path: root/src/build/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/tools/')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/tools/ b/src/build/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0c6a777a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# Purpose: This perl script works on VBU and will dump either the entire L3 or
+# relevant data such as the code version, kernel printk buffer & component traces.
+# Author: CamVan Nguyen
+# Last Updated: 07/19/2011
+# Specify perl modules to use
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+# Constants
+use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS => 24;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE => 8;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_COMP_NAME_SIZE => 16;
+use constant TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 0x0800;
+use constant CACHE_LINE_SIZE => 128;
+# Forward Declaration
+sub getAddrNSize;
+sub readBinFile;
+sub readStringBinFile;
+sub writeBinFile;
+sub appendBinFile;
+sub printUsage;
+# Parse optional input arguments
+my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
+#print "num args = $numArgs\n";
+#Initialize default settings
+my $hbSymsFile = "hbicore.syms"; #Use hbicore.syms
+my $hbStringFile = "hbotStringFile";
+my $dumpPrintk = 0; #Flag to dump printk
+my $dumpTrace = 0; #Flag to dump trace buffers
+my $dumpAll = 1; #Flag to dump everything
+my @comp; #Array of component trace buffers to dump
+my @symsLines; #Array to store the .syms file data
+my $hbDir = $ENV{'HBDIR'};
+if (defined ($hbDir))
+ unless ($hbDir ne "")
+ {
+ $hbDir = '.'; #Set to current directory
+ }
+ $hbDir = '.'; #Set to current directory
+for (my $i=0; $i<$numArgs; $i++)
+ if (($ARGV[$i] eq "--help") || ($ARGV[$i] eq "-h"))
+ {
+ #Print command line help
+ printUsage();
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--dir")
+ {
+ if (($i + 1) >= $numArgs)
+ {
+ die "No value given for --dir parameter.\n";
+ }
+ $i++;
+ $hbDir = $ARGV[$i];
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--test")
+ {
+ #Use hbicore_test.syms
+ $hbSymsFile = 'hbicore_test.syms';
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--printk")
+ {
+ #Set flag to dump printk
+ $dumpPrintk = 1;
+ $dumpAll = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "--trace")
+ {
+ #Set flag to dump component trace buffers
+ $dumpTrace = 1;
+ $dumpAll = 0;
+ for ( $i += 1; $i < $numArgs; $i++)
+ {
+ if (substr($ARGV[$i], 0, 1) eq '-')
+ {
+ $i -=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ push (@comp, $ARGV[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Invalid argument entered: $ARGV[$i]\n";
+ printUsage();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+# Check for files needed to dump printk and component traces
+if (!$dumpAll)
+ #Need .syms file for both printk and traces
+ if (!(-e "$hbDir/$hbSymsFile"))
+ {
+ die "Cannot find $hbDir/$hbSymsFile\n";
+ }
+ #Need string file for traces
+ if (!(-e "$hbDir/$hbStringFile") && $dumpTrace)
+ {
+ die "Cannot find $hbDir/$hbStringFile\n";
+ }
+ #Print the files that will be used
+ print "hostboot syms file: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile\n";
+ if ($dumpTrace)
+ {
+ print "hostboot string file: $hbDir/$hbStringFile\n";
+ }
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Open and read the .syms file
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ open SYMSFILE, "$hbDir/$hbSymsFile" or
+ die "ERROR: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile not found : $!";
+ @symsLines = <SYMSFILE>; # Read it into an array
+ close(SYMSFILE); # Close the file
+ unless (@symsLines)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: $hbDir/$hbSymsFile is empty\n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+#Flush L2 - this step is needed in order to dump L3 quickly
+my $command = "";
+$command = "/afs/ ";
+$command .= "/afs/ ";
+$command .= "-c3 -debug5.6";
+#print "$command\n";
+# Dump the kernel printk buffer
+my $buffer = 0;
+my $offset = 0;
+my $cacheLines = 0;
+my $string = "";
+my $addr = 0;
+my $size = 0;
+if ($dumpPrintk)
+ #Find address and size of the kernel_printk_buffer from the .syms file
+ $string = 'kernel_printk_buffer';
+ ($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symsLines);
+ if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
+ {
+ print "Reading the kernel printk buffer...\n\n";
+ $offset = $addr % CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ $cacheLines = ceil($size / CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+ if ($offset != 0)
+ {
+ $cacheLines += 1;
+ }
+ #print "addr $addr, offset $offset, size $size, cacheLines $cacheLines\n";
+ #Read the kernel printk buffer from L3 and save to file
+ $command = sprintf ("time p8_dump_l3 %x $cacheLines -f $string -b -c3",
+ $addr);
+ #print "$command\n";
+ system("$command");
+ #Extract and save just the kernel printk buffer
+ $buffer = readStringBinFile($string, $offset);
+ writeBinFile($string, $buffer);
+ #Output to screen
+ print "\nKernel printk buffer:";
+ print "\n=====================\n\n$buffer\n";
+ print "\n=====================\n\n";
+ print "Data saved to file $string\n\n";
+ }
+# Extract the component traces
+if ($dumpTrace)
+ #Find address and size of the g_desc_array from the .syms file
+ $string = 'g_desc_array';
+ ($addr, $size) = getAddrNSize($string, \@symsLines);
+ if ((0 != $addr) && (0 != $size))
+ {
+ print "Reading the component trace buffer(s)...\n\n";
+ #Read the g_desc_array from L3 and save to file
+ $offset = $addr % CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ $cacheLines = ceil($size / CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+ if ($offset != 0)
+ {
+ $cacheLines += 1;
+ }
+ #print "addr $addr, offset $offset, size $size, cacheLines $cacheLines\n";
+ $command = sprintf ("time p8_dump_l3 %x $cacheLines -f $string -b -c3",
+ $addr);
+ #print "$command\n";
+ system("$command");
+ #Save the trace buffers
+ $addr = $offset;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS; $i++)
+ {
+ #Get the component name
+ my $compName = readStringBinFile($string, $addr);
+ chomp $compName;
+ last if ($compName eq "");
+ #Get the component trace buffer address
+ $buffer = readBinFile($string, $addr, DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE);
+ my $compBufAddr= unpack('H*',$buffer);
+ $compBufAddr = hex $compBufAddr;
+ if ((grep $_ eq $compName, @comp) || (@comp == 0))
+ {
+ #Read the component trace buffer and save to file
+ $offset = $compBufAddr % CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ if ($offset != 0)
+ {
+ $cacheLines += 1;
+ }
+ #print "$compName, addr $compBufAddr, offset $offset, cacheLines $cacheLines\n";
+ $command = sprintf ("time p8_dump_l3 %x $cacheLines -f trace.out -b -c3",
+ $compBufAddr);
+ #print "$command\n";
+ system("$command");
+ #Extract just the component trace
+ $buffer = readBinFile("trace.out", $offset, TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ #Append to tracBIN
+ appendBinFile('tracBIN', $buffer);
+ unlink "trace.out";
+ }
+ }
+ #Check if file exists and is not empty
+ if (-s "tracBIN")
+ {
+ print "\n";
+ #create tracMERG file
+ `fsp-trace -s $hbDir/$hbStringFile tracBIN | tee tracMERG`;
+ #Check if file exists and is not empty
+ #This will be false if the fsp-trace tool cannot be found
+ if (-s "tracMERG")
+ {
+ open FILE, "tracMERG" or die "ERROR: $!";
+ my @lines = <FILE>; # Read it into an array
+ close(FILE); # Close the file
+ print "\nComponent trace buffer(s):";
+ print "\n==========================\n\n";
+ print "@lines\n"; # Output to screen
+ print "\n==========================\n\n";
+ print "Data saved to file tracMERG\n\n";
+ #delete tracBIN file
+ unlink "tracBIN";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\nData saved to file tracBIN\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\nComponent trace buffer(s) not found\n\n";
+ }
+ #Delete g_desc_array file
+ unlink "$string";
+ }
+#Dump the entire L3 to a file
+if ($dumpAll)
+ print "Dumping L3...\n\n";
+ #Get current timestamp
+ my $timeStamp = strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M\n", localtime;
+ chomp $timeStamp;
+ #print "timestamp: $timeStamp\n";
+ #Dump L3 to file
+ my $hbDumpFile = "hbdump.$timeStamp";
+ $command = "time p8_dump_l3 0 65536 -f $hbDumpFile -b -c3";
+ #print "$command\n";
+ system("$command");
+ print "\nDump saved to $hbDumpFile.\n";
+ #Check if we can extract the dump
+ if ((-e "$hbDir/") &&
+ (-e "$hbDir/$hbSymsFile") &&
+ (-e "$hbDir/$hbStringFile"))
+ {
+ if ($hbSymsFile eq "hbicore_test.syms")
+ {
+ $command = "$hbDir/ $hbDumpFile --dir $hbDir --test";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $command = "$hbDir/ $hbDumpFile --dir $hbDir";
+ }
+ print "\nExtracting dump...\n";
+ #print "$command\n";
+ system"$command";
+ #print "Dump extracted to dumpout.$hbDumpFile\n\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Use to extract and view dump.\n\n";
+ }
+# Parse the .syms data to find the relevant address and size for the data
+# requested.
+sub getAddrNSize($\@)
+ my $addr = 0;
+ my $size = 0;
+ my $string = $_[0];
+ my (@array) = @{$_[1]};
+ #print "$string\n";
+ #print "@array\n";
+ #search for string in array
+ my @line = grep /$string/,@array;
+ #print "@line\n";
+ #if found string
+ if (@line)
+ {
+ my @list = split(/,+/,$line[0]);
+ #print "@list\n";
+ $addr = hex $list[1];
+ $size = hex $list[3];
+ #print "$addr\n";
+ #print "$size\n";
+ }
+ return($addr, $size);
+# Read a block of data from a binary file.
+sub readBinFile($$$)
+ my ($file, $addr, $size) = @_;
+ #print "$file, $addr, $size\n";
+ #Open the dump file for reading
+ open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ my $bytesRead = read(FILE, my $buffer, $size);
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ #print "#bytes read: $bytesRead\n";
+ #print "buffer: $buffer\n";
+ close (FILE);
+ return ($buffer);
+# Read a NULL terminated string from a binary file.
+sub readStringBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $addr) = @_;
+ #print "$file, $addr\n";
+ #Open the dump file for reading
+ open FILE, $file or die "ERROR: $file not found : $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ local $/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
+ #my $tmp = $/;
+ #$/ = "\0"; #Set to NULL termination
+ seek FILE, $addr, 0 or die "Couldn't seek to $addr in $file: $!\n";
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ my $string = <FILE>;
+ #print tell FILE; print "\n";
+ chomp $string; #Remove NULL termination
+ #print "$string\n";
+ #$/ = $tmp; #Restore $/
+ close (FILE);
+ return ($string);
+# Write a block of data to a binary file.
+sub writeBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
+ open (FILE, ">$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ print FILE $buffer;
+ close (FILE);
+# Append a block of data to a binary file.
+sub appendBinFile($$)
+ my ($file, $buffer) = @_;
+ open (FILE, ">>$file") or die "ERROR: $file cannot be opened: $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ print FILE $buffer;
+ close (FILE);
+# Print command line help
+sub printUsage()
+ print ("\nUsage: [--help] | [--dir <path to .syms file & hbotStringFile>]\n");
+ print (" [--test] [--printk]\n");
+ print (" [--trace [<compName1 compName2 compName3 ...>]]\n\n");
+ print (" This program dumps the user requested data from L3.\n");
+ print (" If no options are specified, this program will dump the entire L3 to a file.\n");
+ print (" Use the program to parse and view data in the file.\n\n");
+ print (" User should copy the relevant .syms file and hbotStringFile\n");
+ print (" to the current directory or set the env variable HBDIR to the path\n");
+ print (" of the hbicore.syms/hbicore_test.syms files & hbotStringFile.\n\n");
+ print (" User should also copy the fsp-trace program to the current directory\n");
+ print (" or set the env variable PATH to include the path to the program.\n\n");
+ print (" --help: Prints usage information\n");
+ print (" --dir: Override the automatically detected .syms and hbotStringFile\n");
+ print (" in HBDIR or the current directory. This program will search\n");
+ print (" for the files in the following order:\n");
+ print (" 1. from the path specified by user\n");
+ print (" 2. from HBDIR if it is defined\n");
+ print (" 3. from the current directory\n");
+ print (" --test: Use the hbicore_test.syms file vs the hbicore.syms file\n");
+ print (" --printk: Dumps the kernel printk buffer only\n");
+ print (" --trace: Dumps all or just the user specified component trace buffer(s)\n");
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