path: root/hwpf/plat
diff options
authorGreg Still <>2015-05-27 21:26:24 -0500
committerDerk Rembold <>2015-05-29 10:23:42 -0500
commita93b0e4231579f82671466f0f6395fd57010cebe (patch)
tree34be4bed729fb8aa002f4753e69b6955578302aa /hwpf/plat
parentcf2b047e03b4088ca709f17c9110a05105f5478a (diff)
Resync PPE FAPI2 implementation (Round 2)
- Removed platform buffer_base.H and error_scope.H - Updated platform version of fapi2.H. Future work to update changes into HWPF base version. - Commit of automatically generated fapi2AttributeService.C until in-line process is online - Added placeholder versions of hwp_executor.H, set_sbe_error.H and hwp_ffdc_classes.H required by the base HWPF FAPI2 Base - Created PPE versions of plat_target.H, plat_trace.H - Updated Makefile to include FAPI2 library in the buils - Updated to properly include the SCOM definition files to allow the build to work. Change-Id: I873eb03e5426a2c574f99d2ac7ce4c5f06107cf2 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Derk Rembold <> Tested-by: Derk Rembold <>
Diffstat (limited to 'hwpf/plat')
10 files changed, 294 insertions, 606 deletions
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/buffer_base.H b/hwpf/plat/include/buffer_base.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 45297a06..00000000
--- a/hwpf/plat/include/buffer_base.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
-/* */
-/* $Source: $ */
-/* */
-/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
-/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2014 */
-/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
-/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
-/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* */
-/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
-/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
-/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
-/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
-/* */
- * @file buffer_base.H
- * @brief definitions for fapi2 buffer base class
- */
-#ifndef __FAPI2_BUFFER_BASE__
-#define __FAPI2_BUFFER_BASE__
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <initializer_list>
-#include <error_scope.H>
-#include <buffer_parameters.H>
-#include <buffer_traits.H>
-#include <return_code.H>
-namespace fapi2
- /// @brief Base class for buffers and variable buffers
- /// @tparam T is the type of iv_data (std::vector, etc)
- /// @tparam TT is the template trait, defaults to the trait for T
- ///
- /// Buffers can be of two styles; buffers made from an integral type and
- /// buffers made from a container. Integral type buffers, while limited
- /// in size, can be tightly controlled via the compiler by using c++
- /// templates.
- ///
- /// C++ templates allow for very explicit control, but yield a
- /// syntax different than the FAPI 1.x functional interface. For example,
- /// a fapi2::buffer is defined as having a type:
- /// @code
- /// fapi2::buffer<uint64_t> new_buffer;
- /// @endcode
- /// defines a buffer with exactly 64 bits, and can be manipulated by the
- /// compiler as a single intrgral value. These implementations result
- /// in concise instruction streams, and a platform may choose to implement
- /// all or some or none of the integral buffer types.
- ///
- /// Buffers which have containers as their underlying implementation
- /// are found in the class fapi2::variable_buffer. variable_buffer is little
- /// more than
- /// @code
- /// fapi2::buffer<fapi2::bits_container>
- /// @endcode
- /// where bits_container is the typedef of the underlying container (a
- /// vector of uint32_t, for example)
- ///
- /// Examples:<br>
- ///
- /// * Simple uint64_t buffer
- /// @code
- /// const uint32_t x = 2;
- ///
- /// // this data buffer will contain data in a uint64_t type
- /// fapi2::buffer<uint64_t> data;
- ///
- /// // Set using the template and a constant
- /// data.setBit<x>();
- ///
- /// // Set using the template and a value
- /// data.setBit<3>();
- ///
- /// // Set using the function interface, and a value
- /// data.setBit(1);
- ///
- /// // compiler gets smart.
- /// // movabs $0x7000000000000000,%rsi
- /// @endcode
- ///
- /// * variable_buffer, same thing
- /// @code
- ///
- /// const uint32_t x = 2;
- ///
- /// // Note: only 15 bits long
- /// fapi2::variable_buffer data(15);
- ///
- ///
- /// data.setBit(x);
- /// data.setBit(3);
- /// data.setBit(1);
- /// @endcode
- ///
- /// * method chaining
- /// Buffers support method chaining. So, rather than
- /// this
- /// @code
- /// buffer<T> mask;
- /// mask.setBit<B>();
- /// mask.invert();
- /// my_buffer &= mask;
- /// @endcode
- /// You can do
- /// @code
- /// my_buffer &= buffer<T>().setBit<B>.invert();
- /// @endcode
- ///
- /// * buffer operations
- /// @code
- ///
- /// // An 8 bit buffer, initialized with a value
- /// fapi2::buffer<uint8_t> eight_bits = 0xAA;
- /// fapi2::buffer<uint8_t> another_eight;
- /// fapi2::buffer<uint16_t> sixteen_bits;
- ///
- /// // You can't assign an 8 bit buffer to a 16 bit buffer.
- /// sixteen_bits = eight_bits; ERROR
- ///
- /// // But you can assign buffers of the same type
- /// another_eight = eight_bits;
- ///
- /// // You can assign constants (or other known values) directly:
- /// sixteen_bits = 0xAABB;
- /// @endcode
- ///
- /// * Variable buffer operations
- ///
- /// @code
- /// fapi2::variable_buffer data(16);
- ///
- /// // Very large buffers can be initialized rather than set bit by bit.
- /// const fapi2::variable_buffer bit_settings_known(
- /// {0xFFFF0000, 0xAABBF0F0,
- /// 0xFFFF0000, 0xAABBF0F0,
- /// 0xFFFF0000, 0xAABBF0F0,});
- ///
- /// // Assignment will expand or shrink the size automatically.
- /// data = bit_settings_known;
- ///
- /// // You can assign directly to the buffer:
- /// fapi2::variable_buffer other_bits;
- /// const fapi2::container_unit x = 0xFF00AA55;
- /// other_bits = {x, 0xDEADBEEF};
- /// @endcode
- ///
- template <typename T, typename TT = bufferTraits<T> >
- class buffer_base
- {
- public:
- /// Shortcut typedef to get to our traits class
- typedef typename TT::bits_type bits_type;
- /// Shortcut typedef to get to our traits class
- typedef typename TT::unit_type unit_type;
- ///
- /// @brief Default constructor
- /// @note iv_data will get the "default" construction, which is
- /// correct - 0 for integral types, an empty container for the others.
- ///
- buffer_base(void):
- iv_data()
- {}
-// @todo doesn't work for PPE
-// virtual ~buffer_base(void)
- ~buffer_base(void)
- {}
-#ifndef DOXYGEN
- /// @brief Print the contents of the buffer to stdout
- inline void print(void) const
- { TT::print(iv_data); }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the contents of the buffer
- /// @return The contents of the buffer
- ///
- inline operator T() const { return iv_data; }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the contents of the buffer
- /// @return The contents of the buffer
- ///
- inline operator T&() { return iv_data; }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the contents of the buffer
- /// @return The contents of the buffer
- ///
- inline T& operator()(void) { return iv_data; }
- ///
- /// @brief Get the contents of the buffer
- /// @return Reference to the contents of the buffer
- ///
- inline const T& operator()(void) const { return iv_data; }
- ///
- /// @brief Get a pointer to the buffer bits
- /// @return Pointer to the buffer itself
- ///
- inline T* pointer(void) { return &iv_data; }
- /// @name Buffer Manipulation Functions
- ///@{
- ///
- /// @brief Set an OT of data in buffer
- /// @param[in] i_value sizeof(OT) bits of data
- /// @param[in] i_offset Start OT (start word, for example) in buffer
- /// - defaults to 0 (will by default write the left most element)
- /// @return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS on success, FAPI2_RC_OVERFLOW otherwise
- /// @note This is is only available for integral types. To set a
- /// variable_buffer into a variable_buffer, use insert()
- ///
- template< typename OT>
- inline fapi2::ReturnCode set(OT i_value, const bits_type i_offset = 0)
- {
- // Compile time check to make sure OT isn't a variable buffer
- static_assert( !std::is_same<bits_container, OT>::value,
- "Can't use a variable_buffer as input to set()" );
- //
- // There's a gotcha in here. size<OT>() returns the size in the buffer
- // in OT units *rounded up*. This is the actual size of the buffer, not
- // the perceived size of a variable_buffer. This should be OK however,
- // as what we're trying to prevent is overflow, which this should do.
- //
- const uint32_t length = TT:: template size<OT>(iv_data);
- static const bits_type bits_in_value = parameterTraits<OT>::bit_length;
- const bits_type bit_length = TT::bit_length(iv_data);
- if (i_offset >= length)
- {
- }
- // Create mask if part of this byte is not in the valid part of the buffer,
- // Shift it left by the amount of unused bits,
- // Clear the unused bits
- if (((i_offset + 1) == length) && (bit_length % bits_in_value)) {
- i_value &= parameterTraits<OT>::mask << ((bits_in_value * length) - bit_length);
- }
- parameterTraits<OT>::template write_element<unit_type>(TT::get_address(iv_data), i_value, i_offset);
- return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Set and entire buffer to X's
- /// @tparam X {0,1} depending if you want to clear (0)
- /// or fill (1) a buffer
- ///
- template< uint8_t X >
- inline void flush(void)
- {
- static_assert( (X == 1) || (X == 0), "bad argument to flush" );
- (0 == X) ? TT::clear(iv_data) : TT::set(iv_data);
- }
- ///
- /// @brief Invert entire buffer
- /// @return buffer_base&, Useful for method chaining
- ///
- inline buffer_base& invert(void)
- { TT::invert(iv_data); return *this; }
- ///
- /// @brief Bit reverse entire buffer
- /// @return buffer_base&, Useful for method chaining
- ///
- inline buffer_base& reverse(void)
- { TT::reverse(iv_data); return *this; }
- //@}
- protected:
- ///
- /// @brief Variable buffer constructor
- /// @param[in] i_value number of *bits* (sizeof(container_units) * 8)
- /// needed. Meaningless for integral types and thus protected.
- ///
- buffer_base(bits_type i_value);
- ///
- /// @brief Variable buffer construct from a list
- /// @param[in] i_value an initializer list to initialize the container.
- /// Meaningless for integral types and thus protected
- ///
- buffer_base(std::initializer_list<unit_type> i_value);
- ///
- /// @brief Clear the buffer
- ///
- inline void clear(void)
- { TT::clear(iv_data); }
- /// The contents of the buffer
- T iv_data;
- };
-// ///
-// /// @brief Set and entire buffer to X's
-// /// @tparam X {0,1} depending if you want to clear (0)
-// /// or fill (1) a buffer
-// ///
-// template< typename T, typename TT = bufferTraits<T>, uint8_t X >
-// inline buffer_base<T, TT>& flush(void)
-// {
-// static_assert( (X == 1) || (X == 0), "bad argument to flush" );
-// (0 == X) ? TT::clear(iv_data) : TT::set(iv_data);
-// return *this;
-// }
- template <typename T, typename TT>
- inline buffer_base<T, TT>::buffer_base(bits_type i_value):
- iv_data( std::max(bits_type(1),
- bits_type(i_value / 8 / sizeof(bits_type))))
- {
- }
- template <typename T, typename TT>
- inline buffer_base<T, TT>::buffer_base(std::initializer_list<unit_type> i_value):
- iv_data(i_value)
- {
- }
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/fapi2.H b/hwpf/plat/include/fapi2.H
index dcf2607b..5e614e1b 100644
--- a/hwpf/plat/include/fapi2.H
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/fapi2.H
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- * @file fapi2.H
- *
- * @brief Includes all the header files necessary for the FAPI2 interface.
- */
+/// @file fapi2.H
+/// @brief top level header for fapi2
-#ifndef FAPI2_H_
-#define FAPI2_H_
+#ifndef __FAPI2_TOP_LEVEL__
+#define __FAPI2_TOP_LEVEL__
// Define which platforms will not have FAPI Return Codes
#undef __noRC__
@@ -21,22 +19,32 @@
+#include <plat_trace.H>
+#include <target.H>
+#include <return_code.H>
#include <buffer.H>
-#include <buffer_base.H>
-#include <buffer_parameters.H>
-#include <buffer_traits.H>
-#include <error_scope.H>
#include <hw_access.H>
-#include <return_code.H>
-#include <target.H>
-#include <target_types.H>
#include <utils.H>
-//#include <variable_buffer.H>
+// In turn includes the needed generated headers (hwp_ffd_classes, etc.)
+#include <error_scope.H>
+#include <set_sbe_error.H> // Generated file
#include <fapi2AttributeService.H>
#include <fapi2AttributeIds.H> // Generated file
-#endif // FAPI2_H_
+#include <hwp_executor.H>
+// Block of headers not currently in fapi2
+ #include <mvpdAccess.H>
+ #include <mbvpdAccess.H>
+#endif // __FAPI2_TOP_LEVEL__
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/hw_access.H b/hwpf/plat/include/hw_access.H
index 90b567d0..1d27535f 100644
--- a/hwpf/plat/include/hw_access.H
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/hw_access.H
@@ -32,58 +32,18 @@
-#include <fapiSpyIds.H>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <thread>
-#include <buffer.H>
+// variable_buffer isn't supported on PPE
+#ifndef __PPE__
#include <variable_buffer.H>
-#include <return_code.H>
-#include <target.H>
-#include <utils.H>
-#include <plat_includes.H>
-//#include <fapi2Util.H>
-//#include <fapi2PlatTrace.H>
-#include <fapiMultiScom.H>
-/// @cond
-typedef uint64_t spyId_t;
-typedef uint64_t scanRingId_t;
-/// @endcond
+#include <plat_hw_access.H>
+#include <fapi2_hw_access.H>
namespace fapi2
- ///
- /// @enum fapi2::ChipOpModifyMode
- /// @brief Enumeration of modify modes used in HW access modify operations
- ///
- enum ChipOpModifyMode
- {
- CHIP_OP_MODIFY_MODE_OR = 1, ///< Modify or mode
- CHIP_OP_MODIFY_MODE_AND = 2, ///< Modify and mode
- CHIP_OP_MODIFY_MODE_XOR = 3, ///< Modify xor mode
- };
- ///
- /// @enum fapi2::RingMode
- /// @brief Enumeration of Ring access operation modes
- /// This is a bitmap to allow the user to specify multiple modes.
- ///
- enum RingMode
- {
- RING_MODE_SET_PULSE = 0x00000001, ///< Set pulse
- RING_MODE_NO_HEADER_CHECK = 0x00000002, ///< Dont' check header
- // FUTURE_MODE = 0x00000004,
- // FUTURE_MODE = 0x00000008,
- };
// PIB Error Functions
@@ -99,6 +59,7 @@ namespace fapi2
/// @return uint8_t The current PIB error mask
uint8_t getPIBErrorMask(void)
+ uint8_t o_pib_mask;
return o_pib_mask;
@@ -107,25 +68,21 @@ namespace fapi2
// Operational Mode Error Functions
- /// @enum OpModes operational Mode Error Functions
- enum OpModes
- {
- // These are bit-masks in case they need to be or'd together
- NORMAL = 0x00,
- DO_NOT_DO_WAKEUP = 0x02,
- };
/// @brief Sets the operational mode
/// @param[in] i_mode The new mode
+ // note: this can be moved to a C file if desired
inline void setOpMode(const OpModes i_mode)
+ // Keeps the compiler from complaining about the unused i_mode
+ static_cast<void>(i_mode);
// No-op for now. Should set thread-local operational mode
/// @brief Gets the operational mode
/// @return the operational mode
+ // note: this can be moved to a C file if desired
inline OpModes getOpMode(void)
// No-op for now. Should read thread-local operational mode
@@ -298,6 +255,8 @@ namespace fapi2
+ // variable_buffer isn't supported on PPE
+#ifndef __PPE__
/// @brief Reads a ring from a chip.
/// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
/// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
@@ -363,7 +322,7 @@ namespace fapi2
-#ifndef __PPE__
/// @brief Read-modify-write a ring on a chip.
/// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
/// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
@@ -384,17 +343,68 @@ namespace fapi2
- /// @note
- /// These spy access interfaces are only used in FSP and cronus
- /// HB does not allow spy access
+ /// @brief Performs a multiple SCOM operation
+ /// This interface performs multiple SCOM operations on a chip in the
+ /// order specified by the input MultiScom object.
+ /// See fapiMultiScom.H for details of how to populate the MultiScom
+ /// object with SCOM operations.
+ ///
+ /// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
+ /// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
+ /// @param[in,out] io_multiScomObj Reference to a MultiScom object,
+ /// pre-populated with SingleScomInfo entries
+ /// to perform multiple SCOMs on input target
+ /// @return fapi2::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
+ ///
+ /// @note This is a synchronous interface and would return after all the
+ /// SCOM operations are completed or on the first failed operation
+ ///
+ /// @note SCOMs will be performed in the order they were added to the
+ /// input MultiScom object
+ ///
+ /// @note In case of errors, the platform code is responsible to collect
+ /// and add all the required error info and FFDC into the error data
+ /// for debugging
+ ///
+ /// @note If the SCOM operations added are specific to a processor chip,
+ /// then the FSI Shift Engine configured in scatter-gather DMA mode
+ /// extension would be used to execute the SCOM operations in a
+ /// performance optimize mode. In this mode, the special
+ /// supported that allow a large bulk of SCOM access (in multiple of
+ /// 64 bits) for targets that support auto-increment. The
+ /// SCOM_WRITE_UNDER_MASK operation is not supported in this mode
+ ///
+ /// @note If the SCOM operations added are specific to a memory buffer
+ /// chip, then the regular SCOM engine is used to execute the SCOM
+ /// operations. SCOM_WRITE_UNDER_MASK operation is supported in
+ /// this mode, but the special SCOM_BULK_READ_MODE and
+ /// SCOM_BULK_WRITE_MODE operations are not supported due to
+ /// hardware limitations.
+ ///
+ template< TargetType K >
+ fapi2::ReturnCode multiScom (const Target<K>& i_target,
+ MultiScom& io_multiScomObj)
+ {
+ }
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NOTE:
+ // Implement platform Spy access functions if platform supports them.
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // variable_buffer isn't supported on PPE
+#ifndef __PPE__
/// @brief Reads a spy from a chip.
/// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
/// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
/// @param[in] i_spyId Id of the spy whose data to be read.
/// @param[out] o_data Buffer that holds data read from HW target.
- /// @return fapi::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
+ /// @return fapi2::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
/// @note: The string version is only supported for cronus.
@@ -422,65 +432,38 @@ namespace fapi2
- /// fapi::ReturnCode rc = fapiGetSpy( targ,
+ /// fapi2::ReturnCode rc = fapiGetSpy( targ,
/// @note The ID is not in quotes the fapi code will handle adding
/// the quotes for the cronus environment
-// Set to 1 for fapi2 API test
-#define fapiGetSpy(TARGET, ID, DATA) \
- _fapiGetSpy(TARGET, FAPI_SPY_NAMES::ID.value, DATA )
-#ifndef __PPE__
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiGetSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const spyId_t i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& o_data)
+ inline ReturnCode getSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const spyId_t i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& o_data)
- o_data.setBit(1);
- o_data.setBit(4);
-#ifndef __PPE__
- std::cout << std::hex << " _fapiGetSpy "
- << "target: {" << i_target.getType() << ","
- << uint64_t(i_target) << "}; "
- << "Spy ID: " << i_spyId << "; "
- << "output data:";
- o_data.print();
- return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement getSpy (string)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
-#define fapiGetSpy(TARGET, ID, DATA) _fapiGetSpy(TARGET, #ID, DATA)
-#ifndef __PPE__
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiGetSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const char * const i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& o_data);
+ inline ReturnCode getSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const char * const i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& o_data)
+ {
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement getSpy (string)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ }
/// @brief Writes a spy on a chip.
/// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
/// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
/// @param[in] i_spyId Id of the spy to write data to.
/// @param[out] i_data Buffer that holds data to write into spy.
- /// @return fapi::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
+ /// @return fapi2::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
/// @note: The string version is only supported for cronus.
@@ -508,50 +491,32 @@ namespace fapi2
- /// fapi::ReturnCode rc = fapiPutSpy( targ,
+ /// fapi2::ReturnCode rc = fapiPutSpy( targ,
/// @note The ID is not in quotes the fapi code will handle adding
/// the quotes for the cronus environment
-#define fapiPutSpy(TARGET, ID, DATA) \
- _fapiPutSpy(TARGET, FAPI_SPY_NAMES::ID.value, DATA)
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiPutSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const spyId_t i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& i_data)
+ inline ReturnCode putSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const spyId_t i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& i_data)
-#ifndef __PPE__
- std::cout << std::hex << " _fapiPutSpy "
- << "target: {" << i_target.getType() << ","
- << uint64_t(i_target) << "}; "
- << "Spy Id: " << i_spyId << "; "
- << "input data:";
- i_data.print();
- return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement putSpy (enum)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
-#define fapiPutSpy(TARGET, ID, DATA) _fapiPutSpy(TARGET, #ID, DATA)
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiPutSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const spyId_t i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& i_data)
+ inline ReturnCode putSpy(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const char* const i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& i_data)
+ {
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement putSpy (string)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ }
/// @brief Writes spy data into a buffer holding ring data image
/// This API is used by L2/L3 repair to put column repair data
/// into a ring buffer image.
@@ -561,7 +526,7 @@ namespace fapi2
/// @param[in] i_data Buffer that holds spy data to write into ring
/// image.
/// @param[out] o_data Buffer that holds updated ring image.
- /// @return fapi::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
+ /// @return fapi2::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
/// @note: The string version is only supported for cronus.
@@ -572,59 +537,35 @@ namespace fapi2
/// See fapiPutSpy for details on spy id specifics.
-#define fapiPutSpyImage(TARGET, ID, DATA1, DATA2) \
- _fapiPutSpyImage(TARGET, \
- FAPI_SPY_NAMES::ID.value, \
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiPutSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const spyId_t i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& i_data,
- variable_buffer& o_imageData)
+ inline ReturnCode putSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const spyId_t i_spyId,
+ const variable_buffer& i_data,
+ variable_buffer& o_imageData)
-#ifndef __PPE__
- std::cout << std::hex << " _fapiPutSpyImage "
- << "target: {" << i_target.getType() << ","
- << uint64_t(i_target) << "}; "
- << "Spy Id: " << i_spyId << "; "
- << "input data: ";
- i_data.print();
- // Set fake output data
- o_imageData.invert();
- return FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement putSpyImage (enum)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
-// fapiPutSpyImage function Cronus version
-#define fapiPutSpyImage(TARGET, ID, DATA1, DATA2) \
- _fapiPutSpyImage(TARGET, #ID, \
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiPutSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const char* const i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& i_data,
- variable_buffer& o_imageData);
+ inline ReturnCode putSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const char* const i_spyId,
+ const variable_buffer& i_data,
+ variable_buffer& o_imageData)
+ {
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement putSpyImage (string)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ }
/// @brief Reads spy data from a ring image buffer
/// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on
/// @param[in] i_spyId The spy's id
/// @param[out] o_data Buffer that holds data read from ring image.
/// @param[in] i_imageData Buffer that holds ring image to read data
/// from.
- /// @return fapi::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
+ /// @return fapi2::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
/// @note: The string version is only supported for cronus.
@@ -635,82 +576,31 @@ namespace fapi2
/// See fapiPutSpy for details on spy id specifics.
-#define fapiGetSpyImage(TARGET, ID, DATA1, DATA2) \
- _fapiGetSpyImage(TARGET, \
- FAPI_SPY_NAMES::ID.value, \
template< TargetType K >
- inline ReturnCode _fapiGetSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
- const spyId_t i_spyId,
- variable_buffer& o_data,
- const variable_buffer& i_imageData);
+ inline ReturnCode getSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const spyId_t i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& o_data,
+ const variable_buffer& i_imageData)
+ {
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement getSpyImage (enum)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ }
-// fapiGetSpyImage function Cronus version
-#define fapiGetSpyImage(TARGET, ID, DATA1, DATA2) \
- _fapiGetSpyImage(TARGET, \
- inline fapi::ReturnCode _fapiGetSpyImage(
- const fapi::Target& i_target,
- const char* const i_spyId,
- fapi::buffer<fapi::bits_container> & o_data,
- const fapi::buffer<fapi::bits_container> & i_imageData);
+ template< TargetType K >
+ inline ReturnCode getSpyImage(const Target<K>& i_target,
+ const char * const i_spyId,
+ variable_buffer& o_data,
+ const variable_buffer& i_imageData)
+ {
+ static_assert(K == 0, "implement getSpyImage (string)");
+ return ~FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ }
- /// @brief Performs a multiple SCOM operation
- /// This interface performs multiple SCOM operations on a chip in the
- /// order specified by the input MultiScom object.
- /// See fapiMultiScom.H for details of how to populate the MultiScom
- /// object with SCOM operations.
- ///
- /// @tparam K template parameter, passed in target.
- /// @param[in] i_target Target to operate on.
- /// @param[in,out] io_multiScomObj Reference to a MultiScom object,
- /// pre-populated with SingleScomInfo entries
- /// to perform multiple SCOMs on input target
- /// @return fapi::ReturnCode. FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS if success, else error code.
- ///
- /// @note This is a synchronous interface and would return after all the
- /// SCOM operations are completed or on the first failed operation
- ///
- /// @note SCOMs will be performed in the order they were added to the
- /// input MultiScom object
- ///
- /// @note In case of errors, the platform code is responsible to collect
- /// and add all the required error info and FFDC into the error data
- /// for debugging
- ///
- /// @note If the SCOM operations added are specific to a processor chip,
- /// then the FSI Shift Engine configured in scatter-gather DMA mode
- /// extension would be used to execute the SCOM operations in a
- /// performance optimize mode. In this mode, the special
- /// supported that allow a large bulk of SCOM access (in multiple of
- /// 64 bits) for targets that support auto-increment. The
- /// SCOM_WRITE_UNDER_MASK operation is not supported in this mode
- ///
- /// @note If the SCOM operations added are specific to a memory buffer
- /// chip, then the regular SCOM engine is used to execute the SCOM
- /// operations. SCOM_WRITE_UNDER_MASK operation is supported in
- /// this mode, but the special SCOM_BULK_READ_MODE and
- /// SCOM_BULK_WRITE_MODE operations are not supported due to
- /// hardware limitations.
- ///
- inline fapi::ReturnCode fapiMultiScom (const Target<K>& i_target,
- MultiScom& io_multiScomObj);
+#endif // PPE
-#endif // FAPI2HWACCESS_H_
+#endif // _FAPI2_HWACCESS_H_
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_executor.H b/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_executor.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_executor.H
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_ffdc_classes.H b/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_ffdc_classes.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/hwp_ffdc_classes.H
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/plat_target.H b/hwpf/plat/include/plat_target.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86c70465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/plat_target.H
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2014 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+ * @file plat_target.H
+ * @brief platform definitions for fapi2 targets
+ */
+#ifndef __FAPI2_PLAT_TARGET__
+#define __FAPI2_PLAT_TARGET__
+// Define what a platform handle looks like. For Hostboot,
+// for example, this might be a void*. For the SBE, this
+// will be a uint64_t ...
+namespace fapi2
+ typedef uint64_t plat_target_handle_t;
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/plat_trace.H b/hwpf/plat/include/plat_trace.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9104e767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/plat_trace.H
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2011,2015 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+ * @file plat_trace.H
+ * @brief Defines the FAPI2 trace macros.
+ *
+ * Note that platform code must provide the implementation.
+ *
+ * FAPI has provided a default implementation. Platform code must
+ * provide an alternate implementation if needed.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+// Why not a #define, why is this in the fapi2 namespace?
+// To prevent problems with Cronus and the fapi1 definitions.
+namespace fapi2
+ static const uint32_t MAX_ECMD_STRING_LEN = 64;
+// Information traces (go into fast trace buffer that can wrap often)
+#define FAPI_TRACE(_id_, _fmt_, _args_...) \
+ printf("%s: %s:%d ", _id_, __func__, __LINE__); \
+ printf(_fmt_, ##_args_); \
+ printf("\n")
+#define FAPI_INF(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("inf", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+// Important traces (go into slow trace buffer that should not wrap often)
+#define FAPI_IMP(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("imp", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+// Error traces (go into slow trace buffer that should not wrap often)
+#define FAPI_ERR(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("err", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+// Debug traces (go into fast trace buffer that can wrap often)
+#define FAPI_DBG(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("dbg", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+// Scan traces
+#define FAPI_SCAN(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("scan", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+#define FAPI_MFG(_fmt_, _args_...) FAPI_TRACE("mfg", _fmt_, ##_args_)
+#endif // FAPI2_PLATTRACE_H_
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/set_sbe_error.H b/hwpf/plat/include/set_sbe_error.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/set_sbe_error.H
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/include/target.H b/hwpf/plat/include/target.H
index 1610069d..0d7832b5 100644
--- a/hwpf/plat/include/target.H
+++ b/hwpf/plat/include/target.H
@@ -43,6 +43,27 @@
#define EX_ADDRESS_MASK 0x0000FF00
+#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
+#ifndef ULL
+#define ULL(x) x
+#ifndef ULL
+#define ULL(x) x##ull
+#endif // __ASSEMBLER
+/// Create a multi-bit mask of \a n bits starting at bit \a b
+#define BITS(b, n) ((ULL(0xffffffffffffffff) << (64 - (n))) >> (b))
+/// Create a single bit mask at bit \a b
+#define BIT(b) BITS((b), 1)
namespace fapi2
diff --git a/hwpf/plat/src/ b/hwpf/plat/src/
index cc391157..968abb56 100644
--- a/hwpf/plat/src/
+++ b/hwpf/plat/src/
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
# Object Files
-FAPI2-C-SOURCES = fapi2PlatAttributeService.C
+FAPI2-C-SOURCES += fapi2PlatAttributeService.C \
+ plat_utils.C
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud