path: root/src/build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build')
3 files changed, 416 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/ b/src/build/buildpnor/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..11269bcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or otherwise
+# divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been
+# deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+#Builds an SBE partition for PNOR based on user-provided SBE images
+#It works for both Processor SBE-IPL images and Centaur SBE images
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
+my $TRAC_ERR = 0;
+# 0=errors, >0 for more traces, leaving at 1 to keep key milestone traces.
+my $g_trace = 1;
+my $progName = File::Basename::basename $0;
+my $outBin = "";
+my %ecImgs;
+my $injectVerHdrs = undef;
+my $tocVersion = 1; #Only version 1 currently defined
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ usage();
+ exit;
+#Parse the commandline args
+for (my $i=0; $i < $#ARGV + 1; $i++)
+ if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /-h/) {
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--injectVersionHeaders/) {
+ $injectVerHdrs = 1;
+ trace(2, "injectVersionHeaders flag specified");
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--sbeOutBin/) {
+ $outBin = $ARGV[++$i];
+ trace(2, "SBE output Binary File=$outBin");
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--ecImg/) {
+ my $argName = $ARGV[$i];
+ my $argVal = $ARGV[++$i];
+ saveInputFile("--ecImg", $argName, $argVal, \%ecImgs);
+ }
+ else {
+ traceErr("Unrecognized Input: $ARGV[$i]");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+#Verify all the SBE images exist
+my $rc = verifyFilesExist(\%ecImgs);
+if($rc != 0)
+ trace(0, "$progName: Error detected from call to verifyFilesExist(). Exiting");
+ exit 1;
+#Generate the output image
+my $rc = genOutputImage($injectVerHdrs, $tocVersion, $outBin, \%ecImgs);
+if($rc != 0)
+ trace(0, "$progName: Error detected from call to genOutputImage(). Exiting");
+ exit 1;
+# saveInputFile - save inputfile name into ecImgss array
+sub saveInputFile
+ my ($i_argPrefix, $i_argName, $i_argVal, $i_ecImgs) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ #$i_argName will be something like --ecIMG_10
+ #This substr command should return just the 10, which is the image EC Level
+ my $ecLevel = substr($i_argName,
+ length($i_argPrefix)+1,
+ length($i_argName)-length($i_argPrefix));
+ trace(10, "$this_func: $ecLevel=$i_argVal");
+ $$i_ecImgs{$ecLevel} = $i_argVal;
+ trace(10, "$this_func: $$i_ecImgs{$ecLevel}");
+ #no return code expected
+# verifyFilesExist - Verify all the input files exist
+sub verifyFilesExist
+ my ($i_ecImgs) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ my $key;
+ my $rc = 0;
+ for $key ( keys %$i_ecImgs)
+ {
+ unless(-e $$i_ecImgs{$key})
+ {
+ my $inputFile = $$i_ecImgs{$key};
+ trace(0, "$this_func: Specified input file ($inputFile) for key ($key) does not exist. Aborting!");
+ $rc = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trace(10, "$this_func: $$i_ecImgs{$key} exists");
+ }
+ }
+ return $rc;
+# genOutputImage - Generate output image
+# -Build SBE TOC in first 128 bytes
+# -Insert 4K header in front of each image with SHA512 as version
+# -Insert each SBE image after corresponding header
+#Output image layout (Defined in Hostboot SBE Layout document)
+#word 0: 'SBE\0' eyecatcher
+#word 1: SBE TOC Layout version - currently only 1 is defined
+#word 2: SBE image EC
+#word 3: Sbe image offset in partition
+#word 4: SBE image size
+#Repeat words 2-4 for each supported EC
+#Actual SBE Images start at offset 0x1000 and must always be on a 4k boundary.
+sub genOutputImage
+ my ($i_injectVerHdrs, $i_tocVersion, $i_outBin, $i_ecImgs) = @_;
+ my $this_func = (caller(0))[3];
+ my $key;
+ my %ecOffsets;
+ my $rc = 0;
+ my $curOffset = 0x1000; #first offset is at 4k
+ trace(4, "$this_func: >>Enter");
+#open output file
+ open( $FILEHANDLE, ">:raw", $i_outBin)
+ or die "Can't open $i_outBin file for writing";
+ #Build the TOC
+ #WORD 0: EyeCatcher - "SBE\0" in ASCII
+ my @charArray = split //, 'SBE';
+ my $curChar;
+ foreach $curChar (@charArray)
+ {
+ print $FILEHANDLE pack('C', ord($curChar));
+ }
+ #Pad byte for null character after SBE
+ insertPadBytes($FILEHANDLE, 1);
+ #WORD 1: Version = 0x00000001
+ print $FILEHANDLE pack('N', 1);
+ #Insert header data for each EC provided
+ for $key ( keys %{$i_ecImgs})
+ {
+ trace(2, "$this_func: Inserting header for EC=$key");
+ my $filesize = -s $$i_ecImgs{$key};
+ if($i_injectVerHdrs)
+ {
+ $filesize += 0x1000;
+ }
+ #EC Word
+ print $FILEHANDLE pack('N', hex($key));
+ #Offset Word
+ print $FILEHANDLE pack('N', $curOffset);
+ #Size Word
+ print $FILEHANDLE pack('N', $filesize);
+ #safe offset for inserting images
+ $ecOffsets{$key} = $curOffset;
+ #generate next to 4k offset
+ $curOffset += $filesize;
+ if (($curOffset & 0x00000FFF) != 0)
+ {
+ $curOffset = $curOffset & 0xFFFFF000;
+ $curOffset += 0x1000;
+ }
+ }
+ close $FILEHANDLE;
+ #Insert actual image for each EC provided
+ for $key ( keys %{$i_ecImgs})
+ {
+ trace(2, "$this_func: Inserting data for EC=$key, offset=$ecOffsets{$key}");
+ my $seekOffset = $ecOffsets{$key};
+ my $inFile = $$i_ecImgs{$key};
+ #Image is prefixed with 4k header containing version
+ if($i_injectVerHdrs)
+ {
+ my $headerOffset = $seekOffset;
+ $seekOffset += 0x1000;
+ my $headerFh;
+ my $headerFile;
+ ($headerFh, $headerFile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
+ #Disable file handle buffering
+ trace(0, "$this_func: headerFile=$headerFile");
+ #Insert 'VERSION\0' Eyecatcher
+ my @eyeCatchArray = split //, 'VERSION';
+ foreach $curChar (@eyeCatchArray)
+ {
+ print $headerFh pack('C', ord($curChar));
+ }
+ #Pad byte for null character after VERSION
+ insertPadBytes($headerFh, 1);
+ #make sure date written to file handle is flushed to disk
+ close $headerFh;
+ #Create the SHA512 hash
+ my $cmd = "sha512sum $inFile \| awk \'\{print $1\}\' \| xxd -ps -r \>> $headerFile";
+ system( $cmd ) == 0 or die "Creating $headerFile failed!";
+ #Write to output file
+ my $hdrdd = "dd if=$headerFile of=$i_outBin bs=1 seek=$headerOffset";
+ system ( $hdrdd ) == 0 or die "Couldn't Write $headerFile to $i_outBin!";
+ }
+ my $ddCmd = "dd if=$inFile of=$i_outBin bs=1 seek=$seekOffset";
+ system ( $ddCmd ) == 0 or die "Couldn't Write $inFile to $i_outBin!";
+ }
+ trace(4, "$this_func: <<Exit");
+ return $rc;
+# Insert specifed number of pad bytes into file
+sub insertPadBytes
+ my ($i_FILEHANDLE, $i_padBytes) = @_;
+ my $i;
+ print $i_FILEHANDLE pack("C[$i_padBytes]", map { 0 } 1..$i_padBytes);
+# trace
+sub traceErr
+ my $i_string = shift;
+ trace($TRAC_ERR, $i_string);
+# trace
+sub trace
+ my $i_traceLevel;
+ my $i_string;
+ ($i_traceLevel, $i_string) = @_;
+ #traceLevel 0 is for errors
+ if($i_traceLevel == 0)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($g_trace >= $i_traceLevel)
+ {
+ print "TRACE: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+# print usage instructions
+sub usage
+print <<"ENDUSAGE";
+ $progName = Creates SBE partition with SBE TOC based on input data.
+ Usage:
+ $progName --sbeOutBin <complete SBE Partition image>
+ [--ecImg_10 <EC 10 SBE image>] [--ecImg_20 <EC_20_SBE_image>]
+ [--injectVersionHeaders]
+ Parms:
+ -h Print this help text
+ --sbeOutBin <file> Name of output file for PNOR Binary
+ --ecImg_<EC> <file> This is a special paramater. It is used to specify
+ input files to use for populating the partition with
+ supported SBE EC specific images
+ Examples: --binFile_10 s1_10.sbe_seeprom.bin
+ --binFile_13 s1_13.sbe_seeprom.bin
+ --binFile_20 s1_20.sbe_seeprom.bin
+ --injectVersionHeaders Injects a 4k header at the top of each image
+ containing a SHA512 Hash computed over the image.
diff --git a/src/build/mkrules/ b/src/build/mkrules/
index 44405b6a2..a17e95c0c 100644
--- a/src/build/mkrules/
+++ b/src/build/mkrules/
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ simics.tar_CONTENTS = \
fsp.tar_CONTENTS = \
obj/genfiles/hwp_id.html \
src/build/mkrules/hbfw/fsp/makefile \
+ src/build/buildpnor/ \
src/build/buildpnor/ \
src/build/buildpnor/defaultPnorLayout.xml \
img/simics_MURANO_targeting.bin \
diff --git a/src/build/mkrules/hbfw/img/makefile b/src/build/mkrules/hbfw/img/makefile
index 94647f827..4e6aa8179 100755
--- a/src/build/mkrules/hbfw/img/makefile
+++ b/src/build/mkrules/hbfw/img/makefile
@@ -36,8 +36,13 @@ VPATH += ../fsp
-build_all: cp_hbfiles
-install_all: build_pnor_images
+build_all: cp_hbfiles
+install_all: build_sbe_partitions build_pnor_images
+#Some useful search paths
+ENGD_OBJPATH = ${HBFW_OBJPATH:S/hbfw\/img/engd\/href/g}
# Copy Hostboot binary images to obj dir to be grabbed
@@ -96,6 +101,57 @@ clobber_cp_hbfiles:
rm -f ${ALL_HB_IMAGES} \
sbe.header secureboot.header hb.footer hostboot.stage.bin
+### SAMPLE for building an SBE Partition with multiple ECs
+#S1_EC10_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1_10.sbe_seeprom.bin}
+#s1SbePartition.bin: ${SBE_BUILD_SCRIPT} ${S1_EC10_BIN}
+# ${} --sbeOutBin s1SbePartition.bin \
+# --ecImg_10 ${S1_EC10_BIN}
+S1_EC10_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1_10.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+S1_EC12_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1_12.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+S1_EC13_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1_13.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+S1_EC20_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1_20.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+P8_EC10_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fp8_10.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+CENT_EC10_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fcentaur_10.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+CENT_EC20_BIN = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fcentaur_20.sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin}
+ s1SbePartition.bin:10=${S1_EC10_BIN},12=${S1_EC12_BIN},13=${S1_EC13_BIN},20=${S1_EC20_BIN} \
+ p8SbePartition.bin:10=${P8_EC10_BIN} \
+ centSbePartition.bin:10=${CENT_EC10_BIN},20=${CENT_EC20_BIN}
+SBEPART_SECTIONS = ${SBE_PART_PARAMS:xs/[^ ]* //:xs/ .*//}
+SBEPART_BINS = ${SBEPART_SECTIONS:s/,/ /g:xS/[^=]*=//g}
+SBEPART_BIN_OPTION = ${SBEPART_SECTIONS:s/,/ /g:S/^/--ecImg_/g:s/=/ /g:p}
+build_sbe_partitions: .SPECTARG ${SBE_PART_INFO:S/^/__SBE_PART_BUILD\//g}
+ ${SBE_PART_INFO:@image@${pnorimg:!rm -f ${image:s/:/ /g:xs/ .*//};!e}@}
### SAMPLE for building a PNOR image
ENGD_OBJPATH = ${HBFW_OBJPATH:S/hbfw\/img/engd\/href/g}
+MURANO_TARG_IMG = simics_MURANO_targeting.bin
+VENICE_TARG_IMG = simics_VENICE_targeting.bin
MURANO_SLW_IMG = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fs1.ref_image.bin}
VENICE_SLW_IMG = ${ENGD_OBJPATH:Fp8.ref_image.bin}
+MURANO_SBE_IMG = s1SbePartition.bin
+VENICE_SBE_IMG = p8SbePartition.bin
+SBEC_IMG = centSbePartition.bin
murano.pnor:defaultPnorLayout.xml:${MURANO_SECT},${HOSTBOOT_DEFAULT_SECTIONS} \
@@ -180,7 +242,7 @@ clobber_build_pnor_images:
-update_images_for_sandbox: build_pnor_images
+update_images_for_sandbox: build_sbe_partitions build_pnor_images
mkdir -p ${FLASH_DEST}
#Copy hostboot base image to flash dir
${FLASH_IMG:@image@${baseimg:!cd ${FLASH_DEST}; cp -f ${.PATH:F${image}} ${image};!e}@}
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