path: root/src/build/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/tools')
2 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/tools/ b/src/build/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da313c2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# Purpose: This perl script needs to be executed from the
+# git repository. It will copy all relevant files, including
+# scripts, hbotStringFile, .list, .syms and .bin files needed for debug
+# to the user specified directory.
+# Author: CamVan Nguyen 07/07/2011
+# Usage:
+# <path>
+# Specify perl modules to use
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+# Forward Declaration
+sub printUsage;
+# Global arrays
+#List of files to copy. Path is relative to git repository.
+my @files = ("src/build/tools/",
+ "src/build/trace/",
+ "img/hbotStringFile",
+ "img/hbicore.syms",
+ "img/hbicore_test.syms",
+ "img/hbicore.bin",
+ "img/hbicore_test.bin",
+ "img/hbicore.list",
+ "img/hbicore_test.list");
+#Directories in base git repository
+my @gitRepoDirs = ("img",
+ "obj",
+ "src");
+# Parse optional input argument
+my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
+#print "num args = $numArgs\n";
+my $test = 0; #Flag to overwrite hbicore.<syms|bin|list> with the test versions
+my $inDir = ""; #User specified directory to copy files to
+if ($numArgs > 2)
+ #Print command line help
+ print ("ERROR: Too many arguments entered.\n");
+ printUsage();
+ exit (1);
+ foreach (@ARGV)
+ {
+ if ($_ eq "-help")
+ {
+ #Print command line help
+ printUsage();
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ eq "-test")
+ {
+ #Set flag to copy hbicore_test.<syms|bin> to hbcore_test.<syms|bin>
+ $test = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #Save user specified directory
+ $inDir = $_;
+ }
+ }
+# Initialize the paths to copy files to
+my $simicsDir = "";
+my $imgDir = "";
+my $sandbox = $ENV{'SANDBOXBASE'};
+if ($inDir ne "")
+ $simicsDir = $inDir;
+ $imgDir = $inDir;
+ print "input dir = $inDir\n";
+ #If simics directory specified
+ if (basename($inDir) eq "simics")
+ {
+ #Check if img dir exists else will copy .bin files to simics dir
+ $imgDir = File::Spec->catdir($inDir, "../img");
+ unless (-d ($inDir."/../img"))
+ {
+ $imgDir = $inDir;
+ print "No img directory found in sandbox. Copying .bin files";
+ print " to simics directory\n";
+ }
+ }
+elsif (defined ($sandbox))
+ unless ($sandbox ne "")
+ {
+ die ('ERROR: No path specified and env $SANBOXBASE = NULL'."\n");
+ }
+ print "sandbox = $sandbox\n";
+ #Check if simics and img dirs exist, else exit
+ $simicsDir = File::Spec->catdir($sandbox, "simics");
+ $imgDir = File::Spec->catdir($sandbox, "img");
+ print "simics dir = $simicsDir\n img dir = $imgDir\n";
+ unless ((-d $simicsDir) && (-d $imgDir))
+ {
+ die ("ERROR: simics and/or img directories not found in sandbox\n");
+ }
+ print 'ERROR: No path specified and env $SANDBBOXBASE not set.'."\n";
+ printUsage();
+ exit(1);
+# Get the base dir of the git repository
+my $cwd = getcwd();
+my @paths = File::Spec->splitdir($cwd);
+#print "@paths\n";
+my @list;
+my $data;
+foreach $data (@paths)
+ last if grep { $_ eq $data } @gitRepoDirs;
+ push @list, $data;
+#print "@list\n";
+my $gitRepo = File::Spec->catdir(@list);
+#print "$gitRepo\n";
+# Copy files to user specified directory or to sandbox
+# Use unix command vs perl's File::Copy to preserve file attributes
+my $command = "";
+my $copyDir = "";
+chdir $gitRepo;
+#print "cwd: ", getcwd()."\n";
+foreach (@files)
+ $command = "";
+ my($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($_, qr{\..*});
+ #print "$filename, $directories, $suffix\n";
+ #Copy .bin to the img dir
+ if ($suffix eq ".bin")
+ {
+ $copyDir = $imgDir;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $copyDir = $simicsDir;
+ }
+ #Check if user wants to copy test versions to hbicore.<syms|bin|list>
+ if ($test == 1)
+ {
+ #Copy test versions to hbicore.<syms|bin|list>
+ if ($filename eq "hbicore_test")
+ {
+ $command = sprintf("cp %s %s", $_, $copyDir."/hbicore".$suffix);
+ }
+ elsif ($filename ne "hbicore")
+ {
+ $command = sprintf("cp %s %s", $_, $copyDir);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $command = sprintf("cp %s %s", $_, $copyDir);
+ }
+ # Copy the file
+ if ($command ne "")
+ {
+ print "$command\n";
+ `$command`;
+ }
+chdir $cwd;
+#print "cwd: ", getcwd()."\n";
+# Print command line help
+sub printUsage()
+ print ("\nUsage: [-help] | [<path>] [-test]\n\n");
+ print (" This program needs to be executed from the git repository.\n");
+ print (" It will copy all relevant files, scripts, hbotStringFile,\n");
+ print (" .list, .syms and .bin files needed for debug to one of two\n");
+ print (" locations:\n");
+ print (" 1. <path> if one is specified by the user\n");
+ print (" 2. if <path> is not specified, then the files will be\n");
+ print (' copied to the path specified by env variable $SANDBOXBASE'."\n");
+ print (" if it is defined.\n\n");
+ print (" -help: prints usage information\n");
+ print (" -test: Copy hbicore_test.<syms|bin|list> to hbicore.<syms|bin|list>\n");
diff --git a/src/build/tools/ b/src/build/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ef0ae0864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Purpose: This perl script will parse a hostboot dump file and extract
+# the code version, kernel printk buffer and components traces.
+# Author: CamVan Nguyen
+# Last Updated: 07/06/2011
+# Usage:
+# <path/hbDumpFile> <path/symsFile>
+# Specify perl modules to use
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+# Constants
+use constant SIZE_HBI_IMAGE_ID => 19;
+use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS => 24;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_SIZE => 24;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE => 8;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_COMP_NAME_SIZE => 16;
+use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERs => 24;
+use constant TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 0x0800;
+# Forward Declaration
+sub getAddrNSize;
+sub readBinFile;
+sub readStringBinFile;
+sub writeBinFile;
+sub appendBinFile;
+# Print Command Line Help
+my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
+if ($numArgs < 1)
+ print ("\nUsage: <dumpfile> [<symsfile>]\n\n");
+ print (" This program will parse the hostboot dump file specified\n");
+ print (" and extract the code version, kernel printk buffer and traces\n");
+ print (" to the current directory.\n");
+ print (" If no symsfile is specified, this program will use the default\n");
+ print (" hbicore.syms file found in the current working directory.\n");
+ print ("\nNOTE: User should run from the git repository to\n");
+ print (" copy all files needed to parse the hostboot dump to the current\n");
+ print (" directory prior to running this program.\n");
+ exit(1);
+# Parse the input argument(s)
+# Save the user specifed dump file
+my $hbDumpFile = $ARGV[0];
+my $hbDumpFileBase = basename($hbDumpFile);
+my $hbSymsFile = "hbicore.syms";
+# Save the optional user specified syms file
+if ($numArgs > 1)
+ $hbSymsFile = $ARGV[1];
+print "hostboot dump file: $hbDumpFile\n";
+print "hostboot syms file: $hbSymsFile\n";
+# Create dumpout subdir for extracted dump
+#print getcwd()."\n";
+my $extDir = "dumpout.$hbDumpFileBase";
+if (-d $extDir)
+ print "ERROR: directory $extDir exists.\n";
+ exit (1);
+mkdir $extDir;
+# Open and read the .syms file
+open SYMSFILE, $hbSymsFile or die "ERROR: $hbSymsFile not found : $!";
+my @symslines = <SYMSFILE>; # Read it into an array
+close(SYMSFILE); # Close the file
+unless (@symslines)
+ print "ERROR: $hbSymsFile is empty\n";
+ exit (1);
+# Extract the code version / image id
+#Find address and size of the hbi_ImageId from the .syms file
+my $string = 'hbi_ImageId';
+my $buffer = 0;
+my ($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
+if (0 != $addr)
+ #Read the hbi_ImageId from dump file and save to file
+ $buffer = readStringBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr);
+ chdir "$extDir";
+ writeBinFile($string, $buffer);
+ chdir "../";
+# Extract the kernel printk buffer
+#Find address and size of the kernel_printk_buffer from the .syms file
+$string = 'kernel_printk_buffer';
+($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
+if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
+ #Read the kernel printk buffer from dump file and save to file
+ $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr, $size);
+ chdir "$extDir";
+ writeBinFile($string, $buffer);
+ chdir "../";
+# Extract the component traces
+#Find address and size of the g_desc_array from the .syms file
+$string = 'g_desc_array';
+($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
+if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
+ #make subdir component_traces to store all traces
+ my $traceDir = $extDir.'/component_traces';
+ mkdir $traceDir;
+ #Read the g_desc_array from dump file and save the trace buffers
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS; $i++)
+ {
+ #get the component name
+ my $compName = readStringBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr);
+ chomp $compName;
+ last if ($compName eq "");
+ #get the component trace buffer address
+ $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr, DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE);
+ my $compBufAddr= unpack('H*',$buffer);
+ $compBufAddr = hex $compBufAddr;
+ #print "Component: $compName, $buffer, $compBufAddr\n";
+ #read the component trace buffer and save to file
+ $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $compBufAddr, TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ chdir "$traceDir";
+ writeBinFile($compName, $buffer);
+ #also append to tracBIN
+ appendBinFile('tracBIN', $buffer);
+ chdir "../../";
+ }
+ #check if file exists and is not empty
+ if (-s $traceDir.'/tracBIN')
+ {
+ #create tracMERG file
+ $string = sprintf ("fsp-trace -s hbotStringFile %s/tracBIN > %s/tracMERG",
+ $traceDir, $traceDir);
+ #print "$string\n";
+ `$string`;
+ #delete tracBIN file
+ unlink $traceDir.'/tracBIN';
+ }
+# Save dump file to dumpout dir
+copy ($hbDumpFile, $extDir) or die "Copy failed: $!";
+# Print location of dumpout dir
+print "Dump extracted to ./$extDir\n";
+# Parse the .syms data to find the relevant address and size for the data
+# requested.
+sub getAddrNSize($\@)
+ my $addr = 0;
+ my $size = 0;
+ my $string = $_[0];
+ my (@array) = @{$_[1]};
+ #print "$string\n";
+ #print "@array\n";
+ #search for string in array
+ my @line = grep /$string/,@array;
+ #print "@line\n";
+ #if found string
+ if (@line)
+ {
+ my @list = split(/,+/,$line[0]);
+ #print "@list\n";
+ $addr = hex $list[1];
+ $size = hex $list[3];
+ #print "$addr\n";
+ #print "$size\n";
+ }
+ return($addr, $size);
+# Read a block of data from a binary file.
+sub readBinFile($$$)
+ my ($file, $addr, $size) = @_;
+ #print "$file, $addr, $size\n";
+ #Open the dump file for reading
+ open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ my $bytesRead = read(FILE, my $buffer, $size);
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ #print "#bytes read: $bytesRead\n";
+ #print "buffer: $buffer\n";
+ close (FILE);
+ return ($buffer);
+# Read a NULL terminated string from a binary file.
+sub readStringBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $addr) = @_;
+ #print "$file, $addr\n";
+ #Open the dump file for reading
+ open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ local $/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
+ #my $tmp = $/;
+ #$/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
+ seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ my $string = <FILE>;
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ chomp $string; #Remove NULL termination
+ #print "$string\n";
+ #$/ = $tmp; #Restore $/
+ close (FILE);
+ return ($string);
+# Write a block of data to a binary file.
+sub writeBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
+ open (FILE, ">$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ print FILE $buffer;
+ close (FILE);
+# Append a block of data to a binary file.
+sub appendBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
+ open (FILE, ">>$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ print FILE $buffer;
+ close (FILE);
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