path: root/src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C b/src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C
index 60526761b..365aa1f22 100644
--- a/src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C
+++ b/src/usr/fapi2/plat_mmio_access.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2018 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2018,2019 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
@@ -39,9 +39,272 @@
#include <hwpf_fapi2_reasoncodes.H>
#include <fapi2/plat_mmio_access.H>
namespace fapi2
+// Address bit that designates it as an Explorer MMIO address
+static const uint64_t EXPLR_IB_MMIO_OFFSET = 0x0000000100000000ull;
+// Valid I2C access to 256MB SRAM space, starts at offset 0x01000000
+static const uint64_t MIN_I2C_SRAM_SPACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000001000000ull;
+static const uint64_t MAX_I2C_SRAM_SPACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000001030000ull;
+// byte transaction sizes for i2c
+static const size_t I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE = 4; // actual size sent
+static const size_t SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE = 8;
+// Convert MMIO to I2C address (need these bits set)
+static const uint64_t EXPLR_MMIO_TO_I2C_ADDRESS_MASK = 0xA0000000;
+ * @brief Explorer Inband read via i2c
+ * @param[in] i_target - OCMB target
+ * @param[in/out] io_data_read - buffer to be filled with read data
+ * @param[in/out] io_get_size - size of buffer (returns read size)
+ * @param[in] i_i2c_addr - i2c scom address
+ * @return errlHndl_t indicating success or failure
+ */
+errlHndl_t explrIbI2cRead(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ uint8_t * io_data_read,
+ size_t io_get_size,
+ const uint64_t i_i2c_addr)
+ errlHndl_t l_err = nullptr;
+ if ( io_get_size % I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE )
+ {
+ // invalid size expected (needs to be a multiple of I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE)
+ FAPI_ERR("explrIbI2cRead: read size %d is not a multiple of %d",
+ io_get_size, I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE);
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid fapi2::MOD_FAPI2_EXPLR_IB_I2C_READ
+ * @reasoncode fapi2::RC_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE
+ * @userdata1[0:31] Buffer size
+ * @userdata1[32:63] Transaction size
+ * @userdata2[0:31] HUID of input target
+ * @userdata2[32:63] i2c_address
+ * @devdesc Invalid read buffer size, needs to be divisible by transaction size
+ * @custdesc Internal firmware error
+ */
+ TWO_UINT32_TO_UINT64(io_get_size,
+ TARGETING::get_huid(i_target),
+ i_i2c_addr),
+ l_err->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME);
+ io_get_size = 0; // no data being read
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAPI_INF("explrIbI2cRead: deviceRead() starting at i2cscom address "
+ "0x%08X for %d bytes", i_i2c_addr, io_get_size);
+ // keep track of total bytes read
+ size_t total_bytes_read = 0;
+ // Increment this address after each read transaction
+ uint64_t i2cAddr = i_i2c_addr;
+ // scom transaction variables
+ size_t scomTransSize = SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
+ uint8_t scomReadData[SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE];
+ // Only able to read 4 bytes at a time with i2c, so
+ // need to break into multiple i2c read transactions
+ while( total_bytes_read < io_get_size )
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("explrIbI2cRead: deviceRead() at i2cscom address 0x%08X", i2cAddr);
+ l_err = deviceOp( DeviceFW::READ,
+ i_target,
+ scomReadData,
+ scomTransSize,
+ if (l_err)
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("explrIbI2cRead: target 0x%08X deviceRead() at address 0x%08X failed",
+ TARGETING::get_huid(i_target), i2cAddr);
+ l_err->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAPI_DBG("explrIbI2cRead: read %02X%02X%02X%02X",
+ scomReadData[4], scomReadData[5], scomReadData[6], scomReadData[7]);
+ }
+ // The MMIO hardware does this byteswap for us, since we are
+ // running this over i2c we must reorder the bytes here
+ io_data_read[total_bytes_read] = scomReadData[7];
+ io_data_read[total_bytes_read+1] = scomReadData[6];
+ io_data_read[total_bytes_read+2] = scomReadData[5];
+ io_data_read[total_bytes_read+3] = scomReadData[4];
+ // Only able to read 4 bytes at a time
+ total_bytes_read += I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
+ // make sure this value is correct for next op
+ }
+ }
+ return l_err;
+ * @brief Explorer Inband write via i2c
+ * @param[in] i_target - OCMB target
+ * @param[in] i_write_data - data to write out
+ * @param[in/out] io_write_size - how much data to write (returns how much written)
+ * @param[in] i_i2c_addr - i2c scom address
+ * @return errlHndl_t indicating success or failure
+ */
+errlHndl_t explrIbI2cWrite(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ const uint8_t * i_write_data,
+ size_t io_write_size,
+ const uint64_t i_i2c_addr)
+ errlHndl_t l_err = nullptr;
+ // Verify write can be divide up evenly
+ if ( io_write_size % I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE )
+ {
+ // invalid size expected (needs to be a multiple of I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE)
+ FAPI_ERR("explrIbI2cWrite: write size %d is not a multiple of %d",
+ io_write_size, I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE);
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid fapi2::MOD_FAPI2_EXPLR_IB_I2C_WRITE
+ * @reasoncode fapi2::RC_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE
+ * @userdata1[0:31] Buffer size
+ * @userdata1[32:63] Transaction size
+ * @userdata2[0:31] HUID of input target
+ * @userdata2[32:63] i2c_address
+ * @devdesc Invalid write buffer size, needs to be divisible by transaction size
+ * @custdesc Internal firmware error
+ */
+ TWO_UINT32_TO_UINT64(io_write_size,
+ TARGETING::get_huid(i_target),
+ i_i2c_addr),
+ l_err->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // counter for bytes written out to SRAM space
+ size_t total_bytes_written = 0;
+ // going to alter this address to cycle through write data
+ uint64_t i2cAddr = i_i2c_addr;
+ // scom transaction variables
+ size_t scomTransSize = SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
+ uint8_t scomWriteData[SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE];
+ FAPI_INF("explrIbI2cWrite: deviceWrite() starting at i2cscom address "
+ "0x%08X for %d bytes", i_i2c_addr, io_write_size);
+ // Only able to write 4 bytes at a time with i2c,
+ // so need to break into multiple i2c write transactions
+ while( total_bytes_written < io_write_size )
+ {
+ memset(scomWriteData, 0x00, SCOM_I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE);
+ // Only last four bytes are actually written out
+ // NOTE: MMIO hardware does this byteswap for us, but since we
+ // are running this over i2c we must reorder the bytes here
+ scomWriteData[7] = i_write_data[total_bytes_written];
+ scomWriteData[6] = i_write_data[total_bytes_written+1];
+ scomWriteData[5] = i_write_data[total_bytes_written+2];
+ scomWriteData[4] = i_write_data[total_bytes_written+3];
+ l_err = deviceOp( DeviceFW::WRITE,
+ i_target,
+ scomWriteData,
+ scomTransSize,
+ if (l_err)
+ {
+ FAPI_ERR("explrIbI2cWrite: i2cscom write(0x%02X%02X%02X%02X) at address 0x%08X failed",
+ scomWriteData[4], scomWriteData[5], scomWriteData[6], scomWriteData[7], i2cAddr);
+ l_err->collectTrace(FAPI_TRACE_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Really only doing 4-byte transactions
+ total_bytes_written += I2C_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
+ // Update for next scom operation
+ }
+ }
+ return l_err;
+ * @brief Checks if all the conditions are met to allow i2c
+ * operation instead of MMIO.
+ * @param[in] i_ocmb - OCMB target
+ * @param[in] i_mmioAddress - address passed into get/putMMIO
+ * @return true if i2c should be used instead of MMIO
+ */
+bool useI2cInsteadOfMmio( const TARGETING::Target * i_ocmb,
+ const uint64_t i_mmioAddress )
+ bool useI2c = false; // default to use MMIO
+ uint8_t attrAllowedI2c = 0;
+ // Check force i2c attribute first
+ TARGETING::Target* l_sys = nullptr;
+ TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(l_sys);
+ crit_assert(l_sys != nullptr);
+ attrAllowedI2c = l_sys->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_FORCE_SRAM_MMIO_OVER_I2C>();
+ // If not forced to use i2c, then check if that is the current scom setting
+ if (!attrAllowedI2c)
+ {
+ // The SCOM_SWITCHES attribute will keep track of when it is safe
+ // to access the ocmb via inband vs when we should do accesses over
+ // i2c. Use this attribute to decide which we want to use.
+ auto ocmb_info = i_ocmb->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_SCOM_SWITCHES>();
+ if (!ocmb_info.useInbandScom)
+ {
+ attrAllowedI2c = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Attribute settings must allow i2c operation before checking
+ // for a valid address range
+ if (attrAllowedI2c)
+ {
+ // Verify address is within valid SRAM range
+ if ( ((i_mmioAddress & 0x0F00000000) == EXPLR_IB_MMIO_OFFSET) &&
+ ((i_mmioAddress & 0x0FFFFFFFF) >= MIN_I2C_SRAM_SPACE_ADDRESS) &&
+ ((i_mmioAddress & 0x0FFFFFFFF) <= MAX_I2C_SRAM_SPACE_ADDRESS) )
+ {
+ useI2c = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FAPI_INF("0x%08X OCMB address 0x%.8X is outside of SRAM range so using mmio",
+ TARGETING::get_huid(i_ocmb), i_mmioAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ return useI2c;
// HW Communication Functions to be implemented at the platform layer.
@@ -83,12 +346,22 @@ ReturnCode platGetMMIO( const Target<TARGET_TYPE_ALL>& i_target,
break; //return with error
- // call MMIO driver
- l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead(l_target,
- l_data_read,
- l_get_size,
- DEVICE_MMIO_ADDRESS(i_mmioAddr, i_transSize));
+ // Run mmio if inband i2c isn't enabled or address is outside of SRAM range
+ if ( !useI2cInsteadOfMmio(l_target, i_mmioAddr) )
+ {
+ // call MMIO driver
+ l_err = DeviceFW::deviceRead(l_target,
+ l_data_read,
+ l_get_size,
+ DEVICE_MMIO_ADDRESS(i_mmioAddr, i_transSize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Use i2c instead of MMMIO
+ // Explorer i2c addresses are actually 32-bit and need 0xA at the beginning
+ uint64_t i2cAddr = (i_mmioAddr & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) | EXPLR_MMIO_TO_I2C_ADDRESS_MASK;
+ l_err = explrIbI2cRead(l_target, l_data_read, l_get_size, i2cAddr);
+ }
if (l_traceit)
// Only trace the first 8 bytes of data read
@@ -167,11 +440,22 @@ ReturnCode platPutMMIO( const Target<TARGET_TYPE_ALL>& i_target,
std::copy(i_data.begin(), i_data.end(), l_writeDataPtr);
size_t l_dataSize = i_data.size();
- // call MMIO driver
- l_err = DeviceFW::deviceWrite(l_target,
- l_writeDataPtr,
- l_dataSize,
- DEVICE_MMIO_ADDRESS(i_mmioAddr, i_transSize));
+ // Run mmio if inband i2c isn't enabled or address is outside of SRAM range
+ if ( !useI2cInsteadOfMmio(l_target, i_mmioAddr) )
+ {
+ // call MMIO driver
+ l_err = DeviceFW::deviceWrite(l_target,
+ l_writeDataPtr,
+ l_dataSize,
+ DEVICE_MMIO_ADDRESS(i_mmioAddr, i_transSize));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Address is an Explorer SRAM address, so I2C will work
+ // Explorer i2c addresses are actually 32-bit and need 0xA at the beginning
+ uint64_t i2cAddr = (i_mmioAddr & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) | EXPLR_MMIO_TO_I2C_ADDRESS_MASK;
+ l_err = explrIbI2cWrite(l_target, l_writeDataPtr, l_dataSize, i2cAddr);
+ }
if (l_traceit)
// trace the first 8 bytes of written data
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