path: root/src/occ/dcom/dcomSlaveRx.c
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1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/occ/dcom/dcomSlaveRx.c b/src/occ/dcom/dcomSlaveRx.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7406d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occ/dcom/dcomSlaveRx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// @file dcomSlaveRx.c
+// @brief Slave OCC to Master OCC communication handler
+ *
+ * @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+ * @section dcomSlaveRx.c DCOMSLAVERX.C
+ * @verbatim
+ *
+ * Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
+ * ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
+ * @th022 thallet 10/08/2012 Changes for OCC Comm
+ * @th024 thallet 10/16/2012 Cleanup to use modifier function
+ * @th034 879027 thallet 04/18/2013 Broadcast Critical Power over PBAX
+ * @th032 thallet 04/26/2013 Added a bunch of timings for PBAX characterization
+ * @gs016 905781 gjsilva 11/12/2013 Fix for Master->Slave doorbell loss of synchronization
+ * @rt004 908817 tapiar 12/11/2013 Update pcap infromation via write_data_pcap
+ * once doorbell data is verfied
+ * @sb003 908290 sbroyles 12/18/2013 Test BCE request states
+ * @sb013 911625 sbroyles 01/15/2014 Fix to 908290 changes
+ * @wb003 920760 wilbryan 03/25/2014 Update SRCs to match TPMD SRCs
+ * @gm037 925908 milesg 05/07/2014 Redundant OCC/APSS support
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ *///*************************************************************************/
+/** \defgroup Slave to Master Communication
+ *
+ */
+// Includes
+#include <pgp_pmc.h>
+#include "pgp_pba.h"
+#include <rtls.h>
+#include <apss.h>
+#include <dcom.h>
+#include <dcom_service_codes.h>
+#include <occ_service_codes.h>
+#include <trac.h>
+#include <proc_pstate.h>
+#include <amec_data.h> // @rt004a
+// Externs
+// Macros
+// Defines/Enums
+// Structures
+// Globals
+// SSX Block Copy Request for the Slave Inbox Receive Queue
+BceRequest G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request;
+// SSX PBAX Request for Multicast PBAX Queue (Master Doorbell to Slaves)
+PbaxRequest G_pbax_multicast_request; //does not get used should it??
+// SSX PBAX Request for Receiving PBAX Messages
+PbaxRequest G_pbax_rx_request;
+// Used by the slave to house the doorbell data that is received from
+// the master multicast doorbell, stating that it put slave inbox in main memory.
+dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_t G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx;
+// Make sure that the Slave Inbox RX Buffer is 256B, otherwise cause
+// error on the compile.
+STATIC_ASSERT( (NUM_BYTES_IN_SLAVE_INBOX != (sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_rx))) );
+// Function Prototypes
+// Functions
+// Function Specification
+// Name: dcom_calc_slv_inbox_addr
+// Description: get slave inbox main memory address
+// Flow: 08/23/11 FN=dcom_calc_slv_inbox_addr
+// End Function Specification
+uint32_t dcom_calc_slv_inbox_addr(void)
+ return (G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.addr_slv_inbox_buffer0 + ( G_pob_id.chip_id * sizeof(dcom_slv_inbox_t) ));
+// Function Specification
+// Name: dcom_rx_slv_inbox_callback
+// Description: Callback to set inbox received to true
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+void dcom_rx_slv_inbox_callback( void )
+ // AMEC will use this, and reset it when done
+ G_slv_inbox_received = TRUE;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: task_dcom_rx_slv_inbox
+// Description: Copy Slave inbox from Main Memory to SRAM
+// on slave
+// Flow: 10/24/11 FN=task_dcom_rx_slv_inbox
+// End Function Specification
+void task_dcom_rx_slv_inbox( task_t *i_self)
+ uint32_t l_orc = OCC_SUCCESS_REASON_CODE;
+ uint32_t l_orc_ext = OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC; // @nh001a
+ uint64_t l_start = ssx_timebase_get();
+ uint32_t l_bytes = 0;
+ // @sb003 Use a static local bool to track whether the BCE request used
+ // here has ever been successfully created at least once
+ static bool L_bce_slv_inbox_rx_request_created_once = FALSE;
+ DCOM_DBG("1. RX Slave Inbox\n");
+ // Increment debug counter
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.totalTicks++;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStartWaitRx = l_start;
+ do
+ {
+ l_bytes = dcom_rx_slv_inbox_doorbell();
+ // doorbell from the master
+ if(l_bytes >= sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx))
+ {
+ // looks like we got a valid doorbell so notify slave
+ // code of pcap info @rt004a
+ amec_data_write_pcap();
+#ifdef DCOM_DEBUG
+ uint64_t l_end = ssx_timebase_get();
+ DCOM_DBG("Got Doorbell from Master after waiting %d us\n",(int)( (l_end-l_start) / ( SSX_TIMEBASE_FREQUENCY_HZ / 1000000 ) ));
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStopWaitRx = ssx_timebase_get();
+ uint64_t l_delta = G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStopWaitRx - G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStartWaitRx;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaWaitRx = (l_delta > G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaWaitRx) ?
+ l_delta : G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaWaitRx;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellNumRx++;
+ // Increment debug counter
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.totalSuccessful++;
+ // main memory address
+ uint32_t l_addr_in_mem = dcom_calc_slv_inbox_addr();
+ //check valid address (should be inside inbox addresses range)
+ if ( (ADDR_SLAVE_INBOX_MAIN_MEM_PING <= l_addr_in_mem) &&
+ ((ADDR_SLAVE_INBOX_MAIN_MEM_PONG+(sizeof(dcom_slv_inbox_t)*MAX_OCCS)) > l_addr_in_mem) )
+ {
+ uint32_t l_ssxrc = 0;
+ // @sb003
+ // See dcomMasterRx.c/task_dcom_rx_slv_outboxes for details on the
+ // checking done here before creating and scheduling the request.
+ bool l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule = FALSE;
+ int l_req_idle = async_request_is_idle(&(G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request));
+ int l_req_complete = async_request_completed(&(G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request));
+ if (!L_bce_slv_inbox_rx_request_created_once)
+ {
+ // Do this case first, all other cases assume that this is
+ // true!
+ // This is the first time we have created a request so
+ // always proceed with request create and schedule
+ l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (l_req_idle && l_req_complete)
+ {
+ // Most likely case first. The request was created
+ // and scheduled and has completed without error. Proceed.
+ // Proceed with request create and schedule.
+ l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (l_req_idle && !l_req_complete)
+ {
+ // There was an error on the schedule request or the request
+ // was scheduled but was canceled, killed or errored out.
+ // Proceed with request create and schedule.
+ l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule = TRUE;
+ // Trace important information from the request
+ TRAC_INFO("BCE slv inbox rx request idle but not complete, \
+ callback_rc=%d options=0x%x state=0x%x abort_state=0x%x \
+ completion_state=0x%x",
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.callback_rc,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.options,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.state,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.abort_state,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.completion_state);
+ TRAC_INFO("Proceeding with BCE slv inbox rx request and schedule");
+ }
+ else if (!l_req_idle && !l_req_complete)
+ {
+ // The request was created and scheduled but is still in
+ // progress or still enqueued OR there was some error
+ // creating the request so it was never scheduled. The latter
+ // case is unlikely and will generate an error message when
+ // it occurs. It will also have to happen after the request
+ // was created at least once or we'll never get here. If the
+ // request does fail though before the state parms in the
+ // request are reset (like a bad parameter error), then this
+ // represents a hang condition that we can't recover from.
+ // DO NOT proceed with request create and schedule.
+ l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule = FALSE;
+ // Trace important information from the request
+ TRAC_INFO("BCE slv inbox rx request not idle and not complete, \
+ callback_rc=%d options=0x%x state=0x%x abort_state=0x%x \
+ completion_state=0x%x",
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.callback_rc,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.options,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.state,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.abort_state,
+ G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request.request.completion_state);
+ TRAC_INFO("NOT proceeding with BCE slv inbox rx request and schedule");
+ }
+ // else {// This case can't happen, ignore it.}
+ // @sb003 Only proceed if the BCE request state checked out
+ if (l_proceed_with_request_and_schedule)
+ {
+ // copy request from main memory to SRAM
+ l_ssxrc = bce_request_create(
+ &G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request, // block copy object
+ &G_pba_bcde_queue, // mainstore to sram copy engine
+ l_addr_in_mem, // mainstore address
+ (uint32_t)&G_dcom_slv_inbox_rx, // sram starting address
+ sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_rx), // size of copy
+ SSX_WAIT_FOREVER, // no timeout
+ (AsyncRequestCallback)dcom_rx_slv_inbox_callback, // call back
+ NULL, // call back arguments
+ ASYNC_CALLBACK_IMMEDIATE // blocking request
+ );
+ if(l_ssxrc != SSX_OK)
+ {
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE
+ * @userdata1 N/A
+ * @devdesc SSX BCE related failure
+ */
+ TRAC_ERR("PBA request create failure rc=[%08X]",l_ssxrc);
+ l_orc = SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE; // @nh001c
+ l_orc_ext = ERC_BCE_REQUEST_CREATE_FAILURE; // @nh001a
+ break;
+ }
+ // @sb003 Request created at least once
+ L_bce_slv_inbox_rx_request_created_once = TRUE; // @sb013
+ l_ssxrc = bce_request_schedule(&G_slv_inbox_rx_pba_request); // actual copying
+ if(l_ssxrc != SSX_OK)
+ {
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE
+ * @userdata1 N/A
+ * @devdesc SSX BCE related failure
+ */
+ TRAC_ERR("PBA request schedule failure rc=[%08X]",l_ssxrc);
+ l_orc = SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE; // @nh001c
+ l_orc_ext = ERC_BCE_REQUEST_SCHEDULE_FAILURE; // @nh001a
+ break;
+ }
+ break; // @th002
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @userdata1 N/A
+ * @userdata4 OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC
+ * @devdesc Firmware related internal error
+ */
+ TRAC_ERR("Invalid address from calculate slave inbox address function [%08X]", l_addr_in_mem );
+ l_orc = INTERNAL_INVALID_INPUT_DATA; // @wb003
+ l_orc_ext = OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC; // @nh001a
+ break;
+ }
+ break; // @th002
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(l_bytes)
+ {
+ TRAC_INFO("Only got %d bytes from master",l_bytes);
+ }
+ // check time and break out if we reached limit
+ if ((ssx_timebase_get() - l_start) < SSX_MICROSECONDS(100)) // @th002 -- TODO: shrink this down later
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if 0
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode INTERNAL_FAILURE
+ * @userdata1 N/A
+ * @userdata4 ERC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT
+ * @devdesc Generic timeout failure
+ */
+ TRAC_ERR("Time out waiting for receive doorbell" );
+ l_orc = INTERNAL_FAILURE; // @nh001c
+ l_orc_ext = ERC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT; // @nh001a
+ // TODO: We need to signal this
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.timeoutRx = 1;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellTimeoutWaitRx = ssx_timebase_get();
+ // Let's signal that master is not ready, and then
+ // start task waiting for master to talk again.
+ rtl_start_task(TASK_ID_DCOM_WAIT_4_MSTR); // @th024
+ rtl_set_run_mask_deferred(RTL_FLAG_MSTR_READY);
+ TRAC_INFO("[%d]: Lost connection to master",(int) G_pob_id.chip_id);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while( 1 ); // @th002
+ if ( l_orc != OCC_SUCCESS_REASON_CODE )
+ {
+ // create and commit error
+ dcom_error_check( SLAVE_INBOX, FALSE, l_orc, l_orc_ext); // @nh001c
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // done, lets clear our counter
+ dcom_error_check_reset( SLAVE_INBOX );
+ }
+// Function Specification
+// Name: dcom_rx_slv_inbox_doorbell
+// Description: receive multicast doorbell and save data
+// from master (master to slave)
+// Flow: 09/02/11 FN=dcom_rx_slv_inbox_doorbell
+// End Function Specification
+uint32_t dcom_rx_slv_inbox_doorbell( void )
+ static bool l_trace_once = FALSE;
+ int l_pbarc = 0;
+ uint32_t l_read = 0;
+ uint32_t l_bytes_so_far = 0;
+ uint64_t l_start = ssx_timebase_get();
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStartRx = l_start;
+ while(l_bytes_so_far < sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx))
+ {
+ /// Read 8 bytes of the doorbell from master
+ l_pbarc = pbax_read(
+ &G_pbax_read_queue[0],
+ &G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.words[(l_bytes_so_far / sizeof(uint64_t))],
+ sizeof(uint64_t), // Must read 8 bytes at a time
+ &l_read
+ );
+ DCOM_DBG("Doorbell (Multicast) Read: %d bytes\n",l_read);
+ /// We got an error reading from the PBAX, return to caller
+ if ( l_pbarc != 0 )
+ {
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.hwError = 1;
+ if ( FALSE == l_trace_once )
+ {
+ // failure occurred but only trace it once
+ TRAC_ERR("PBAX Read Failure in receiving multicast doorbell - RC[%08X]", l_pbarc);
+ l_trace_once = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /// Didn't read any bytes from pbax. We are either done, or we
+ /// simply don't have any data to read
+ if(0 == l_read){
+ if ((ssx_timebase_get() - l_start) > SSX_MICROSECONDS(3))
+ {
+ if(l_bytes_so_far){
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.incomplete = 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.timeout = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ /// If we just read some data, reset this EndOfMessage counter
+ l_start = ssx_timebase_get();
+ }
+ /// Increment the number of bytes we have in the buffer
+ l_bytes_so_far += l_read;
+ /// If it doesnt match the magic number, and it's the first
+ /// packet we read, just drop it on the floor and start over
+ if( 8 == l_bytes_so_far)
+ {
+ if(PBAX_MAGIC_NUMBER2_32B != G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic1)
+ {
+ l_read = 0;
+ l_bytes_so_far = 0;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.dropPacket = 1;
+ TRAC_INFO("Slave Inbox - Start Magic Number Mismatch [0x%08X]",
+ G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic1);
+ }
+ }
+ /// If this is the last packet, make sure the magic number matches
+ else if (sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx) == l_bytes_so_far)
+ {
+ if(PBAX_MAGIC_NUMBER_32B != G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic2)
+ {
+ TRAC_INFO("Slave Inbox - End Magic Number Mismatch [0x%08X]",
+ G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic2);
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.badMagicNumEnd = 1;
+ /// Decrement the number of bytes we return so it fails
+ /// any valid length checks, but still indicates to us that
+ /// we 'got' data, just not good data if it is included in
+ /// an error log.
+ l_bytes_so_far = (sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx) - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic_counter != (G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellSeq + 1))
+ {
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellErrorFlags.badSequence = 1;
+ }
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellSeq = G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.magic_counter;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStopRx = ssx_timebase_get();
+ uint64_t l_delta = G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStopRx - G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellStartRx;
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaRx = (l_delta > G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaRx) ?
+ l_delta : G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellMaxDeltaRx;
+ return l_bytes_so_far;
+} // @th034 -- rewrote most of function
+// Function Specification
+// Name: task_dcom_wait_for_master
+// Description: The purpose of this task is to wait for the reception of the
+// first master multicast doorbell. After it is received, it sets
+// a RTL flag indicating as such.
+// Flow: 09/27/11 FN=task_dcom_wait_for_master
+// End Function Specification
+#define POBID_RETRIES 2
+void task_dcom_wait_for_master( task_t *i_self)
+ // Don't try and read the doorbell on the first tick of the RTL.
+ // If we do, then we will clear the RTL flags too early, and the actual
+ // task will miss the doorbell.
+ // This task will skip executing once every 12.41 days b/c of a rollover of
+ // CURRENT_TICK. This is not a concern, so we won't bother to check that case.
+ int l_rc = 0;
+ pbax_id_t l_pbaxid;
+ uint32_t l_num_read = 0; // @th034
+ static bool L_first_doorbell_rcvd = FALSE;
+ static bool L_queue_enabled = FALSE;
+ static uint32_t L_pobid_retries_left = POBID_RETRIES;
+ DCOM_DBG("0. Wait for Master\n");
+ do
+ {
+ /// If this is the first time we are in this task, enable
+ /// the queue, since now until forever we are able to read from it.
+ if(!L_queue_enabled)
+ {
+ pbax_queue_enable(&G_pbax_read_queue[0]);
+ L_queue_enabled = TRUE;
+ }
+ l_num_read = (CURRENT_TICK) ? dcom_rx_slv_inbox_doorbell() : 0; // @th034
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.totalTicks++;
+ if(l_num_read < sizeof(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx))
+ {
+ // Don't log an error if we don't get doorbell within any certain timeout
+ // period. This will be taken care of by another function
+ break;
+ }
+ // Special handling for recieving the 1st master doorbell since we need to also
+ // set up a unicast PBAX target to the master -- gm037
+ if(!L_first_doorbell_rcvd)
+ {
+ //convert powerbus id to pbax id (sets node_id to INVALID_NODE_ID on failure)
+ l_pbaxid = dcom_pbusid2pbaxid(G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.pob_id); //traces failure internally
+ if(l_pbaxid.node_id == INVALID_NODE_ID)
+ {
+ //we received an invalid power bus id from the master.
+ //This may be a communication failure, so allow some retries
+ if(L_pobid_retries_left)
+ {
+ L_pobid_retries_left--;
+ break;
+ }
+ //retries exceeded. Log error and request reset.
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode INTERNAL_FAILURE
+ * @userdata1 0
+ * @userdata4 OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC
+ * @devdesc An invalid power bus ID was sent from the master OCC
+ */
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = createErrl(
+ INTERNAL_FAILURE, //reasoncode
+ OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC, //Extended reason code
+ NULL, //Trace Buf
+ 0, //userdata1
+ 0 //userdata2
+ );
+ // commit log and request reset
+ REQUEST_RESET(l_errl);
+ break;
+ }
+ //Set up the master pbax unicast target for sending doorbells to the master
+ l_rc = pbax_target_create(&G_pbax_unicast_target, //target
+ PBAX_UNICAST, //type
+ PBAX_GROUP, //scope
+ 1, //queue
+ l_pbaxid.node_id, //node
+ l_pbaxid.chip_id); //chip (or group) id
+ if(l_rc)
+ {
+ //log an error and request reset when pbax_target_create fails
+ TRAC_ERR("pbax_target_create failed creating pbax target to master OCC. rc=%d, node=%d, chip=%d",
+ l_rc,
+ l_pbaxid.node_id,
+ l_pbaxid.chip_id);
+ /* @
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE
+ * @userdata1 SSX RC
+ * @userdata4 OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC
+ * @devdesc Failure initializing a PBAX queue
+ */
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = createErrl(
+ SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE, //reasoncode // @nh001c
+ OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC, //Extended reason code
+ NULL, //Trace Buf
+ l_rc, //userdata1
+ 0 //userdata2
+ );
+ // commit log and request reset -- @gm007
+ REQUEST_RESET(l_errl);
+ break;
+ }
+ TRAC_IMP("Slave OCC[%d] Received first doorbell from Master OCC[%d]",
+ (int) G_pob_id.chip_id,
+ G_dcom_slv_inbox_doorbell_rx.pob_id.chip_id);
+ // First message is dropped, so mark it as counted.
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.totalTicks = 0;
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.totalSuccessful = 0;
+ G_dcomSlvInboxCounter.currentFailCount = 0;
+ // initialization was successful
+ L_first_doorbell_rcvd = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAC_INFO("[%d] Restablished contact via doorbell from Master",(int) G_pob_id.chip_id); // @th002
+ }
+ //got a multicast doorbell
+ G_dcomTime.slave.doorbellNumWaitRx++; // @th032
+ //set MASTER READY on global RTL FLAG
+ rtl_clr_run_mask_deferred(RTL_FLAG_MSTR_READY); // @th032
+ //CLEAR the RTL run FLAG for current task
+ rtl_stop_task(TASK_ID_DCOM_WAIT_4_MSTR); // @th024
+ }while(0);
+#endif //_DCOMSLAVERX_C
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