path: root/src/build/trace/tracehash.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/trace/tracehash.c')
1 files changed, 907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/trace/tracehash.c b/src/build/trace/tracehash.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27bbc9c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/trace/tracehash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/build/trace/tracehash.c $ */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013 */
+/* */
+/* p1 */
+/* */
+/* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */
+/* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */
+/* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */
+/* */
+/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
+/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
+/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
+/* */
+/* Origin: 30 */
+/* */
+/** @file tracehash.c
+ *
+ * Usage: 'tracehash foo.o'
+ * Generates foo.o and foo.o.hash from foo.o.trace.
+ *
+ * The original trace strings are compiled into a foo.o.trace and need
+ * to be extracted and turned into hash numbers. To accomplish this
+ * we create static structures at the trace call location and use the GCC
+ * options '-ffunction-sections' and '-fdata-sections' to force these
+ * structures into their own ELF sections that we can find / remove / update.
+ *
+ * This program uses libbfd, which is not very well documented. Some of
+ * the sequencing of bfd calls were determined by trial and error. The
+ * intention is that this program supports [ppc|x86]-[32|64]bit, but
+ * some aspects of BFD / ELF are 'fragile' and may break between compiler
+ * versions. I have found this is especially true in the interpretation /
+ * creation of relocation information.
+ *
+ * Hostboot also uses 'libbfd' for the custom linker so it is likely that
+ * any changes needed here (or there) need to be replicated in both.
+ */
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <bfd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+/** @fn bfd_elf_gnu_hash
+ *
+ * Hash function built into the BFD library which has decent non-collision
+ * properties. The trace tools don't care what hash function is used as
+ * long as it is used consistently.
+ *
+ * Alternatively, using a truncated MD5 or SHA hash would likely work as
+ * well.
+ */
+unsigned long bfd_elf_gnu_hash(const char*);
+/** @struct traceCodeInfo
+ *
+ * Only used for reference as to the file format of the original files.
+ * See same named structure in trace interface files.
+ *
+ * This is the layout of the CODEINFO_SECTION_NAME sections.
+ */
+struct traceCodeInfo
+ const char *formatString;
+ uint32_t hash;
+/** @struct traceParseInfo
+ *
+ * Only used for reference as to the file format of the original files.
+ * See same named structure in trace interface files.
+ *
+ * This is the layout of the PARSEINFO_SECTION_NAME sections.
+ */
+struct traceParseInfo
+ uint16_t len_string;
+ uint16_t len_file;
+ uint32_t padding;
+ const char string[512];
+ const char file[256];
+ struct traceCodeInfo* code;
+/** Suffix name of the sections containing traceCodeInfo structs. */
+const char* CODEINFO_SECTION_NAME = "__traceData_codeInfo";
+/** Suffix name of the sections containing traceParseInfo structs. */
+const char* PARSEINFO_SECTION_NAME = "__traceData_parseInfo";
+/** Destination section name for the resulting format strings. */
+const char* FORMATSTRING_SECTION_NAME = ".rodata.str.fsptrace.format";
+/** String to replace with the basename of the source file. */
+/** Macro to verify errors from BFD library. */
+#define CHECK_ERR(i) \
+ { \
+ if (!(i)) \
+ { \
+ printf("Error: %s\n", bfd_errmsg(bfd_get_error())); \
+ printf("\tLine %d : %s\n", __LINE__, #i); \
+ exit(-1); \
+ } \
+ }
+/** Macro to verify allocations from BFD library. */
+#define CHECK_NONNULL(i) CHECK_ERR(NULL != (i));
+/** Global pointer to Original / Source symbol table. */
+static asymbol** origsymtab = NULL;
+/** Global pointer to Result symbol table. */
+static asymbol** symtab = NULL;
+/** A linked-list of BFD asymbols */
+typedef struct symbol_list
+ struct symbol_list* next;
+ asymbol* sym;
+} asymbol_list;
+/** Global list of symbols that should be excluded from the result file. */
+asymbol_list* filtered_syms = NULL;
+/** A linked-list of trace hash-string infos. */
+typedef struct hash_string_list
+ struct hash_string_list* next;
+ char* string; //< Original source string.
+ char* file; //< Original source file.
+ uint32_t hash; //< Calculated hash value of string.
+ // These three are used to create an ELF relocation for the
+ // format string pointer.
+ asymbol* fixup_symbol; //< Symbol of traceCodeInfo object.
+ bfd_vma fixup_offset; //< Offset of traceCodeInfo object in its section.
+ bfd_vma fixup_data; //< Data to place at 'format' location for reloc.
+} ahash_string_list;
+/** Global linked list of hash-strings. */
+ahash_string_list* hash_strings = NULL;
+/** Global count of hash strings. */
+size_t hash_counts = 0;
+/** Global pointer to BFD section for format strings from hashes. */
+asection* hash_section = NULL;
+/** A linked-list of resulting format strings. */
+typedef struct format_list
+ struct format_list* next;
+ char* format; //< Reduced format string.
+ bfd_vma offset; //< Destination offset in the format string section.
+} aformat_list;
+/** Global linked list of format strings. */
+aformat_list* format_strings = NULL;
+/** Current size of the format string section. */
+size_t format_offset = 0;
+/** Content to place into the format string section. */
+char* format_content = NULL;
+///--------- Forward Declarations ------------------///
+void create_sections(bfd*, asection*, void*);
+void copy_relocs(bfd*, asection*, void*);
+void copy_content(bfd*, asection*, void*);
+char* create_format_string(const char*);
+void create_hashstring_section(bfd*);
+size_t filter_symtab(size_t, size_t);
+size_t filter_relocs(arelent***, size_t, size_t, const char*);
+void parse_traceinfo(bfd*, asection*);
+void parse_traceinfo_sections(bfd*, asection*, void*);
+int check_hash_collision(ahash_string_list*);
+void write_hash_file(const char*);
+///--------- End Forward Declarations --------------///
+/** @fn main
+ */
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ static const char* inFileSuffix = ".trace";
+ char* outFileName = strdup(argv[1]);
+ char* inFileName = (char*) malloc(strlen(outFileName) +
+ strlen(inFileSuffix) + 1);
+ strcpy(inFileName, outFileName);
+ strcat(inFileName, inFileSuffix);
+ // Open input .o.trace file.
+ bfd* inFile = bfd_openr(inFileName, NULL);
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_check_format(inFile, bfd_object));
+ // Open output .o file.
+ bfd* outFile = bfd_openw(outFileName, bfd_get_target(inFile));
+ // Copy header data from .o.trace file.
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_arch_mach(outFile, bfd_get_arch(inFile),
+ bfd_get_mach(inFile)));
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_format(outFile, bfd_get_format(inFile)));
+ // Load symbol table from .o.trace file.
+ size_t symsize = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(inFile);
+ origsymtab = symtab = (asymbol**) malloc(symsize);
+ size_t symcount = bfd_canonicalize_symtab(inFile, symtab);
+ // Copy over other sections to new file.
+ bfd_map_over_sections(inFile, create_sections, outFile);
+ // Create hash-string section.
+ create_hashstring_section(outFile);
+ // Copy ELF private header.
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_copy_private_header_data(inFile, outFile));
+ // Filter symbol table and add to destination file.
+ symcount = filter_symtab(symsize, symcount);
+ bfd_set_symtab(outFile, symtab, symcount);
+ // Parse trace info sections and update format-string section size.
+ bfd_map_over_sections(inFile, parse_traceinfo_sections, outFile);
+ bfd_set_section_size(outFile, hash_section, format_offset);
+ // Copy relocations and content into destination file.
+ bfd_map_over_sections(inFile, copy_relocs, outFile);
+ bfd_map_over_sections(inFile, copy_content, outFile);
+ bfd_set_section_contents(outFile, hash_section,
+ format_content, 0, format_offset);
+ // Write .o.hash file.
+ write_hash_file(outFileName);
+ // Copy additional private BFD data and close file.
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_copy_private_bfd_data(inFile, outFile));
+ bfd_close(outFile);
+ return 0;
+/** @fn create_sections
+ *
+ * Creates a section in the result file based from the corresponding
+ * section in the source file. Sections which should not be created in
+ * the result are skipped.
+ *
+ * @param[in] inFile - Source file.
+ * @param[in] s - Section to create.
+ * @param[in] param(outFile) - Destination file.
+ */
+void create_sections(bfd* inFile, asection* s, void* param)
+ bfd* outFile = (bfd*)param;
+ // Clear output-file section reference in the source section.
+ s->output_section = NULL;
+ // Skip traceParseInfo and ELF-groups sections.
+ if (NULL != strstr(s->name, PARSEINFO_SECTION_NAME)) { return; }
+ if (bfd_get_section_flags(inFile, s) & SEC_GROUP) { return; }
+ // Create result section.
+ asection* new_s =
+ bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags(outFile, s->name,
+ bfd_get_section_flags(inFile, s));
+ // Copy section sizes.
+ new_s->entsize = s->entsize;
+ size_t section_size = bfd_get_section_size(s);
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_section_size(outFile, new_s, section_size));
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_section_vma(outFile, new_s, bfd_section_vma(inFile, s)));
+ new_s->lma = s->lma;
+ // Copy alignment and private data.
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_section_alignment(outFile, new_s,
+ bfd_section_alignment(inFile, s)));
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_copy_private_section_data(inFile, s, outFile, new_s));
+ // Hook up output_section reference to source section.
+ s->output_section = new_s;
+/** @fn copy_relocs
+ *
+ * Copy relocation information from source section to result section.
+ *
+ * @param[in] inFile - Source file.
+ * @param[in] s - Source section.
+ * @param[in] param(outFile) - Destination file.
+ */
+void copy_relocs(bfd* inFile, asection* s, void* param)
+ bfd* outFile = (bfd*)param;
+ // Get destination section and skip if it doesn't exist.
+ asection* new_s = s->output_section;
+ if (NULL == new_s) return;
+ // Allocate new relocations based on source relocations.
+ size_t relocsize = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound(inFile, s);
+ arelent** relocs = (arelent**) malloc(relocsize);
+ size_t reloccount = bfd_canonicalize_reloc(inFile, s, relocs, origsymtab);
+ // Filter out relocations corresponding to symbols in filtered sections.
+ reloccount = filter_relocs(&relocs, relocsize, reloccount,
+ // If this is a traceCodeInfo section, create new relocations for the
+ // format strings.
+ if (NULL != strstr(s->name, CODEINFO_SECTION_NAME))
+ {
+ // Increase number of relocations by number of format strings.
+ relocs = (arelent**)
+ realloc(relocs, sizeof(arelent*)*(reloccount + hash_counts));
+ // Search for relocations in this section.
+ ahash_string_list* list = hash_strings;
+ while(list != NULL)
+ {
+ // Section mismatch, continue to next symbol.
+ if (list->fixup_symbol->section != s)
+ {
+ list = list->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Find format string corresponding to this symbol.
+ char* format = create_format_string(list->string);
+ aformat_list* format_node = format_strings;
+ while(format_node != NULL)
+ {
+ if (0 == strcmp(format, format_node->format))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ format_node = format_node->next;
+ }
+ assert(format_node != NULL);
+ // Create relocation.
+ relocs[reloccount] = (arelent*) malloc(sizeof(arelent));
+ relocs[reloccount]->sym_ptr_ptr = hash_section->symbol_ptr_ptr;
+ relocs[reloccount]->address = list->fixup_offset;
+ // 64 and 32 bit relocations are done differently.
+ // 64 bit has 0 in the destination area and offset in the
+ // relocation itself.
+ // 32 bit has offset in the destination area and 0 in the
+ // relocation itself.
+ if (bfd_arch_bits_per_address(inFile) == 64)
+ {
+ relocs[reloccount]->addend = format_node->offset;
+ list->fixup_data = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relocs[reloccount]->addend = 0;
+ list->fixup_data = format_node->offset;
+ }
+ relocs[reloccount]->howto =
+ bfd_reloc_type_lookup(outFile,
+ (bfd_arch_bits_per_address(inFile) == 64 ?
+ );
+ reloccount++;
+ // Increment to next symbol.
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ // Turn on relocation flag (in case it wasn't already on).
+ new_s->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
+ }
+ // Assign relocations to result section.
+ bfd_set_reloc(outFile, new_s, relocs, reloccount);
+/** @fn copy_content
+ *
+ * Copies (and possibly updates) content from source to result sections.
+ *
+ * Sections containing traceCodeInfo need to be updated with new hash and
+ * relocation values.
+ *
+ * @param[in] inFile - Source file.
+ * @param[in] s - Source section.
+ * @param[in] param(outFile) - Destination file.
+ */
+void copy_content(bfd* inFile, asection* s, void* param)
+ bfd* outFile = (bfd*) param;
+ // Get destination section and skip if it doesn't exist.
+ asection* new_s = s->output_section;
+ if (NULL == new_s) return;
+ // Skip if destination section doesn't have any contents.
+ if (!(new_s->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read contents from source section.
+ bfd_byte* contents = NULL;
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_get_full_section_contents(inFile, s, &contents));
+ size_t content_size = bfd_get_section_size(new_s);
+ // Perform fix-ups if this is a traceCodeInfo section.
+ if (NULL != strstr(s->name, CODEINFO_SECTION_NAME))
+ {
+ int big_endian = bfd_big_endian(inFile);
+ int sixtyfour = bfd_arch_bits_per_address(inFile) == 64;
+ ahash_string_list* list = hash_strings;
+ // Search hash list for symbols in this section.
+ while(list != NULL)
+ {
+ // Skip if symbol doesn't match.
+ if (list->fixup_symbol->section != s)
+ {
+ list = list->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Update hash value.
+ (big_endian ? bfd_putb32 : bfd_putl32)
+ (list->hash,
+ &contents[list->fixup_offset + (sixtyfour ? 8 : 4)]);
+ // Update fixup location.
+ (big_endian ? (sixtyfour ? bfd_putb64 : bfd_putb32) :
+ (sixtyfour ? bfd_putl64 : bfd_putl32))
+ (list->fixup_data, &contents[list->fixup_offset]);
+ // Increment to next symbol.
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ }
+ // Write section contents into result section.
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_set_section_contents(outFile, new_s, contents, 0,
+ content_size));
+ // Free temporary content buffer.
+ free(contents);
+/** @fn create_format_string
+ *
+ * Creates a stripped down format string based on a source string.
+ *
+ * @param[in] string - The source string to strip.
+ * @return Format string allocated with 'malloc'.
+ */
+char* create_format_string(const char* string)
+ size_t length = strlen(string) + 1;
+ char* result = malloc(length);
+ memset(result, '\0', length);
+ size_t r_pos = 0; // Current position in result string.
+ // Iterate through source string looking for format tags.
+ for(size_t pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)
+ {
+ // Skip if not %.
+ if (string[pos] != '%') continue;
+ // Skip over %%.
+ if (string[pos+1] == '%') { pos++; continue; }
+ // Found a valid start of a format tag... start in result.
+ result[r_pos++] = '%';
+ // Search for remainder of format and copy to result.
+ int done = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ switch(string[pos])
+ {
+ // Length tags.
+ case 'h': case 'l': case 'L': case 'q':
+ case 'j': case 'z': case 't':
+ result[r_pos++] = string[pos++];
+ break;
+ // Type tags.
+ case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':
+ case 'x': case 'X': case 'e': case 'E':
+ case 'f': case 'F': case 'g': case 'G':
+ case 'a': case 'A': case 'c': case 'C':
+ case 's': case 'S': case 'p': case 'n':
+ result[r_pos++] = string[pos];
+ done = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ pos++;
+ }
+ } while(!done);
+ }
+ return result;
+/** @fn create_hashstring_section
+ *
+ * Allocate a section for the format strings and add it to the result file.
+ *
+ * @param[in] outFile - Result file.
+ */
+void create_hashstring_section(bfd* outFile)
+ hash_section = bfd_make_section(outFile, FORMATSTRING_SECTION_NAME);
+ CHECK_NONNULL(hash_section);
+ // Set section flags:
+ // SEC_ALLOC - VMA Memory needs to be allocated.
+ // SEC_LOAD - The contents should be loaded into memory.
+ // SEC_READONLY - Read-only content.
+ // SEC_HAS_CONTENTS - The section has contents associated with it.
+ // SEC_MERGE - Duplicate sections (ex. two .o files) should be
+ // merged together.
+ // SEC_STRINGS - The section content type is string.
+ bfd_set_section_flags(outFile, hash_section,
+ // Each entry is 1 byte (a character).
+ hash_section->entsize = 1;
+/** @fn filter_symtab
+ *
+ * Filters symbols from the source symtab that should not be placed into
+ * the result file.
+ *
+ * @param[in] symsize - Size of current symbol table.
+ * @param[in] symcount - Number of current symbols.
+ *
+ * @return Number of symbols in new table.
+ */
+size_t filter_symtab(size_t symsize, size_t symcount)
+ asymbol** new_table = malloc(symsize+sizeof(asymbol*));
+ size_t newcount = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < symcount; i++)
+ {
+ // Filter symbols without an output section.
+ if (NULL == symtab[i]->section->output_section)
+ {
+ // If the symbol isn't a section symbol then it is a
+ // traceParseInfo struct, so create an entry for it on the
+ // list of filtered_symbols.
+ if (!(symtab[i]->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM))
+ {
+ asymbol_list* node = malloc(sizeof(asymbol_list));
+ node->next = filtered_syms;
+ node->sym = symtab[i];
+ filtered_syms = node;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Symbol was not filtered, so copy it to the new table.
+ new_table[newcount++] = symtab[i];
+ }
+ // Insert the symbol for the format string section.
+ new_table[newcount++] = hash_section->symbol;
+ symtab = new_table;
+ return newcount;
+/** @fn filter_relocs
+ *
+ * Filters relocations from the source table the at should not be placed
+ * into the result file.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] relocs - Relocation table.
+ * @param[in] relocsize - Size (in bytes) of relocation table.
+ * @param[in] reloccount - Number of relocations.
+ * @param[in] section - Section name suffix/pattern to filter.
+ */
+size_t filter_relocs(arelent*** relocs, size_t relocsize,
+ size_t reloccount, const char* section)
+ arelent** old_table = *relocs;
+ arelent** new_table = malloc(relocsize);
+ size_t newcount = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < reloccount; i++)
+ {
+ asymbol** symtable = old_table[i]->sym_ptr_ptr;
+ // Skip symbols in sections with pattern match.
+ if (NULL != strstr((*symtable)->section->name, section))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Copy non-skipped symbols into result table.
+ new_table[newcount++] = old_table[i];
+ }
+ free(old_table);
+ (*relocs) = new_table;
+ return newcount;
+/** @fn parse_traceinfo
+ *
+ * Parses traceParseInfo sections and extracts the trace information for
+ * each symbol / section.
+ *
+ * @param[in] inFile - Source file.
+ * @param[in] s - Source section, should be a traceParseInfo section.
+ */
+void parse_traceinfo(bfd* inFile, asection* s)
+ // Get contents of the section.
+ bfd_byte* contents = NULL;
+ CHECK_ERR(bfd_get_full_section_contents(inFile, s, &contents));
+ int big_endian = bfd_big_endian(inFile);
+ size_t size = bfd_get_section_size(s);
+ // Save a reference to the current position in the hash_strings list.
+ ahash_string_list* original_hash_strings = hash_strings;
+ // Get relocations for the section.
+ size_t relocsize = bfd_get_reloc_upper_bound(inFile, s);
+ arelent** relocs = (arelent**) malloc(relocsize);
+ size_t reloccount = bfd_canonicalize_reloc(inFile, s,
+ relocs, origsymtab);
+ asymbol_list* list = filtered_syms;
+ while(list != NULL)
+ {
+ // Skip symbols in other sections.
+ if (list->sym->section != s)
+ {
+ list = list->next; continue;
+ }
+ // Find offset of the symbol in the section (contents).
+ size_t pos = list->sym->value;
+ // Read the string length.
+ size_t length_str =
+ (big_endian ? bfd_getb16 : bfd_getl16)(&contents[pos]);
+ pos += 2;
+ // Read the filename length.
+ size_t length_file =
+ (big_endian ? bfd_getb16 : bfd_getl16)(&contents[pos]);
+ pos += 2;
+ // Padding
+ pos += 4;
+ // Create node for string information.
+ ahash_string_list* new_node = malloc(sizeof(ahash_string_list));
+ new_node->next = hash_strings;
+ // Copy original filename from contents.
+ new_node->file = strdup(&contents[pos+length_str]);
+ // Copy original string from contents, calculate hash.
+ char* replace_pos = strstr(&contents[pos],
+ if (NULL != replace_pos)
+ {
+ char* filename = basename(new_node->file);
+ static const char filesep[] = ": ";
+ size_t len_begin = replace_pos - (char*)&contents[pos];
+ size_t len_end = strlen(&contents[pos]) -
+ size_t length = len_begin + strlen(filename) + len_end +
+ strlen(filesep) + 1;
+ new_node->string = malloc(length);
+ memcpy(new_node->string, &contents[pos], len_begin);
+ new_node->string[len_begin] = '\0';
+ strcat(new_node->string, filename);
+ strcat(new_node->string, filesep);
+ strcat(new_node->string, &contents[pos + len_begin +
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_node->string = strdup(&contents[pos]);
+ }
+ new_node->hash = bfd_elf_gnu_hash(new_node->string);
+ // Advance position to (traceCodeInfo*).
+ pos += length_str + length_file;
+ // Search relocations to find the traceCodeInfo symbol.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < reloccount; i++)
+ {
+ if (relocs[i]->address == pos)
+ {
+ // Get the symbol itself.
+ new_node->fixup_symbol = *(relocs[i]->sym_ptr_ptr);
+ // Find offset into the traceCodeInfo's section.
+ if (big_endian)
+ {
+ new_node->fixup_offset =
+ (bfd_arch_bits_per_address(inFile) == 64 ?
+ bfd_getb64 : bfd_getb32)
+ (&contents[relocs[i]->address]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_node->fixup_offset =
+ (bfd_arch_bits_per_address(inFile) == 64 ?
+ bfd_getl64 : bfd_getl32)
+ (&contents[relocs[i]->address]);
+ }
+ new_node->fixup_offset += relocs[i]->addend;
+ }
+ }
+ // Insert string information onto list.
+ if (check_hash_collision(new_node))
+ {
+ hash_strings = new_node;
+ hash_counts++;
+ }
+ // Increment to next symbol.
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ // Release memory for contents.
+ free(contents);
+ // Create format strings and content blob for CODEINFO_SECTION_NAME.
+ ahash_string_list* hash_list = hash_strings;
+ while(hash_list != original_hash_strings)
+ {
+ char* format = create_format_string(hash_list->string);
+ // Search for existing format string that matches.
+ aformat_list* format_node = format_strings;
+ while(format_node != NULL)
+ {
+ if (0 == strcmp(format, format_node->format))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ format_node = format_node->next;
+ }
+ // If we found a matching format string, it is already created.
+ if (format_node != NULL)
+ {
+ free(format);
+ }
+ else // Create it.
+ {
+ // Create format string node.
+ aformat_list* new_node = malloc(sizeof(aformat_list));
+ new_node->next = format_strings;
+ new_node->format = format;
+ format_strings = new_node;
+ // Update position in the format string section.
+ new_node->offset = format_offset;
+ format_offset += strlen(new_node->format) + 1;
+ // Copy string into section.
+ format_content = realloc(format_content, format_offset);
+ strcpy(&format_content[new_node->offset], new_node->format);
+ }
+ // Increment to next item on the format string list.
+ hash_list = hash_list->next;
+ }
+/** @fn parse_traceinfo_sections
+ *
+ * Calls parse_traceinfo on any sections containing traceParseInfo structs.
+ *
+ * @param[in] inFile - Source file.
+ * @param[in] s - Source section.
+ * @param[in] param(outFile) - Destination file.
+ */
+void parse_traceinfo_sections(bfd* inFile, asection* s, void* param)
+ if (NULL != strstr(s->name, PARSEINFO_SECTION_NAME))
+ {
+ parse_traceinfo(inFile, s);
+ }
+/** @fn check_hash_collision
+ *
+ * Searches existing trace strings for any hash collisions.
+ *
+ * @return 1 - No collision found, 0 - Collision found.
+ */
+int check_hash_collision(ahash_string_list* node)
+ ahash_string_list* list = node->next;
+ while(list != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((list->hash == node->hash) &&
+ (0 != strcmp(list->string, node->string)))
+ {
+ printf("Hash collision detected:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n",
+ list->string, node->string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/** @fn write_hash_file
+ *
+ * Writes the FSP_TRACE format hash file for the result .o.
+ *
+ * @param[in] file - Filename of output file.
+ */
+void write_hash_file(const char* file)
+ // No hashes, then no file to write.
+ if (NULL == hash_strings) return;
+ // Open hash-result file (foo.o.hash).
+ char* hash_file_name = malloc(strlen(file) + 6);
+ strcpy(hash_file_name,file); strcat(hash_file_name, ".hash");
+ FILE* hash_file = fopen(hash_file_name, "w");
+ // Output header.
+ time_t t = time(NULL);
+ char* t_str = ctime(&t);
+ (*strchr(t_str, '\n')) = '\0';
+ fprintf(hash_file, "#FSP_TRACE_v2|||%s|||BUILD:%s\n",
+ t_str,
+ get_current_dir_name());
+ // Iterate through all the strings.
+ ahash_string_list* list = hash_strings;
+ while(NULL != list)
+ {
+ // Output hash value.
+ fprintf(hash_file, "%u||", list->hash);
+ // Output original string and fix-up special symbols, such as '\n'.
+ for (size_t i = 0; list->string[i] != '\0'; i++)
+ {
+ if (list->string[i] == '\n')
+ {
+ fputs("\\n", hash_file);
+ }
+ else if (list->string[i] == '\t')
+ {
+ fputs("\\t", hash_file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fputc(list->string[i], hash_file);
+ }
+ }
+ // Output source file name (ex foo.C).
+ fprintf(hash_file, "||%s\n", list->file);
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ fclose(hash_file);
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud