path: root/src/usr/mvpd/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/mvpd/test')
2 files changed, 755 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/mvpd/test/makefile b/src/usr/mvpd/test/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c7f74570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/mvpd/test/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/usr/mvpd/test/makefile $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+ROOTPATH = ../../../..
+MODULE = testmvpd
+TESTS = *.H
+include ${ROOTPATH}/
diff --git a/src/usr/mvpd/test/mvpdtest.H b/src/usr/mvpd/test/mvpdtest.H
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6386dabff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/mvpd/test/mvpdtest.H
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+// This is an automatically generated prolog.
+// $Source: src/usr/mvpd/test/mvpdtest.H $
+// COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012
+// p1
+// Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+// Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+// IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+// The source code for this program is not published or other-
+// wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+// been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+// Origin: 30
+#ifndef __MVPDTEST_H
+#define __MVPDTEST_H
+ * @file mvpdtest.H
+ *
+ * @brief Test cases for MVPD code
+ */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <errl/errlentry.H>
+#include <devicefw/driverif.H>
+#include <targeting/predicates/predicatectm.H>
+#include <mvpd/mvpdenums.H>
+#include <mvpd/mvpdreasoncodes.H>
+#include "../mvpd.H"
+extern trace_desc_t* g_trac_mvpd;
+using namespace TARGETING;
+using namespace MVPD;
+ * @brief Structure to define record/keyword pairs for MVPD tests.
+ */
+struct mvpdTestData
+ mvpdRecord record;
+ mvpdKeyword keyword;
+ // NOTE: current sizes will be based off of dummy data that we have
+ // now plus approximately 10% as a buffer for future growth. These
+ // may need to be tweaked later.
+ size_t size;
+ * @brief Data sample to be used for MVPD testing.
+ * NOTE: By reading this entire list, it also validates that the records
+ * and keywords that we expect to be there are actually there...
+ */
+mvpdTestData mvpdData[] =
+ { CRP0, VD, 0x04 },
+ { CRP0, ED, 0x23 },
+ { CRP0, TE, 0x13 },
+ { CRP0, DD, 0x07 },
+ { CRP0, pdP, 0x150 },
+ { CRP0, ST, 0x05 },
+// { CRP0, DN, 0x03 }, // TODO - This doesn't match documentation,
+// pulling out for now
+ { CP00, VD, 0x04 },
+ { CP00, PG, 0x44 },
+ { CP00, PK, 0x45 },
+ { CP00, pdR, 0x5f90 },
+ { CP00, pdV, 0x130 },
+ { CP00, pdH, 0x190 },
+ { CP00, pdP, 0x1c0 },
+ { CP00, SB, 0x15 },
+ { LRP0, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP0, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP0, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP0, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP1, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP1, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP1, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP1, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP2, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP2, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP2, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP2, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP3, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP3, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP3, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP3, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP4, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP4, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP4, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP4, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP5, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP5, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP5, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP5, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP6, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP6, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP6, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP6, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP7, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP7, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP7, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP7, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP8, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP8, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP8, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP8, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRP9, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRP9, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRP9, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRP9, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRPA, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRPA, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRPA, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRPA, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LRPB, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LRPB, pdV, 0x150 },
+ { LRPB, pdP, 0x380 },
+ { LRPB, pdM, 0x220},
+ { LWP0, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP0, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP0, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP0, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP1, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP1, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP1, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP1, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP2, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP2, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP2, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP2, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP3, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP3, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP3, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP3, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP4, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP4, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP4, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP4, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP5, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP5, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP5, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP5, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP6, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP6, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP6, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP6, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP7, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP7, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP7, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP7, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP8, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP8, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP8, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP8, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWP9, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWP9, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWP9, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWP9, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWPA, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWPA, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWPA, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWPA, IN, 0x19 },
+ { LWPB, VD, 0x04 },
+ { LWPB, pd2, 0x60 },
+ { LWPB, pd3, 0x60 },
+ { LWPB, IN, 0x19 },
+ { VINI, DR, 0x12 },
+ { VINI, VZ, 0x04 },
+ { VINI, CC, 0x06 },
+ { VINI, CE, 0x03 },
+ { VINI, FN, 0x09 },
+ { VINI, PN, 0x09 },
+ { VINI, SN, 0x0f },
+ { VINI, PR, 0x0a },
+ { VINI, HE, 0x06 },
+ { VINI, CT, 0x06 },
+ { VINI, HW, 0x04 },
+ // TODO - Add VWML when available.
+void getProcTargets( TargetHandleList & o_procList )
+ // Get top level system target
+ TARGETING::TargetService & tS = TARGETING::targetService();
+ TARGETING::Target * sysTarget = NULL;
+ tS.getTopLevelTarget( sysTarget );
+ assert( sysTarget != NULL );
+ // Get a Proc Target
+ tS.getAssociated( o_procList,
+ sysTarget,
+ TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD,
+ TARGETING::TargetService::ALL,
+ &predProc );
+ TRACDCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "getProcTargets() - found %d Processors",
+ o_procList.size() );
+ return;
+class MVPDTest: public CxxTest::TestSuite
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test MVPD reads.
+ */
+ void testMvpdRead ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ uint64_t theRecord = 0x0;
+ uint64_t theKeyword = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdRead()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdRead() - No Proc Targets found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ const uint32_t numCmds = sizeof(mvpdData)/sizeof(mvpdData[0]);
+ for( uint32_t curCmd = 0; curCmd < numCmds; curCmd++ )
+ {
+ theSize = mvpdData[curCmd].size;
+ theData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc( theSize ));
+ // Read record/keyword pair
+ cmds++;
+ theRecord = (uint64_t)mvpdData[curCmd].record;
+ theKeyword = (uint64_t)mvpdData[curCmd].keyword;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ theKeyword ) );
+ if( err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ERR_MRK"testMvpdRead() - Failure on Record: "
+ "0x%04x, keyword: 0x%04x, of size: 0x%04x "
+ "- test %d",
+ mvpdData[curCmd].record,
+ mvpdData[curCmd].keyword,
+ theSize, curCmd );
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdRead() - Failure during MVPD read!" );
+ errlCommit( err,
+ // Free the data
+ if( NULL != theData )
+ {
+ free( theData );
+ theData = NULL;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ TRACDCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ INFO_MRK"testMvpdRead Results:" );
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < theSize; i++ )
+ {
+ TRACDCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ INFO_MRK" Byte[%d]: 0x%02x",
+ i, theData[i] );
+ }
+ // Free the data
+ if( NULL != theData )
+ {
+ free( theData );
+ theData = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdRead - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test MVPD writes.
+ */
+ void testMvpdWrite ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdWrite()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdWrite() - No Proc Targets found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceWrite( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ pdP ) );
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdWrite - Expected error from write "
+ "attempt since its not supported!" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdWrite - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test that an error is generated when a record
+ * is passed in that cannot be found in the structure that defines the
+ * Records string representation.
+ */
+ void testMvpdInvalidRecord ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdInvalidRecord()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidRecord() - No Proc Targets "
+ "found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ pdP ) );
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdInvalidRecord() - Error expected with "
+ "record of type MVPD_LAST_RECORD (0x%04x), but "
+ "no error returned!",
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidRecord - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test for a record which is not in the TOC of
+ * the MVPD area.
+ */
+ void testMvpdMissingRecord ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdMissingRecord()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdMissingRecord() - No Proc Targets found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ pdP ) );
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdMissingRecord() - ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdMissingRecord - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test for a keyword that cannot be found
+ * in the expected record
+ */
+ void testMvpdMissingKeyword ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdMissingKeyword()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdMissingKeyword() - No Proc Targets found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdMissingKeyword() - Expected error from "
+ "invalid Keyword missing from associated record!" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdMissingKeyword - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test that an error is generated when a keyword
+ * is passed in that cannot be found in the structure that defines the
+ * Keywords string representation.
+ */
+ void testMvpdInvalidKeyword ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdInvalidKeyword()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidKeyword() - No Proc Targets found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdInvalidKeyword() - Error expected with "
+ "keyword of type MVPD_LAST_KEYWORD (0x%04x), but "
+ "no error returned!",
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidKeyword - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test that an error is generated when a buffer
+ * that has an insufficient size is passed in to read a record/keyword.
+ */
+ void testMvpdInvalidBufferSize ( void )
+ {
+ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
+ uint64_t cmds = 0x0;
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdInvalidBufferSize()" );
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target * theTarget = NULL;
+ // Get the processor targets
+ TargetHandleList procList;
+ getProcTargets( procList );
+ if( ( 0 == procList.size() ) ||
+ ( NULL == procList[0] ) )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidBufferSize() - No Proc Targets "
+ "found!" );
+ }
+ // Use the first Proc in the list
+ theTarget = procList[0];
+ uint8_t * theData = NULL;
+ size_t theSize = 0;
+ cmds++;
+ err = deviceRead( theTarget,
+ theData,
+ theSize,
+ DD ) );
+ if( NULL == err )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdInvalidBufferSize() - Error was expected "
+ "for an invalid size of 0x0 for a MVPD read!" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete err;
+ err = NULL;
+ }
+ } while( 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdInvalidBufferSize - %d/%d fails",
+ fails, cmds );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief This function will test the numerical order of the mvpdRecords
+ * and mvpdKeywords structures.
+ */
+ void testMvpdCheckStructOrder ( void )
+ {
+ uint64_t fails = 0x0;
+ mvpdRecord prevRecord = MVPD_FIRST_RECORD;
+ mvpdKeyword prevKeyword = MVPD_FIRST_KEYWORD;
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ ENTER_MRK"testMvpdCheckStructOrder()" );
+ // Check the mvpdRecords structure for proper order
+ uint32_t entry = 0x0;
+ for( entry = 0;
+ entry < (sizeof(mvpdRecords)/sizeof(mvpdRecords[0]));
+ entry++ )
+ {
+ if( !(mvpdRecords[entry].record >= prevRecord) )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdCheckStructOrder() - Record table out of "
+ "order! Cur Record: 0x%04x, Prev Record: 0x%04x",
+ mvpdRecords[entry].record,
+ prevRecord );
+ }
+ prevRecord = mvpdRecords[entry].record;
+ }
+ // Check the mvpdKeywords structure for proper order
+ for( entry = 0;
+ entry < (sizeof(mvpdKeywords)/sizeof(mvpdKeywords[0]));
+ entry++ )
+ {
+ if( !(mvpdKeywords[entry].keyword >= prevKeyword) )
+ {
+ fails++;
+ TS_FAIL( "testMvpdCheckStructOrder() - Keyword table out of "
+ "order! Cur Keyword: 0x%04x, Prev Keyword: 0x%04x",
+ mvpdKeywords[entry].keyword,
+ prevKeyword );
+ }
+ prevKeyword = mvpdKeywords[entry].keyword;
+ }
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_mvpd,
+ "testMvpdCheckStructOrder - %d fails",
+ fails );
+ }
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