path: root/src/usr/isteps/istep13/makefile
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Call p9a_throttle_sync inside mss_scominitDan Crowell2020-01-071-1/+0
* Remove some Centaur procedures from Axone compileDan Crowell2019-06-101-23/+22
* Compile and call exp_draminit in istep 13.10Christian Geddes2019-05-061-0/+1
* Compile Gemini hardware procedures in hostbootMatt Derksen2019-04-301-1/+7
* Compile and call exp_draminit_mcChristian Geddes2019-04-231-31/+36
* Setup CONFIG_AXONE env variable correctlyChristian Geddes2019-04-061-7/+4
* Compile Explorer MSS libs in our istepsmss libChristian Geddes2019-04-031-3/+6
* Compile and add calls to exp_scominit in istep 13.8Christian Geddes2019-03-061-1/+11
* Start compiling p9c_mss_row_repairDan Crowell2018-10-051-0/+1
* Fixes Centaur training advanced to unmask errors when disabledStephen Glancy2018-08-201-1/+5
* Centaur ring support - ring_apply and ring dataSumit Kumar2017-11-011-0/+1
* Cumulus HWPs for istep 13Swathi Madhuri Bhattiprolu2017-09-181-0/+34
* Enable calls to p9_mss_draminit_training_advDan Crowell2017-09-121-0/+1
* P9 Cumulus InitCompiler supports - Part 2Thi Tran2017-05-241-3/+3
* Add pos API to be shared among controllers, move generic files to utilsAndre Marin2017-03-151-1/+1
* Add c_str generic API and update makefilesAndre Marin2017-02-101-1/+2
* Interface to send processor voltage change requests to HWSVAndres Lugo-Reyes2016-09-161-2/+0
* Create ekb mirror for istepsLateef Quraishi2016-08-081-24/+0
* Set up mrsXX.o objects to be built for ddr4 updatecrgeddes2016-07-281-0/+10
* MDIA: Add compilation of memdiags_firCaleb Palmer2016-07-071-1/+3
* Move include from istep 13 into istep 8 makefilecrgeddes2016-07-011-1/+0
* Build adr32s.o in istep13 makefile, it is a memory HWP librarycrgeddes2016-06-281-0/+1
* Enable Istep 13 HWPscrgeddes2016-06-201-15/+20
* Rename PALMETTO_VDDR to be more OpenPOWER generic.Matt Derksen2016-06-161-1/+1
* Enable Istep 13 L2 Procedurescrgeddes2016-06-151-9/+28
* Add support for fapi2::getChildren with additional const TargetFilterMike Baiocchi2016-06-091-3/+2
* Build p9_mcs_scom and p9_mcbist_scom in istep13crgeddes2016-06-061-0/+3
* Move p9_ringId.H from chips/p9/utils to chips/p9/utils/imageProcsPrachi Gupta2016-06-021-0/+1
* Hostboot IPL Flow v0.95 UpdatesAndrew Geissler2016-05-311-2/+0
* Istep 13 L2 Enablementcrgeddes2016-05-101-6/+11
* Update ISTEP to IPL Flow v0.93Andrew Geissler2016-05-051-2/+3
* L1 Infrastructure for Istep13crgeddes2016-05-031-1/+36
* P9 Isteps: Created directory structure for istep 13 wrappersPrachi Gupta2015-12-111-0/+43
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