path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
12 files changed, 4078 insertions, 574 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/prdfTargetServices.C b/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/prdfTargetServices.C
index 82d652d27..6c4d61353 100755
--- a/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/prdfTargetServices.C
+++ b/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/plat/prdfTargetServices.C
@@ -1258,9 +1258,10 @@ int32_t isMembufOnDimm( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_memTarget,
- TargetHandle_t mbaTarget = list[0];
- o_isBuffered = mbaTarget->getAttr<ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM>();
+// @TODO RTC: 153297 ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM Type has changed
+// const TargetHandle_t mbaTarget = list[0];
+// o_isBuffered = mbaTarget->getAttr<ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM>();
o_rc = SUCCESS;
@@ -1304,8 +1305,8 @@ int32_t getDramGen( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_mba, uint8_t & o_dramGen )
getHuid( i_mba ) );
- o_dramGen = i_mba->getAttr<ATTR_EFF_DRAM_GEN>( );
+ //@TODO RTC: 153297 ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM Type has changed
+// o_dramGen = i_mba->getAttr<ATTR_EFF_DRAM_GEN>( );
o_rc = SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep13/hbVddrMsg.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep13/hbVddrMsg.C
index 527a0bdef..94b4aee32 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep13/hbVddrMsg.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep13/hbVddrMsg.C
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void HBVddrMsg::createVddrData(
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_mpipl_service.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_mpipl_service.C
index cce2910f6..53c7382f7 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_mpipl_service.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_mpipl_service.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ void* call_host_mpipl_service (void *io_pArgs)
IStepError l_StepError;
- errlHndl_t l_err = NULL;
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_host_mpipl_service entry" );
+//@TODO RTC: 134431 MPIPL Changes for P9 - Placeholder
+#if 0
+ errlHndl_t l_err = NULL;
// call proc_mpipl_chip_cleanup.C
TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procTargetList;
getAllChips(l_procTargetList, TYPE_PROC );
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ void* call_host_mpipl_service (void *io_pArgs)
"target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pProcTarget));
- //@TODO RTC:133831 cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
//const fapi::Target l_fapi_pProcTarget( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
// (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*> (l_pProcTarget)) );
@@ -260,6 +259,7 @@ void* call_host_mpipl_service (void *io_pArgs)
// Commit Error
errlCommit( l_err, HWPF_COMP_ID );
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_host_mpipl_service exit" );
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_startprd_dram.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_startprd_dram.C
index 33b39ebf0..55a6c871c 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_startprd_dram.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_host_startprd_dram.C
@@ -36,36 +36,6 @@ void* call_host_startprd_dram (void *io_pArgs)
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_host_startPRD_dram entry" );
-#if 0
- // @@@@@ CUSTOM BLOCK: @@@@@
- // figure out what targets we need
- // customize any other inputs
- // set up loops to go through all targets (if parallel, spin off a task)
- // write HUID of target
- TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_@targetN_target));
- // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
- const fapi::Target l_fapi_@targetN_target( TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP,
- (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_@targetN_target)) );
- // call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, host_startPRD_dram, _args_...);
- if ( l_errl )
- {
- TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "ERROR : .........." );
- errlCommit( l_errl, HWPF_COMP_ID );
- }
- else
- {
- TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "SUCCESS : .........." );
- }
- // @@@@@ END CUSTOM BLOCK: @@@@@
// update firdata inputs for OCC
TARGETING::Target* masterproc = NULL;
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_power_cleanup.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_power_cleanup.C
index c0e517983..562f71fc5 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_power_cleanup.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_power_cleanup.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
#include <targeting/common/util.H>
#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <fapi2.H>
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+#include <p9_mss_power_cleanup.H>
using namespace ISTEP;
using namespace ISTEP_ERROR;
@@ -50,6 +54,49 @@ void* call_mss_power_cleanup (void *io_pArgs)
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_mss_power_cleanup entry" );
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_mcbistTargetList;
+ getAllChiplets(l_mcbistTargetList, TYPE_MCBIST);
+ for (const auto & l_target : l_mcbistTargetList)
+ {
+ // Dump current run on target
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Running mss_power_cleanup HWP on "
+ "target HUID %.8X",
+ TARGETING::get_huid(l_target));
+ fapi2::Target <fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_MCBIST> l_fapi_target
+ (l_target);
+ // call the HWP with each fapi2::Target
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP(l_err, p9_mss_power_cleanup, l_fapi_target);
+ if (l_err)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "ERROR 0x%.8X: mss_power_cleanup HWP returns error",
+ l_err->reasonCode());
+ // capture the target data in the elog
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_target).addToLog(l_err);
+ // Create IStep error log and cross reference to error that
+ // occurred
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_err );
+ // Commit Error
+ errlCommit( l_err, HWPF_COMP_ID );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "SUCCESS : mss_power_cleanup HWP( )" );
+ }
+ }
+//@TODO RTC:144076 L1 HWPs for Centaur+Cumulus
+#if 0
+ // -- Cumulus only
// Get a list of all present Centaurs
TargetHandleList l_presCentaurs;
getChipResources(l_presCentaurs, TYPE_MEMBUF, UTIL_FILTER_PRESENT);
@@ -132,7 +179,7 @@ void* call_mss_power_cleanup (void *io_pArgs)
l_currMBA0Huid, l_currMBA1Huid);
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_mss_power_cleanup exit" );
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_thermal_init.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_thermal_init.C
index 51633ba84..034c696b5 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_thermal_init.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_mss_thermal_init.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
#include <targeting/common/util.H>
#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <fapi2.H>
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+#include <p9_mss_thermal_init.H>
using namespace ISTEP;
using namespace ISTEP_ERROR;
@@ -44,14 +49,18 @@ namespace ISTEP_14
void* call_mss_thermal_init (void *io_pArgs)
- errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
IStepError l_StepError;
+//@TODO RTC:144076 L1 HWPs for Centaur+Cumulus
+#if 0
+ // -- Cumulus only ---
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
// Get all Centaur targets
TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_memBufTargetList;
- getAllChips(l_memBufTargetList, TYPE_MEMBUF );
+ getAllChiplets(l_memBufTargetList, TYPE_MCBIST );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// run mss_thermal_init on all Centaurs
@@ -62,24 +71,21 @@ void* call_mss_thermal_init (void *io_pArgs)
// make a local copy of the target for ease of use
- const TARGETING::Target* l_pCentaur = *l_iter;
+ TARGETING::Target* l_pCentaur = *l_iter;
// write HUID of target
"target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pCentaur));
- //@TODO RTC:133831 cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
- //const fapi::Target l_fapi_pCentaur( TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP,
- // (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_pCentaur)) );
+ fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_MCBIST> l_fapi_pCentaur
+ (l_pCentaur);
// Current run on target
- //TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- // "Running call_mss_thermal_init HWP on "
- // "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pCentaur));
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Running call_mss_thermal_init HWP on "
+ "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pCentaur));
- // call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- //FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, mss_thermal_init, l_fapi_pCentaur );
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, p9_mss_thermal_init, l_fapi_pCentaur );
if ( l_errl )
@@ -122,7 +128,6 @@ void* call_mss_thermal_init (void *io_pArgs)
const TARGETING::Target* l_pTarget = *l_cpuIter;
- //@TODO RTC:133831
//fapi::Target l_fapiproc_target( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
// (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_pTarget)));
@@ -166,6 +171,7 @@ void* call_mss_thermal_init (void *io_pArgs)
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"SUCCESS : call_mss_thermal_init" );
// end task, returning any errorlogs to IStepDisp
return l_StepError.getErrorHandle();
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_exit_cache_contained.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_exit_cache_contained.C
index f62982465..1fb70dd2f 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_exit_cache_contained.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_exit_cache_contained.C
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
#include <targeting/common/util.H>
#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <fapi2/target.H>
+//HWP Invoker
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+#include <p9_exit_cache_contained.H>
#include <sys/mm.h>
#include <arch/pirformat.H>
@@ -74,11 +82,13 @@ void* call_proc_exit_cache_contained (void *io_pArgs)
assert( l_sys != NULL );
- //@TODO RTC:133831 Commenting out due to missing attributes
errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
uint8_t l_mpipl = l_sys->getAttr<ATTR_IS_MPIPL_HB>();
ATTR_PAYLOAD_BASE_type payloadBase = 0;
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procList;
+ getAllChips(l_procList, TYPE_PROC);
ATTR_PAYLOAD_IN_MIRROR_MEM_type l_mirrored = false;
@@ -116,15 +126,13 @@ void* call_proc_exit_cache_contained (void *io_pArgs)
// Verify there is memory at the mirrored location
bool mirroredMemExists = false;
- TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procList;
- getAllChips(l_procList, TYPE_PROC);
for (TargetHandleList::const_iterator proc = l_procList.begin();
proc != l_procList.end() && !mirroredMemExists;
- uint64_t mirrorBase[4];
- uint64_t mirrorSize[4];
+ uint64_t mirrorBase[sizeof(fapi2::ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES_Type)/sizeof(uint64_t)];
+ uint64_t mirrorSize[sizeof(fapi2::ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_SIZES_Type)/sizeof(uint64_t)];
bool rc = (*proc)->
if(false == rc)
@@ -143,7 +151,9 @@ void* call_proc_exit_cache_contained (void *io_pArgs)
- for(uint64_t i = 0; i < 4 && !mirroredMemExists; ++i)
+ for(uint64_t i = 0;
+ i < sizeof(fapi2::ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES_Type) && !mirroredMemExists;
+ ++i)
if(mirrorSize[i] != 0 &&
l_mirrorBaseAddr >= mirrorBase[i] &&
@@ -208,25 +218,31 @@ void* call_proc_exit_cache_contained (void *io_pArgs)
- //@TODO RTC:133831 call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- //FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl,
- // proc_exit_cache_contained
- // );
+ for (const auto & l_procChip: l_procList)
+ {
+ const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>
+ l_fapi_cpu_target(l_procChip);
+ // call p9_proc_exit_cache_contained.C HWP
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl,
+ p9_exit_cache_contained,
+ l_procChip);
+ if(l_errl)
+ {
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_procChip).addToLog(l_errl);
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_errl );
+ errlCommit( l_errl, HWPF_COMP_ID );
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace, "call_proc_exit_cache_contained:: failed on proc with HUID : %d",TARGETING::get_huid(l_procChip) );
+ }
+ }
- if ( l_errl )
- {
- TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "ERROR : call_proc_exit_cache_contained, "
- "errorlog PLID=0x%x",
- l_errl->plid() );
- }
// no errors so extend VMM.
- else
+ if(!l_errl)
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "SUCCESS : call_proc_exit_cache_contained" );
+ "SUCCESS : call_proc_exit_cache_contained on all procs" );
// @TODO RTC:134082 remove below block
#if 1
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_htm_setup.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_htm_setup.C
index 5979f0c83..cc27c2a2e 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_htm_setup.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_htm_setup.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -22,19 +22,64 @@
/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
/* */
-#include <errl/errlentry.H>
+//From Hostboot Directory
+////Error handling and traces
+#include <errl/errlentry.H>
+#include <errl/errluserdetails.H>
+#include <errl/errludtarget.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <isteps/hwpisteperror.H>
+#include <initservice/isteps_trace.H>
+//HWP Invoker
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+//Targeting Support
+#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <fapi2/target.H>
+//From Import Directory (EKB Repository)
+// #include <p9_htm_setup.H>
using namespace ERRORLOG;
+using namespace TARGETING;
+using namespace fapi2;
namespace ISTEP_14
void* call_proc_htm_setup (void *io_pArgs)
- errlHndl_t l_err = NULL;
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace, "call_proc_htm_setup entry" );
+ ISTEP_ERROR::IStepError l_StepError;
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
+ do {
+ //Use targeting code to get a list of all processors
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procChips;
+ getAllChips( l_procChips, TARGETING::TYPE_PROC );
+ for (const auto & l_procChip: l_procChips)
+ {
+ const fapi2::Target<TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>
+ l_fapi_cpu_target(l_procChip);
+ // call p9_htm_setup.C HWP
+// FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl,
+// p9_htm_setup,
+// l_fapi_cpu_target);
- //@TODO RTC:33831 call p9_htm_setup.C HWP
+ if(l_errl)
+ {
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_procChip).addToLog(l_errl);
+ l_StepError.addErrorDetails( l_errl );
+ errlCommit( l_errl, HWPF_COMP_ID );
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace, "call_proc_htm_setup:: failed on proc with HUID : %d",TARGETING::get_huid(l_procChip) );
+ }
+ }
+ }while(0);
- return l_err;
+ // end task, returning any errorlogs to IStepDisp
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace, "call_proc_htm_setup exit" );
+ return l_StepError.getErrorHandle();
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_pcie_config.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_pcie_config.C
index 7eb44fb6c..4851b4a7e 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_pcie_config.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_pcie_config.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -25,14 +25,19 @@
#include <errl/errlentry.H>
#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
#include <errl/errludtarget.H>
#include <isteps/hwpisteperror.H>
#include <initservice/isteps_trace.H>
+//HWP Invoker
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
// targeting support
#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
#include <targeting/common/util.H>
#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <fapi2/target.H>
+#include <p9_pcie_config.H>
using namespace ISTEP;
@@ -51,32 +56,24 @@ void* call_proc_pcie_config (void *io_pArgs)
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_proc_pcie_config entry" );
- TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procTargetList;
- getAllChips(l_procTargetList, TYPE_PROC );
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_procChips;
+ getAllChips(l_procChips, TYPE_PROC );
- for ( TargetHandleList::const_iterator
- l_iter = l_procTargetList.begin();
- l_iter != l_procTargetList.end();
- ++l_iter )
+ for (const auto & l_procChip: l_procChips)
- const TARGETING::Target* l_pTarget = *l_iter;
+ const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>
+ l_fapi_cpu_target(l_procChip);
// write HUID of target
- "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pTarget));
- //@TODO RTC:133831
- // build a FAPI type of target.
- //const fapi::Target l_fapi_pTarget( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
- // (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_pTarget)) );
+ "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_procChip));
// call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- //FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, proc_pcie_config, l_fapi_pTarget );
+// FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, p9_pcie_config, l_fapi_cpu_target );
if ( l_errl )
// capture the target data in the elog
- ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_pTarget).addToLog( l_errl );
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_procChip).addToLog( l_errl );
// Create IStep error log and cross reference to error that occurred
l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_errl );
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_setup_bars.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_setup_bars.C
index 536cd5da4..4ec689be0 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_setup_bars.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/call_proc_setup_bars.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -25,6 +25,22 @@
#include <errl/errlentry.H>
#include <isteps/hwpisteperror.H>
#include <initservice/isteps_trace.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <errl/errludtarget.H>
+// targeting support
+#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+#include <targeting/common/util.H>
+#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <fapi2/target.H>
+#include <p9_setup_bars.H>
+#include <p9_mss_setup_bars.H>
+//HWP Invoker
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+#include <attribute_ids.H>
using namespace ISTEP_ERROR;
using namespace ERRORLOG;
@@ -34,8 +50,7 @@ namespace ISTEP_14
void* call_proc_setup_bars (void *io_pArgs)
IStepError l_stepError;
- @TODO RTC:133831
errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
@@ -45,60 +60,30 @@ void* call_proc_setup_bars (void *io_pArgs)
// @@@@@ CUSTOM BLOCK: @@@@@
// Get all Centaur targets
TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_cpuTargetList;
- getAllChips(l_cpuTargetList, TYPE_PROC );
+ getAllChips(l_cpuTargetList, TARGETING::TYPE_PROC );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// run mss_setup_bars on all CPUs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (TargetHandleList::const_iterator
- l_cpu_iter = l_cpuTargetList.begin();
- l_cpu_iter != l_cpuTargetList.end();
- ++l_cpu_iter)
+ for (const auto & l_procChip: l_cpuTargetList)
- // make a local copy of the target for ease of use
- const TARGETING::Target* l_pCpuTarget = *l_cpu_iter;
+ const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>
+ l_fapi_cpu_target(l_procChip);
// write HUID of target
- "mss_setup_bars: proc "
- "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pCpuTarget));
- // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
- const fapi::Target l_fapi_pCpuTarget( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
- (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*> (l_pCpuTarget)) );
- TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_membufsList;
- getChildAffinityTargets(l_membufsList, l_pCpuTarget,
- std::vector<fapi::Target> l_associated_centaurs;
- for (TargetHandleList::const_iterator
- l_membuf_iter = l_membufsList.begin();
- l_membuf_iter != l_membufsList.end();
- ++l_membuf_iter)
- {
- // make a local copy of the target for ease of use
- const TARGETING::Target* l_pTarget = *l_membuf_iter;
+ "p9_mss_setup_bars: proc "
+ "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_procChip));
- // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
- const fapi::Target l_fapi_centaur_target
- (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_pTarget)) );
- TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "target HUID %.8X", TARGETING::get_huid(l_pTarget));
- l_associated_centaurs.push_back(l_fapi_centaur_target);
- }
- // call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- mss_setup_bars,
- l_fapi_pCpuTarget, l_associated_centaurs );
+ // call the HWP with all fapi2::Target
+// FAPI_INVOKE_HWP(l_errl,
+// p9_mss_setup_bars,
+// l_fapi_cpu_target );
if ( l_errl )
// capture the target data in the elog
- ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_pCpuTarget).addToLog( l_errl );
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_procChip).addToLog( l_errl );
// Create IStep error log and cross reference to error that occurred
l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_errl );
@@ -114,7 +99,7 @@ void* call_proc_setup_bars (void *io_pArgs)
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "SUCCESS : mss_setup-bars" );
+ "SUCCESS : p9_mss_setup-bars" );
} // endfor
@@ -124,83 +109,29 @@ void* call_proc_setup_bars (void *io_pArgs)
// run proc_setup_bars on all CPUs
- std::vector<proc_setup_bars_proc_chip> l_proc_chips;
- TargetPairs_t l_abusLinks;
- l_errl = PbusLinkSvc::getTheInstance().getPbusConnections(
- l_abusLinks, TYPE_ABUS, false );
+ std::vector<fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>> l_proc_chips;
- for (TargetHandleList::const_iterator
- l_cpu_iter = l_cpuTargetList.begin();
- l_cpu_iter != l_cpuTargetList.end() && !l_errl;
- ++l_cpu_iter)
+ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < l_cpuTargetList.size(); i++)
- // make a local copy of the target for ease of use
- const TARGETING::Target* l_pCpuTarget = *l_cpu_iter;
- // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
- const fapi::Target l_fapi_pCpuTarget( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
- (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*> (l_pCpuTarget)) );
- proc_setup_bars_proc_chip l_proc_chip ;
- l_proc_chip.this_chip = l_fapi_pCpuTarget;
- l_proc_chip.process_f0 = true;
- l_proc_chip.process_f1 = true;
- TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_abuses;
- getChildChiplets( l_abuses, l_pCpuTarget, TYPE_ABUS );
- for (TargetHandleList::const_iterator
- l_abus_iter = l_abuses.begin();
- l_abus_iter != l_abuses.end();
- ++l_abus_iter)
- {
- const TARGETING::Target* l_target = *l_abus_iter;
- uint8_t l_srcID = l_target->getAttr<ATTR_CHIP_UNIT>();
- TargetPairs_t::iterator l_itr = l_abusLinks.find(l_target);
- if ( l_itr == l_abusLinks.end() )
- {
- continue;
- }
- const TARGETING::Target *l_pParent = NULL;
- l_pParent = getParentChip(
- (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_itr->second)));
- fapi::Target l_fapiproc_parent( TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP,
- (void *)l_pParent );
- switch (l_srcID)
- {
- case 0: l_proc_chip.a0_chip = l_fapiproc_parent; break;
- case 1: l_proc_chip.a1_chip = l_fapiproc_parent; break;
- case 2: l_proc_chip.a2_chip = l_fapiproc_parent; break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- l_proc_chips.push_back( l_proc_chip );
- } // endfor
+ l_proc_chips.push_back(l_cpuTargetList[i]);
+ }
- if (!l_errl)
- {
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "call proc_setup_bars");
+ "call p9_setup_bars");
// call the HWP with each fapi::Target
- FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, proc_setup_bars, l_proc_chips, true );
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP( l_errl, p9_setup_bars, l_proc_chips, BAR_SETUP_PHASE1 );
if ( l_errl )
- "ERROR : proc_setup_bars" );
+ "ERROR : p9_setup_bars" );
TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
- "SUCCESS : proc_setup_bars" );
+ "SUCCESS : p9_setup_bars" );
- }
} // end if !l_errl
// @@@@@ END CUSTOM BLOCK: @@@@@
@@ -217,7 +148,7 @@ void* call_proc_setup_bars (void *io_pArgs)
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_proc_setup_bars exit" );
// end task, returning any errorlogs to IStepDisp
return l_stepError.getErrorHandle();
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/makefile b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/makefile
index bfeae4023..b15201811 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep14/makefile
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep14/makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
-# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2016
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
@@ -25,6 +25,20 @@
ROOTPATH = ../../../..
MODULE = istep14
+PROCEDURE_PATH = ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures
+#Add all the extra include paths
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/obj/genfiles/
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/hwpf/fapi2/include
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/include/usr/fapi2
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/utils
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/common/include/
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/xml/error_info/
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/lib/eff_config/
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/lib/
OBJS += call_host_startprd_dram.o
OBJS += call_mss_memdiag.o
OBJS += call_mss_thermal_init.o
@@ -35,4 +49,19 @@ OBJS += call_proc_htm_setup.o
OBJS += call_proc_exit_cache_contained.o
OBJS += call_host_mpipl_service.o
+include ${ROOTPATH}/
+# include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/
+include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/
+include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/
+include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/
+# include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/
+# include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/
+# include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/
+include ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/
include ${ROOTPATH}/
+VPATH += ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/nest/ ${PROCEDURE_PATH}/hwp/memory/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
index 02f43c6c6..4183f3b2b 100644
--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
+++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
@@ -6904,10 +6904,16 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Voltage. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Voltage, each voltage rail would need to have a value.
+ Computed in mss_volt C code - in millivolts
+ creator: mss_volt
+ consumer: mss_eff_cnfg, others
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
- <uint32_t>
- </uint32_t>
+ <uint64_t>
+ </uint64_t>
@@ -6919,13 +6925,16 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>VPP_BASE</id>
+ <id>MSS_VOLT_VPP</id> <!-- VPP_BASE -->
- DRAM VPP voltage domain base voltage in mV. Managed by HWPs.
+ DRAM VPP Voltage, each voltage rail would need to have a value.
+ Computed in mss_volt C code - in millivolts. 0V - DDR3, 2.5V - DDR4
+ creator: mss_volt
+ consumer: mss_eff_cnfg, others
+ firmware notes: none
- <default>0</default>
@@ -6939,10 +6948,21 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Frequency of memory channel in MHz. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Frequency of this memory channel in MT/s (Mega Transfers per second),
+ comprising of three DIMMs.
+ Computed in mss_freq
+ creator: mss_freq
+ consumer: mss_eff_cnfg, others
+ firmware notes: none
+ MT1866 = 1866,
+ MT2133 = 2133,
+ MT2400 = 2400,
+ MT2666 = 2666
+ </description>
- <uint32_t>
- </uint32_t>
+ <uint64_t>
+ </uint64_t>
@@ -6955,7 +6975,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM Manufacturer ID Code. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>Manufacturer ID Code RCD: bits(31:16), Module: bits(15:0)</description>
@@ -6989,7 +7009,14 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Number of ranks per DIMM. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Number of ranks in each DIMM.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ values are 0,1,2, 4 up to 32
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -7005,27 +7032,20 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DIMM_TYPE</id>
- <description>Type of DIMM. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <description>DIMM is a custom DIMM. Sometimes this is known as a CDIMM, but technically, we could support Custom DIMMs of different types than an UDIMM, such as RDIMM and LRDIMM. Created in mss_eff_cnfg</description>
+ <description>
+ DIMM is a custom DIMM. This is commonly known as a CDIMM,
+ but technically, we could support Custom DIMMs of different types than an UDIMM,
+ such as RDIMM and LRDIMM.
+ Created in mss_eff_cnfg
+ Use this attribute if you need to know if the Centaur is on the DIMM instead of on a planar.
+ NO = 0, YES = 1
+ </description>
+<!--TODO RTC:153297 make this an array when tmgt issue is fixed-->
+<!-- <array>2,2</array> -->
@@ -7038,10 +7058,18 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Device Width. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Device Width: X4, X8, X16, X32.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ X4 = 4, X8 = 8, X16 = 16, X32 = 32
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
@@ -7053,24 +7081,39 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_GEN</id>
- <description>DRAM Generation. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_RANK_MIX</id>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Device Rank Mix
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
- <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_GEN</id>
- <description>Primary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7087,7 +7130,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Primary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7104,7 +7153,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Primary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7121,7 +7176,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Primary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7138,7 +7199,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Secondary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7155,7 +7222,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Secondary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7172,7 +7245,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Secondary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7189,7 +7268,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Secondary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7206,7 +7291,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Tertiary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7223,7 +7314,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Tertiary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7240,7 +7337,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Tertiary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7257,7 +7360,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Tertiary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7274,7 +7383,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Quaternary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7291,7 +7406,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Quaternary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7308,7 +7429,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Quaternary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7325,7 +7452,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Quaternary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RankGroup. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_rank_group
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ INVALID = 255
+ </description>
@@ -7346,7 +7479,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Rank Read ODT. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Read ODT.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various and initfiles
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -7363,7 +7502,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Rank Write ODT. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Write ODT.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD
+ Creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various and initfile
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -7380,7 +7525,11 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Ron. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Ron.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD
+ OHM48 is for DDR4.
+ </description>
@@ -7397,7 +7546,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Rtt_Nom. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>D
+ DRAM Rtt_Nom.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD
+ </description>
@@ -7414,7 +7566,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Rtt_WR. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Rtt_WR.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD
+ </description>
@@ -7430,8 +7585,68 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <id>VPD_GPO</id>
+ <description>
+ This value comes from the VPD keyword MT bytes 61 MT(61) for the Logical DIMM
+ associated with port A. Bytes 125 for port B, 189 for port C and 253 for port D
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_VPD_GPO</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <description>DRAM Write Vref. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Write Vref.
+ Used in various locations and comes from the MT keyword of the VPD or is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_termination.
+ creator: VPD(MT) or mss_eff_cnfg_termination
+ consumer: various.C and initfile
+ firmware notes: none
+ This is the nominal value
+ This is for DDR3
+ VDD420 = 420,
+ VDD425 = 425,
+ VDD430 = 430,
+ VDD435 = 435,
+ VDD440 = 440,
+ VDD445 = 445,
+ VDD450 = 450,
+ VDD455 = 455,
+ VDD460 = 460,
+ VDD465 = 465,
+ VDD470 = 470,
+ VDD475 = 475,
+ VDD480 = 480,
+ VDD485 = 485,
+ VDD490 = 490,
+ VDD495 = 495,
+ VDD500 = 500,
+ VDD505 = 505,
+ VDD510 = 510,
+ VDD515 = 515,
+ VDD520 = 520,
+ VDD525 = 525,
+ VDD530 = 530,
+ VDD535 = 535,
+ VDD540 = 540,
+ VDD545 = 545,
+ VDD550 = 550,
+ VDD555 = 555,
+ VDD560 = 560,
+ VDD565 = 565,
+ VDD570 = 570,
+ VDD575 = 575
+ </description>
@@ -7841,7 +8056,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo.
+ The LSB corresponds to the highest WR Vref
+ </description>
@@ -7858,7 +8076,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo for DDR4. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo.
+ The LSB corresponds to the highest WR Vref
+ </description>
@@ -7892,7 +8113,9 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM Size. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DIMM Size, in GB Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ </description>
@@ -7956,38 +8179,6 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Density. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRCD</id>
- <description>DRAM RAS to CAS Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>DRAM Row ACT to Row ACT Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -8003,25 +8194,26 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRP</id>
- <description>DRAM Row Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRFI</id>
+ <description>Refresh Interval. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
- <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRP</id>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRAS</id>
- <description>DRAM ACT to Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TWTR</id>
+ <description>DRAM Internal Write to Read Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -8030,113 +8222,124 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRC</id>
- <description>DRAM ACT to ACT/Refresh Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRTP</id>
+ <description>
+ Internal Read to Precharge Delay.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_timing
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array> 2 </array>
- <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRC</id>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRFI</id>
- <description>Refresh Interval. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint32_t>
- </uint32_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRFC</id>
- <description>DRAM Refresh Recovery Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint32_t>
- </uint32_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TWTR</id>
- <description>DRAM Internal Write to Read Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRFC_DLR</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cyles).
+ Selected tRFC value (tRFC_dl1, tRFC_dl2, or tRFC_dl4)
+ depends on MRW attribute that selects fine refresh mode (x1, x2, x4).
+ For 3DS, The tRFC time to different logical ranks are defined as tRFC_dlr
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array> 2 </array>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRTP</id>
- <description>DRAM Internal Read to Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TFAW_DLR</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ For 3DS, the tFAW time to different logical ranks are defined as tFAW_dlr
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array> 2 </array>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TFAW</id>
- <description>DRAM Four ACT Window Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TXS</id>
+ <description>
+ Exit Self-Refresh to commands not requiring a locked DLL.
+ In nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array> 2 </array>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TXS</id>
- <description>DRAM Burst Length. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Burst Length.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ BL8 = 0, OTF = 1, BC4 = 2
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8149,10 +8352,17 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM CAS Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ CAS Latency.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_freq
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8165,10 +8375,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Additive Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Additive Latency.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_timing.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_timing
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ DISABLE = 0, CL_MINUS_1 = 1, CL_MINUS_2 = 2
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8181,10 +8400,18 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM CAS Write Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ CAS Write Latency.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_timing.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_timing
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8197,10 +8424,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Read Burst Type. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Read Burst Type.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
@@ -8213,10 +8449,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Test Mode. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Test Mode.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ NORMAL= 0, TEST = 1
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
@@ -8229,10 +8474,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM DLL Reset. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DLL Reset.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ NO = 0, YES = 1
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
@@ -8261,10 +8515,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM DLL Precharge PD. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DLL Precharge PD.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8277,10 +8540,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM DLL Enable. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DLL Enable.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2,2</array>
@@ -8293,10 +8565,18 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM TDQS. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array> 2 </array>
@@ -8308,11 +8588,42 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TREFI</id>
+ <description>
+ Average Refresh Interval (tREFI) in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array> 2 </array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <description>DRAM Write Level Enable. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Write Level Enable.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8325,10 +8636,20 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM output buffer. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Qoff.
+ Enables or disables DRAM output.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8341,10 +8662,26 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Partial Array Self-Refresh. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Partial Array Self-Refresh.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ FULL = 0,
+ LAST_HALF = 5,
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8357,10 +8694,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Auto Self-Refresh. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Auto Self-Refresh.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ SRT = 0, ASR = 1
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8373,10 +8719,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DRAM Self-Refresh Temperature Range. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Self-Refresh Temperature Range.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ NORMAL = 0, EXTEND = 1
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8389,10 +8744,18 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Multi Purpose Register Location. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Multi Purpose Register Location.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8405,10 +8768,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Multi Purpose Register Mode. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Multi Purpose Register Mode.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8438,7 +8810,14 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM RCD IBT. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RCD IBT. Used in mss_dram_init and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: mss_dram_init
+ firmware notes: none
+ IBT_OFF = 0, IBT_100 = 100, IBT_150 = 150, IBT_200 = 200, IBT_300 = 300
+ </description>
@@ -8455,7 +8834,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM RCD Mirror mode. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ RCD Mirroring. Used in mss_dram_init and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: mss_dram_init
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -8472,10 +8857,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8488,10 +8876,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8504,10 +8895,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the schmoo test to run during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the schmoo test to run during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8520,10 +8914,13 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the schmoo parameters to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the schmoo parameters to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8540,6 +8937,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8556,6 +8954,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8572,6 +8971,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8588,6 +8988,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8604,6 +9005,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8616,10 +9018,14 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the memcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the memcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8632,10 +9038,14 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Specifies the zqcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the zqcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8669,6 +9079,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -8731,6 +9142,85 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <description>Specifies the number of DRAM dies per package. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ This is the throttled N commands per window
+ of M DRAM clocks setting for cfg_nm_n_per_port.
+ Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ This is the throttled M DRAM clocks setting for cfg_nm_m.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: mc_config
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ This is the throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_slot
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>Specifies the number of DRAM dies per package. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -8797,10 +9287,18 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Channel total memory watts. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>
+ Total memory power limit in cW for the dimms on the memory channel pair.
+ Used to compute the throttles on the channel and/or dimms.
+ creator: unknown.
+ consumer: mss_eff_config.
+ firmware notes: none.
+ </description>
+ <!--TODO RTC:153297 make this an array when tmgt issue is fixed-->
+<!-- <array>2</array> -->
@@ -8829,6 +9327,41 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <description>Master Power slope value for dimm. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2,2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>Supplier Power slope value for dimm. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2,2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>DIMM Power slope value. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -8863,6 +9396,46 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <description>
+ Master Power intercept value for dimm
+ Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2,2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Supplier Power intercept value for dimm
+ Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2,2</array><!-- [drop][port] -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>Supplier Power intercept value for dimm</description>
@@ -8949,7 +9522,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM Max Bandwidth in GBs. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>DIMM Max Bandwidth in GBs output from thermal procedures. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -8966,7 +9539,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM Max Bandwidth in MRs. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>DIMM Max Bandwidth in MRs output from thermal procedures Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9000,7 +9573,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Channel Pair Max Bandwidth in GBs. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>Pair Max Bandwidth in GBs output from thermal procedures. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9034,7 +9607,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Channel Pair Max Bandwidth MRs. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>Channel Pair Max Bandwidth MRs output from thermal procedures. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9051,7 +9624,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>DIMM Max Power output. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>DIMM Max Power output from thermal procedures. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9085,7 +9658,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Channel Pair Max Power output. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
+ <description>Channel Pair Max Power output from thermal procedures. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9100,6 +9673,65 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <description>
+ Runtime throttled N commands per
+ M DRAM clocks setting for cfg_nm_n_per_port.
+ Initialized and used by HWPs.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Runtime for M DRAM clocks setting for cfg_nm_m
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Runtime throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_slot
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>Runtime throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_mba. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
@@ -9264,7 +9896,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Prefteching enable. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.</description>
+ <description>
+ Value of on or off. Determines if prefetching enabled or not.
+ See chapter 7 of the Centaur Workbook.
+ </description>
@@ -9280,7 +9915,11 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>L4 cleaner enable. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.</description>
+ <description>
+ Value of on or off.
+ Determines if the cleaner of the L4 cache (write modified entries to memory on idle cycles)
+ enabled or not. See chapter 7 of the Centaur Workbook.
+ </description>
@@ -9349,11 +9988,20 @@ Measured in GB</description>
- <description>A bit vector (per Dean's request) specifying if a DIMM is functional. DIMM attributes, such as SIZE, are qualified by this bit vector. The attribute ANDed 0x80 means port 0, DIMM 0 is functional, 0x40 means port 0, DIMM 1 is functional. 0x08 means port 1, DIMM 0 is functional and 0x04 means port 1 DIMM 1 is functional. A fully populated system would have the value of 0xCC. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none
-This factors in functionality</description>
+ <description>
+ A bit vector (per Dean's request) specifying if a DIMM is functional.
+ DIMM attributes, such as SIZE, are qualified by this bit vector.
+ The attribute ANDed 0x80 means port 0, DIMM 0 is functional, 0x40 means port 0, DIMM 1 is functional.
+ 0x08 means port 1, DIMM 0 is functional and 0x04 means port 1 DIMM 1 is functional.
+ A fully populated system would have the value of 0xCC.
+ Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none
+ This factors in functionality
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -9366,18 +10014,25 @@ This factors in functionality</description>
- <description>A bit vector denoting valid cal steps to run during dram_init_train. [0] EXT_ZQCAL
-bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. </description>
+ <description>
+ A bit vector denoting valid cal steps to run (0 is left most bit)
+ [1] WR_LEVEL
+ [4] READ_CTR
+ [10]:[15] Reserved for future use
+ COARSE_WR and COARSE_RD will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL.
+ </description>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
+ <uint16_t>
+ </uint16_t>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -9406,7 +10061,13 @@ bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. </description>
- <description>The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances</description>
+ <description>
+ The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances.
+ The first dimension is port, the second is the impedance of 24,30,34, and 40 Ohms.
+ The 3rd dimension is the rate: 3,4,5 or 6 V/ns.
+ Computed and sent to the correct data blocks in phy_reset.
+ Also used in advanced training
+ </description>
@@ -9423,7 +10084,13 @@ bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. </description>
- <description>The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances</description>
+ <description>
+ The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances.
+ The first dimension is the port. The second is the impedance of 15, 20, 30 and 40 Ohms.
+ The 3rd dimension is the rate:3, 4,5 or 6 V/ns.
+ Computed and sent to the correct data blocks in phy_reset.
+ Also used in advanced training
+ </description>
@@ -9461,10 +10128,14 @@ bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. </description>
- <description>When this value is true, then mss_eff config will allow a single port to have one dimm and will allow ports to have different sizes. Used in eff_config</description>
+ <description>
+ When this value is true, then mss_eff config will allow a single port to have one dimm
+ and will allow ports to have different sizes. Used in eff_config
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -10251,14 +10922,14 @@ bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. </description>
- <description>DQS Swizzle type is set by the platform to describe what kind of DQS connection is being used for register acceses. Type 0 is normal, type 1 is for systems with wiring like glacier 1. Additional types maybe defined if new boards have even different DQS swizzle features
+ <description>
+ DQS Swizzle type is set by the platform to describe what kind of DQS connection is being used for register acceses.
+ Type 0 is normal, type 1 is for systems with wiring like glacier 1, type 2 is for Pallmeto.
+ Additional types maybe defined if new boards have even different DQS swizzle features
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -10324,7 +10995,12 @@ Measured in GB</description>
- <description>Spare DRAM availability. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: load from spd</description>
+ <description>
+ Spare DRAM availability. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: load from spd
+ </description>
@@ -10940,10 +11616,18 @@ Measured in GB</description>
- <description>FOR LAB USE ONLY: Frequency override of this memory channel in MHz, comprising of up to three DIMMs. Set by config file or an attribute writing program. Consumed by mss_freq. The default of AUTO means mss_freq will find the best frequencies given the DIMMs plugged in and other rules. Otherwise, this is the system frequency.
-firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</description>
+ <description>
+ FOR LAB USE ONLY: Frequency override of this memory channel in MT/s
+ comprising of up to three DIMMs.
+ Set by config file or an attribute writing program.
+ Consumed by mss_freq.
+ The default of AUTO means mss_freq will find the best frequencies given the DIMMs plugged in and other rules.
+ Otherwise, this is the system frequency.
+ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)
+ </description>
+ <default>0</default>
@@ -11058,6 +11742,7 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11599,12 +12284,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description> Low Power Auto Self-Refresh. This is for DDR4 MRS2. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Low Power Auto Self-Refresh.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS2.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11617,12 +12308,17 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>MPR Page Selection This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ MPR Page Selection This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11635,12 +12331,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Gear Down Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Gear Down Mode.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11653,12 +12355,17 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Per DRAM accessibility. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Per DRAM accessibility.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
firmware notes: none</description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11671,12 +12378,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Temperature sensor readout. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Temperature sensor readout.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11707,12 +12420,17 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>write latency for CRC and DM. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ write latency for CRC and DM. This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11725,12 +12443,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>MPR READ FORMAT. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ This is for DDR4 MRS3.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11743,12 +12467,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Max Power down mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Max Power down mode.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11779,12 +12509,17 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Temp controlled ref mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Temp controlled ref mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11797,10 +12532,15 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Internal Vref Monitor.. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Internal Vref Monitor.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -11815,12 +12555,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>CS to CMD/ADDR Latency. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ CS to CMD/ADDR Latency.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11833,12 +12579,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Self Refresh Abort. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Self Refresh Abort.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11851,12 +12603,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Read Pre amble Training Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Read Pre amble Training Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11869,12 +12625,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Read Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Read Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11887,12 +12647,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Write Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Write Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11905,12 +12669,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>C/A Parity Latency Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ C/A Parity Latency Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11923,12 +12691,18 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>CRC Error Clear. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ <description>
+ CRC Error Clear.
+ This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11941,12 +12715,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>C/A Parity Error Status. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ C/A Parity Error Status. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11959,12 +12737,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>ODT Input Buffer during power down. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ ODT Input Buffer during power down. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -11977,10 +12759,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>RTT_Park value. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ RTT_Park value. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
<array>2, 2, 4</array>
@@ -11996,12 +12781,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>CA Parity Persistance Error. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ CA Parity Persistance Error. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12014,12 +12803,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Data Mask. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Data Mask. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12032,12 +12825,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Write DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Write DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12050,12 +12847,16 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Read DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ <description>
+ Read DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
creator: mss_eff_cnfg
consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12068,10 +12869,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>vrefdq_train value. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ <description>
+ vrefdq_train value. This is for DDR4 MRS6.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ Consumer:various
+ Firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -12087,10 +12891,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>vrefdq_train range. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ <description>
+ vrefdq_train range. This is for DDR4 MRS6.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ Consumer:various
+ Firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -12106,10 +12913,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>vrefdq_train enable. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ <description>
+ vrefdq_train enable. This is for DDR4 MRS6.
+ Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
+ Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ Consumer:various
+ Firmware notes: none
+ </description>
@@ -12143,12 +12953,17 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Write CRC control for DDR4. Set in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none</description>
+ <description>
+ Write CRC control for DDR4 in MRS2.
+ Set in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ Consumer:various
+ Firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12458,6 +13273,8 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
get the desired frequency. The supported frequencies come from
Tim Diemoz.
Creator: platform set this to 0. Users can set this to a valid value.
+ VALID Values: (TBD % to TBD %) (Tuleta) (TBD % to TBD %) (Glacier)
+ Set by: PLL settings written by Dave Cadigan
@@ -12859,11 +13676,14 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>Additional buffer latency in the case of RDIMMs and LRDIMMs. It is expected that this value will come from the VPD</description>
+ <description>
+ Additional buffer latency in the case of RDIMMs and LRDIMMs.
+ It is expected that this value will come from the VPD
+ </description>
- <default>0</default>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -12876,11 +13696,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>LRDIMM MR1,2 register.
- DRAM Rtt_WR for all ranks, DRAM Rtt_Nom for ranks 0 and 1, DRAM driver impedance for all ranks. Eff config should set this up.</description>
+ <description>
+ LRDIMM MR1,2 register.
+ DRAM Rtt_WR for all ranks, DRAM Rtt_Nom for ranks 0 and 1, DRAM driver impedance for all ranks.
+ Eff config should set this up.
+ </description>
- <default>0</default>
@@ -12895,13 +13717,14 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>LRDIMM additional RCD control words as set by DIMM SPD:
- F[3,4]RC10, F[3,4]RC11, F[5,6]RC10, F[5,6]RC11, F[7,8]RC10, F[7,8]RC11, F[9,10]RC10, F[9,10]RC11,
- F[1]RC8, F[3]RC9, F[3]RC8, F[1]RC11, F[1]RC12, F[1]RC13, F[1]RC14, F[1]RC15.
- Eff config should set this up</description>
+ <description>
+ LRDIMM additional RCD control words as set by DIMM SPD:
+ F[3,4]RC10, F[3,4]RC11, F[5,6]RC10, F[5,6]RC11, F[7,8]RC10, F[7,8]RC11, F[9,10]RC10, F[9,10]RC11,
+ F[1]RC8, F[3]RC9, F[3]RC8, F[1]RC11, F[1]RC12, F[1]RC13, F[1]RC14, F[1]RC15.
+ Eff config should set this up
+ </description>
- <default>0</default>
@@ -12916,12 +13739,14 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>LRDIMM rank multiplication mode.
- Will be set at an MBA level with one policy to be used</description>
+ <description>
+ LRDIMM rank multiplication mode.
+ Will be set at an MBA level with one policy to be used
+ </description>
- <default>0</default>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -13026,9 +13851,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>RAS weight to use for memory throttle control</description>
+ <description>
+ RAS weight to use for memory throttle control
+ - set in thermal procedures
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -13041,9 +13870,13 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
- <description>CAS weight to use for memory throttle control</description>
+ <description>
+ CAS weight to use for memory throttle control
+ - set in thermal procedures
+ </description>
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -13724,6 +14557,131 @@ firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0)</descript
+ <description>
+ DRAM data bus utilization percent to use to determine ATTR_MSS_THROTTLED_N_COMMANDS
+ creator: f/w
+ consumer: mss_utils_to_throttle
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t></uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Throttled N commands (address operations) that are
+ allowed within a window of M DRAM clocks.
+ Nimbus workbook (Power and Thermal Controls).
+ creator: mss_utils_to_throttle
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t></uint32_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_MAC</id>
+ <description>
+ Maximum Activate Count. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint16_t></uint16_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_MAC</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>VPD_RLO</id>
+ <description>
+ This value comes from the VPD keyword MT byte 60 bits 4:7 for the Logical DIMM associated with port A.
+ Byte 124 bits 4:7 for port B, 188 bits 4:7 for port C and 252 bits 4:7 for port D
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t></uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_VPD_RLO</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>VPD_WLO</id>
+ <description>
+ This value comes from the VPD keyword MT byte 60 bits 0:3 for the Logical DIMM associated with port A.
+ Byte 124 bits 0:3 for port B, 188 bits 0:3 for port C and 252 bits 0:3 for port D
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t></uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_VPD_WLO</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Module Memory Bus Width.
+ Used in various locations and is evaluated in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t></uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>cfg_nm_n_per_mba throttle N value that was calculated from MSS_DATABUS_UTIL_PER_MBA</description>
@@ -14035,6 +14993,7 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <array>2</array>
@@ -14194,11 +15153,14 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- The NEST frequencies the memory chip can run at computed by the mss_freq. The possibilities are ORed together. The platform uses these value and the MRW to determine what frequency to boot the fabric (nest) if it can. There are two values: 8G and 9.6G
+ The NEST frequencies the memory chip can run at computed by the mss_freq.
+ The possibilities are ORed together. The platform uses these value and
+ the MRW to determine what frequency to boot the fabric (nest) if it can.
+ There are two values: 8G and 9.6G
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
+ <uint64_t>
+ </uint64_t>
@@ -15003,11 +15965,8 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- Voltage override for MSS_VOLT. Used for membuf lab debug.
- 0x00 = None (default), no override
- 0x01 = 1.35V
- 0x02 = 1.20V
+ Possible DRAM voltage override.
+ Firmware notes: Default should be NONE (0x00).
@@ -15046,16 +16005,10 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- DIMM SPD voltage override for VDDR voltage calculations.
- Used for lab debug.
- 0x00 = None (default), no override
- 0x01 = 1.35V
- 0x02 = 1.20V
+ Possible VDDR voltage override.
- <default>0</default>
@@ -15296,10 +16249,11 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>version of algorithm used to calculate ISDIMM power curves
+ <description>
+ version of algorithm used to calculate ISDIMM power curves
- <uint32_t><default>0</default></uint32_t>
+ <uint32_t></uint32_t>
@@ -16142,12 +17096,12 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <description>Maximum number of installed DIMMs per VMEM regulator for all
+ <description>
+ Maximum number of installed DIMMs per VMEM regulator for all
VMEM regulators in the system.
- <default>0</default>
@@ -16994,38 +17948,19 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TCCD_L</id>
- <description>tccd_l. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
- Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- Consumer:various
- Firmware notes: none
- </description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t></uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>Additional buffer control word for LRDIMM building of the BCW</description>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
@@ -17100,38 +18035,6 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TRRD_L</id>
- <description>DRAM Row to Row Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_TWTR_L</id>
- <description>DRAM Internal Write to Read Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs.</description>
- <simpleType>
- <uint8_t>
- </uint8_t>
- </simpleType>
- <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
- <readable/>
- <writeable/>
- <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
- <macro>DIRECT</macro>
- </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
<description>tccd_l. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value.
Creator: mss_eff_cnfg
@@ -21783,44 +22686,2603 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
- <id>EFF_DRAM_RANK_MIX</id>
+ <id>NHTM_TRACE_TYPE</id>
- DRAM Device Rank Mix
- Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none
+ The Nest HTM trace type desired to be collected.
+ - Platform is to default to DISABLE (0x0).
+ - User can change NHTM trace type (i.e. enable NHTM trace
+ collection) using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, FABRIC = 0x1, EVENT = 0x2, OCC = 0x3
- <uint8_t></uint8_t>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>CHTM_TRACE_TYPE</id>
+ <description>
+ The Core HTM trace type desired to be collected.
+ - Platform is to default to DISABLE (0x0)
+ - User can change CHTM trace type (i.e. enable CHTM trace
+ collection) using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, CORE = 0x1, LLAT = 0x2, PPE = 0x3, DMW = 0x4
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: defines the TTYPE pattern to match in Fabric trace mode.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (1:7).
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: defines the TSIZE pattern to match in Fabric trace mode.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (8:15).
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: TTYPE pattern mask.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (17:23).
+ If set to 1, do not need to match w/ the pattern.
+ If all mask bits are set, no TTYPE pattern/masking is done
+ - Platform is to default to 0x7F
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: TSIZE pattern mask.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (24:31).
+ If set to 1, do not need to match w/ the Pattern.
+ If all mask bits are set, no TSIZE pattern/masking is done
+ - Platform is to default to 0xFF
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: TTYPE/TSIZE Capture Invert.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (32).
+ 0 : Capture record based on ttype/tsize pattern matching
+ 1 : Capture record based on ttype/tsize pattern NOT matching
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: CRESP Filter Capture Invert.
+ HTM Ttype Filter Control Register (33).
+ 0 : Capture record based on cresp filter pattern matching
+ 1 : Capture record based on cresp filter pattern NOT matching
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_FILT_PAT</id>
+ <description>
+ HTM Filter Control Register (0:22).
+ In Fabric trace mode, defines the TTAG/Scope/Source pattern to
+ match in the RCMD and CRESP:
+ 0:3 rcmd_ttag(0:2) Group ID Pattern for rcmd and cresp
+ filtering.
+ 4:6 rcmd_ttag(3:5) Chip ID Pattern for rcmd and cresp
+ filtering.
+ 7:16 rcmd_ttag(6:13) Unit ID Pattern for rcmd and cresp
+ (if from this chip) filtering.
+ 17:19 rcmd_scope(0:2) Scope Pattern for rcmd and cresp
+ filtering.
+ 20:21 rcmd_source(0:1) Source Pattern for rcmd filtering.
+ 22 Powerbus PORT pattern for rcmd and cresp filtering.
+ In OCC trace mode, defines the occ_trace_data(0:22) pattern
+ to match:
+ 0:22 occ_trace_data(0:22) pattern.
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: defines the CRESP Filter pattern in FABRIC trace mode.
+ HTM Filter Control Register (27:31).
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_FILT_MASK</id>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM FABRIC: Pattern mask.
+ HTM Filter Control Register (32:54).
+ Bits set to 1 in this mask do not need to match w/ the Filter
+ pattern.
+ If all mask bits are set, No pattern matching is done.
+ - Platform is to default to 0x3FFFFF
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ <default>0x3FFFFF</default>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM FABRIC: CRESP Filter Mask.
+ HTM Filter Control Register (59:63).
+ Bits set to 1 in this mask do not need to match w/ the CRESP
+ Filter pattern.
+ If all mask bits are set, no pattern matching is done
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: defines the NHTM trace mode.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (1:2).
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0 (FABRIC)
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ FABRIC = 0x0, EVENT = 0x1, OCC = 0x2
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: defines capture mode according to trace mode.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (4:12).
+ When htm_mode_q(1 TO 2) == 00, i.e. FABRIC
+ 456789012
+ 0xxxx0000 : Ignore HTM generated data writes
+ 1xxxx0000 : Capture htm generated data writes
+ x0xxx0000 : Filtering ignored on PMISC (always trace PMISC and Report Hang)
+ x1xxx0000 : Filtering applied on ttype = PMISC and ttype = report hang
+ xx00x0000 : CRESP Mode: Flush CRESP Queue to avoid overrun (default)
+ xx01x0000 : CRESP Mode: Reserved
+ xx10x0000 : CRESP Mode: Enable Precise CRESP Mode
+ xx11x0000 : CRESP Mode: Ignore CRESP
+ xxxx00000 : Pre-Allocate maximum memory buffers (8)
+ xxxx10000 : Pre-Allocate fewer memory buffers (4)
+ When htm_mode_q(1 TO 2) == 01, i.e. OTHER
+ 00000xxxx : Pre-Allocate maximum memory buffers (8)
+ 00001xxxx : Pre-Allocate fewer memory buffers (4)
+ 0000xmmmx : mmm for optional external mux control
+ 0000xxxx0 : Both -other- trace buses to NHTM0
+ 0000xxxx1 : Other trace bus0 to nhtm0, trace bus1 to nhtm1. High BW
+ When htm_mode_q(1 TO 2) == 10, i.e. OCC
+ 00000xxx0 : Pre-Allocate maximum memory buffers (8)
+ 00001xxx0 : Pre-Allocate fewer memory buffers (4)
+ 0000xmmm0 : mmm for optional external mux control
+ - Platform is to default to 0x040 (Precise CRESP, 0b001000000)
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ <default>0x040</default>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_MODE_WRAP</id>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Trace Wrap mode.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (13).
+ 0 = Stop trace when top of Trace Memory is reached
+ 1 = Wrap trace to beginning of Trace Memory
+ - Platform is to default to 0x1
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ <default>1</default>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: TimeStamp Writes option.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (14).
+ 0 = Write of timestamps enabled to indicate elapsed time
+ between records.
+ 1 = Timestamps written only to indicate record loss
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Overflow Timestamps option.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (15).
+ 0 = Timestamp written to indicate elapsed time overflow.
+ 1 = Only one timestamp is written between entries, overflow
+ indication is lost
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Stamp/Marker only mode.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (17).
+ 0 = Normal trace
+ 1 = Ignore incoming trace data and save only markers caused
+ by HTM_TRIG writes,
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Group scope option.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (18).
+ This is a powerbus debug bit
+ 0 = htm write ops sent with group scope
+ 1 = htm write ops sent with Vg scope using programmed
+ target bits.
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override..
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Control the number of cycles to wait to force a
+ synchronization stamp or reset the timer.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (19:21).
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: Use space option.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (22).
+ 0 = Use HTM_CL_Write op to target system memory.
+ Do pre-allocation sequence. (default)
+ 1 = Use ci_pr_st op to target anywhere else.
+ Dont do pre-allocate sequence.
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Nest HTM: VG target mode.
+ HTM Collection Mode Register (24:39).
+ Vg Target bits should be configured if HTM_MEM[scope] is Vg
+ or if Disable Group Scope=1
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_MEM_SCOPE</id>
+ <description>
+ Setting of memory scope for HTM collection.
+ HTM Memory Configuration Register (1:3)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0 (LOCAL).
+ - User can change HTM scope using Attribute Override.
+ LOCAL = 0x0, NEARNODE = 0x1, GROUP = 0x3, REMOTE = 0x4, VECTORED = 0x5
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Setting of memory priority for HTM collection.
+ HTM Memory Configuration Register (4)
+ - Platform is to default to LOW.
+ - User can change MEM_PRIORITY using Attribute Override.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_CTRL_TRIG</id>
+ <description>
+ Setting of Trigger control.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (0:1)
+ 00 local triggers are not forwarded to the PowerBus, it is
+ inserted into the trace when tracing. Both local and
+ global triggers control the HTM
+ 01 local triggers are not forwarded to the PowerBus, it is
+ inserted into the traCe when tracing. Only local triggers
+ control the HTM
+ 1x local triggers are forwarded to the PowerBus, it is not
+ inserted into the trace when tracing. Only global
+ triggers control the HTM
+ - Platform is to default to 0x1.
+ - User can change MEM_PRIORITY using Attribute Override.
+ LOCAL_GLOBAL = 0x0, LOCAL = 0x1, GLOBAL = 0x2
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>1</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>HTMSC_CTRL_MARK</id>
+ <description>
+ Setting of Mark control.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (4:5)
+ 00 local markers are not forwarded to the PowerBus. Both
+ local and global markers are inserted into the trace
+ 01 local markers are not forwarded to the PowerBus. Only
+ local markers are inserted into the trace
+ 10 local markers are forwarded to the PowerBus. Only global
+ markers are inserted into the trace
+ 11 local markers are forwarded to the PowerBus. Markers
+ are not inserted into the trace (Fabric Trace Mode)
+ - Platform is to default to 1.
+ - User can change MEM_PRIORITY using Attribute Override.
+ NO_MARK = 0x3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>1</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Enable Stop on PB Chiplet Debug Trigger 0.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (6)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, ENABLE = 0x1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Enable Stop on PB Chiplet Debug Trigger 1.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (7)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, ENABLE = 0x1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Enable trace stop on falling edge of PB chiplet trace run.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (8)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, ENABLE = 0x1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Enable Stop using OCC Control.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (9)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x0
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, ENABLE = 0x1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>0</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Enable Stop on chiplet XSTOP.
+ HTM Trigger Control Register (13)
+ - Platform is to default to 0x1
+ - User can change the value using Attribute Override.
+ DISABLE = 0x0, ENABLE = 0x1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ <default>1</default>
+ </uint8_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>non-volatile</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_GEN</id>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Device Type.
+ Decodes SPD byte 2.
+ Generation of memory: DDR3, DDR4.
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ EMPTY = 0, DDR3 = 1, DDR4 = 2
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+<!--TODO RTC:153297 make this an array when tmgt issue is fixed-->
+<!-- <array>2,2</array> -->
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_GEN</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_TYPE</id>
+ <description>
+ Base Module Type.
+ Decodes SPD Byte 3 (bits 3~0).
+ Type of DIMM: RDIMM, UDIMM, LRDIMM as specified by the JEDIC standard.
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ EMPTY = 0, RDIMM = 1, UDIMM = 2, LRDIMM = 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Hybrid Media.
+ Decodes SPD Byte 3 (bits 6~4)
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ NONE = 0, NVDIMM = 1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <writeable/>
- <id>EFF_DRAM_MAC</id>
+ <id>EFF_HYBRID</id>
- Maximum Activate Count. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg.
- creator: mss_eff_cnfg
- consumer: various
- firmware notes: none
+ Hybrid.
+ Decodes SPD Byte 3 (bit 7)
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
- <uint16_t></uint16_t>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_HYBRID</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ DRAM Density.
+ Decodes SPD Byte 4 (bits 3~0).
+ Total SDRAM capacity per die.
+ For multi-die stacks (DDP, QDP, or 3DS), this represents
+ the capacity of each DRAM die in the stack.
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <writeable/>
- <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_MAC</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Number of DRAM bank address bits.
+ Actual number of banks is 2^N, where
+ N is the number of bank address bits.
+ Decodes SPD Byte 4 (bits 5~4).
+ creator: spd_decoder
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Bank Groups Bits.
+ Decoded SPD Byte 4 (bits 7~6).
+ Actual number of bank groups is 2^N,
+ where N is the number of bank address bits.
+ This value represents the number of bank groups
+ into which the memory array is divided.
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Column Address Bits.
+ Decoded SPD Byte 5 (bits 2~0).
+ Actual number of DRAM columns is 2^N,
+ where N is the number of column address bits
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_ROW_BITS</id>
+ <description>
+ Row Address Bits.
+ Decodes Byte 5 (bits 5~3).
+ Number of DRAM column address bits.
+ Actual number of DRAM rows is 2^N,
+ where N is the number of row address bits
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ Primary SDRAM Package Type.
+ Decodes Byte 6.
+ This byte defines the primary set of SDRAMs.
+ Monolithic = SPD, Multi-load stack = DDP/QDP, Single-load stack = 3DS
+ creator: mss_eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_PPR</id>
+ <description>
+ Post Package Repair. Used in various locations and is evaluated in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_PPR</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_SOFT_PPR</id>
+ <description>
+ Soft Post Package Repair. Used in various locations and is evaluated in mss_eff_cnfg.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRCD</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum RAS to CAS Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cyles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 25 (7~0) and byte 112 (7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRP</id>
+ <description>
+ SDRAM Row Precharge Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 26 (bits 7~0) and byte 121 (bits 7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRP</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRAS</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 27 (bits 3~0) and byte 28 (7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_timing
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRC</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay
+ in nck (number of clock cyles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 27 (bits 7~4), byte 29 (bits 7~0), and byte 120.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_confg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRC</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRFC</id>
+ <description>
+ DDR4 Spec defined as Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC).
+ SPD Spec refers it to the Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time.
+ In nck (number of clock cyles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 31 (bits 15~8) and byte 30 (bits 7~0) for tRFC1.
+ Decodes SPD byte 33 (bits 15~8) and byte 32 (bits 7~0) for tRFC2.
+ Decodes SPD byte 35 (bits 15~8) and byte 34 (bits 7~0) for tRFC4.
+ Selected tRFC value depends on MRW attribute that selects refresh mode.
+ For 3DS, The tRFC time to the same logical rank is defined as tRFC_slr and is
+ specificed as the value as for a monolithic DDR4 SDRAM of equivalent density.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TFAW</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 36 (bits 3~0) and byte 37 (bits 7~0).
+ For 3DS, tFAW time to the same logical rank is defined as
+ tFAW_slr_x4 or tFAW_slr_x8 (for x4 and x8 devices only) and
+ specificed as the value as for a monolithic DDR4 SDRAM
+ equivalent density.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRRD_S</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time, different bank group
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 38 (bits 7~0).
+ For 3DS, The tRRD_S time to a different bank group in the
+ same logical rank is defined as tRRD_slr and is
+ specificed as the value as for a monolithic
+ DDR4 SDRAM of equivalent density.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_confg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TRRD_L</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Activate to Activate Delay Time, same bank group
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 39 (bits 7~0).
+ For 3DS, The tRRD_L time to the same bank group in the
+ same logical rank is defined as tRRD_L_slr and is
+ specificed as the value as for a monolithic
+ DDR4 SDRAM of equivalent density.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_confg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TCCD_L</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum CAS to CAS Delay Time, same bank group
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 40 (bits 7~0) and byte 117 (bits 7~0).
+ This is for DDR4 MRS6.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ Creator: eff_config
+ Consumer:various
+ Firmware notes: none
+ 4NCK = 4, 5NCK = 5, 6NCK = 6, 7NCK = 7, 8NCK = 8
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TWR</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Write Recovery Time.
+ Decodes SPD byte 41 (bits 3~0) and byte 42 (bits 7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg_timing
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TWR</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TWTR_S</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Write to Read Time, different bank group
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 43 (3~0) and byte 44 (bits 7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TWTR_L</id>
+ <description>
+ Minimum Write to Read Time, same bank group
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes byte 43 (7~4) and byte 45 (bits 7~0).
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: eff_config
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DRAM_TMAW</id>
+ <description>
+ Maximum Activate Window
+ in nck (number of clock cycles).
+ Decodes SPD byte 7 (bits 5~4).
+ Depends on tREFI multiplier.
+ Each memory channel will have a value.
+ creator: mss_eff_cnfg
+ consumer: various
+ firmware notes: none
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC00</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW00 Host Interface DQ RTT_NOM Control
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC00</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC01</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW01 Host Interface DQ RTT_WR Control
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC01</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC02</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW02 Host Interface DQ RTT_PARK Control
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC02</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC03</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW03 Host Interface DQ Driver Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC03</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC04</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW04 DRAM Interface MDQ RTT Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC04</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC05</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW05 DRAM Interface MDQ Driver Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC05</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC06</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW06 Command Space Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC06</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC07</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW07 Rank Presence Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC07</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC08</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW08 RankSelection Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC08</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC09</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW09 Power Saving Settings Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC09</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0A</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0A LRDIMM Operating Speed
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0A</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0B</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0B Operating Voltage Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0B</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0C</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0C Buffer Training Mode Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0C</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0D</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0D Reserved for future use
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0D</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0E</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0E Parity Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0E</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0F</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW0F Error Status Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_BC0F</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BC1x</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW1x Buffer Configuration Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BC1x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC2x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW2x Lower Nibble DRAM Interface Receive Enable Training Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC2x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC3x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW3x Lower Nibble DRAM Interface Receive Enable Training Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC3x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC4x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW4x Lower Nibble MDQS Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC4x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC5x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW5x Upper Nibble MDQS Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC5x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR6_F0BC6x</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCW6x Fine Granularity Frequency Operating Speed Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BC6x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F70BC7x</id>
+ <description>
+ F70BCW7x Function Space Selector Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F70BC7x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC8x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW8x Lower Nibble MDQ-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC8x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC9x</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCW9x Upper Nibble MDQ-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BC9x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BCAx</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCWAx Lower Nibble DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BCAx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BCBx</id>
+ <description>
+ F30BCWBx Upper Nibble DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F30BCBx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCCx</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCWCx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Receive Enable Control Word for rank 0
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCCx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCDx</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCWDx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for rank 0
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCDx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCEx</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCWEx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for rank 0
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCEx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCFx</id>
+ <description>
+ F0BCWFx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for rank 2
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F0BCFx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCCx</id>
+ <description>
+ F1BCWCx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Receive Enable Control Word for rank 1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCCx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCDx</id>
+ <description>
+ F1BCWDx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for rank 1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCDx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCEx</id>
+ <description>
+ F1BCWEx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Receive Enable Control Word for rank 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCEx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCFx</id>
+ <description>
+ F1BCWFx Lower/Upper Nibble Additional Cycles of DRAM Interface Write Leveling Control Word for rank 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F1BCFx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC0x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW0x MRS0 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC0x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC1x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW1x MRS1 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC1x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC2x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW2x MRS2 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC2x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC3x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW3x MRS3 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC3x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC4x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW4x MRS4 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC4x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC5x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW5x MRS5 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC5x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC6x</id>
+ <description>
+ F4BCW6x MRS6 snooped settings
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F4BC6x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC0x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW0x Upper and Lower MPR bits[7:0] for U0
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC0x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC1x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW1x Upper and Lower MPR bits[15:8] for U1
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC1x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC2x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW2x Upper and Lower MPR bits[23:16] for U2
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC2x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC3x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW3x Upper and Lower MPR bits[31:24] for U3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC3x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC5x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW5x Host Interface Vref Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC5x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC6x</id>
+ <description>
+ F5BCW6x DRAM Interface Vref Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F5BC6x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC0x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW0x Upper and Lower MPR bits[39:32] for U4
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC0x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC1x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW1x Upper and Lower MPR bits[47:40] for U5
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC1x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC2x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW2x Upper and Lower MPR bits[55:48] for U6
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC2x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC3x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW3x Upper and Lower MPR bits[63:56] for U7
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC3x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC4x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW4x Buffer Training Configuration Control Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC4x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC5x</id>
+ <description>
+ F6BCW5x Buffer Training Status Word
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F6BC5x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BC8x</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCW8x MDQ0/4 -Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BC8x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BC9x</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCW9x MDQ1/5 -Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BC9x</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCAx</id>
+ <description>
+ >F74BCWAx MDQ2/6 -Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCAx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCBx</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCWBx MDQ3/7 -Read Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCBx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCCx</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCWCx MDQ0/4-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCCx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCDx</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCWDx MDQ1/5-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCDx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCEx</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCWEx MDQ2/6-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCEx</id>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCFx</id>
+ <description>
+ F74BCWFx MDQ3/7-MDQS Write Delay Control Word for ranks 0 to 3
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint8_t>
+ </uint8_t>
+ <array>2,2</array>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <writeable/>
+ <readable/>
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <id>ATTR_EFF_DIMM_DDR4_F74BCFx</id>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud