path: root/src/build/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/tools/ b/src/build/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 547b6e06f..000000000
--- a/src/build/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-# This is an automatically generated prolog.
-# $Source: src/build/tools/ $
-# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
-# p1
-# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
-# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
-# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
-# The source code for this program is not published or other-
-# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
-# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
-# Origin: 30
-# Purpose: This perl script will parse a hostboot dump file and extract
-# the code version, kernel printk buffer and components traces.
-# Author: CamVan Nguyen
-# Last Updated: 07/06/2011
-# Usage:
-# <dumpfile> [--test]
-# [--img-path <path to .syms file, hbotStringFile, & errlparser>]
-# [--out-path <path to save output data>]\n");
-# Specify perl modules to use
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Copy;
-# Constants
-use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS => 48;
-use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE => 8;
-use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_COMP_NAME_SIZE => 16;
-use constant TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 0x0800;
-use constant TRAC_BUFFER_SIZE_OFFSET => 20;
-use constant TRAC_BUFFER_SIZE_SIZE => 4;
-# Forward Declaration
-sub getAddrNSize;
-sub readBinFile;
-sub readStringBinFile;
-sub writeBinFile;
-sub appendBinFile;
-sub printUsage;
-# Print Command Line Help
-my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
-if ($numArgs < 1)
- #Print command line help
- print ("ERROR: Enter the hostboot dump file.\n");
- printUsage();
- exit (1);
-elsif ($numArgs > 6)
- #Print command line help
- print ("ERROR: Too many arguments entered.\n");
- printUsage();
- exit (1);
-elsif (($ARGV[0] eq "--help") || ($ARGV[0] eq "-h"))
- #Print command line help
- printUsage();
- exit (0);
-elsif (substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq '-')
- #Print command line help
- print ("ERROR: Enter the hostboot dump file.\n");
- printUsage();
- exit (1);
-# Parse the input argument(s)
-#Initialize default settings
-my $hbSymsFile = "hbicore.syms";
-my $hbStringFile = "hbotStringFile";
-my $hbErrlParser = "errlparser";
-my $cwd = getcwd();
-my $outDir = $cwd; #Default = current working directory
-my $hbDir = $ENV{'HB_IMGDIR'};
-if (defined ($hbDir))
- unless ($hbDir ne "")
- {
- $hbDir = '.'; #Set to current directory
- }
- $hbDir = '.'; #Set to current directory
-# Save the user specifed dump file
-my $hbDumpFile = $ARGV[0];
-my $hbDumpFileBase = basename($hbDumpFile);
-#check if file exists and is not empty
-if (!(-s $hbDumpFile))
- die "$hbDumpFile is not found or is empty.\n";
-# Save the optional user specified arguments
-for (my $i=1; $i<$numArgs; $i++)
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "--img-path")
- {
- if (($i + 1) >= $numArgs)
- {
- die "No value given for --img-path parameter.\n";
- }
- $i++;
- $hbDir = $ARGV[$i];
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--out-path")
- {
- if (($i + 1) >= $numArgs)
- {
- die "No value given for --out-path parameter.\n";
- }
- $i++;
- $outDir = $ARGV[$i];
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--test")
- {
- #Use hbicore_test.syms
- $hbSymsFile = 'hbicore_test.syms';
- }
- else
- {
- print "Invalid argument entered: $ARGV[$i]\n";
- exit(1);
- }
-#Check for existence of .syms file and hbotStringFile
-if (!(-e "$hbDir/$hbSymsFile"))
- die "Cannot find $hbDir/$hbSymsFile\n";
-if (!(-e "$hbDir/$hbStringFile"))
- die "Cannot find $hbDir/$hbStringFile\n";
-if (!(-e "$hbDir/$hbErrlParser"))
- die "Cannot find $hbDir/$hbErrlParser\n";
-#Print the files used
-print "hostboot dump file: $hbDumpFile\n";
-print "hostboot syms file: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile\n";
-print "hostboot string file: $hbDir/$hbStringFile\n";
-print "hostboot errlog parser: $hbDir/$hbErrlParser\n";
-# Create dumpout subdir for extracted dump
-#print getcwd()."\n";
-my $extDir = "$outDir/dumpout.$hbDumpFileBase";
-if (-d $extDir)
- print "ERROR: directory $extDir exists.\n";
- exit (1);
-mkdir $extDir;
-# Open and read the .syms file
-open SYMSFILE, "$hbDir/$hbSymsFile" or
- die "ERROR: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile not found : $!";
-my @symslines = <SYMSFILE>; # Read it into an array
-close(SYMSFILE); # Close the file
-unless (@symslines)
- print "ERROR: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile is empty\n";
- exit (1);
-# Extract the code version / image id
-#Find address and size of the hbi_ImageId from the .syms file
-my $string = 'hbi_ImageId';
-my $buffer = 0;
-my ($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
-if (0 != $addr)
- #Read the hbi_ImageId from dump file and save to file
- $buffer = readStringBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr);
- chdir "$extDir";
- writeBinFile($string, $buffer);
- chdir "$cwd";
-# Extract the kernel printk buffer
-#Find address and size of the kernel_printk_buffer from the .syms file
-$string = 'kernel_printk_buffer';
-($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
-if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
- #Read the kernel printk buffer from dump file and save to file
- #$buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr, $size);
- $buffer = readStringBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr);
- chdir "$extDir";
- writeBinFile($string, $buffer);
- chdir "$cwd";
-# Extract the component traces
-#Find address and size of the g_desc_array from the .syms file
-$string = 'g_desc_array';
-($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symslines);
-if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
- #Read the g_desc_array from dump file and save the trace buffers
- for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS; $i++)
- {
- #get the component name
- my $compName = readStringBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr);
- chomp $compName;
- last if ($compName eq "");
- #get the component trace buffer address
- $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $addr, DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE);
- my $compBufAddr= unpack('H*',$buffer);
- $compBufAddr = hex $compBufAddr;
- #print "Component: $compName, $buffer, $compBufAddr\n";
- # read a portion of the buffer header to get its size
- $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile,
- my $compBufferSize = unpack('H*',$buffer);
- $compBufferSize = hex $compBufferSize;
- #read the component trace buffer and save to file
- #read the component trace buffer
- $buffer = readBinFile($hbDumpFile, $compBufAddr, $compBufferSize );
- chdir "$extDir";
- #append to tracBIN
- appendBinFile('tracBIN', $buffer);
- chdir "$cwd";
- }
- #check if file exists and is not empty
- if (-s $extDir.'/tracBIN')
- {
- #create tracMERG file
- $string = sprintf ("fsp-trace -s %s/%s %s/tracBIN > %s/tracMERG",
- $hbDir, $hbStringFile, $extDir, $extDir);
- #print "$string\n";
- `$string`;
- if (-s "$extDir/tracMERG")
- {
- #delete tracBIN file
- unlink $extDir.'/tracBIN';
- }
- }
-# Extract the error logs
-#Create error log file and write list header to file
-my $errlFile = "$extDir/Errorlogs";
-open (ERRLFILE, ">$errlFile") or die "Couldn't open $errlFile!";
-print ERRLFILE "Error Log List:\n\n";
-#Invoke errlparser to parse and save the list of error logs
-my $command = sprintf ("$hbDir/$hbErrlParser $hbDumpFile $hbDir/$hbSymsFile >> $errlFile");
-#print "$command\n";
-#Write error log detail header
-open (ERRLFILE, ">>$errlFile") or die "Couldn't open $errlFile!";
-print ERRLFILE "\n\nError Log Details:\n\n";
-#Invoke errlparser to parse and save the individual error log detail data
-$command = sprintf ("$hbDir/$hbErrlParser $hbDumpFile $hbDir/$hbSymsFile -d >> $errlFile");
-#print "$command\n";
-# Print location of dumpout dir
-print "\nDump extracted to $extDir\n";
-# Parse the .syms data to find the relevant address and size for the data
-# requested.
-sub getAddrNSize($\@)
- my $addr = 0;
- my $size = 0;
- my $string = $_[0];
- my (@array) = @{$_[1]};
- #print "$string\n";
- #print "@array\n";
- #search for string in array
- my @line = grep /$string/,@array;
- #print "@line\n";
- #if found string
- if (@line)
- {
- my @list = split(/,+/,$line[0]);
- #print "@list\n";
- $addr = hex $list[1];
- $size = hex $list[3];
- #print "$addr\n";
- #print "$size\n";
- }
- return($addr, $size);
-# Read a block of data from a binary file.
-sub readBinFile($$$)
- my ($file, $addr, $size) = @_;
- #print "$file, $addr, $size\n";
- #Open the dump file for reading
- open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
- binmode FILE;
- seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
- #print tell FILE; print "\n";
- my $bytesRead = read(FILE, my $buffer, $size);
- #print tell FILE; print "\n";
- #print "#bytes read: $bytesRead\n";
- #print "buffer: $buffer\n";
- close (FILE);
- return ($buffer);
-# Read a NULL terminated string from a binary file.
-sub readStringBinFile($$)
- my ($file, $addr) = @_;
- #print "$file, $addr\n";
- #Open the dump file for reading
- open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
- binmode FILE;
- local $/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
- #my $tmp = $/;
- #$/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
- seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
- #print tell FILE; print "\n";
- my $string = <FILE>;
- #print tell FILE; print "\n";
- chomp $string; #Remove NULL termination
- #print "$string\n";
- #$/ = $tmp; #Restore $/
- close (FILE);
- return ($string);
-# Write a block of data to a binary file.
-sub writeBinFile($$)
- my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
- open (FILE, ">$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
- binmode FILE;
- print FILE $buffer;
- close (FILE);
-# Append a block of data to a binary file.
-sub appendBinFile($$)
- my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
- open (FILE, ">>$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
- binmode FILE;
- print FILE $buffer;
- close (FILE);
-# Print command line help
-sub printUsage()
- print ("\nUsage: [--help] | <dumpfile> [--test]\n");
- print (" [--img-path <path to .syms file, hbotStringFile & errlparser>]\n");
- print (" [--out-path <path to save output data>]\n\n");
- print (" This program will parse the hostboot dump file specified\n");
- print (" and extract the code version, kernel printk buffer, component\n");
- print (" traces & error logs.\n\n");
- print (" User should copy the relevant .syms file, hbotStringFile and errlparser\n");
- print (" to the current directory or set the env variable HB_IMGDIR to the path\n");
- print (" of the files.\n\n");
- print (" User should also set the env variable PATH to include the path to the fsp-trace");
- print (" program.\n\n");
- print (" --img-path: Overrides the automatically detected .syms file, hbotStringFile\n");
- print (" and errlparser in HB_IMGDIR or the current directory.\n");
- print (" This program will search for the files in the following order:\n");
- print (" 1. from the path specified by user\n");
- print (" 2. from HB_IMGDIR if it is defined\n");
- print (" 3. from the current directory\n");
- print (" --out-path: Directory where the output data will be saved.\n");
- print (" Default path is the current directory.\n");
- print (" --test: Use the hbicore_test.syms file vs the hbicore.syms file\n");
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