path: root/src/build/vpo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/vpo/')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/vpo/ b/src/build/vpo/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..23a1d30da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/vpo/
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/vpo/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 - 2012
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+# Name:
+# Purpose: routines for reading and writing a 64-bit value into L3 in an
+# AWAN session. Accepts an address into L3, and 64-bit data hex word
+# (write).
+# VBU can only read/write to memory in 128-byte cachelines, so if
+# we want to write a memory location we must read in the entire
+# cacheline, modify the correct byte(s) and then write it back.
+# Called from shell script do_p8vbu_script_hbi*
+# Written in perl because that is what is being used for the debug
+# framework
+# Author: Mark Wenning
+package VBU_Cacheline;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( CLread CLwrite RunClocks P8_Ins_Start P8_Ins_Stop P8_Ins_Query SetFlags);
+# Specify perl modules to use
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use Fcntl;
+## 64-bit input
+use bigint;
+no warnings 'portable';
+# Forward declarations
+sub CLread;
+sub CLwrite;
+sub RunClocks;
+sub P8_Ins_Start;
+sub P8_Ins_Stop;
+sub P8_Ins_Query;
+sub P8_Flush_L2;
+sub SetFlags;
+## constants
+## use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS => 24;
+my $CLfile = "./istepmodereg.dma";
+my $CORE = "-c3";
+my $SIM_CLOCKS = "4000000";
+## later...
+my $vbuToolsDir = "/gsa/ausgsa/projects/h/hostboot/vbutools";
+my $DUMPCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/gsiexe/p8_dump_l3";
+my $LOADCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/gsiexe/p8_load_l3";
+## my $FLUSHCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/gsiexe/p8_l2_flush.x86 $CORE";
+my $FLUSHCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/compiled_procs/procs/p8_l2_flush_wrap.x86 $CORE -quiet";
+my $FLUSHQUERY = "/afs/";
+my $RUNCLKSCMD = "simclock";
+my $QUERYCMD = "/gsa/pokgsa/home/m/c/mcguirej/public/auto/rel/P8bin/p8_ins_query";
+my $STOPCMD = "/gsa/pokgsa/home/m/c/mcguirej/public/auto/rel/P8bin/p8_ins_stop";
+my $STARTCMD = "/gsa/pokgsa/home/m/c/mcguirej/public/auto/rel/P8bin/p8_ins_start";
+## ## later...
+## ## my $QUERYCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/u/karm/ekb/eclipz/chips/p8/working/procedures/utils/p8_thread_control.x86 -query";
+## ## my $STOPCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/u/karm/ekb/eclipz/chips/p8/working/procedures/utils/p8_thread_control.x86 -stop";
+## ## my $STARTCMD = "/afs/awd/projects/eclipz/lab/p8/u/karm/ekb/eclipz/chips/p8/working/procedures/utils/p8_thread_control.x86 -start";
+## Internal Globals
+my $CLdebug = 0;
+my $CLtest = 0;
+## flushed Flag, if 0, it means the L2 cache has not been flushed.
+## It must be flushed once before doing L3 reads
+my $L2_Flushed = 0;
+## Read the cacheline at addr from L3 and dump it to a binary file.
+## Assumes that the input address is a binary addr on a 128 byte boundary
+sub readcacheline( $ )
+ my ( $addr ) = @_;
+ my $cmd;
+ ## my $hexaddr = sprintf( "0x%x", $addr );
+ my $hexaddr = sprintf( "%x", $addr );
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- Read cacheline at $hexaddr...\n"; }
+ ## Stop simulation so we can read L3 properly
+ P8_Ins_Stop();
+ ## flush L2 if necessary
+ P8_Flush_L2();
+ $cmd = "$DUMPCMD $hexaddr 1 -f $CLfile -b $CORE";
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n";
+ ## Start simulation back up.
+ ## P8_Ins_Start();
+## derived from Perl Cookbook, 8.13
+## pack/unpack format is unsigned big endian 32-bit hi, lo
+## however, the input data from getopts still assumes that perl is compiled
+## for 64-bit #s
+sub modifycacheline( $$ )
+ my ( $offset, $data ) = @_;
+ my $typedef = 'N N'; # 2 32-bit network order
+ my $sizeof = length( pack($typedef,() ) );
+ my $filesize = -s $CLfile;
+ my $buffer;
+ open( FH, "+< $CLfile") or die "can't open $CLfile : $!";
+ binmode FH; ## not really necessary, but....
+ seek( FH, $offset, SEEK_SET) or die "seek $CLfile failed: $!";
+ read( FH, $buffer, $sizeof) == $sizeof or die "read failed: $!";
+ ( my $hi, my $lo ) = unpack($typedef, $buffer);
+ $hi = ($data >> 32) ;
+ $lo = ($data & 0x00000000ffffffff);
+ $buffer = pack($typedef, $hi, $lo );
+ # back up one record
+ seek( FH, -$sizeof, SEEK_CUR) or die "seek $CLfile failed: $!";
+ print FH $buffer;
+ close( FH ) or die "close $CLfile failed: $!";
+## Write modified file back to L3 cacheline.
+## This assumes that addr has already been converted to binary addr on a
+## 128 byte boundary
+sub writecacheline( $ )
+ my ( $addr ) = @_;
+ my $cmd;
+ ## my $hexaddr = sprintf( "0x%x", $addr );
+ my $hexaddr = sprintf( "%x", $addr );
+ ## Stop simulation so we can write L3
+ P8_Ins_Stop();
+ $cmd = "$LOADCMD -o $hexaddr -f $CLfile -b $CORE";
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed, $? : $! \n";
+ ## Start sim back up
+ ## P8_Ins_Start();
+## Query the state of the simulator, "RUNNING" or "STOPPED".
+sub P8_Ins_Query()
+ my $cmd = "$QUERYCMD";
+ my $retstr = "";
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ## execute it with backticks so we can get the output.
+ $retstr = `$cmd`;
+ if ( $? != 0 ) { die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n"; }
+ chomp( $retstr );
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- P8_Ins_Query returned $retstr\n"; }
+ if ( ($retstr ne "STOPPED" )
+ && ($retstr ne "RUNNING" )
+ )
+ {
+ die "invalid string \"$retstr\" from P8_Ins_Query\n";
+ }
+ return $retstr;
+## Stop the simulation. Necessary to read and write L3 .
+sub P8_Ins_Start()
+ my $cmd = "$STARTCMD";
+ if ( P8_Ins_Query() eq "STOPPED" )
+ {
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n";
+ ## reset the flushFlag, need to flush again before a read.
+ $L2_Flushed = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($CLdebug) { print STDOUT "-- P8_Ins_Start: already RUNNING\n"; }
+ }
+## Stop the simulation.
+sub P8_Ins_Stop()
+ my $cmd = "$STOPCMD";
+ if ( P8_Ins_Query() eq "RUNNING" )
+ {
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($CLdebug) { print STDOUT "-- P8_Ins_Stop: already STOPPED\n"; }
+ }
+## Check if cache is flushed.
+## $TODO
+## p8_check_L3 will scan the L3 directory for unfilled cachelines and
+## return a string:
+## $ p8_check_l3 100 4 -c3 -f $labhome/foo -x -o
+## p8_check_l3 - address (0x100) not found in L3 directory.
+## $ p8_check_l3 100 4 -c3 -f $labhome/foo -x -o
+## p8_check_l3 - all addresses found in L3 directory.
+sub P8_Check_Flushed
+ my ( $addr, $lines ) = @_;
+ my $tmpfile = "./tmpflush";
+ my $cmd = "$FLUSHQUERY";
+ my $rc = 0;
+ ## execute it with backticks so we can get the output.
+ my $retstr = `$cmd $CORE -f $tmpfile -x -o`;
+ if ( $? != 0 ) { die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n"; }
+ chomp( $retstr );
+ if ( $retstr =~ /^.*.all addresses.*/ )
+ {
+ $rc = 1;
+ }
+ return $rc;
+## Flush L2 Cache
+## This only needs to be done once after the clock is stopped,
+## thus the toggle flag
+sub P8_Flush_L2()
+ my $cmd = "$FLUSHCMD";
+ if ( !$L2_Flushed )
+ {
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed $? : $! \n";
+ ## mark the CPU as flushed.
+ $L2_Flushed = 1;
+ }
+ if ($CLdebug) { print STDOUT "-- P8_FLush_L2 : $L2_Flushed\n"; }
+## tell the simulator to run for so many clock cycles.
+## If simulator is stopped, then start it up first.
+sub RunClocks()
+ my $cmd = 0;
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { printf STDOUT "-- RunClocks()\n"; }
+ ## Check, and start instructions if necessary
+ if ( P8_Ins_Query( ) ne "RUNNING" )
+ {
+ P8_Ins_Start();
+ }
+ $cmd = "$RUNCLKSCMD $SIM_CLOCKS -quiet";
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { print STDOUT "-- run $cmd ...\n"; }
+ ( system( $cmd ) == 0 )
+ or die "$cmd failed, $? : $! \n";
+## Read a 64-bit value from L3 at hex addr.
+## Input is expected to be a hex ascii string
+sub CLread( $ )
+ my ( $addr ) = @_;
+ my $cmd;
+ my $CLbase = ( hex($addr) & 0xffffff80);
+ my $CLoffset = ( hex($addr) & (~0xffffff80) );
+ my $result = 0; ## 64-bit hex
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { printf STDOUT "-- CLread( %s ) : CLbase=0x%x, CLoffset=0x%x\n", $addr, $CLbase, $CLoffset }
+ readcacheline( $CLbase );
+ ## extract quadword from cacheline file
+ my $typedef = 'N N'; # QuadWord
+ my $sizeof = length( pack($typedef,() ) );
+ my $filesize = -s $CLfile;
+ my $buffer;
+ open( FH, "+< $CLfile") or die "can't open $CLfile : $!";
+ binmode FH; ## not really necessary, but....
+ seek( FH, $CLoffset, SEEK_SET) or die "seek $CLfile failed: $!";
+ read( FH, $buffer, $sizeof) == $sizeof or die "read failed: $!";
+ close( FH ) or die "close $CLfile failed: $!";
+ ## unpack and reassemble as big-endian
+ ( my $hi, my $lo ) = unpack($typedef, $buffer);
+ $result = ( ( ( $hi << 32 ) & 0xffffffff00000000 ) | $lo );
+ if ( $CLdebug )
+ {
+ printf STDOUT "-- CLread( %s ) = 0x%lx ", $addr, $result;
+ dumpcacheline(" " );
+ }
+ return ( $result );
+## Write command byte to cacheline
+## Inputs are expected to be hex ascii strings
+sub CLwrite( $$ )
+ my ( $addr, $data ) = @_;
+ my $CLbase = ( hex($addr) & 0xffffff80 );
+ my $CLoffset = ( hex($addr) & (~0xffffff80) );
+ my $CLdata = hex($data);
+ my $result = 0;
+ if ( $CLdebug ) { printf STDOUT "-- CLwrite( %s, %s ) : CLbase=0x%x, CLoffset=0x%x, CLdata=0x%lx\n",
+ $addr, $data, $CLbase, $CLoffset, $CLdata; }
+ ## clear the cacheline file
+ system( "rm -f $CLfile" );
+ ## issue the command to dump the cacheline to a file
+ readcacheline( $CLbase );
+ ## dumpcacheline( "after read", $CLfile );
+ ## modify the cacheline file
+ modifycacheline( $CLoffset, $data );
+ ## dumpcacheline( "after modify", $CLfile );
+ ## write the cacheline back to L3
+ writecacheline( $CLbase );
+ if ( $CLdebug )
+ {
+ ## check, clear the cacheline file and read again
+ system( "rm -f $CLfile" );
+ readcacheline( $CLbase );
+ dumpcacheline( "Readback", $CLfile );
+ }
+sub dumpcacheline()
+ my ( $comment ) = @_;
+ if ( $CLdebug )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "-- $comment, dump cache file :\n";
+ system( "xxd $CLfile" );
+ }
+sub SetFlags( $$ )
+ my ( $debug, $test ) = @_;
+ $CLdebug = $debug;
+ $CLtest = $test;
+ if ( $CLdebug )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "-- CLdebug=$CLdebug, CLtest=$CLtest\n";
+ }
+## required at the end of perl modules
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