @brief Copy data from this buffer into an OT
- /// @tparam OT the type of the outgoing data
- /// @param[out] o_out OT to copy into - data is placed left aligned
- /// @param[in] i_start Start bit to copy from - defaults to 0
- /// @param[in] i_len Length of bits to copy - defaults to filling o_out
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success
- ///
- template< typename OT >
- fapi2::ReturnCode extract(OT& o_out,
- bits_type i_start = 0,
- bits_type i_len = ~0) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Copy data from this buffer into an OT and right justify
- /// @tparam OT the type of the outgoing data
- /// @param[out] o_out OT to copy into - data is placed right aligned
- /// @param[in] i_start Start bit to copy from - defaults to 0
- /// @param[in] i_len Length of bits to copy - defaults to filling o_out
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success
- ///
- template< typename OT >
- fapi2::ReturnCode extractToRight(OT& o_out,
- bits_type i_start = 0,
- bits_type i_len = ~0) const;
- ///@}
- private:
- // Just shorthand ...
- static const bits_type bits_per_unit =
- bufferTraits<bits_container>::bits_per_unit;
- // The number of bits the user asked for. The actual size of the
- // container might be larger.
- bits_type iv_perceived_bit_length;
- ///
- /// @brief Internal bit extraction method.
- /// @tparam OT The type of the destination
- /// @param[in] i_start The starting bit position in this
- /// @param[in] i_count The length, in bits, the user wants copied.
- /// @param[out] o_dest Where to put the data
- ///
- template< typename OT >
- fapi2::ReturnCode _extract(bits_type i_start,
- bits_type i_count,
- OT* o_dest) const;
- ///
- /// @brief Internal insertFromRight
- /// @param[in] i_data, the incoming data
- /// @param[in] i_data_length The length in bits of the incoming data
- /// @param[in] i_target_start_bit The starting bit position in this
- /// @param[in] i_length The length, in bits, the user wants copied.
- ///
- template<typename OT>
- fapi2::ReturnCode _insertFromRight(const OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_data_length,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len);
- };
- inline variable_buffer::
- variable_buffer(bits_type i_value):
- buffer_base(i_value),
- iv_perceived_bit_length(i_value)
- {
- static_assert(std::is_same<unit_type, uint32_t>::value,
- "code currently needs unit_type to be a unit32_t");
- }
- inline variable_buffer::
- variable_buffer(const std::initializer_list<unit_type>& i_value):
- buffer_base(i_value),
- iv_perceived_bit_length(i_value.size() * sizeof(unit_type) * 8)
- {
- static_assert(std::is_same<unit_type, uint32_t>::value,
- "code currently needs unit_type to be a unit32_t");
- }
- /// @cond
- //
- // Generic insert
- //
- template<typename OT>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::insert(const OT& i_source,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len,
- bits_type i_sourceStart)
- {
- return _insert((unit_type*)(&i_source), parameterTraits<OT>::bit_length,
- &(iv_data[0]), getBitLength(),
- i_sourceStart, i_targetStart, i_len);
- }
- //
- // Insert another variable_bufer
- //
- template<>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::insert(
- const variable_buffer& i_data,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len,
- bits_type i_sourceStart)
- {
- return _insert((unit_type*)&(i_data()[0]), i_data.getBitLength(),
- &(iv_data[0]), getBitLength(),
- i_sourceStart, i_targetStart, i_len);
- }
- //
- // Generic insert from right
- //
- template<typename OT>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::insertFromRight(
- const OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len)
- {
- _insertFromRight(i_data, parameterTraits<OT>::bit_length, i_targetStart, i_len);
- }
- //
- // variable_buffer insert from right
- //
- template<>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::insertFromRight(
- const variable_buffer& i_data,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len)
- {
- const bits_type bit_length_of_source = i_data.getBitLength();
- _insertFromRight(i_data, bit_length_of_source, i_targetStart, i_len);
- }
- //
- // Generic extract. Extract is an insert with the arguments reversed.
- //
- template<typename OT>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::extract(
- OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_start,
- bits_type i_len) const
- {
- // Needed to trick the compiler into matching the template below
- const bits_type max_length = parameterTraits<OT>::bit_length;
- // If thy didn't pass an i_len, assume they want all the data
- // which will fit.
- if (i_len == ~0)
- {
- i_len = max_length;
- }
- return _insert((container_unit*)&iv_data[0], getBitLength(),
- &i_data, max_length,
- i_start, 0U, i_len);
- }
- //
- // Extract in to another variable_bufer
- //
- template<>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::extract(
- variable_buffer& i_data,
- bits_type i_start,
- bits_type i_len) const
- {
- // If thy didn't pass an i_len, assume they want all the data
- // which will fit.
- if (i_len == ~0)
- {
- i_len = i_data.getBitLength();
- }
- return _insert((container_unit*)&iv_data[0], getBitLength(),
- &(i_data()[0]), i_data.getBitLength(),
- i_start, 0U, i_len);
- }
- template<typename OT>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode variable_buffer::_insertFromRight(
- const OT& i_data,
- bits_type i_data_length,
- bits_type i_targetStart,
- bits_type i_len)
- {
- // If they didn't pass in a length, assume they want all the i_data
- // which will fit.
- if( i_len == ~0 )
- {
- // The longest the length can be is the length of the data
- // This is the miniumum of the length of the data or the
- // number of available bits
- i_len = std::min(i_data_length, getBitLength() - i_targetStart);
- }
- // Source start is the length, counted from the right
- return insert(i_data, i_targetStart, i_len, i_data_length - i_len);
- }
- //
- // Invalid specializations of set
- //
- /// @cond
- // Sepcialize the variable_buffer version to to "undefined" so the
- // linker complains loudly if anyone calls it.
-#if 0
- template<>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode buffer_base::set(
- const variable_buffer& i_value,
- bits_type i_offset);
- /// @endcond
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