path: root/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/bus_training/io_dccal.C
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1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/bus_training/io_dccal.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/bus_training/io_dccal.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c9386710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/bus_training/io_dccal.C
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/hwpf/hwp/bus_training/io_dccal.C $ */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 */
+/* */
+/* p1 */
+/* */
+/* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */
+/* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */
+/* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */
+/* */
+/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
+/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
+/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
+/* */
+/* Origin: 30 */
+/* */
+// $Id: io_dccal.C,v 1.14 2012/12/07 13:43:57 varkeykv Exp $
+// *!***************************************************************************
+// *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 1998
+// *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM
+// *! *** IBM Confidential ***
+// *!***************************************************************************
+// *! FILENAME : io_dccal.C
+// *! TITLE :
+// *! DESCRIPTION : Impedance & offset calibration
+// *! CONTEXT :
+// *!
+// *! OWNER NAME : Varghese, Varkey Email:
+// *! BACKUP NAME : Swaminathan, Janani Email:
+// *!
+// *!***************************************************************************
+// Version:|Author: | Date: | Comment:
+// --------|--------|--------|--------------------------------------------------
+// 1.0 |varkeykv|09/27/11|Initial check in . Have to modify targets once bus target is defined and available.Not tested in any way other than in unit SIM IOTK
+// 1.1 |varkeykv |17/11/11|Code cleanup . Fixed header files. Changed fAPI API
+#include <fapi.H>
+#include "io_dccal.H"
+#include "gcr_funcs.H"
+extern "C" {
+using namespace fapi;
+int binStrToInt(char *str,uint32_t length) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( uint32_t j = 0; j <length; j++ ) {
+ char c = str[j];
+ if ( c == '0' ) {
+ i = (i << 1);
+ } else {
+ i = (i << 1) | 0x1;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+uint32_t BinaryRound(uint32_t val, uint32_t numTruncBits, uint32_t center) {
+ // Round val by removing numTruncBits
+ // If the truncated fraction is exactly 0.5, round
+ // toward center
+ uint32_t newVal = 0x0;
+ uint32_t mask = 0x0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numTruncBits; i++) {
+ mask = (mask << 1) + 0x1;
+ }
+ uint32_t half = 0x1 << (numTruncBits-1);
+ if ( (val & mask) > half ) {
+ newVal = (val >> numTruncBits) + 1; // round up
+ } else if ( (val & mask) < half ) {
+ newVal = (val >> numTruncBits); // round down
+ } else {
+ // On the boundary! Round towards the nominal value
+ if ( val < (center << numTruncBits) ) {
+ newVal = (val >> numTruncBits) + 1; // round up
+ } else {
+ newVal = (val >> numTruncBits); // round down
+ }
+ }
+ return newVal;
+// Offset cal doesnt do anything in VBU/sim ...
+ReturnCode run_offset_cal(const Target &target,io_interface_t master_interface,uint32_t master_group){
+// Assuming I will receive a target and slave_target from the Invoker.
+ ReturnCode rc;
+ uint32_t rc_ecmd=0;
+ uint16_t bits = 0;
+ ecmdDataBufferBase data_buffer;
+ ecmdDataBufferBase set_bits(16);
+ ecmdDataBufferBase clear_bits(16);
+ io_interface_t chip_interface=master_interface;//first we run on master chip
+ uint32_t group=master_group;
+ const Target *target_ptr=&target; // Assuming I am allowed to do this .
+ for(int i=0;i<2;++i){ // master and slave side looper
+ FAPI_DBG("IO_DCCAL : Starting Offset Calibration on interface %d group %d",chip_interface,group);
+ bits=rx_start_offset_cal;
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ bits=rx_start_offset_cal_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,rx_training_start_pg,group,0,set_bits ,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ // Poll for the done bit
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,master_interface,rx_training_status_pg ,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ int done_bit=rx_offset_cal_done;
+ int fail_bit=rx_offset_cal_failed;
+ bool fail= data_buffer.getHalfWord(0) & fail_bit;
+ bool done = data_buffer.getHalfWord(0)& done_bit;
+ int timeoutCnt = 0;
+ while ( ( !done ) && ( timeoutCnt < 150 ) && !fail )
+ {
+ // wait for 80000 time units
+ // Time units may be something for simulation, and something else (or nothing) for hardware
+ // At any rate, this is intended to be approximately 100 us.
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,chip_interface,rx_training_status_pg,group,0,data_buffer); if (rc) {return(rc);}// have to add support for field parsing
+ fail= data_buffer.getHalfWord(0) & fail_bit;
+ done = data_buffer.getHalfWord(0)& done_bit;
+ fapiDelay(1000000,1000000);
+ timeoutCnt++;
+ }
+ if ( fail)
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("IO Offset cal error on interface %d",chip_interface);
+ //Set HWP error
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // Check for errors
+ else if ( timeoutCnt >= 100 && !done && !fail )
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("Timed out waiting for Done bit to be set");
+ //Set HWP error
+ return rc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("IO Offset cal Completed on interface %d",chip_interface);
+ }
+ }
+ return(rc);
+ReturnCode run_zcal_debug(const Target& target,io_interface_t interface,uint32_t group)
+ ReturnCode rc;
+ ecmdDataBufferBase data_buffer(16);
+ rc=GCR_read(target,interface,tx_impcal_nval_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ rc=GCR_read(target,interface,tx_impcal_pval_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ rc=GCR_read(target,interface,tx_impcal_p_4x_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ return rc;
+ReturnCode run_zcal(const Target& target,io_interface_t master_interface,uint32_t master_group){
+ ReturnCode rc;
+ const Target *target_ptr=&target; // Assuming I am allowed to do this .
+ uint32_t m=128; // MARGIN RATIO
+ uint32_t k2=0; // POST CURSOR DRIVE RATIO
+ bool swOverride=false;// IS SW_OVERRIDE requested
+ uint16_t bits = 0;
+ uint32_t rc_ecmd=0;
+ ecmdDataBufferBase set_bits(16);
+ ecmdDataBufferBase clear_bits(16);
+ ecmdDataBufferBase data_buffer(16);
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.flushTo0();
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.flushTo1(); // I dont want to clear anything by default
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ io_interface_t chip_interface=master_interface;//first we run on master chip
+ uint32_t group=master_group;
+ // Get all the input attributes from PLAT
+ /*
+ Need to check if these attributes are required or not
+ rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_IOD_MARGIN_RATIO, &target, m); // Fetch the attribute for the chip we are working on
+ // Find if we are in SW_OVERRIDE mode
+ rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_IOD_ZCAL_SW_OVERRIDE, &target, swOverride);
+ */
+ const uint32_t min = (10<<3); // impcntl min - - p8 - 10<<3
+ const uint32_t max = (40<<3); // impcntl max - - p8 - 40<<3
+ uint32_t zcal_p = 0;
+ uint32_t zcal_n = 0;
+ uint32_t zcal_override = 0;
+ if ((zcal_n>0) && (zcal_p>0) )
+ {
+ zcal_override = 1;
+ }
+ if ( k2 > 0x20 ) {
+ FAPI_DBG("POST CURSOR DRIVER RATIO k2 has exceeded 0.25");
+ return rc;
+ }
+ if ( m > 0x80 ) {
+ FAPI_DBG("MARGIN RATIO m has exceeded 100 percent");
+ return rc;
+ }
+ //if ( m < 0x40 ) {
+ // FAPI_DBG("MARGIN RATIO m is less than 50 percent");
+ // return rc;
+ //}
+ if ( ( ! zcal_override ) && ( ! swOverride ) )
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("IO_DCCAL : Starting Impedance Calibration ");
+ //Get initial settings for debug purpose
+ run_zcal_debug(*target_ptr,chip_interface,group);
+ // Need to first set start bit to 0 to enable rise to 1 transition , also skip readback since this is WO field
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_pb,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits,true);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ bits=tx_zcal_req;
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ bits=tx_zcal_req_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ // Skip a readback and verify
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_pb,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits,true);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ // Poll for the done bit
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ int done_bit=tx_zcal_done;
+ int fail_bit=tx_zcal_error;
+ bool fail= data_buffer.getHalfWord(0) & fail_bit;
+ bool done = data_buffer.getHalfWord(0)& done_bit;
+ int timeoutCnt = 0;
+ while ( ( !done ) && ( timeoutCnt <150 ) ) {
+ // wait for 80000 time units
+ // Time units may be something for simulation, and something else (or nothing) for hardware
+ // At any rate, this is intended to be approximately 100 us.
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_pb,group,0,data_buffer); if (rc) {return(rc);}// have to add support for field parsing
+ done = data_buffer.getHalfWord(0)& done_bit;
+ fail= data_buffer.getHalfWord(0) & fail_bit;
+ fapiDelay(10000,10000000); //Wait around for HW
+ timeoutCnt++;
+ }
+ if(fail)
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("IO Impedance cal error on interface %d ",chip_interface);
+ run_zcal_debug(*target_ptr,chip_interface,group);
+ //set HWP error
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ // Check for errors
+ else if ( timeoutCnt >= 100 &&!done && !fail )
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("Timed out waiting for Done bit to be set");
+ //set HWP error
+ return rc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("IO Impedance cal DONE successfully on interface %d",chip_interface);
+ }
+ // Read the calculated values
+ // (Values are: xxxxxx yy zz, where yy are 2R and 4R values, and zz is a binary fraction)
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_nval_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ data_buffer.extractToRight(&zcal_n,0,9);
+ rc=GCR_read(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_impcal_pval_pb,group,0,data_buffer);if (rc) {return(rc);} // have to add support for field parsing
+ data_buffer.extractToRight(&zcal_p,0,9);
+ }
+ else if ( swOverride )
+ {
+ /*
+ Software override might be required in case of workarounds to HW
+ */
+ }
+ if ( ( (uint32_t)zcal_n < min )|| ( (uint32_t)zcal_n > max ) )
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("zcal_n value is out of impcntl range");
+ return rc;
+ }
+ if ( ( (uint32_t)zcal_p < min )|| ( (uint32_t)zcal_p > max ) )
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("zcal_p value is out of impcntl range");
+ return rc;
+ }
+ // margin = (1 -m)*zcal/2
+ // bits: 7 10
+ uint32_t margin_p = (0x80 - m) * zcal_p / 2; // 7+2 = 9 binary decimal places // when it is 1 - something should it not be 0x01 - m?
+ uint32_t margin_n = (0x80 - m) * zcal_n / 2; // 7+2 = 9 binary decimal places
+ // postcursor = (zcal - 2*margin)*k2
+ // bits: 7 7 10
+ uint32_t post_p = (zcal_p - (margin_p<<1))*k2; // 7+7+2 = 16 binary decimal places
+ uint32_t post_n = (zcal_n - (margin_n<<1))*k2; // 7+7+2 = 16 binary decimal places
+ uint32_t main_p = (zcal_p - (margin_p<<1))- post_p; // 2 binary decimal places
+ uint32_t main_n = (zcal_n - (margin_n<<1))- post_n; // 2 binary decimal places
+ // Rounding
+ post_p = BinaryRound(post_p, 16, 999); // round up
+ post_n = BinaryRound(post_n, 16, 999); // round up
+ margin_p = BinaryRound(margin_p, 9, 999); // round up
+ margin_n = BinaryRound(margin_n, 9, 999); // round up
+ main_p = BinaryRound(main_p, 2, 999); // round up
+ main_n = BinaryRound(main_n, 2, 999); // round up
+ FAPI_DBG("main_p value %d",main_p);
+ FAPI_DBG("post_p value %d",post_p);
+ FAPI_DBG("margin_p value %d",margin_p);
+ FAPI_DBG("main_n value %d",main_n);
+ FAPI_DBG("post_n value %d",post_n);
+ FAPI_DBG("margin_n value %d",margin_n);
+ //p segments
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(main_p,0,7,25);
+ bits=tx_ffe_main_p_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_main_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(post_p,0,5,27);
+ bits=tx_ffe_post_p_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_post_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(margin_p,0,5,27);
+ bits=tx_ffe_margin_p_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_margin_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ //N segments
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(main_n,0,7,25);
+ bits=tx_ffe_main_n_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_main_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(post_n,0,5,27);
+ bits=tx_ffe_post_n_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_post_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ rc_ecmd|=set_bits.insert(margin_n,0,5,27);
+ bits=tx_ffe_margin_n_enc_clear;
+ rc_ecmd|=clear_bits.insert(bits,0,16);
+ if(rc_ecmd)
+ {
+ rc.setEcmdError(rc_ecmd);
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ rc=GCR_write(*target_ptr,chip_interface,tx_ffe_margin_pg ,group,0,set_bits,clear_bits);if (rc) {return(rc);}
+ return rc;
+// Determines if target is a master ..I had assumed that PLAT wrapper code will know which side is master and which is slave
+ReturnCode isChipMaster(const Target& chip_target, io_interface_t chip_interface,uint32_t current_group, bool & masterchip_found ) {
+ ReturnCode rc;
+ ecmdDataBufferBase mode_data(16);
+ masterchip_found=false;
+ // Check if rx_master_mode bit is set for chip
+ // Read rx_master_mode for chip
+ if(chip_interface==CP_FABRIC_X0)
+ {
+ rc=GCR_read(chip_target , chip_interface, ei4_rx_mode_pg, current_group,0, mode_data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rc=GCR_read(chip_target , chip_interface, rx_mode_pg, current_group,0, mode_data);
+ }
+ if (rc) {
+ FAPI_DBG("io_run_training: Error reading master mode bit\n");
+ }
+ // Check if chip is master
+ if (mode_data.isBitSet(0)) {
+ FAPI_DBG("This chip is a master\n");
+ masterchip_found =true;
+ }
+ return(rc);
+// These functions work on a pair of targets. One is the master side of the bus interface, the other the slave side. For eg; in EDI(DMI2)PU is the master and Centaur is the slave
+// In EI4 both sides have pu targets
+ReturnCode io_dccal(const Target& target){
+ ReturnCode rc;
+ io_interface_t master_interface=CP_IOMC0_P0;
+ uint32_t master_group=0;
+ // This is a DMI/MC bus
+ if( (target.getType() == fapi::TARGET_TYPE_MCS_CHIPLET )){
+ FAPI_DBG("This is a Processor DMI bus using base DMI scom address");
+ master_interface=CP_IOMC0_P0; // base scom for MC bus
+ master_group=3; // Design requires us to do this as per scom map and layout
+ // EDI/DMI needs both impedance cal and offset cal
+ // Z cal doesnt require group since its a per bus feature , but to satisfy PLAT swapped translation requirements we pass group=3 on master
+ rc=run_zcal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ // Offset cal requires group address
+ rc=run_offset_cal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ }
+ else if( (target.getType() == fapi::TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP)){
+ FAPI_DBG("This is a Centaur DMI bus using base DMI scom address");
+ master_interface=CEN_DMI; // base scom for CEN
+ master_group=0;
+ // EDI/DMI needs both impedance cal and offset cal
+ // Z cal doesnt require group since its a per bus feature , but to satisfy PLAT swapped translation requirements we pass group=3 on master
+ rc=run_zcal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ // Offset cal requires group address
+ rc=run_offset_cal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ }
+ //This is an X Bus
+ else if( (target.getType() == fapi::TARGET_TYPE_XBUS_ENDPOINT )){
+ FAPI_DBG("This is a X Bus training invocation");
+ master_interface=CP_FABRIC_X0; // base scom for X bus
+ master_group=0; // Design requires us to do this as per scom map and layout
+ if(rc.ok()){
+ // No Z cal in EI4/X bus design
+ for(int i=0;i<5;++i){
+ master_group=i;
+ rc=run_offset_cal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //This is an A Bus
+ else if( (target.getType() == fapi::TARGET_TYPE_ABUS_ENDPOINT )){
+ FAPI_DBG("This is an A Bus training invocation");
+ master_interface=CP_FABRIC_A0; // base scom for A bus , assume translation to A1 by PLAT
+ master_group=0; // Design requires us to do this as per scom map and layout
+ // EDI-A bus needs both impedance cal and offset cal
+ rc=run_zcal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ rc=run_offset_cal(target,master_interface,master_group);if (rc) {return(rc);};
+ }
+ else{
+ FAPI_ERR("Invalid io_dccal HWP invocation . Target doesnt belong to DMI/X/A instances");
+ }
+ return rc;
+} //end extern C
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