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-@deprecated Functions which were either not found used in the
-hostboot code or have other ways to perform the same operation
-with the new buffers are candidates for deprecation. They are listed
-here so if you're looking for something you might find that it's
-deprecated and not been implemented. If there's something in this
-list which should be implemented, let someone know and we can
-implement it.<br>
-- setDoubleWordLength(uint32_t i_newNumDoubleWords);<br>
-- setWordLength(uint32_t i_newNumWords);<br>
-- setHalfWordLength(uint32_t i_newNumHalfWords);<br>
-- setByteLength(uint32_t i_newNumBytes);<br>
-- setBitLength(uint32_t i_newNumBits);<br>
-- setCapacity (uint32_t i_newNumWords);<br>
-- shrinkBitLength(uint32_t i_newNumBits);<br>
-- growBitLength(uint32_t i_newNumBits);<br>
-Replaced with std::container operations
-- shiftRight(uint32_t i_shiftnum, uint32_t i_offset = 0);<br>
-Replaced with operator>> as offset appears unused<br>
-- shiftLeft(uint32_t i_shiftnum, uint32_t i_offset = 0xFFFFFFFF);<br>
-Replaced with operator<< as offset appears unused<br>
-- shiftRightAndResize(uint32_t i_shiftnum, uint32_t i_offset = 0);<br>
-- shiftLeftAndResize(uint32_t i_shiftnum);<br>
-- rotateRight(uint32_t i_rotatenum);<br>
-- rotateLeft(uint32_t i_rotatenum);<br>
-- flushTo0(); and flushTo1();<br>
-Replaced with flush<X>() where X can be {0,1}<br>
-- applyInversionMask(const uint32_t * i_invMask, uint32_t
- i_invByteLen);<br>
-- applyInversionMask(const ecmdDataBufferBase & i_invMaskBuffer,
- uint32_t i_invByteLen);<br>
-- insert(const ecmdDataBufferBase & i_bufferIn, uint32_t i_targetStart,
- uint32_t i_len, uint32_t i_sourceStart = 0);<br>
- insert(const uint32_t * i_data, uint32_t i_targetStart, uint32_t
- i_len, uint32_t i_sourceStart = 0);<br>
-It appears from the usage that the insert functions were used like a
-initializer list - given a chunk of data, insert at bit 0.
-Other useages have been replaced with a templated version for
-variable_buffers and bit operations for integral buffers.<br>
-- insertFromRight<br>
-Replaced with a templated version for
-variable_buffers and bit operations for integral buffers.<br>
-- extract API<br>
-Replaced with a templated version for
-variable_buffers and bit operations for integral buffers.<br>
-- setOr API/merge API<br>
-- concat( ... );<br>
-Replaced with operator+() and operator+=()<br>
-- setOr(const uint32_t * i_data, uint32_t i_startbit,
- uint32_t i_len);<br>
- merge()
-Replaced with operator|=() as it looks like startbit is always 0
-and len is always the length of i_data. Merge is the same I think<br>
-- setXor(const ecmdDataBufferBase & i_bufferIn, uint32_t i_startbit,
- uint32_t i_len);
-Replaced with operator|=() as it looks like startbit is always 0
-and len is always the length of i_data.<br>
-- setAnd(const ecmdDataBufferBase & i_bufferIn, uint32_t i_startbit,
- uint32_t i_len);<br>
-Replaced with operator&=() as it looks like startbit is mostly 0
-and len is mostly the length of i_data. The few cases seen where
-this isn't the case, a uint64_t mask would work better.<br>
-- copy(ecmdDataBufferBase & o_copyBuffer) const
-Replaced with operator=()
-- memCopyIn, memCopyOut
-- flattenSize(void) const;
-- flatten(uint8_t * o_data, uint32_t i_len) const;
-- unflatten(const uint8_t * i_data, uint32_t i_len);
-- oddParity()
-- evenParity()
-- shareBuffer(ecmdDataBufferBase* i_sharingBuffer);
-- compressBuffer(ecmdCompressionMode_t i_mode = ECMD_COMP_PRD);
-- uncompressBuffer();
-- isBufferCompressed();
-- setWord(), setHalfWord(), etc.
-Replaced with a templated version, set<type>();
-- getDoubleWordLength(), getDoubleLength
-Replaced with a templated version taking the type as an argument
-- getCapacity()
-- writeBit(bits_type i_bit, uint32_t i_value);
-Replaced with set operations (this might be needed?)
-e \ No newline at end of file
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-# Examples And Frequently Asked Questions
-## Buffers
-### Create a buffer of 32 bits and initialize it.
- fapi2::buffer<uint32_t> data(0xAA55FFAA);
-### Flip bit 0
- data.flipBit<0>();
-### Invert the buffer
- data.invert();
-### Reset it's value
- data = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-### Create a mask using an anonymous object
- my_buffer &= buffer<T>().setBit<B>.invert();
-### Create an 8 bit buffer, initialize it, and flip some bits around
- fapi2::buffer<uint8_t>(0xA5).flipBit<5>().flipBit<5>() == 0xA5;
-## Operations and Things
-### Is the FAPI_TRY / 'clean_up:' method, the recommended method for doing put/getscoms?
-Yes, FAPI_TRY is the preferred wrapper for put/get scom as well as other operations which used to do the do/while/break dance based on the fapi return code.
-A thread-local fapi return code, fapi2::current_err has been introduced to help with the housekeeping.
-Feel free to decompose the FAPI_TRY pattern if you have clean_up requirements which make FAPI_TRY too simplistic.
-## Targets
-### Create a processor target
-### Define a function which takes only a processor as an argument, enforced by the compiler
- void takesProc( const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>& V );
-### How do I pass TARGET_TYPE_X into putScom?
-It should "just work." fapi2::putScom is defined as a template.
-Basically any TargetType will match. So,
- Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS> foo;
- Target<TARGET_TYPE_ABUS> bar;
-will both match fapi::putScom in it's more generic sense. However, platforms
-might specialize the hw_access templates. For example, if the operation to
-perform a putScom on an XBUS is different than accessing other targets, the
-platform needs to specialize for XBUS.
- template<>
- fapi2::ReturnCode fapi2::putScom (const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS> &i_target, const uint64_t i_address, buffer< uint64_t > &i_data)
- {
- // Do XBUS special code here.
- }
-### How do I get <information> with the new targets when this used to be an attribute look up before?
-This question came up in the context of ATTR_CHIP_UNIT_POS, but really applies for any information
-previously tucked away in attributes.
-Do the attribute lookup, the platform can optimize the look up away. In any event the get_attr macro/call will always do the right thing.
-If the platform can resolve the lookup without looking anything up (all the information is encoded in the value of the target) the attribute
-mechanism can simply do that manipulation at compile time.
-For the smaller platforms, we discussed attribute look ups were templates which could be (would be?) specialized per attribute "key."
-In this way, the "look up" for the unit position could be coded to be nothing more than a static manipulation of the target value.
-A look up would, obviously, be needed if the unit position (or any other attribute value) couldn't be resolved from the target value alone.
-### Target Types
-#### How do I write a procedure which takes multiple target types?
-Depends on what you mean.
-##### If you mean "I have a procedure which is generic but only for a subset of types":
- fapi2::ReturnCode newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS | TARGET_TYPE_ABUS> & i_target, ...);
-Note that newProcedure can not then say "if xbus, do this, if abus do the
-other." This is the static equivilent of grabbing a "base class" and the same
-rules apply - if the method is not generic for all the subclasses, you need to
-specialize for those subclasses.
-__Think twice about using this mechanism. It creates a new type (the or of the
-target types) and reduces the input to this type. There is no support for run
-time type conversion, and so the original type is not available in this scope.__
-##### If you mean "I have a procedure and I want it to do different things for different target types":
-You can create templates:
- template<fapi2::TargetType T>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<T>& i_target );
- template<>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS>& i_target )
- {
- // XBUS specific code here
- }
- template<>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>& i_target )
- {
- // ABUS specific code here
- }
-Notice that because the generic case for newProcedure is declared but
-never defined you will get an error at compile time if newProcedure is
-called with a type other than XBUS or ABUS.
-Or overloaded functions:
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS>& i_target )
- {
- // XBUS specific code here
- }
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>& i_target )
- {
- // ABUS specific code here
- }
-##### If you mean "I have a procedure which is mostly generic but I need special handling for some target types":
-More or less the same as above, but define the generic template. There is no equivilent for
-overloaded functions unless a composite target will suit your needs.
- template<fapi2::TargetType T>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<T>& i_target )
- {
- // Code for types other than ABUS or XBUS
- }
- template<>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS>& i_target )
- {
- // XBUS specific code here
- }
- template<>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>& i_target )
- {
- // ABUS specific code here
- }
-##### If you want to build a procedure which takes all target types:
-__It is recomended that you do not use TARGET_TYPE_ALL - that will reduce the
-type of the passed in target to the "top level base class" of targets and
-every procedure called will need to be completly generic. This is probably
-not what you inteded (but is sometimes useful.) Rather, it is recomended
-that you simply make a generic template.__
- template<fapi2::TargetType T>
- void newProcedure( const fapi2::Target<T>& i_target )
- {
- // Code for all types
- fapi2::putScom(i_target, ... );
- }
-Note that the putScom here will always be the correct putScom for the
-target type passed in. Assuming procedures called in this method have
-been specialized for specific target types, the compiler will find the
-best match and call it.
-#### Once I'm in newProcedure, what is the type of the target?
-If you used a generic or specialized template, the type will be the type
-of the target passed in. If you used a composite type (or'd together target
-types) then the type will be TYPE_A | TYPE_B.
-Notice there's no simple way to know the original type was TYPE_A in this
-case. If you think about this, it makes sense. Consider:
- void f(double x);
- int y = 3;
- f(y);
-There's no way in f() to know that x started life as an int, which happened to
-be cast to a double.
-Targets are the same thing - they're just types we create on the fly. So all of
-the usual C++ tools to deal with this are available.
-#### So, wait - I can't write a procedure which handles multiple target types?
-You can. What you can't do is figure out the type of the object prior to
-the cast. So what you need to do is make sure the original type isn't lost,
-and that means you can't use TYPE_A | TYPE_B:
-##### Specialize. This is the prefered mechanism.
-The template and overload examples above show how to do this specialization.
-It will create very regular and easy to maintain code.
-##### Create a generic template and handle each type yourself.
- template<fapi2::TargetType T>
- void newProcedure( fapi2::Target<T> i_target )
- {
- // If this procedure isn't generic, check for allowed types here.
- static_assert(fapi2::is_same<T, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>() || fapi2::is_same<T, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_XBUS>(),
- "newProcedure only takes X/A busses");
- :
- :
- if (fapi2::is_same<T, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>())
- {
- // ABUS code
- }
- if (fapi2::is_same<T, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_XBUS>())
- {
- // XBUS code
- }
- :
- :
- }
-newProcedure is a generic template, any target type will match. And, the type T of i_target is
-the original value of the target - the template matched without a cast because it's generic.
-However, with that generality we lost the compiler argument type checking so we replace it with
-the static_assert. This happens at compile time so the compiler will complain if a target other
-than an XBUS or ABUS is passed in to this procedure. To handle the special cases for the types,
-fapi2::is_same is used again - and is also a compile time operation. And so when this template
-matches an XBUS target, the code generated is specific to the XBUS target.
-#### Ok, so what is TARGET_TYPE_X | TARGET_TYPE_Y for then?
-Creating procedures which are generic to those types. Think of this as a base
-class method.
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-# Using the FFDC/XML Error Parsing Tools
-For FAPI2, the parseErrorInfo PERL script has changed. The main goal was to
-enable FFDC generation classes/methods. This enables a named-parameter
-model as well as tucking the FFDC generation into a container which can
-easily be used by the FAPI_ASSERT macro.
-## Using the Tools
- [--empty-ffdc-classes] [--use-variable-buffers] --output-dir=<output dir> <filename1> <filename2> ...
-- This perl script will parse HWP Error XML files and creates the following files:
-- hwp_return_codes.H. HwpReturnCode enumeration (HWP generated errors)
-- hwp_error_info.H. Error information (used by FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR when a HWP generates an error)
-- collect_reg_ffdc.C. Function to collect register FFDC
-- set_sbe_error.H. Macro to create an SBE error
-The --empty-ffdc-classes option is for platforms which don't collect FFDC. It will generate stub classes which
-will allow the source to have the same code, but compile to no-ops on certain platforms.
-The --use-variable-bufers option is for platforms which support variable buffers.
-The XML input is the same format as for P8
-## Using the Generated Classes
-Each error found in the XML files generates a class in hwp_ffdc_classes.H.
-The name of the class is the same as the return code itself (lower case)
-and the set methods are the same as the elements the xml described as
-needing colletion.
-Take for example RC_MBVPD_INVALID_MT_DATA. Here is the XML:
- <hwpError>
- <description>
- To get the proper MT data, we need a valid
- dimm rank combination.
- </description>
- <ffdc>RANK_NUM</ffdc>
- <callout>
- <procedure>CODE</procedure>
- <priority>HIGH</priority>
- </callout>
- </hwpError>
-It generates an FFDC class which looks like this (simplified):
- class rc_mbvpd_invalid_mt_data
- {
- public:
- rc_mbvpd_invalid_mt_data( ... )
- { FAPI_ERR("To get the proper MT data, we need a valid dimm rank combination."); }
- rc_mbvpd_invalid_mt_data& set_rank_num(const T& i_value)
- { <setup ffdc> }
- void execute(void)
- {
- fapi2::logError( ... );
- }
- };
-To use this, for example, you may do:
- FAPI_ASSERT( foo != bar,
- rc_mbvpd_invalid_mt_data().set_rank_num(l_rank),
- "foo didn't equal bar" );
-Notice the description of the error is automatically logged.
-## Buffer Support
-In FAPI, a ReturnCode had a mechanism for "containing" an error from an
-ecmdDataBuffer. The API, setEcmdError(), no longer exists. fapi2::buffers
-return ReturnCodes, and as such the FFDC information is added in a manner
-consistent with the rest of the FFDC gathering.
-There is a new error xml file specifically for buffers called
-buffer_error.xml. It will generate an FFDC class which will take a buffer
-as an argument and generate the correct FFDC.
- <hwpError>
- <rc>RC_FAPI2_BUFFER</rc>
- <description>
- fapi2 error from a buffer operation
- </description>
- <buffer>BUFFER</buffer>
- <callout>
- <procedure>CODE</procedure>
- <priority>HIGH</priority>
- </callout>
- </hwpError>
-And its FFDC class:
- class rc_fapi2_buffer
- {
- public:
- rc_fapi2_buffer( ... )
- { FAPI_ERR("fapi2 error from a buffer operation"); }
- rc_fapi2_buffer& set_buffer(const fapi2::variable_buffer& i_value)
- { ... }
- template< typename T >
- rc_fapi2_buffer& set_buffer(const fapi2::buffer<T>& i_value)
- { ... }
- };
-And it can be used:
- fapi2::buffer<uint64_t> foo;
- fapi2::variable_buffer bar;
- rc_fapi2_buffer().set_fapi2_buffer(foo),
- "problem with buffer" );
- rc_fapi2_buffer().set_fapi2_buffer(bar),
- "problem with buffer" );
-Note the indifference to integral or variable buffers.
-## Error Log Generation
-FAPI had a function called fapiLogError() which would generate platform
-errors. The pattern was to call fapiLogError() at the end of the block
-which generated the FFDC. With the addition of the FFDC classes, this
-is no longer needed - the class knows to create these logs for you.
-However, the severity information is needed by this logging mechanism.
-It was an argument to fapiLogError(), and so it's been added to the
-constructor of the FFDC class:
-rc_repair_ring_invalid_ringbuf_ptr(fapi2::errlSeverity_t i_sev, ...)
-It defaults to "unrecoverable" and so only need be set for errors
-which have a different severity. That is, doing nothing will get you
-and error log with unrecoverable severity - which was the default
-for FAPI.
-## Known Limitations
-- Collecting register FFDC is not presently implemented.
-- Calling out to hwp to collect FFDC is not presently implemented.
-- The FirstFailureData class does not have a platform pointer \ No newline at end of file
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-# FAPI 2 and FAPI Lite definitions for targets, buffers, error handling.
-## Were are some examples?
-Examples can be found in the "Related Pages" tab. These examples are constantly
-being expanded, please check back often.
-## How is the code structured?
-There is a new namespace; fapi2. This was created to prevent
-the FAPI 1 code, in the fapi namespace, from colliding with the new code.
-- Most documentation can be found under the class definition.
-- Documentation for FAPI_TRY/FAPI_ASSERT is in the file error_scope.H,
- and doesn't have a "tab" in the HTML like the classes and the namespaces do.
-- The documentation for TargeType is in the fapi namespace section.
-## What do I need to implement for my platform?
-### fapi2::buffer and fapi2::variable_buffer
-There should be nothing for platforms to implement in the buffer code.
-Smaller platforms which use fapi2::variable_buffer will need to
-ensure they have an implementation of std::vector. Hostboot has one
-which I'm sure you can steal if needed.
-### fapi2::Target and fapi2::TargetType
-Target is defined as a template of <TargetType, Value> where
-Value is defined per platform. Smaller platforms will want an integer
-type here, say uint64_t. Larger platforms may want to change this to
-a pointer to an underlying platform specific targeting object.
-The target traversing functions will need to be implemented per-platform.
-### Hardware Access (fapi2::getScom() ...)
-All of the hardware access functions are assumed to need implementation
-per platform.
-Please use template specialization for target types which need special
-treatment. The API documented here are generic, but they can be made
-very specific for a target type or composite type.
-For example (perhaps a poor example ...)
- template< TargetType K >
- ReturnCode getScom(const Target<K>& i_target, const uint64_t i_address,
- buffer<uint64_t>& o_data)
-can become
- template<>
- ReturnCode getScom(const Target<TARGET_TYPE_DIMM>& i_target, const uint64_t i_address,
- buffer<uint64_t>& o_data)
-for DIMMs
- template<>
- ReturnCode getScom(const Target<TARGET_TYPE_XBUS | TARGET_TYPE_ABUS>& i_target, const uint64_t i_address,
- buffer<uint64_t>& o_data)
-for XBUS and ABUS
-### fapi2::ReturnCode and error_scope.H
-For smaller platforms, a fapi::ReturnCode is nothing but a uint64_t. For
-larger platforms fapi2::ReturnCode inherits from a (TBD) FFDC object.
-There should be nothing to do for error_scope.H
-### fapi2::FirstFailureData (FFDC (work in progress))
-The platform specific FFDC object will need to be implemented, but the
-tooling to generate the FFDC functions used in FAPI_ASSERT will be provided.
-### Attributes
-As in FAPI 1, platforms will need to implement the mechanism behind the
-ATTR_GET/SET macros.
-## How to report an issue?
-Something in here is wrong - I'm sure of it. But you found it before someone
-else. Please don't fire off an email into the ether; it will get lost.
-Report an issue. Issues can be tracked and you can see what other issues are
-taking priority over yours, etc. It's just better for everyone.
-__To report an issue use Clear Quest__
- - Tier: ip Firmware
- - Reported Release: FW910
- - Subsystem: Hostboot
- - Component: FAPI
-## Not sure how to do something?
-So you've read the API documentation and it's horrible. You can't figure
-out how to get anything done. Could be an issue, could be you just need the
-crazy engineer who specified this horrible mess to see what struggles they
-created in their overzealous attempt to make things "simple."
-__Put it on the wiki__
-You could send someone an email, and that might work out great. But if you
-use the wiki you can be abrasive with your comments! Others might be able
-to help or offer an opinion or become a member of the virtual posse you're
-gathering to track down the crazy engineer. Good fun? You need a hobby.
-None the less, the crazy engineer should update the FAPI 2 documentation when
-the best practice is worked out, or create an issue to track the change
-(and add it to a test case.)
-Examples can be found in the "Related Pages" tab.
-Questions have been asked as topics on the PFD/HW for P9 community wiki.
-## Something missing? Before you report an issue ...
-Many of the API from FAPI 1 have been changed into templated functions. For
- ecmdDataBuffer::getDoubleWordLength() -> fapi::buffer::getLength<uint64_t>()
- ecmdDataBuffer::getWordLength() -> fapi::buffer::getLength<uint32_t>()
- ecmdDataBuffer::getHalfWordLength() -> fapi::buffer::getLength<uint16_t>()
-Some API have been deprecated in favor of other API, some API have been
-deprecated and are waiting for a use-case, and they'll be implemented.
-A list of deprecated ecmdDataBuffer functions can be found in the
-fapi::buffer_base class documentation.
-Some API have been removed/deprecated and are expected to return in a different
-form once the requirements are understood. Examples of this are the compressed
-fapi::buffers. While platforms may need these functions, they have been removed
-from the class itself as they are not vital to the class operation. These
-functions, as needed, will be replaced with utility functions which perform the
-operations needed for the platform. An example is fapi::Target::toString.
-It has been replaced with fapi::toString(Target, ...) which can be overloaded
-to take any type, and makes a nice utility for the fapi namespace.
-Some API have plum been forgotten. You should open an issue so we can track
-the implementation.
-## Where's the documentation for Attributes?
-The attribute macros are not expected to change for FAPI 2:
- l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(<ID>, l_pTarget, l_val);
- l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_SET(<ID>, l_pTarget, l_val);
- l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET_PRIVILEGED(<ID>, l_pTarget, l_val);
- l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_SET_PRIVILEGED(<ID>, l_pTarget, l_val);
-There is one outstanding question:
- 1. whether we should/can change from a pointer to a target to a reference
- to a target to save a dereference on the smaller platforms (maybe it gets
- optimized out anyway?)
- Seems like the answer will be "no," but this depends on the PPE attribute
- look up scheme I think. Work in Progress.
-## Where's the FFDC documentation?
-Currently scheduled for End of February, 2015.
-## Other Known Issues
-- Thread local storage is broken on gcc 4.8, and the thread_local variables in
-error_scope.H will need to become pthread TLS for the time being.
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