path: root/src/occ/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/occ/tools/')
1 files changed, 739 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/occ/tools/ b/src/occ/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff30a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occ/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+# Homemade OCC Code Coverage Tool (HOCCT)
+# Written by: Timothy Hallett (
+# Date: 11/17/2011
+# Purpose: To determine code coverage by parsing OCC Simics Execution Trace
+# and comparing it to OCC objdump source code output.
+# Updates: 11/28/2011 - Automatic dump of source/assembler within sandbox
+# - Handle CLI args better (flags instead of static)
+# - Added ability to interleave source code into ccov
+# output files, with variable parameters for number
+# of lines of source context.
+# 11/29/2011 - Added ability to use simics (via OccSimincsAutomate
+# package) to generate the execution/instruction trace
+# 11/30/2011 - Modified Help to give useful information.
+# Added timing of simics & viewer for source-interleave dump
+# Added autobuild of occ.out & image.bin if they are not
+# present in the sandbox.
+# 01/17/2012 - Check for zero instructions run (and helpful error)
+# 01/20/2012 - Updated tool for multi-user/system use (unique instructions.txt filename)
+# Updated tool to start code coverage from __ssx_boot() instead of main()
+# Usage: [args]
+# Output File will be dumped to: /tmp/occ_source_dump.ccov.txt
+# It will contain ":::::" at the start of lines that have been
+# executed in the simics trace that was grabbed.
+# It is receommeded that if a user wants a graphical view of the
+# code coverage, they use the following command:
+# gvimdiff /tmp/occ_source_dump.txt /tmp/occ_source_dump.ccov.txt
+# Ideas: - When opening in Gvim, could eaily convert to HTML (:TOhtml), save
+# and then have a visual representation of the changes.
+# - If it is in HTML, might as well make the hyperlinks actually
+# link to the file...somehow...
+# - Of course, 1 & 1a are moot if you are well versed at GVIM and use
+# that as the diff tool. If that is the case, then you can just use
+# the gF command to go directly to the source & line number you have
+# under the cursor.
+# Todo: 11/30/2011 - Have arg that allows folders to be skipped for counting
+# code coverage, or for source-interleave tool.
+# 11/30/2011 - Create a sandbox and enter it, check out files, compile,
+# start simics, etc. Easy to do, hard to do correctly...
+# ...i.e. ask user for backing build/svn revs? etc...
+# 12/01/2011 - Could probably easily allow user to pass in command file to
+# run while getting trace...
+# 01/20/2012 - Code coverage on applet space? Complex, Would need to break on applet
+# start & end, and keep track of which applet ran.
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+# First email in the list is the primary contact
+my @G_contact_emails = ("tghallett\","someone_else\");
+my $G_primary_contact = @G_contact_emails[0];
+my $VERSION = "0.1.0";
+# Will be using following env vars
+# $ENV{"sb"}
+# $ENV{"MCP_VER"}
+# $ENV{"USER"}
+# Global variables modified by CLI args
+my $G_instructions_file = "";
+my $G_source_dump_file = "";
+my $G_diff_prog = "";
+my $G_viewer = "";
+my $G_objdump_args = "-d -l";
+my $G_debug_lvl = 0;
+my $G_interleave_source = 0;
+my $G_num_src_lines_context = 5;
+my $G_num_src_lines_before = 0;
+my $G_date = "occ";
+my $G_ccov_time_in_ms = 25;
+#Global variables that are internal only
+my $G_inst_counter = 0;
+my $G_source_counter = 0;
+my @G_func_list_from_source;
+my @G_func_executed;
+# For debug statistics
+my $G_time_started = 0;
+my $G_time_compare_started = 0;
+my $G_time_compare_ended = 0;
+my $G_time_simics_started = 0;
+my $G_time_simics_ended = 0;
+my $G_time_interleave_started = 0;
+my $G_time_interleave_ended = 0;
+# Parse Arguments
+@ARGV = ('-') unless @ARGV;
+#Available -: __c__fg____lmnopqr__u_wxyz1234567890
+#Available +: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
+while ($ARGV = shift)
+ if ($ARGV =~ m%^-i%i)
+ {
+ $G_instructions_file = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-s%i)
+ {
+ $G_source_dump_file = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-d%i)
+ {
+ # External Diff program
+ $G_diff_prog = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-w%i)
+ {
+ # External EDITOR program
+ $G_viewer = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-v%i)
+ {
+ # Makes use of DEBUG subroutine to spit out debug into
+ $G_debug_lvl = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-j%i)
+ {
+ # Don't play with this unless you know what you are doing
+ $G_objdump_args = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-t%i)
+ {
+ # Don't play with this unless you know what you are doing
+ $G_ccov_time_in_ms = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-e%i)
+ {
+ # Create ccov src interleaved output file
+ if($G_interleave_source == 0){$G_interleave_source = 1;}
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-k%i)
+ {
+ # Hide executed assembly from ccov src interleaved output file
+ $G_interleave_source = 2;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-a%i)
+ {
+ # Number of src lines after current in ccov src interleaved output file
+ $G_num_src_lines_context = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-b%i)
+ {
+ # Number of src lines before current in ccov src interleaved output file
+ $G_num_src_lines_before = shift;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-u%i)
+ {
+ # Create unique filenames each run (appends date/time)
+ $G_date = "";
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV =~ m%^-h%i)
+ {
+ dump_help();
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dump_help();
+ exit 0;
+ }
+# Check for all required arguments
+ # No arguments required at this time.
+# For now, lets die if we aren't in a sandbox
+if( !defined($ENV{"sb"}) ){die "This script needs to run in an ODE sandbox!\n";}
+# Get all Date/Time info for use later in script
+my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $monthOffset, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
+my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
+my $month = 1 + $monthOffset;
+my $day = $dayOfMonth;
+my $yyyymmdd = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$year,$month,$day);
+my $hhmmss = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d",$hour,$minute,$second);
+ $G_date = "".$yyyymmdd."_".$hhmmss."";
+$G_time_started = time();
+# Run commands to generate binaries if needed
+if( !(-e "".$ENV{"sb"}."/occ/occ.out") )
+ system("pushd \$sb; make clean && make; popd");
+ if( !(-e "".$ENV{"sb"}."/occ/occ.out") ){die "No \$sb/occ/occ.out to run objdump against!";}
+if( !(-e "".$ENV{"sb"}."/image.bin") )
+ system("pushd \$sb; make combineImage; popd");
+ if( !(-e "".$ENV{"sb"}."/image.bin") ){die "No \$sb/image.bin to run simics with!";}
+# Run commands to generate objdump file if needed
+ my $objdump_args = $G_objdump_args;
+ my $elf_file = "".$ENV{"sb"}."/occ/occ.out";
+ my $output_file = "/tmp/occ_source_".$ENV{"USER"}."_".$ENV{"SANDBOX"}."_".$G_date."";
+ $G_source_dump_file = $output_file;
+ my $temp_elf = "/tmp/occ.out.".$ENV{"USER"}."";
+ system("cp $elf_file $temp_elf");
+ print "Generating Source/Assembler Dump File: $G_source_dump_file\n";
+ system("".$ENV{"MCP_PATH"}."/opt/mcp/bin/ppcnf-".$ENV{"MCP_VER"}."-objdump ".$objdump_args." ".$temp_elf." > ".$output_file."");
+ system("ls -lrth $output_file");
+ system("rm $temp_elf");
+# Run simics to generate instruction trace file if needed
+$G_time_simics_started = time();
+ print "Generating OCC Instruction Trace via Simics:\n";
+ sleep(1);
+ use lib "/afs/rch/usr4/thallet/public/bin/";
+ use OccSimicsAutomate;
+ $G_instructions_file = "/tmp/instructions_".$ENV{"USER"}."_".$ENV{"SANDBOX"}."_".$G_date.".txt";
+ my $simics = new OccSimicsAutomate;
+ $OccSimicsAutomate::DEBUG_LEVEL = 1;
+ $simics->{instr_file} = $G_instructions_file;
+ $simics->startAndRunOccUntilSsxBoot();
+ $simics->runOccWithInstructionTrace($G_ccov_time_in_ms);
+ $simics->close();
+$G_time_simics_ended = time();
+# Open Files
+# Compare Instructions to Source; Create new file with Coverage Info
+$G_time_compare_started = time();
+while (<INST>)
+ my $str = $_;
+ chomp($str);
+ DEBUG(2,"Searching for $str\n");
+ if( !($_ =~ /^fff/)){DEBUG(1,"Invalid instruction address: $str\n"); next;} #should check to make sure address makes sense
+ while(<SOURCE>)
+ {
+ # Only increment source line count if address starts the line.
+ if($_ =~ /^fff/){$G_source_counter++}
+ # If this line contains a function call, add it to list.
+ if($_ =~ /(^fff..... <)(.*)(>:)/){push(@G_func_list_from_source,$2);}
+ # See if this source line matches the instruction
+ if($_ =~ /^$str/)
+ {
+ # Print to the screen when we see we covered a function call
+ # but don't leave while look, because there will be another
+ # instruction with this same address
+ if($_ =~ /(^fff..... <)(.*)(>:)/){push(@G_func_executed,$2); DEBUG(0,"Executed Function: $2\n");print CCOV ":::::$_";}
+ else
+ {
+ $G_inst_counter++; # Found instruction that matches
+ print CCOV ":::::$_";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print CCOV $_;
+ }
+ if(eof(SOURCE)){print "Couldn't find instruction @ $str!!!\n";}
+ }
+# Finish dumping rest of source file
+ print CCOV $_;
+# Compare list of functions (executed v. source)
+foreach (@G_func_executed)
+ my $func = $_;
+ # This must be set to zero before the following foreach
+ # loop runs. It is used as the index to the array.
+ my $idx = 0;
+ # Loops through function list in source, looking for
+ # match to an executed function.
+ foreach(@G_func_list_from_source)
+ {
+ $idx++;
+ # If funtion matches...
+ if($_ =~ /$func/)
+ {
+ #print "Removing $func Idx: ".($idx-1)."\n";
+ # Remove element from this array
+ splice(@G_func_list_from_source,$idx-1,1);
+ # Leave for loop
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG(0,"Didn't Execute Function: $_\n");
+# Print Results to screen
+ printf("Code Coverage: %2.1f % (%d of %d instructions executed)\n",($G_inst_counter/$G_source_counter)*100,$G_inst_counter,$G_source_counter);
+ print "\nDumped executed code coverage file into ccov output file: $G_source_dump_file.ccov.txt\n\n";
+ die "No instructions were executed, exiting script without continuing processing\n";
+# Cleanup
+$G_time_compare_ended = time();
+# Do a diff if requested
+ system("$G_diff_prog $G_source_dump_file $G_source_dump_file.ccov.txt");
+# Do a source dump info ccov file if requested
+$G_time_interleave_started = time();
+ print "Dumping source code into ccov output file: $G_source_dump_file.ccov_src.txt\n";
+ open(CCOV,"<$G_source_dump_file.ccov.txt");
+ open(SRCCOV,">$G_source_dump_file.ccov_src.txt");
+ my $last_file = "";
+ my $last_dir = "";
+ my $last_line_num = 0;
+ my $l_new_file = 0;
+ while(<CCOV>)
+ {
+ # Grab file/line num every time
+ if($_ =~ /(^\/gsa\/.*)(:)([0-9]*$)/)
+ {
+ if($l_new_file == 0){print SRCCOV "\n\n"};
+ $last_file = $1;
+ $last_line_num = $3;
+ $l_new_file = 1;
+ DEBUG(1,"Source File: $last_file, Line: $last_line_num\n");
+ my ($f, $d) = fileparse($last_file);
+ $last_dir = $d;
+ DEBUG(4,"Basename: $last_dir\n");
+ if(2 == $G_interleave_source){next;}
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /(^\..*\/.*\.[chS])(:)([0-9]*$)/)
+ {
+ if($l_new_file == 0){print SRCCOV "\n\n"};
+ $last_file = $last_dir.$1;
+ if ( !(-e $last_file)){$last_file = $ENV{"sb"}."/occ/".$1;}
+ if ( !(-e $last_file)){$last_file = $ENV{"sb"}."/ssx/".$1;}
+ if ( !(-e $last_file)){$last_file = $ENV{"sb"}."/ssx/ppc405/".$1;}
+ $last_line_num = $3;
+ $l_new_file = 1;
+ DEBUG(1,"Source File: $last_file, Line: $last_line_num\n");
+ if(2 == $G_interleave_source){next;}
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /(^[a-zA-Z]*\/.*\.[chS])(:)([0-9]*$)/)
+ {
+ if($l_new_file == 0){print SRCCOV "\n\n"};
+ $last_file = $ENV{"sb"}."/occ/".$1;
+ $last_line_num = $3;
+ $l_new_file = 1;
+ DEBUG(1,"Source File: $last_file, Line: $last_line_num\n");
+ if(2 == $G_interleave_source){next;}
+ }
+ # If line starts with fff, it is instruction that didn't get executed
+ if($_ =~ /^fff/)
+ {
+ if($l_new_file)
+ {
+ $l_new_file = 0;
+ open(READ,"<$last_file");
+ my @src_lines = <READ>;
+ print SRCCOV "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ print SRCCOV "$last_file:$last_line_num\n";
+ print SRCCOV "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ print SRCCOV "\n";
+ print SRCCOV "Source:\n";
+ print SRCCOV "------------------------------\n";
+ for(my $f=($G_num_src_lines_before*-1); $f<$G_num_src_lines_context; $f++)
+ {
+ if($last_line_num+$f > 0)
+ {
+ print SRCCOV "".($last_line_num+$f).":\t".@src_lines[($last_line_num+$f-1)];
+ }
+ }
+ print SRCCOV "\n";
+ print SRCCOV "Assembly:\n";
+ print SRCCOV "------------------------------\n";
+ close(READ);
+ }
+ print SRCCOV $_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(2 == $G_interleave_source)
+ {
+ if( !($_ =~ /^:::::/) )
+ {
+ print SRCCOV $_;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print SRCCOV $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CCOV);
+ close(SRCCOV);
+ #------------------------------------------------
+ # Open file for viewing if requested
+ #------------------------------------------------
+ if($G_viewer)
+ {
+ system("$G_viewer $G_source_dump_file.ccov_src.txt");
+ }
+$G_time_interleave_ended = time();
+# Dump some Stats if in Debug
+if($G_debug_lvl > 0)
+ my $fs1 = -s "$G_instructions_file";
+ my $fs2 = -s "$G_source_dump_file";
+ my $fs3 = -s "$G_source_dump_file.ccov.txt";
+ my $fs4 = -s "$G_source_dump_file.ccov_src.txt";
+ my $script_time = time() - $G_time_started;
+ my $mDiff = int($script_time / 60);
+ my $sDiff = sprintf("%02d", $script_time - 60 * $mDiff);
+ $script_time = $G_time_compare_ended - $G_time_compare_started;
+ my $cmDiff = int($script_time / 60);
+ my $csDiff = sprintf("%02d", $script_time - 60 * $cmDiff);
+ $script_time = $G_time_simics_ended - $G_time_simics_started;
+ my $smDiff = int($script_time / 60);
+ my $ssDiff = sprintf("%02d", $script_time - 60 * $smDiff);
+ $script_time = $G_time_interleave_ended - $G_time_interleave_started;
+ my $imDiff = int($script_time / 60);
+ my $isDiff = sprintf("%02d", $script_time - 60 * $imDiff);
+ printf("Total Time (mm:ss) = %02d\:%02d\n",$mDiff,$sDiff);
+ printf(" - Simics (mm:ss) = %02d\:%02d\n",$smDiff,$ssDiff);
+ printf(" - Compare (mm:ss) = %02d\:%02d\n",$cmDiff,$csDiff);
+ printf(" - Interleave (mm:ss) = %02d\:%02d\n",$imDiff,$isDiff);
+ print "\n";
+ print "File Sizes:\n";
+ printf(" - $G_instructions_file: %.2f kB\n",($fs1/1024));
+ printf(" - $G_source_dump_file: %.2f kB\n",($fs2/1024));
+ printf(" - $G_source_dump_file.ccov.txt: %.2f kB\n",($fs3/1024));
+ printf(" - $G_source_dump_file.ccov_src.txt: %.2f kB\n",($fs4/1024));
+ print "\n";
+exit 0;
+# End of Program
+# Subroutines
+#Simics command reference
+sub DEBUG
+ my ($lvl,$str) = @_;
+ if($lvl <= $G_debug_lvl)
+ {
+ print $str;
+ }
+# Help Dump
+sub dump_help()
+ my $name = "";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Usage: $name [options]\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Version: $VERSION\n\n";
+ print "Usage Notes:\n";
+ print " - Must be run from sandbox unless both [-s] and [-i] args are passed in\n";
+ print " - Output File(s) will be dumped to *.ccov.txt and or *.ccov_src.txt\n";
+ print " - Ccov file will contain \":::::\" at the start of lines that have been\n";
+ print " executed in the simics instruction trace that was used.\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Options:\n";
+ print "\t[-i <file>] Use <file> as instruction trace instead of generating one.\n";
+ print "\t[-s <file>] Use <file> as source dump file instead of generating one.\n";
+ print "\t[-d <program>] Use <program> as diff viewer, and view diff of source dump\n";
+ print "\t and Code Coverage modified source dump.\n";
+ print "\t[-w <program>] Use <program as viewer, and view source-interleaved-code-coverage\n";
+ print "\t output file.\n";
+ print "\t[-v <lvl>] Set verbose to debug level <lvl>\n";
+ print "\t[-t <time(ms)>] Run simics for <time(ms)> of OCC execution time to gather\n";
+ print "\t instruction trace (can't be used with [-i]\n";
+ print "\t[-e] Create source-interleaved-code-coverage file *.ccov_src.txt\n";
+ print "\t leaving all executed instructions from file\n";
+ print "\t[-k] Create source-interleaved-code-coverage file *.ccov_src.txt\n";
+ print "\t but remove all executed instructions from file\n";
+ print "\t[-a <num>] Used with [-e] or [-k]. When doing source-interleave, print\n";
+ print "\t <num> lines after 'unexecuted' source line as context.\n";
+ print "\t[-b <num>] Used with [-e] or [-k]. When doing source-interleave, print\n";
+ print "\t <num> lines after 'unexecuted' source line as context.\n";
+ print "\t[-u] Create unique filenames for each run (appends date/time to filename\n";
+ print "\t[-h] Dump Help\n";
+ print "\n";
+ DEBUG(1,"Secret Options:\n");
+ DEBUG(1,"\t[-j <string>] Modifiy objdump arguments\n");
+ DEBUG(1,"\n");
+ print "Examples:\n";
+ print "\t- Get code coverage automatically for 35ms of OCC time\n";
+ print "\t $name -t 35\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t- Get code coverage w/ source-interleave automatically for 35ms of OCC time\n";
+ print "\t and print 3 lines of source before un-executed instruction and 5 lines after\n";
+ print "\t then view source-interleaved file in gvim when complete\n";
+ print "\t $name -t 35 -k -a 5 -b 3 -w /usr/bin/gvim\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t- Get code coverage based on an already dumped instruction trace\n";
+ print "\t $name -i /tmp/instructions.txt\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t- Get code coverage based on an already dumped instruction trace, and stop most\n";
+ print "\t STDOUT printing\n";
+ print "\t $name -i /tmp/instructions.txt -v \"-1\"\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\t- Get code coverage based on an already dumped instruction trace and source dump\n";
+ print "\t $name -i /tmp/instructions.txt -s /tmp/source_dump.txt\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Contact:\n";
+ print "\tFor bugs, feature requests, etc., please contact:\n";
+ print "\tPrimary Contact: $G_primary_contact\n";
+ print "\tAll Contacts: ";
+ foreach(@G_contact_emails){print "$_, ";}print "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ #----------------------------------------
+ # Only print this if we are in debug mode
+ #----------------------------------------
+ if(1 <= $G_debug_lvl)
+ {
+print <<END;
+Instructions for Use
+To get the instruction trace needed for <instruction trace file>:
+ - Start Simics
+ - Load OCC
+ - Set a breakpoint (if you don't do this, the file will be way too huge
+ before you can Ctrl+C)
+ - Run in Simics:
+ simics> load-module trace
+ simics> new-tracer
+ simics> trace0->trace_data = 0
+ simics> trace0->trace_exceptions = 0
+ simics> trace0.start occ_exe_trace
+ simics> r
+ running>...breakpoint hits
+ simics> trace0.stop
+ - Run in Sandbox (Bash Prompt):
+ \\grep inst \$sb/../simics/occ_exe_trace | \\grep -ho "p:0x........" | \\grep -ho "........\$" | sort | uniq > /tmp/occ_instructions.txt
+ - This grabs all instructions run & physical mem addresses, sorts them,
+ and removes duplicate addresses)
+ - This takes ~1.3seconds/250us worth of OCC data
+To get the source file needed for <source dump file>:
+ - After compiling:
+ ppcnf-mcp5-objdump -d -l \$sb/occ/occ.out > /tmp/occ_source_dump.txt
+ -- or --
+ The script will just take care of this for you.
+Output File will be dumped to: /tmp/occ_source_dump.ccov.txt
+ - It will contain ":::::" at the start of lines that have been
+ executed in the simics trace that was grabbed.
+ - It is recommeded that if a user wants a graphical view of the
+ code coverage, they use the following command:
+ gvimdiff /tmp/occ_source_dump.txt /tmp/occ_source_dump.ccov.txt
+ - To trace 8 real-world seconds of OCC Simics Execution, simics
+ creates a 250MB file.
+ - This takes ~45 seconds to parse w/ grep/sort/uniq
+ - To trace 250us in OCC time, Simics creates a 10MB file.
+ - This takes ~1.5 seconds to parse w/ grep/sort/uniq
+ - It is very important that both the instruction trace and source file
+ have all their addresses in numerical order.
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