path: root/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/memory/lib/power_thermal/decoder.C
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Split nimbus and cumulus find API away from genericAndre Marin2019-08-151-1/+1
* Add OMI_EDPL_DISABLE attributeAlvin Wang2019-06-131-1/+1
* Move kind library to genericAlvin Wang2019-05-081-3/+3
* Move power_thermal lib to genericAlvin Wang2019-04-301-117/+60
* Moves count_dimm to be in the memory generic folderStephen Glancy2018-04-051-2/+2
* Fix eff_config_thermal allocationsJacob Harvey2017-09-181-21/+28
* p9_mss_eff_config_thermal L3Jacob Harvey2017-08-291-4/+31
* L3 work for mss xmlsJacob Harvey2017-08-181-9/+10
* Move find API to share among memory controllersAndre Marin2017-03-221-1/+1
* Add pos API to be shared among controllers, move generic files to utilsAndre Marin2017-03-151-1/+1
* Cleaning up and implementing L3 eff_config_thermalJacob Harvey2017-02-271-6/+3
* Add c_str generic API and update makefilesAndre Marin2017-02-101-2/+2
* Added default values if no power_curve attrsJacob Harvey2016-11-111-9/+40
* Implement L2 eff_config_thermal, bulk_pwr_throttleJacob Harvey2016-11-011-37/+36
* Started implementation of bulk_pwr_throttlesJacob Harvey2016-10-271-0/+46
* Implemented mss_power_curve attr decoderJacob Harvey2016-10-181-0/+267
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