diff options
9 files changed, 344 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/usr/isteps/istep_reasoncodes.H b/src/include/usr/isteps/istep_reasoncodes.H
index bbf439d01..f135f5595 100644
--- a/src/include/usr/isteps/istep_reasoncodes.H
+++ b/src/include/usr/isteps/istep_reasoncodes.H
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ namespace ISTEP
@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ namespace ISTEP
diff --git a/src/usr/htmgt/htmgt_cfgdata.C b/src/usr/htmgt/htmgt_cfgdata.C
index 75d118b7a..bdd530b28 100644
--- a/src/usr/htmgt/htmgt_cfgdata.C
+++ b/src/usr/htmgt/htmgt_cfgdata.C
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2015 */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2016 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep06/call_host_voltage_config.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep06/call_host_voltage_config.C
index 12954ef47..4b787fcd5 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep06/call_host_voltage_config.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep06/call_host_voltage_config.C
@@ -27,19 +27,266 @@
#include <errl/errlentry.H>
#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
#include <isteps/hwpisteperror.H>
+#include <initservice/isteps_trace.H>
+#include <fapi2.H>
+#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+#include <targeting/common/util.H>
+#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <targeting/common/target.H>
+#include <p9_pm_get_poundv_bucket.H>
+#include <p9_setup_evid.H>
+using namespace TARGETING;
namespace ISTEP_06
void* call_host_voltage_config( void *io_pArgs )
- ISTEP_ERROR::IStepError l_stepError;
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_host_voltage_config entry" );
+ ISTEP_ERROR::IStepError l_stepError;
+ errlHndl_t l_err = nullptr;
+ Target * l_sys = nullptr;
+ TargetHandleList l_procList;
+ TargetHandleList l_eqList;
+ fapi2::voltageBucketData_t l_voltageData;
+ fapi2::ReturnCode l_rc;
+ uint32_t l_nominalFreq = 0; //ATTR_NOMINAL_FREQ_MHZ
+ uint32_t l_floorFreq = 0; //ATTR_FREQ_FLOOR_MHZ
+ uint32_t l_ceilingFreq = 0; //ATTR_FREQ_CORE_CEILING_MHZ
+ uint32_t l_ultraTurboFreq = 0; //ATTR_ULTRA_TURBO_FREQ_MHZ
+ uint32_t l_turboFreq = 0; //ATTR_FREQ_CORE_MAX
+ uint32_t l_vddBootVoltage = 0; //ATTR_VDD_BOOT_VOLTAGE
+ uint32_t l_vdnBootVoltage = 0; //ATTR_VDN_BOOT_VOLTAGE
+ uint32_t l_vcsBootVoltage = 0; //ATTR_VCS_BOOT_VOLTAGE
+ bool l_firstPass = true;
+ PredicateCTM l_eqFilter(CLASS_UNIT, TYPE_EQ);
+ PredicateHwas l_predPres;
+ l_predPres.present(true);
+ PredicatePostfixExpr l_presentEqs;
+ l_presentEqs.push(&l_eqFilter).push(&l_predPres).And();
+ do
+ {
+ // Get the system target
+ targetService().getTopLevelTarget(l_sys);
+ // Get the child proc chips
+ getChildAffinityTargets( l_procList,
+ l_sys,
+ // for each proc target
+ for( const auto & l_proc : l_procList )
+ {
+ // get the child EQ targets
+ targetService().getAssociated(
+ l_eqList,
+ l_proc,
+ TargetService::CHILD_BY_AFFINITY,
+ TargetService::ALL,
+ &l_presentEqs );
+ if( l_eqList.empty() )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "No children of proc 0x%x found to have type EQ",
+ get_huid(l_proc));
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @reasoncode ISTEP::RC_NO_PRESENT_EQS
+ * @userdata1 Parent PROC huid
+ * @devdesc No present EQs found on processor
+ * @custdesc A problem occurred during the IPL of the system.
+ */
+ l_err = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry
+ get_huid(l_proc),
+ 0,
+ true /*HB SW error*/ );
+ break;
+ }
+ // for each child EQ target
+ for( const auto & l_eq : l_eqList )
+ {
+ // cast to fapi2 target
+ fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_EQ> l_fapiEq( l_eq );
+ // get the #V data for this EQ
+ p9_pm_get_poundv_bucket,
+ l_fapiEq,
+ l_voltageData);
+ if( l_err )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Error in call_host_voltage_config::p9_pm_get_poundv_bucket");
+ // Create IStep error log and cross reference occurred error
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_err );
+ // Commit Error
+ errlCommit( l_err, ISTEP_COMP_ID );
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Save the voltage data for future comparison
+ if( l_firstPass )
+ {
+ l_nominalFreq = l_voltageData.nomFreq;
+ l_floorFreq = l_voltageData.PSFreq;
+ l_ceilingFreq = l_voltageData.turboFreq;
+ l_ultraTurboFreq = l_voltageData.uTurboFreq;
+ l_turboFreq = l_voltageData.turboFreq;
+ l_vddBootVoltage = l_voltageData.VddPSVltg;
+ l_vdnBootVoltage = l_voltageData.VddPSVltg;
+ l_vcsBootVoltage = l_voltageData.VcsPSVltg;
+ l_firstPass = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // save it to variable and compare agains other nomFreq
+ // All of the buckets should report the same Nominal frequency
+ if( l_nominalFreq != l_voltageData.nomFreq )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "NOMINAL FREQ MISMATCH! expected: %d actual: %d",
+ l_nominalFreq, l_voltageData.nomFreq );
+ l_err = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry
+ l_nominalFreq,
+ l_voltageData.nomFreq,
+ false );
+ l_err->addHwCallout(l_proc,
+ // Create IStep error log and cross reference occurred error
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_err );
+ // Commit Error
+ errlCommit( l_err, ISTEP_COMP_ID );
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Floor frequency is the maximum of the Power Save Freqs
+ l_floorFreq =
+ (l_voltageData.PSFreq > l_floorFreq) ? l_voltageData.PSFreq : l_floorFreq;
+ // Ceiling frequency is the minimum of the Turbo Freqs
+ l_ceilingFreq = (l_voltageData.turboFreq < l_ceilingFreq) ?
+ l_voltageData.turboFreq : l_ceilingFreq;
+ // Ultra Turbo frequency is the minimum of the Ultra Turbo Freqs
+ l_ultraTurboFreq = (l_voltageData.uTurboFreq < l_ultraTurboFreq) ?
+ l_voltageData.uTurboFreq : l_ultraTurboFreq;
+ // Turbo frequency is the minimum of the Turbo Freqs
+ l_turboFreq = l_ceilingFreq;
+ }
+ } // EQ for-loop
+ // set the approprate attributes on the processor
+ l_proc->setAttr<ATTR_VDD_BOOT_VOLTAGE>( l_vddBootVoltage );
+ l_proc->setAttr<ATTR_VDN_BOOT_VOLTAGE>( l_vdnBootVoltage );
+ l_proc->setAttr<ATTR_VCS_BOOT_VOLTAGE>( l_vcsBootVoltage );
+ TRACDCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Setting VDD/VDN/VCS boot voltage for proc huid = 0x%x"
+ " VDD = %d, VDN = %d, VCS = %d",
+ get_huid(l_proc),
+ l_vddBootVoltage,
+ l_vdnBootVoltage,
+ l_vcsBootVoltage );
+ // call p9_setup_evid for each processor
+ fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>l_fapiProc(l_proc);
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP(l_err, p9_setup_evid, l_fapiProc, COMPUTE_VOLTAGE_SETTINGS);
+ if( l_err )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Error in call_host_voltage_config::p9_setup_evid");
+ // Create IStep error log and cross reference occurred error
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_err );
+ // Commit Error
+ errlCommit( l_err, ISTEP_COMP_ID );
+ continue;
+ }
+ } // PROC for-loop
+ // If we hit an error from p9_setup_evid, quit
+ if( l_err )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // set the frequency system targets
+ l_sys->setAttr<ATTR_NOMINAL_FREQ_MHZ>( l_nominalFreq );
+ l_sys->setAttr<ATTR_MIN_FREQ_MHZ>( l_floorFreq );
+ l_sys->setAttr<ATTR_FREQ_CORE_CEILING_MHZ>( l_ceilingFreq );
+ l_sys->setAttr<ATTR_FREQ_CORE_MAX>( l_turboFreq );
+ l_sys->setAttr<ATTR_ULTRA_TURBO_FREQ_MHZ>(l_ultraTurboFreq);
+ TRACDCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "Setting System Frequency Attributes: "
+ "Nominal = %d, Floor = %d, Ceiling = %d, "
+ "Turbo = %d, UltraTurbo = %d",
+ l_nominalFreq, l_floorFreq, l_ceilingFreq,
+ l_turboFreq, l_ultraTurboFreq );
+ // TODO RTC:157890 need interface to look at the SBE and set NEST_FREQ_MHZ and PREV_NEST_FREQ_MHZ to whatever we boot from
+ } while( 0 );
+ if( l_err )
+ {
+ // Create IStep error log and cross reference occurred error
+ l_stepError.addErrorDetails( l_err );
- // TODO-RTC: 144620
+ // Commit Error
+ errlCommit( l_err, ISTEP_COMP_ID );
+ }
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
"call_host_voltage_config exit" );
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep06/makefile b/src/usr/isteps/istep06/makefile
index 2c08e6038..07eee71fe 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep06/makefile
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep06/makefile
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
ROOTPATH = ../../../..
-MODULE = istep06
#Add all the object files required for istep06 module
OBJS += host_init_fsi.o
@@ -37,23 +36,34 @@ OBJS += call_host_voltage_config.o
SUBDIRS += thread_activate.d
-HWP_PATH += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/nest
+NEST_HWP_PATH += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/nest
+PM_HWP_PATH += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm
+LIB_HWP_PATH += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/lib
#Add all the extra include paths
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/usr/sbe
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/include/usr/fapi2
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/include/usr/secureboot
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/common/include
-EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/nest
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/utils
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/hwpf/fapi2/include
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm/include/registers
#Required include before all the are included
include ${ROOTPATH}/
#Include all the procedure makefiles
-include $(HWP_PATH)/
+include $(NEST_HWP_PATH)/
+include $(PM_HWP_PATH)/
+include $(LIB_HWP_PATH)/
include ${ROOTPATH}/
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep07/call_mss_freq.C b/src/usr/isteps/istep07/call_mss_freq.C
index 365938535..1fd5438d9 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep07/call_mss_freq.C
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep07/call_mss_freq.C
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
#include <fapi2.H>
#include <fapi2/plat_hwp_invoker.H>
+// SBE
+#include <sbeif.H>
// HWP
#include <p9_mss_freq.H>
#include <p9_mss_freq_system.H>
@@ -68,7 +72,6 @@ void* call_mss_freq( void *io_pArgs )
IStepError l_StepError;
errlHndl_t l_err = NULL;
TRACDCOMP( ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace, "call_mss_freq entry" );
TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_membufTargetList;
@@ -110,6 +113,9 @@ void* call_mss_freq( void *io_pArgs )
} // End memBuf loop
if(l_StepError.getErrorHandle() == NULL)
TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_mcbistTargetList;
@@ -152,6 +158,25 @@ void* call_mss_freq( void *io_pArgs )
"WARNING skipping p9_mss_freq_system HWP due to error detected in p9_mss_freq HWP. An error should have been committed.");
+/* TODO RTC: 157659 Trigger SBE update if nest frequency changed
+ // Check to see if the nest frequency changed
+ TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget( l_sys );
+ l_newNest = l_sys->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_NEST_FREQ_MHZ>();
+ l_originalNest = l_sys->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_PREV_NEST_FREQ_MHZ>();
+ // Trigger sbe update if the nest frequency changed.
+ if( l_newNest != l_originalNest )
+ {
+ l_err = SBE::updateProcessorSbeSeeproms();
+ if( l_err )
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(ISTEPS_TRACE::g_trac_isteps_trace,
+ "call_mss_freq.C - Error calling updateProcessorSbeSeeproms");
+ }
+ }
// TODO RTC:138226
// 3c) FW examines current synchronous mode nest freq and will customize the
diff --git a/src/usr/isteps/istep07/makefile b/src/usr/isteps/istep07/makefile
index 228deb718..20d8d27e8 100644
--- a/src/usr/isteps/istep07/makefile
+++ b/src/usr/isteps/istep07/makefile
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OBJS += sync.o
#Add all the extra include paths
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/include/usr/fapi2/
+EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/include/usr/sbe/
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/hwpf/fapi2/include/
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/utils/
EXTRAINCDIR += ${ROOTPATH}/src/import/chips/p9/common/include/
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ VPATH += ${HWP_PATH} ${HWP_PATH}/lib/spd
VPATH += $(PROCEDURES_PATH)/hwp/nest ${ROOTPATH}/src/usr/fapi2
VPATH += ${HWP_PATH}/lib ${HWP_PATH}/lib/utils ${HWP_PATH}/lib/eff_config
VPATH += ${HWP_PATH}/lib/freq ${HWP_PATH}/lib/dimm
+VPATH += ${ROOTPATH}/src/usr/sbe
#Required include before all the are included
include ${ROOTPATH}/
diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
index 8d06024fb..5b486b7dc 100755
--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/
+++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ push @systemAttr,
"BOOT_FREQ_MHZ", $reqPol->{'boot-frequency'}->{content},
"FREQ_A_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_a_frequency'}->{content},
"FREQ_PB_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_pb_frequency'}->{content},
- "NEST_FREQ_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_pb_frequency'}->{content},
+ "ASYNC_NEST_FREQ_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_pb_frequency'}->{content},
"FREQ_PCIE_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_pcie_frequency'}->{content},
"FREQ_X_MHZ", $reqPol->{'proc_x_frequency'}->{content},
# TODO: RTC 155880
diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
index 98479f6d3..f40c3cefb 100644
--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
+++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
@@ -2542,7 +2542,8 @@
System attribute.
The lowest frequency that a core can be set to in MHz.
This is the same for all cores in the system.
- Data is provided by MVPD #V.
+ Data is provided by MVPD #V and is calculated as the
+ Maximum of the power save frequencies.
@@ -3770,7 +3771,8 @@
The ultra turbo frequency in MHz.
This is the same for all cores in the system.
- Provided by the min of the #V Fvmin field in mvpd LRPx records.
+ Data is provided by MVPD #V and is calculated as
+ the minimum of the ultra turbo frequencies.
@@ -5754,7 +5756,8 @@ Divider for the 1us PBAX hang pulse. A hang is detected after two divided hang
Consumers: proc_build_gpstate_table.C (among others)
- Set by the HWSV freq/voltage service based on MVPD #V
+ Data is is provided by MVPD #V and is calculated as the minimum
+ of the turbo frequencies
@@ -6638,13 +6641,11 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
<!-- Add attributes for sbe_config_update -->
- Nest frequency in MHz
- Default should be 2000 MHz per Greg Still
+ <description>
+ The asynchronous nest frequency
+ </description>
@@ -6652,6 +6653,37 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
+ <hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <macro>DIRECT</macro>
+ </hwpfToHbAttrMap>
+ <description>
+ The Nest frequency in MHz the system booted on last.
+ Populated in istep 6.12 from the SBE.
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t></uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
+ <writeable/>
+ <id>NEST_FREQ_MHZ</id>
+ <description>
+ Nest frequency in MHz
+ </description>
+ <simpleType>
+ <uint32_t>
+ </uint32_t>
+ </simpleType>
+ <persistency>volatile-zeroed</persistency>
+ <readable/>
@@ -21681,7 +21713,8 @@ DEPRECATED!!!!
The maximum core frequency in MHz.
This is the same for all cores in the system.
- Data is provided by MVPD #V.
+ Data is provided by MVPD #V and is calculated as
+ the minimum of the turbo frequencies.
diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
index 7c9b2d8ae..4ed987d76 100755
--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
+++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
@@ -605,7 +605,9 @@
+ <attribute><id>ASYNC_NEST_FREQ_MHZ</id></attribute>
+ <attribute><id>PREV_NEST_FREQ_MHZ</id></attribute>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud