path: root/src/build/buildpnor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/buildpnor/')
1 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/buildpnor/ b/src/build/buildpnor/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..eb5d8f953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/buildpnor/
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/buildpnor/ $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2019
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+# Tool for adding a new OCMB firmware header to an unpackaged OCMB firmware
+# image or for verifying an existing OCMB firmware header of a pre-packaged
+# OCMB firmware image.
+# OCMB Firmware Header Format:
+# 1. Magic number .. indicating this is OCMB firmware ('OCMBHDR'<null>).
+# Can't ever change in presence or size. 8 bytes.
+# 2. Version # .. indicating major/minor version of header.
+# Version 1.0 to start. Can't ever change in presence or size.
+# 4 bytes major, 4 bytes minor
+# 3. Size of header, relative to start of header (jump that many bytes
+# from start to get to Explorer image content). 4 bytes.
+# Max allowed value = 4k.
+# 4. Number of tagged data triplets to follow. 4 bytes.
+# 5. Remaining values are tagged data triplets (in any order) consisting
+# of 4 byte tag id, 4 byte size, content defined by tag ID.
+# Tag ID=1 must be found, others optional.
+# a. [tag ID=1][size=64][ 64 byte SHA-2 512 hash value over Explorer
+# FW content following the header]
+# b. [tag ID=2][size=strlen+1][csv formatted list of key value pairs
+# (see below); null terminated.
+# values cannot have any character of the set {=,} in them].
+# Format:
+# version=<vendor version id>,timestamp=<timestamp>,url=<url>
+# key/value pairs can be in any order, and can be altered
+# over time as needed.
+# c. Currently, the header is not designed to support different types
+# of OCMB firmware (just explorer for now), nor different ECs.
+# This can be expanded over time.
+# 6. Padding to end of header; size of Explorer binary is protected payload
+# size given by secure header, minus reported header size.
+# 7. Content is 8 byte aligned
+# Header should look like this:
+# 0x4 0x8 0xC
+# +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
+# 0x0| magic number = "OCMBHDR/0" | hdr major ver | hdr minor ver |
+# +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
+# 0x10| header size | # of triplets | tagId = 1 | num bytes = 64 |
+# +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
+# 0x20| |
+# + +
+# 0x30| 64 byte SHA512 hash |
+# + +
+# 0x40| |
+# + +
+# 0x50| |
+# +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
+# 0x60| tagId = 2 | num bytes | |
+# +----------------+----------------+ +
+# 0x80| |
+# + -unordered, comma delimited key/value strings +
+# 0x90| -variable sized and null terminated |
+# + -padded with zeroes at end for 8 byte alignment +
+# 0xA0| |
+# +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
+# NOTE: tagged triplet order may vary
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha512);
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
+#Error trace level set to 0 (always printed)
+use constant TRAC_ERR => 0;
+# Header must start with this magic number
+use constant MAGIC_NUMBER => "OCMBHDR";
+# version of the header info
+use constant HEADER_VER_MAJOR => 1;
+use constant HEADER_VER_MINOR => 0;
+# Miscellaneous header size values
+use constant HEADER_MAX_SIZE => 4096;
+use constant HEADER_MIN_SIZE => 96;
+use constant HEADER_BYTES_FOR_LENGTH_FIELD => 24;
+use constant HEADER_SHA512_SIZE => 64;
+# supported tag values for tagged triplets
+use constant TAG_SHA512 => 1;
+use constant TAG_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS => 2;
+# 0=errors, >0 for more traces, leaving at 1 to keep key milestone traces.
+my $g_traceLevel = 1;
+my $g_progName = File::Basename::basename $0;
+# globals populated from command line args
+my $g_verify = 0;
+my $g_unpackagedBin = "";
+my $g_packagedBin = "";
+my $g_vendorVersion = "";
+my $g_vendorUrl = "";
+my $g_timestamp = "";
+my $g_verbose = 0;
+my $g_help = 0;
+# Holds a variable number of tagged triplets <tagId><size><data>
+my @g_taggedTriplets;
+# Holds a variable number of key/value pairs: "<key string>=<value string>"
+my @g_keyValuePairs;
+# align(i_alignment, i_number)
+sub align
+ my $i_alignment;
+ my $i_number;
+ ($i_alignment, $i_number) = @_;
+ return(($i_number + ($i_alignment - 1)) & (~($i_alignment - 1)));
+# createTaggedTriplet(i_tagId, i_data)
+sub createTaggedTriplet
+ my $i_tagId;
+ my $i_data;
+ my $dataSize;
+ ($i_tagId, $i_data) = @_;
+ #determine size and align to 8 bytes
+ $dataSize = align(8, byteLength($i_data));
+ #Output the triplet as <4 byte tag id><4 byte size><zero padded data>
+ return (pack("NNa$dataSize", $i_tagId, $dataSize, $i_data));
+# createKeyValuePair(i_key, i_value)
+sub createKeyValuePair
+ my $i_key;
+ my $i_value;
+ ($i_key, $i_value) = @_;
+ #check for ',' or '=' in the value
+ if($i_value =~ m/=|,/)
+ {
+ traceErr("',' and '=' are not allowed in $i_key string: $i_value");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ return ("$i_key=$i_value");
+# byteLength(i_scalar)
+sub byteLength
+ my ($i_scalar) = @_;
+ # Switch Perl to byte mode vs char mode. Only lasts in scope.
+ use bytes;
+ return (length $i_scalar);
+# readBytes(i_fileHandle, i_numBytes)
+sub readBytes
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ my $buffer;
+ my $bytesRead;
+ my $i_fileHandle;
+ my $i_numBytes;
+ ($i_fileHandle, $i_numBytes) = @_;
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ #Read i_numBytes
+ $bytesRead = read($i_fileHandle, $buffer, $i_numBytes);
+ unless($bytesRead && ($bytesRead == $i_numBytes))
+ {
+ traceErr("Failed to read $i_numBytes. $!");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ return ($buffer);
+# dumpTripletData($i_tagId, $i_tripletSize, $i_data)
+sub dumpTripletData
+ my $i_tagId;
+ my $i_tripletSize;
+ my $i_data;
+ ($i_tagId, $i_tripletSize, $i_data) = @_;
+ if($i_tagId == TAG_SHA512)
+ {
+ #convert to a hex string
+ my $hexData = unpack("H*", $i_data);
+ trace(1, "\nSHA512 hash from header: $hexData");
+ }
+ elsif($i_tagId == TAG_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS)
+ {
+ trace(1, "\nKey value pairs from header:");
+ my @keyValuePairs = split(",", unpack("Z$i_tripletSize", $i_data));
+ foreach (@keyValuePairs)
+ {
+ trace(1, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid Header: tag id $i_tagId is not supported.");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# verifySHA512()
+sub verifySHA512
+ my $magicNumber;
+ my $headerMajor;
+ my $headerMinor;
+ my $headerSize;
+ my $numTriplets;
+ my $packagedDataFH;
+ trace(1, "\nVerifying SHA512 hash of file \"$g_packagedBin\".");
+ unless (-e $g_packagedBin)
+ {
+ traceErr("File, \"$g_packagedBin\", does not exist.");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # open the file as read only, set to binary mode and read in the whole file
+ open($packagedDataFH, "<$g_packagedBin")
+ or die "Couldn't open file \"$g_packagedBin\", $!";
+ #switch to binary mode for this file handle
+ binmode $packagedDataFH;
+ my $headerData;
+ my $bytesRead;
+ {
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ $bytesRead = read($packagedDataFH, $headerData,
+ }
+ # check that we were able to read something
+ unless($bytesRead)
+ {
+ die "Couldn't read file \"$g_packagedBin\", $!";
+ }
+ # check that file is large enough to read header size
+ {
+ traceErr("File too small to hold header (size = $bytesRead bytes).");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # unpack the data into our scalars
+ ($magicNumber,
+ $headerMajor,
+ $headerMinor,
+ $headerSize,
+ $numTriplets) = unpack("Z8NNNNN", $headerData);
+ # verify the magic number is correct
+ unless($magicNumber eq MAGIC_NUMBER)
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid Header. Incorrect magic number: $magicNumber");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # check for supported header version
+ unless( ($headerMajor == HEADER_VER_MAJOR) &&
+ ($headerMinor == HEADER_VER_MINOR))
+ {
+ traceErr("Header version $headerMajor.$headerMinor not supported.");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # check that header size is large enough for at least the SHA512 hash
+ # and less than the maximum header size.
+ if(($headerSize < HEADER_MIN_SIZE) ||
+ ($headerSize > HEADER_MAX_SIZE))
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid header size: $headerSize bytes. MIN[".HEADER_MIN_SIZE.") MAX[".HEADER_MAX_SIZE."]");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # check that we have at least one triplet
+ if($numTriplets < 1)
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid header: At least one tagged triplet is required.");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # Looks good so far. Now, read in tagged triplets one at a time.
+ my $curTriplet = 0;
+ my $headerSHA512 = "";
+ while(($curTriplet < $numTriplets) && ($bytesRead < $headerSize))
+ {
+ my $tagId;
+ my $tripletSize;
+ my $dataBuffer;
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ #Read in the tagId and data size fields (2 x 4-byte unsigned integers)
+ $dataBuffer = readBytes($packagedDataFH, 8);
+ $bytesRead += 8;
+ ($tagId, $tripletSize) = unpack("NN", $dataBuffer);
+ if($tagId == TAG_SHA512)
+ {
+ # check that we don't already have a SHA512 triplet
+ unless($headerSHA512 eq "")
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid header: multiple SHA512 hash triplets exist (only one allowed).");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # check that data is HEADER_SHA512_SIZE bytes long
+ unless($tripletSize == HEADER_SHA512_SIZE)
+ {
+ traceErr("Invalid header: SHA512 hash only $tripletSize bytes (triplet $curTriplet).");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # found the SHA512 data. keep for later comparison.
+ $headerSHA512 = readBytes($packagedDataFH, $tripletSize);
+ dumpTripletData($tagId, $tripletSize, $headerSHA512);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # just dump all other triplet data to stdout
+ $dataBuffer = readBytes($packagedDataFH, $tripletSize);
+ dumpTripletData($tagId, $tripletSize, $dataBuffer);
+ }
+ $bytesRead += $tripletSize;
+ $curTriplet++;
+ }
+ #advance to end of header and beginning of firmware image
+ if($bytesRead < $headerSize)
+ {
+ readBytes($packagedDataFH, $headerSize - $bytesRead);
+ }
+ my $firmwareImage;
+ #read in the rest of the file for the firmware image contents
+ {
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ $firmwareImage = <$packagedDataFH>;
+ }
+ my $imageSHA512 = sha512($firmwareImage);
+ trace(1, "\nSHA512 hash from firmware image: ".unpack("H*", $imageSHA512));
+ #Now, compare the two hash values
+ if($imageSHA512 eq $headerSHA512)
+ {
+ trace(1, "\nHeader successfully validated against firmware image.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ traceErr("Header SHA512 hash does not match firmware image!");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# traceErr
+sub traceErr
+ my $i_string = shift;
+ trace(TRAC_ERR, $i_string);
+# trace
+sub trace
+ my $i_traceLevel;
+ my $i_string;
+ ($i_traceLevel, $i_string) = @_;
+ #Add error string to error traces
+ if($i_traceLevel == TRAC_ERR)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: ".$i_string."\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($g_traceLevel >= $i_traceLevel)
+ {
+ print $i_string."\n";
+ }
+# print usage instructions
+sub usage
+print <<"ENDUSAGE";
+ $g_progName = Add or verify OCMB Firmware Header
+ Usage:
+ $g_progName --verify
+ --packagedBin <packaged binary file name>
+ [--verbose]
+ $g_progName --packagedBin <packaged binary file name>
+ --unpackagedBin <unpackaged binary file name>
+ [--vendorVersion <string>]
+ [--vendorUrl <string>]
+ [--timestamp <string>]
+ [--verbose]
+ Parms:
+ -h Print this help text
+ --verify Verify the SHA512 hash of a packaged binary file
+ --packagedBin <file> Name of packaged binary file
+ --unpackagedBin <file> Name of unpackaged binary file
+ --vendorVersion <string> Quoted vendor version string
+ --vendorUrl <string> Quoted vendor URL string
+ --timestamp <string> Quoted timestamp string
+ --verbose Display debug information
+# main
+# check for no parms passed in
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+# Parse the commandline arguments
+GetOptions("verify" => \$g_verify,
+ "packagedBin=s" => \$g_packagedBin,
+ "unpackagedBin=s" => \$g_unpackagedBin,
+ "vendorVersion=s" => \$g_vendorVersion,
+ "vendorUrl=s" => \$g_vendorUrl,
+ "timestamp=s" => \$g_timestamp,
+ "verbose" => \$g_verbose,
+ "help" => \$g_help);
+if ($g_verbose)
+ $g_traceLevel = 10;
+if ($g_help)
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+# Check that --packagedBin option was specified
+if ($g_packagedBin eq "")
+ traceErr("Must specify --packagedBin <file> option.");
+ exit 1;
+# Check if we're just verifying an already packaged binary
+if ($g_verify)
+ #this function does not return
+ verifySHA512();
+# We're not verifying an already packaged binary so we must be packaging a
+# new binary. Check that an unpackaged file name was provided.
+if ($g_unpackagedBin eq "")
+ traceErr("Must specify --unpackagedBin <file> option.");
+ exit 1;
+# Check that the unpackaged file exists
+unless (-e $g_unpackagedBin)
+ traceErr("File \"$g_unpackagedBin\" does not exist.");
+ exit 1;
+# open the file as read only, set to binary mode and read in the whole file
+open(UNPACKAGED_DATA, "<$g_unpackagedBin")
+ or die "Couldn't open file \"$g_unpackagedBin\", $!";
+my $unpackagedData;
+ local $/; #unset the field separator special variable
+ $unpackagedData = <UNPACKAGED_DATA>; #reads in entire file
+# Generate sha512 hash of unpackaged file data
+my $sha512_hash = sha512($unpackagedData);
+# Generate the sha512 tagged triplet and add it to our list of tagged triplets
+push (@g_taggedTriplets, createTaggedTriplet(TAG_SHA512, $sha512_hash));
+# Check for the vendorVersion parameter
+unless($g_vendorVersion eq "")
+ #add it to the keyValuePairs list
+ push(@g_keyValuePairs, createKeyValuePair("version", $g_vendorVersion));
+# Check for timestamp parameter
+unless($g_timestamp eq "")
+ #add it to the keyValuePairs list
+ push(@g_keyValuePairs, createKeyValuePair("timestamp", $g_timestamp));
+# Check for the vendorUrl parameter
+unless($g_vendorUrl eq "")
+ #add it to the keyValuePairs list
+ push(@g_keyValuePairs, createKeyValuePair("url", $g_vendorUrl));
+trace(10, "numKeyValuePairs=" . scalar @g_keyValuePairs);
+# Check if we have any key/value pairs
+if(scalar @g_keyValuePairs > 0)
+ # Generate key value pair tagged triplet and add it to the list of
+ # tagged triplets
+ push(@g_taggedTriplets,
+ createTaggedTriplet(TAG_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS, join(',', @g_keyValuePairs)));
+my $numTriplets = scalar @g_taggedTriplets;
+trace(10, "numTriplets=$numTriplets");
+# join all tagged triplets together in a single string
+my $variableHeaderData = join("", @g_taggedTriplets);
+# Create header
+my $fixedHeaderData = pack("Z8NN", MAGIC_NUMBER,
+ );
+trace(10, "variableHeaderSize=".(byteLength($variableHeaderData)));
+# determine total size of header (add 8 bytes for numTriplets and
+# headerSize fields)
+my $headerSize = align(8, (byteLength($variableHeaderData) +
+ byteLength($fixedHeaderData) + 8));
+# Make sure we don't go over the max header size limit
+if($headerSize > HEADER_MAX_SIZE)
+ traceErr("Header size of $headerSize bytes is too big.");
+ exit 1;
+# create header
+my $headerData = join("", $fixedHeaderData,
+ pack("NN", $headerSize, $numTriplets),
+ $variableHeaderData);
+# add null padding to end if needed
+my $paddedHeaderData = pack("a$headerSize", $headerData);
+# write header data to output file
+open(PACKAGED_DATA, ">$g_packagedBin")
+ or die "Couldn't open file \"$g_packagedBin\", $!";
+print PACKAGED_DATA $paddedHeaderData;
+# write image data to output file
+print PACKAGED_DATA $unpackagedData;
+trace(1, "\nOCMB firmware header succesfully added to \"$g_packagedBin\".");
+exit 0;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud