path: root/src/occBootLoader
diff options
authorStephan Broyles <>2014-11-05 19:09:37 -0600
committerStephan Broyles <>2014-11-05 19:22:32 -0600
commit9976c207cdb20871880bd2f4cf123cf4cb6a8b0f (patch)
tree1cf9ed8f23085e6fe3e0e6046fc30dcb7e02ccf2 /src/occBootLoader
parent2f8ce357b89d361b5091d88aea91416011b73ccb (diff)
Added remaining occ files.
Change-Id: I91a748d3dcf3161a6a3eedcb376fcaf1e4dfe655
Diffstat (limited to 'src/occBootLoader')
8 files changed, 1757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/Makefile b/src/occBootLoader/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9446b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# @file Makefile
+# @brief bootloader Makefile
+# @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+# @section Makefile
+# @verbatim
+# Change Log ******************************************************************
+# Flag Defect/Feature User Date Description
+# ------ -------------- ---------- ------------ -----------
+# @pb000 pbavari 07/01/2011 Created
+# @pb001 pbavari 07/16/2011 Changed to combine image
+# as separate command
+# @pb006 pbavari 09/16/2011 Display size support
+# @pb004 pbavari 09/20/2011 Added occ/ in include path
+# @pb007 pbavari 09/29/2011 Added ppc405 in include path
+# @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
+# @endverbatim
+# >> gitprep
+ifndef ROOTPATH
+ROOTPATH = $(shell pwd)/../
+# << gitprep
+# mk variable Declaration
+OCC = ../occ
+SSX = ../ssx
+# Includes
+include ../ssx/pgp/
+INCLUDES = -I. -I$(SSX)/ppc32 -I$(SSX)/pgp -I$(OCC)/incl -I$(OCC)/ \
+ -I$(SSX)/ppc405
+# Flags
+EXECUTABLE = bootloader
+imageHdrScript = imageHdrScript
+imageHdrScript_CC = gcc
+DEFS += $(D)
+# Compilation
+all: ${BOOTLOADER_OBJECTS} imageHdrScript
+ $(CPP) -P $(DEFS) < linkboot.cmd > linkscript
+ # >> gitprep
+ # Add missing link and objcopy flags
+ -Tlinkscript $(LDFLAGS) -zmuldefs -Map $(EXECUTABLE).map -melf32ppc --oformat=elf32-powerpc -Bstatic -o \
+ $(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-powerpc -O binary $(EXECUTABLE).out $(EXECUTABLE).bin
+ # << gitprep
+ $(BOOTLOADER)/$(imageHdrScript) $(EXECUTABLE).bin t1
+.PHONY : combineImage
+ $(BOOTLOADER)/imageHdrScript $(EXECUTABLE).bin combineImage
+ $(BOOTLOADER)/imageHdrScript $(EXECUTABLE).out displaySize
+imageHdrScript: imageHdrScript.c
+ $(imageHdrScript_CC) $(LDFLAGS) -I$(BOOTLOADER) -I$(OCC)/incl -I$(OCC)/ \
+ imageHdrScript.c -o $@
+# Clean
+ rm -f *.o *.d *.out *.bin *.srec *.dis *.map linkscript imageHdrScript
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/bootInit.S b/src/occBootLoader/bootInit.S
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f4c104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/bootInit.S
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# *****************************************************************************
+# @file bootInit.S
+# @brief OCC boot loader initialization
+# *****************************************************************************
+# @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+# @section bootInit.S BOOTINIT.S
+# @verbatim
+# Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
+# ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
+# @pb000 pbavari 06/21/2011 Created
+# @pb007 pbavari 09/29/2011 Added trap if reset was due to
+# watchdog timer
+# @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
+# @th00c thallet 03/02/2012 DCCR was getting loaded with incorret imm
+# @endverbatim
+# *****************************************************************************
+// Includes
+#include "bootMain.h"
+#include "ppc32_asm.h"
+#include "ppc405_spr.h"
+// Functions
+# Function Specification ******************************************************
+# Name: boot_low_level_init
+# Description: Low level boot initialization
+# Flow: 06/22/2011 FN= ??
+# End Function Specification **************************************************
+.global_function __boot_low_level_init
+#enable machine check exception
+# initialize exception vector prefix to zero
+# enable machine check (19th bit)
+li %r3, 0
+mtevpr %r3
+mtmsr %r4
+// Check if TSR[WSR] indicates that reset was due to watchdog,
+// then initialize external debug event and trap(halt). Otherwise
+// continue normally. Setting up external debug event will set FIR bits on halt
+mftsr %r3
+AND %r5, %r3, %r4
+li %r4, 0
+cmp 0, 0, %r4, %r5
+beq skip_wd_reset_trap
+// Initialize external debug event before doing trap
+_liwa %r3, (DBCR0_EDM | DBCR0_TDE | DBCR0_FT )
+mtdbcr0 %r3
+tw 31,0,0
+# enable write back data cache and instruction cache
+# enable write back data for 0x80000000. Note:write-back=0,write-through=1
+# Data cache enabled for 0x80000000. Bit 16 going left-right. 1=enable,0=disable
+# enable instruction cache for 0x80000000. Bit 16 going left-right.
+# 1= enable, 0 = disable
+li %r3, 0
+mtdcwr %r3
+mtdccr %r3
+mticcr %r3
+ ## We loop through addresses 0 ... (DCACHE_SIZE / DCACHE_WAYS) - 1
+ ## invalidating the D-Cache. The dccci instruction on the 405
+ ## invalidates both ways. Added: @th00c
+ li %r3, 0
+ _liwa %r4, (DATA_CACHE_LINES / 2)
+ mtctr %r4
+ dccci %r0, %r3
+ addi %r3, %r3, CACHE_LINE_SIZE
+ bdnz 1b
+ sync
+# fill in 16K with zero for the data cache
+# set counter to loop for number of data cache lines
+_liw %r3, 0
+_liwa %r4, DATA_CACHE_LINES
+mtctr %r4
+ dcbz %r5, %r3
+ addi %r3, %r3, CACHE_LINE_SIZE
+ bdnz dcbz_loop
+# calculate writable data section start address
+# start_addr + readonly_size = writable data section address
+# load start address into r5
+# load readonly size address into r4
+# add contents of r5 and r4 and put into r3
+# r3 now has source address
+# load address of size of the data to be copied into r4
+# load destination address into r5
+# store number of word trasfers in r4
+# set counter to r4 content
+# NOTE: (-4) for the source and destination address is done because
+# in the loop 4 is added to get to the correct address.
+_liw %r5, (__START_ADDR__ - 4)
+_liw %r4, __READ_ONLY_DATA_LEN__
+add %r3, %r5, %r4
+_liw %r4, __WRITEABLE_DATA_LEN__
+_liw %r5, (__WRITEABLE_DATA_ADDR__ - 4)
+_liw %r6, 2
+srw %r4, %r4, %r6
+# Compare r4 and r6. If equal then skip_loop. Else execute copy_loop
+_liw %r6, 0
+cmp 0, 0, %r4, %r6
+beq skip_loop
+mtctr %r4
+ lwzu %r4, 4(%r3)
+ stwu %r4, 4(%r5)
+ bdnz copy_loop
+# set up EABI constant registers r2,r13
+_liw %r2, _SDA2_BASE_
+_liw %r13, _SDA_BASE_
+# set up stack pointer - register r1
+# jump to main
+b main
+# function clean up and return
+.epilogue __boot_low_level_init
+# vector section
+.section .vectors_0000, "a", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0000
+ .section .vectors_0100, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0100
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0200, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0200
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0300, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0300
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0400, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0400
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0500, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0500
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0600, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0600
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
+ .section .vectors_0700, "ax", @progbits
+ .global __vectors_0700
+# Trap instruction
+tw 31,0,0
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.c b/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10df75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+// @file bootMain.c
+// @brief OCC boot loader main
+ *
+ * @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+ * @section bootMain.c BOOTMAIN.C
+ * @verbatim
+ *
+ * Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
+ * ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
+ * @pb000 pbavari 06/22/2011 Created
+ * @dw000 dwoodham 12/12/2011 Update call to IMAGE_HEADER macro
+ * @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
+ * @th00c thallet 03/02/2012 VPO Changes to 405 Caching
+ * @sb000 905048 sbroyles 10/28/2013 Add tags for code cleanup,
+ * see RTC task 73327.
+* @sb001 906184 sbroyles 11/11/2013 Resolve fix tags
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ *///*************************************************************************/
+// Includes
+#include <bootMain.h> // boot loader defines
+#include <pgp_common.h> // Nest frequency constant
+#include <stddef.h> // offsetof
+// Externs
+extern void __boot_low_level_init;
+// Image header
+//@dw001c - added arg: idNum = ID_NUM_INVALID
+IMAGE_HEADER (G_bootImageHdr,__boot_low_level_init,BOOT_LOADER_ID,
+// Macros
+// Defines/Enums
+// Structures
+// Globals
+// Function Prototypes
+//Forward declaration
+uint32_t boot_test_sram();
+uint32_t boot_load_image(const imageHdr_t * i_hdrAddr);
+uint32_t calChecksum(const uint32_t i_startAddr,const uint32_t i_sz );
+// Functions
+// Function Specification
+// Name: boot_main
+// Description: boot main will test SRAM, copy main application image from
+// main memory to SRAM, validate checksum and calls ssx_boot.
+// Flow: 06/22/2011 FN= boot_main
+// End Function Specification
+void main()
+ uint32_t l_rc = 0;
+ // set checkpoint to boot test SRAM
+#ifndef VPO
+ // @th00c - This is ifdef'd out b/c it takes too long to run in VPO
+ // Test SRAM
+ l_rc = boot_test_sram();
+ // If failed to test SRAM, write failed return code to SPRG1 and halt
+ if( 0 != l_rc )
+ {
+ }
+ // set imageHdr_t pointer to point to boot image header to get to boot
+ // image size. This way we can get to main application image header.
+ imageHdr_t *l_hdrPtr = (imageHdr_t*)(G_bootImageHdr.start_addr +
+ G_bootImageHdr.image_size );
+ // set checkpoint to boot load main application image to SRAM
+ // Load main application image to SRAM including main application header
+ l_rc = boot_load_image(l_hdrPtr);
+ // If failed to load image, write failed return code to SPRG1 and halt
+ if( 0 != l_rc )
+ {
+ }
+ // set checkpoint to calculate checksum
+ // calculate checksum for the SRAM main application image
+ uint32_t l_checksum = calChecksum(l_hdrPtr->start_addr,
+ l_hdrPtr->image_size);
+ // If checksum does not match, store bad checksum into SPRG1 and halt
+ if( l_checksum != l_hdrPtr->checksum)
+ {
+ WRITE_TO_SPRG1_AND_HALT(l_checksum);
+ }
+ // set checkpoint to get nest frequency
+ // @sb001 Remove this local.
+ //uint32_t l_nestFreq = 2400000;
+ // set checkpoint to call to SSX_BOOT
+ // Invalidate Data Cache before calling __ssx_boot()
+ //dcache_invalidate_all(); // @th00c
+ // create function pointer pointing to main application header entry point
+ // address. This is similar to jump/branch to address in assembly
+ // @sb001 Don't pass l_nestFreq anymore, ssx boot code isn't reading it.
+ //void (*execute_ssx_boot)(uint32_t) = (void (*)(uint32_t)) l_hdrPtr->ep_addr;
+ //(*execute_ssx_boot)(l_nestFreq);
+ void (*execute_ssx_boot)(void) = (void (*)(void)) l_hdrPtr->ep_addr;
+ (*execute_ssx_boot)();
+ // set checkpoint to return from ssx_boot. This should never happen so
+ // halt at this point.
+ WRITE_TO_SPRG1_AND_HALT(l_hdrPtr->ep_addr);
+// Function Specification
+// Name: calChecksum
+// Description: Calculate checksum starting at given address and given size
+// bytes. Skip checksum field in the imageHdr_t while calculating
+// checksum
+// Flow: None FN= None
+// End Function Specification
+uint32_t calChecksum(const uint32_t i_startAddr,const uint32_t i_sz )
+ uint32_t l_checksum = 0;
+ uint32_t l_counter = 0;
+ uint8_t * l_srcPtr = (uint8_t *) (i_startAddr);
+ while (l_counter < i_sz )
+ {
+ l_checksum += (*(l_srcPtr + l_counter));
+ l_counter = l_counter + 1;
+ if( l_counter == (uint32_t)(offsetof(imageHdr_t,checksum)))
+ {
+ l_counter = ((uint32_t)(offsetof(imageHdr_t,checksum)) +
+ sizeof(G_bootImageHdr.checksum));
+ }
+ }
+ return l_checksum;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: boot_load_image
+// Description: This function copies main application image from main memory
+// to SRAM
+// Flow: 06/22/2011 FN= boot_load_image
+// End Function Specification
+uint32_t boot_load_image(const imageHdr_t * i_hdrAddr )
+ uint32_t l_rc = 0x0;
+ uint32_t l_mainAppDestRang = (i_hdrAddr->start_addr) +
+ (i_hdrAddr->image_size-1);
+ // Make sure main application destination rang address falls within SRAM
+ // range.
+ if( ( l_mainAppDestRang < SRAM_START_ADDRESS) ||
+ (l_mainAppDestRang > SRAM_END_ADDRESS ))
+ {
+ // Return destination rang address if address is out of range and
+ // address is not zero. If address is zero, then return eye-catcher
+ // address.
+ if( l_mainAppDestRang != 0 )
+ {
+ l_rc = l_mainAppDestRang;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ //Make sure main application start address falls within SRAM range
+ else if ((i_hdrAddr->start_addr < SRAM_START_ADDRESS) ||
+ (i_hdrAddr->start_addr > SRAM_END_ADDRESS))
+ {
+ // Return start address if address is out of range and
+ // address is not zero. If address is zero, then return eye-catcher
+ // address.
+ if( i_hdrAddr->start_addr != 0 )
+ {
+ l_rc = i_hdrAddr->start_addr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // At this point we know that main application destination address
+ // is within SRAM range.
+ // Now copy main application header specified
+ // size of data from main memory to main application header specified
+ // start address.
+ uint8_t * l_srcPtr = (uint8_t *) (i_hdrAddr);
+ uint8_t * l_destPtr = (uint8_t *) (i_hdrAddr->start_addr);
+ uint32_t l_numWords = i_hdrAddr->image_size;
+ while (l_numWords != 0 )
+ {
+ *l_destPtr = *l_srcPtr;
+ l_destPtr++;
+ l_srcPtr++;
+ l_numWords = l_numWords - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: boot_test_sram
+// Description: This function tests SRAM by writing some bit pattern and
+// verifying it back through read
+// Flow: 06/22/2011 FN= boot_test_sram
+// End Function Specification
+uint32_t boot_test_sram()
+ uint32_t l_rc = 0;
+ // Point start to SRAM start address
+ uint32_t * l_startPtr = (uint32_t *) SRAM_TEST_START_ADDRESS;
+ // Copy bit pattern from start until SRAM end address
+ while( (uint32_t)l_startPtr < SRAM_TEST_END_ADDRESS )
+ {
+ *l_startPtr = SRAM_TEST_BIT_PATTERN;
+ l_startPtr++;
+ }
+ // Reset start pointer to point to SRAM start Address
+ l_startPtr = (uint32_t *) SRAM_TEST_START_ADDRESS;
+ //Read and verify bit pattern that was written. If pattern does not match,
+ // return address that failed to match the pattern.
+ while( (uint32_t)l_startPtr < SRAM_TEST_END_ADDRESS )
+ {
+ if( (*l_startPtr) != SRAM_TEST_BIT_PATTERN)
+ {
+ l_rc = (uint32_t)l_startPtr;
+ break;
+ }
+ l_startPtr++;
+ }
+ return l_rc;
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.h b/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d836c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/bootMain.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// @file bootMain.h
+// @brief OCC boot loader main defines
+ *
+ * @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+ * @section bootMain.h BOOTMAIN.H
+ * @verbatim
+ *
+ * Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
+ * ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
+ * @pb000 pbavari 06/22/2011 Created
+ * @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
+ * @ai007 ailutsar 12/10/2012 Change OCC Image Header to reserve 64 bytes
+ * for SRAM Repair instead of 16
+ * @th030 thallet 02/03/2013 Need to reserve last 1kB for PORE-SLW
+ *
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ *///*************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _bootMain_h
+#define _bootMain_h
+// Includes
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
+#include <common_types.h> // defines imageHdr_t and other types
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
+// Externs
+// Macros
+// Defines/Enums
+#define MACHINE_CHECK_ENABLE 0x00001000
+#define DATA_CACHE_BLOCK_ENABLE 0x00008000
+#define DATA_CACHE_BLOCK_ADDR 0x80000000
+#define DATA_CACHE_SIZE (16 * 1024)
+#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32
+// Data cache address + 8K
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
+typedef enum CHKPOINT
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
+#define SRAM_TEST_START_ADDRESS 0xFFF80040 // @ai007c
+#define SRAM_START_ADDRESS 0xFFF80000
+#define SRAM_TEST_END_ADDRESS 0xFFFFFBFF // @th030c
+#define BOOT_LOADER_ID "OCC Boot Image\0"
+// Define to write val to SPRG0 register
+#define WRITE_TO_SPRG0(val) \
+ ({__asm__ __volatile__ ("mtsprg0 %0;" ::"r"(val));})
+#define WRITE_TO_SPRG1_AND_HALT(rc) \
+ ({__asm__ __volatile__ ( "mtsprg1 %0;" "tw 31,0,0;": : "r" (rc));})
+// Structures
+// Globals
+// Function Prototypes
+// Functions
+#endif // _bootMain_h
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/ b/src/occBootLoader/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f7b2cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# @file
+# @brief mk for libssx.a object files
+# @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+# @section
+# @verbatim
+# Change Log ******************************************************************
+# Flag Defect/Feature User Date Description
+# ------ -------------- ---------- ------------ -----------
+# @pb00E pbavari 03/28/2012 Makefile ODE support
+# @rc004 882410 rickylie 05/10/2013 Pin OCC Firmware Level to an Address in Lid
+# @endverbatim
+C-SOURCES = bootMain.c ../occ/occbuildname.c
+S-SOURCES = bootInit.S ../ssx/ppc32/savegpr.S
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/imageHdrScript.c b/src/occBootLoader/imageHdrScript.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77bb134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/imageHdrScript.c
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+// @file imageHdrScript.c
+// @brief Helper script to fix image header fields and other image related
+// support
+ *
+ * @page ChangeLogs Change Logs
+ * @section imageHdrScript.c IMAGEHDRSCRIPT.C
+ * @verbatim
+ *
+ * Flag Def/Fea Userid Date Description
+ * ------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------
+ * @pb000 pbavari 06/28/2011 Created
+ * @pb001 pbavari 07/21/2011 Changed the way image is being
+ * combined to support applet images
+ * @pb006 pbavari 09/16/2011 Display object size support
+ * @pb00A pbavari 11/17/2011 Added check for 128 bytes
+ * alignment for image size.
+ * @rc003 rickylie 02/03/2012 Verify & Clean Up OCC Headers & Comments
+ * @pb010 D856284 pbavari 10/05/2012 Fix displaySize option
+ * @ai004 ailutsar 11/06/2012 Improvement for imageHdrScript help text
+ *
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ *///*************************************************************************/
+// Includes
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <common_types.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// Externs
+// Macros
+// Defines/Enums
+#define CHECKSUM_FIELD_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, checksum)
+#define IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, image_size)
+#define FAILURE_RC -1
+#define SUCCESS_RC 0
+#define EP_BRANCH_INST_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, ep_branch_inst)
+#define ADDRESS_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, ep_addr)
+#define ADDRESS_LEN 4
+#define VERSION_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, version)
+#define VERSION_LEN 4
+#define ID_STR_OFFSET offsetof(imageHdr_t, image_id_str)
+#define BRANCH_MASK 0x48000002
+#define DUMP_HDR_STR "dumpHdr"
+#define COMBINE_IMAGE_STR "combineImage"
+// >> gitprep
+#define FILE_TO_WRITE_ODE "/obj/ppc/occc/405/image.bin"
+#define FILE_TO_WRITE_GNU "image.bin"
+// << gitprep
+//@pb006a - start
+#define DISPLAY_SIZE "displaySize"
+#define READELF_CMD "readelf -S "
+#define PIPE_CMD " > elfdata "
+#define ELF_FILE "elfdata"
+#define ELF_FILE_REMOVE_CMD "rm elfdata"
+//@pb006a - end
+// Structures
+// Globals
+// Function Prototypes
+// Functions
+// Function Specification
+// Name: displaySize
+// Description: Display size of the object file
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+int displaySize(char * i_file)
+ int l_rc = SUCCESS_RC;
+ unsigned long int l_size = 0;
+ FILE * l_file = NULL;
+ int l_delfile = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ // create command for the system call to display size using
+ // readelf tool and copy output into different file for parsing later.
+ if( i_file != NULL)
+ {
+ l_size = strlen(i_file);
+ }
+ l_size += strlen(READELF_CMD);
+ l_size += strlen(PIPE_CMD);
+ char l_cmd[l_size+1];
+ unsigned long int l_cnt = strlen(READELF_CMD);
+ strncpy(l_cmd,READELF_CMD,l_cnt);
+ strncpy(&l_cmd[l_cnt],i_file,strlen(i_file));
+ l_cnt += strlen(i_file);
+ strncpy(&l_cmd[l_cnt],PIPE_CMD,strlen(PIPE_CMD));
+ l_cnt += strlen(PIPE_CMD);
+ l_cmd[l_cnt] = '\0';
+ // do system call
+ system (l_cmd );
+ // set to indicate delete temporary file
+ l_delfile = 1;
+ // Open the file that was written with the system call for
+ // reading
+ l_file = fopen(ELF_FILE, "r");
+ if( NULL == l_file)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open file %s for reading\n",ELF_FILE);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // seek to end to get size of file
+ l_rc = fseek(l_file, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek end of the file: %s,rc: %d\n",
+ i_file,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // get size
+ l_size = ftell(l_file);
+ //Now seek back to the beginning to start parsing
+ l_rc = fseek(l_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek start after getting size of the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d\n",i_file,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // parse data and display size
+ char l_data[l_size];
+ unsigned long int l_totalSz = 0;
+ char * l_str = NULL;
+ printf("===========================================================\n");
+ printf("Size display for %s:\n", i_file);
+ printf("%-25.25s : Address : Size \n","Section");
+ printf("===========================================================\n");
+ while (fgets(l_data,l_size,l_file) != NULL)
+ {
+ // Ignore lines that does not have BITS in them
+ if(strstr(l_data,"BITS") != NULL)
+ {
+ // If there is word debug on the line then we are done parsing
+ if(strstr(l_data,"debug") != NULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ //@pb010a - start
+ l_str = NULL;
+ // We need to parse 2 different options:
+ // 1) [ X] and 2) [XX] Where X is number.
+ // Example of data:
+ // Num Section Type Addr offset Size
+ // [ 9] .linear_wr PROGBITS ffff6000 046000 001000 00 WA 0 0 1
+ // [10] .linear_rd PROGBITS ffff7000 047000 001000 00 WA 0 0 1
+ // We are interested in Section, Address, offset and size.
+ // Everything else we can ignore. So for ease of parsing,
+ // ignore everything until first "]".
+ l_str = strstr(l_data,"]");
+ if( NULL != l_str )
+ {
+ char l_str1[l_size];
+ char l_sec[l_size];
+ unsigned long int l_addr = 0;
+ unsigned long int l_offset = 0;
+ unsigned long int l_size = 0;
+ sscanf(l_str,"%s %s %s %x %x %x ",l_str1,l_sec,
+ l_str1,&l_addr,&l_offset,&l_size);
+ printf("%-25.25s : 0x%08x : %d\t(HEX: %x ) \n",l_sec,
+ l_addr,(int)l_size,l_size);
+ l_totalSz += l_size;
+ }
+ //@pb010a - end
+ }
+ } // end while loop
+ printf("===========================================================\n");
+ printf("%-25.25s : : %d\t(HEX: %x ) \n","Total",
+ (int)l_totalSz,l_totalSz);
+ printf("===========================================================\n");
+ }while(0);
+ // Close file if it was open
+ if( l_file != NULL)
+ {
+ int l_rc2 = fclose( l_file);
+ if( l_rc2 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to close destination file: rc: %d\n",l_rc2);
+ }
+ }
+ if( l_delfile == 1)
+ {
+ // remove temporary file
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: combineImage
+// Description: Append input image to $sb/src/image.bin
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+int combineImage(char * i_file1)
+ FILE * l_file1 = NULL;
+ FILE * l_file2 = NULL;
+ FILE * l_file = NULL;
+ int l_rc = SUCCESS_RC;
+ unsigned long int l_size = 0;
+ // >> gitprep
+ bool l_odeBuild = TRUE;
+ // << gitprep
+ do
+ {
+ char * l_sbPath = getenv("SANDBOXBASE");
+ if( l_sbPath != NULL)
+ {
+ l_size = strlen(l_sbPath);
+ // >> gitprep
+ l_size += strlen(FILE_TO_WRITE_ODE);
+ // << gitprep
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // >> gitprep
+ l_sbPath = getenv("OCCROOT");
+ if(l_sbPath != NULL)
+ {
+ l_size = strlen(l_sbPath);
+ l_size += strlen(FILE_TO_WRITE_GNU);
+ l_odeBuild = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Failed to get either SANDBOXBASE or OCCROOT environment variables\n");
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // << gitprep
+ }
+ char l_fileToWrite[l_size+1];
+ strncpy(l_fileToWrite,l_sbPath,strlen(l_sbPath));
+ // >> gitprep
+ if ( TRUE == l_odeBuild )
+ {
+ strncpy(&l_fileToWrite[strlen(l_sbPath)],FILE_TO_WRITE_ODE,strlen(FILE_TO_WRITE_ODE));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strncpy(&l_fileToWrite[strlen(l_sbPath)],FILE_TO_WRITE_GNU,strlen(FILE_TO_WRITE_GNU));
+ }
+ // << gitprep
+ l_fileToWrite[l_size] = '\0';
+ // >> gitprep
+ printf("l_fileToWrite: %s\t\tl_sbPath: %s\n", l_fileToWrite, l_sbPath);
+ // << gitprep
+ // Open the file1
+ l_file1 = fopen(i_file1, "r");
+ if( NULL == l_file1)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open file %s for reading\n",i_file1);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Open the destination file
+ l_file = fopen(l_fileToWrite, "a");
+ if( NULL == l_file)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open file %s for reading\n",l_fileToWrite);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // get size of file1
+ l_rc = fseek(l_file1, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek end of the file: %s,rc: %d\n",
+ i_file1,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned long int l_sz1 = ftell(l_file1);
+ //Now seek back to the beginning
+ l_rc = fseek(l_file1, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek start after getting size of the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d\n",i_file1,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Read full file into buffer
+ unsigned int l_data[l_sz1];
+ size_t l_readSz = fread(&l_data[0], 1, l_sz1, l_file1);
+ if( l_readSz != l_sz1)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to read file: %s,readSz: 0x%x,l_sz: 0x%x\n",
+ i_file1,l_readSz,l_sz1);
+ l_rc = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Write file1 data to destination file
+ size_t l_writeSz = fwrite( l_data,1,l_sz1,l_file);
+ if( l_writeSz != l_sz1)
+ {
+ printf("Error writing data. Written Sz :0x%x,Expected Sz:0x%x\n",
+ l_writeSz,l_sz1);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ }while(0);
+ // Close file1 if it was open
+ if( l_file1 != NULL)
+ {
+ int l_rc2 = fclose( l_file1);
+ if( l_rc2 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to close file: %s,rc: %d\n", i_file1,l_rc2);
+ }
+ }
+ // Close destination file if it was open
+ if( l_file != NULL)
+ {
+ int l_rc2 = fclose( l_file);
+ if( l_rc2 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to close destination file: rc: %d\n",l_rc2);
+ }
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: dumpHdr
+// Description: Dump image header
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+int dumpHdr(char * i_fileStr)
+ FILE * l_filePtr = NULL;
+ int l_rc = SUCCESS_RC;
+ do
+ {
+ // Open the file
+ l_filePtr = fopen(i_fileStr, "rb");
+ if( NULL == l_filePtr)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open file %s for reading\n",i_fileStr);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // file is open now
+ // get the file size
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek end of the file: %s,rc: %d\n",
+ i_fileStr,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned long int l_sz = ftell(l_filePtr);
+ //Now seek back to the beginning
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek start after getting size of the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d\n",i_fileStr,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ l_sz = sizeof(imageHdr_t);
+ // Read header from the file
+ unsigned int l_hdrPtr[l_sz];
+ size_t l_readSz = fread(&l_hdrPtr[0], 1, l_sz, l_filePtr);
+ if( l_readSz != l_sz)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to read file: %s,readSz: 0x%x,l_sz: 0x%x\n",
+ i_fileStr,l_readSz,l_sz);
+ l_rc = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("==========================================================\n");
+ printf("SRAM Repair Reserved:\t ");
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ for(idx = 0; idx < SRAM_REPAIR_RESERVE_SZ/4; idx++)
+ {
+ printf("0x%08X ",htonl(l_hdrPtr[idx]) );
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("ep_branch_inst:\t\t 0x%08x\n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("halt_inst:\t\t 0x%x\n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("image_size:\t\t 0x%08x \n", htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("start_addr:\t\t 0x%08x\n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("readonly_size:\t\t 0x%08x \n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("boot_writeable_addr:\t 0x%08x\n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("boot_writeable_size:\t 0x%08x \n",htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("zero_data_addr:\t\t 0x%08x\n", htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("zero_data_size:\t\t 0x%08x \n", htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("ep_addr:\t\t 0x%08x\n", htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("checksum:\t\t 0x%08x\n", htonl( l_hdrPtr[idx++]));
+ printf("version:\t\t %.*s\n", VERSION_LEN,(char*)&l_hdrPtr[idx++]);
+ printf("image_id_str:\t\t %s\n",(char*)(&l_hdrPtr[idx]));
+ idx += (IMAGE_ID_STR_SZ/4);
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ printf("Reserved:\t\t ");
+ for(i = 0; i < RESERVED_SZ/4; i++)
+ {
+ printf("0x%08X ",htonl(l_hdrPtr[idx++]) );
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("==========================================================\n");
+ }while(0);
+ // Close file if open
+ if( l_filePtr != NULL)
+ {
+ int l_rc2 = fclose( l_filePtr);
+ if( l_rc2 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to close file: %s,rc: %d\n", i_fileStr,l_rc2);
+ }
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: calImageChecksum
+// Description: calculate image checksum
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+unsigned long int calImageChecksum(FILE * i_filePtr)
+ unsigned long int l_checksum = 0;
+ unsigned long int l_counter = 0;
+ int l_val = fgetc(i_filePtr);
+ while( l_val != EOF)
+ {
+ l_checksum += l_val;
+ l_counter += 1;
+ // Skip checksum field
+ if( l_counter == CHECKSUM_FIELD_OFFSET)
+ {
+ {
+ l_counter++;
+ l_val = fgetc(i_filePtr);
+ }
+ }
+ l_val = fgetc(i_filePtr);
+ }
+ // >> gitprep
+ fprintf(stdout,"Checksum: 0x%08X\t\tSize: 0x%08X\n", l_checksum, l_counter);
+ // << gitprep
+ return l_checksum;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: write
+// Description: Write given data to file at given offset
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+int write(FILE * i_filePtr,
+ const void * i_dataPtr,
+ const unsigned long int i_dataSz,
+ const unsigned long int i_dataOffset)
+ int l_rc = SUCCESS_RC;
+ l_rc = fseek(i_filePtr, i_dataOffset, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek offset: [0x%x] while writing to file,rc: %d\n",
+ i_dataOffset,l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t l_writeSz = fwrite( i_dataPtr,1,i_dataSz,i_filePtr);
+ if( l_writeSz != i_dataSz)
+ {
+ printf("Error writing data. Written Sz :0x%x,Expected Sz:0x%x\n",
+ l_writeSz,i_dataSz);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+// Function Specification
+// Name: printHelp
+// Description: script usage
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+void printHelp()
+ // @ai004M
+ printf("Script Usage: imageHdrScript [FILE] [OPTIONS]\n\n");
+ printf("This OCC Image Header Script is used for handling different image header\n");
+ printf("fields and combining different OCC images into single image.\n");
+ // >> gitprep
+ if ( NULL != getenv("SANDBOXBASE") )
+ {
+ printf("The path to target image is $SANDBOXBASE%s\n\n", FILE_TO_WRITE_ODE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("The path to target image is $OCCROOT%s\n\n", FILE_TO_WRITE_GNU);
+ }
+ // << gitprep
+ printf("Option for ELF executable file (file type: *.out):\n");
+ printf(" displaySize check section sizes in input file\n");
+ printf("Options for binary image file (file type: *.bin):\n");
+ printf(" combineImage append input image to the target image\n");
+ printf(" dumpHdr dump values of each header field in input image\n\n");
+ printf("If the option string is not equal to \"combineImage\", \"displaySize\", or\n");
+ printf("\"dumpHdr\", the script will use that string as image version, and start to\n");
+ printf("check/update image header fields.\n");
+ printf("Example:\n");
+ printf(" imageHdrScript IMAGE_FILE VERSION_STRING\n");
+ printf(" imageHdrScript IMAGE_FILE VERSION_STRING ID_STRING\n");
+// Function Specification
+// Name: main
+// Description: main for the script
+// Flow: FN=None
+// End Function Specification
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ FILE * l_filePtr = NULL;
+ int l_rc = SUCCESS_RC;
+ do
+ {
+ if( argc <= 2)
+ {
+ printHelp();
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( (strcmp(argv[2],DUMP_HDR_STR)== 0))
+ {
+ printf("Dump Image Header\n");
+ l_rc = dumpHdr(argv[1]);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Problem dumping header for file: %s,rc: %d\n",
+ argv[1],l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( (argc > 2) && (strcmp(argv[2],COMBINE_IMAGE_STR)== 0))
+ {
+ printf("Combining image from file: %s\n",argv[1]);
+ l_rc = combineImage(argv[1]);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Problem combining image: rc: %d\n",l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ //@pb006a - display size
+ if( (argc > 2) && (strcmp(argv[2],DISPLAY_SIZE)== 0))
+ {
+ l_rc = displaySize(argv[1]);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Problem displaying size: rc: %d\n",l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // At this point we know there is atleast 1 argument to the program
+ // Open the file
+ l_filePtr = fopen(argv[1], "r+");
+ if( NULL == l_filePtr)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open file %s for reading and writing\n",argv[1]);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // file is open now
+ // get the file size
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek end of the file: %s, rc: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned long int l_sz = ftell(l_filePtr);
+ if( l_sz % 128 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Image size:[%d] in file: [%s] is not 128-byte aligned\n",
+ l_sz,argv[1]);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ //Now seek back to the beginning
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek start after getting size of the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ l_sz = htonl(l_sz);
+ // Write image size to the image header
+ l_rc = write(l_filePtr, &l_sz, IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_LEN,IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_OFFSET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to write image size in the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d,l_sz: 0x%x,IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_LEN: %d, "
+ "IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_OFFSET: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc,
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Write image version
+ unsigned long int l_version = 0;
+ sprintf((char*)&l_version, "%s",argv[2]);
+ l_rc = write(l_filePtr, &l_version, VERSION_LEN, VERSION_OFFSET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to write version in the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d,l_sz: 0x%x,: VERSION_LEN: %d, "
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If user has passed in image id string, write it to the image
+ if( argc > 3)
+ {
+ l_rc = write(l_filePtr, argv[3], ID_STR_LEN, ID_STR_OFFSET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to write id_str in the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d,l_sz: 0x%x,: ID_STR_LEN: %d, "
+ "ID_STR_OFFSET: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc,
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Now seek to the ep_address field
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, ADDRESS_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek ep_address offset: 0x%x of the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d\n",ADDRESS_OFFSET,argv[1],l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned long int l_addr = 0;
+ // read ep_addr field
+ size_t l_readSz = fread(&l_addr, 1, ADDRESS_LEN, l_filePtr);
+ if( l_readSz != ADDRESS_LEN)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to read address for ep_branch calculation.file: %s, "
+ "readSz: 0x%x,ADDRESS_LEN: 0x%x\n",argv[1],l_readSz,
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // calculate branch instruction to that address and write to
+ // ep_branch_inst field in the image header
+ l_addr = ntohl(l_addr);
+ l_addr &= ADDRESS_MASK;
+ l_addr |= BRANCH_MASK;
+ l_addr = htonl(l_addr);
+ l_rc = write(l_filePtr, &l_addr, EP_BRANCH_INST_LEN,
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to write ep_branch_inst in the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d,l_sz: 0x%x,: EP_BRANCH_INST_LEN: %d, "
+ "EP_BRANCH_INST_OFFSET: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc,
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ //Now seek back to the beginning for calculating checksum
+ l_rc = fseek(l_filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to seek start before checksum calculation.file: %s,"
+ "rc: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ // calculate checksum
+ unsigned long int l_checksum = calImageChecksum(l_filePtr);
+ l_checksum = htonl(l_checksum);
+ // Write checksum
+ l_rc = write(l_filePtr, &l_checksum,CHECKSUM_FIELD_LEN,
+ if( l_rc != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to write image size in the file: %s, "
+ "rc: %d,l_sz: 0x%x,IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_LEN: %d, "
+ "IMAGE_SZ_FIELD_OFFSET: %d\n",argv[1],l_rc,
+ l_rc = FAILURE_RC;
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(0);
+ // Close file if open
+ if( l_filePtr != NULL)
+ {
+ int l_rc2 = fclose( l_filePtr);
+ if( l_rc2 != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to close file: %s,rc: %d\n", argv[1],l_rc2);
+ }
+ }
+ return l_rc;
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/linkboot.cmd b/src/occBootLoader/linkboot.cmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..544240e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/linkboot.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// $Id$
+// This linker script for the OCC Firmware boot loader. This
+// script is processed through the C proprocessor to create
+// configuration-dependent images.
+// This creates image that is 4 byte aligned.
+#ifdef OCCMK
+INCLUDE occLinkInputFile
+#define BOOT_IMAGE_START_ADDR 0x00000000
+#define BOOT_VECTORS 0x00000000
+#define BOOT_VECTORS_SIZE 0x00000740
+#define WRITE_DATA_SEC_ADDR 0x80000000
+#define BYTE_ALIGN 128
+#define pack_0000 bootMain.o(imageHeader)
+ writeableMem : ORIGIN = WRITE_DATA_SEC_ADDR, LENGTH = 0x4000
+ __START_ADDR__ = .;
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // start read-only section
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // exception/vector section
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ .exceptions . : {
+ ___vectors = .;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0000)
+ pack_0000
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0100;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0100)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0200;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0200)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0300;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0300)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0400;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0400)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0500;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0500)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0600;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0600)
+ . = ___vectors + 0x0700;
+ bootInit.o(.vectors_0700)
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // buildname section 4 byte aligned
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ .buildname . : { *(.buildname) }
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // text section 4 byte aligned, follows buildname section
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // >> gitprep
+ .text . : { *(.text) *(.text.*) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);}
+ // << gitprep
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // SDA2 section 4 byte aligned
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ _SDA2_BASE_ = .;
+ .sdata2 . : { *(.sdata2) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN); }
+ .sbss2 . : { *(.sbss2) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);}
+ .rodata . : { *(.rodata*) *(.got2) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);}
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // start writeable section has different vritual and loadable memory address
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // read-write section
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ .rela __CURADDR__ : AT(__WRITEABLE_ADDR__ ) { *(.rela*) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);} > writeableMem
+ __CURADDR__ = __CURADDR__ + SIZEOF(.rela);
+ .rwdata __CURADDR__ : AT(__WRITEABLE_ADDR__ + SIZEOF(.rela)) { *(.data) *(.bss) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);} > writeableMem
+ __CURADDR__ = __CURADDR__ + SIZEOF(.rwdata);
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // SDA section
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ .sdata __CURADDR__ : AT(__WRITEABLE_ADDR__ + SIZEOF(.rela) + SIZEOF(.rwdata)) { *(.sdata) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN);} > writeableMem
+ __CURADDR__ = __CURADDR__ + SIZEOF(.sdata);
+ .sbss (__CURADDR__) : AT( __WRITEABLE_ADDR__ + SIZEOF(.rela) + SIZEOF(.rwdata) + SIZEOF(.sdata) ) { *(.sbss) . = ALIGN(BYTE_ALIGN); } > writeableMem
+ __CURADDR__ = __CURADDR__ + SIZEOF(.sbss);
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ // writeable section length is all writeable section except .sbss as
+ // .sbss section is not showing up in the binary unless there is some data
+ // in the section below it. Thus it is left at the end to get same
+ // behavior all the time.
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ __WRITEABLE_DATA_LEN__ = (__WRITEABLE_ADDR__ + SIZEOF(.sdata) + SIZEOF(.rela) + SIZEOF(.rwdata)) - __WRITEABLE_ADDR__;
diff --git a/src/occBootLoader/occLinkInputFile b/src/occBootLoader/occLinkInputFile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fe2f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occBootLoader/occLinkInputFile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+INPUT ( bootMain.o ../occ/occbuildname.o bootInit.o ../ssx/ppc32/savegpr.o )
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud