path: root/src
diff options
authorPatrick Williams <>2010-05-18 13:51:26 -0500
committerPatrick Williams <>2010-05-18 13:51:26 -0500
commit9ea98f274e18a3407ce109a331553e1c910274d9 (patch)
treed1b5b14ed355188b31457733d34dfdd812910afd /src
parenta5715803fd096bd223b6afd8b26d8efbb96239d4 (diff)
Improve make infrastructure.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kernel.ld b/src/kernel.ld
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f44adb34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+rom_offset = 0xfff00000;
+base_load_address = 0x00000000;
+text_load_address = 0x00003000;
+hreset_load_address = 0x000ffffc;
+ . = base_load_address;
+ .text.intvects ALIGN(0x1000): AT(base_load_address + rom_offset) {
+ *(.text.intvects)
+ }
+ . = text_load_address;
+ .text ALIGN(0x1000): {
+ *(.text)
+ *(.rodata)
+ *(.rodata.*)
+ }
+ .data ALIGN(0x1000): {
+ data_load_address = .;
+ *(.data)
+ *(.data.*)
+ *(.branch_lt)
+ *(.bss)
+ toc_load_address = .;
+ *(.toc)
+ opd_load_address = .;
+ *(.opd)
+ *(.got)
+ }
+ . = hreset_load_address;
+ .text.hreset : {
+ *(.text.hreset)
+ }
+ /DISCARD/ : {
+ *(.comment)
+ *(.gnu.attributes)
+ }
diff --git a/src/kernel/kernel.C b/src/kernel/kernel.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ea0d2fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/kernel.C
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+int main()
+ while(1);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/kernel/makefile b/src/kernel/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74a6bffbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+OBJDIR = ../../obj
+include ../../
+OBJECTS += ${OBJDIR}/start.o
+OBJECTS += ${OBJDIR}/kernel.o
+all: ${OBJECTS}
+ (rm -f ${OBJECTS} )
diff --git a/src/kernel/start.S b/src/kernel/start.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..481736371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kernel/start.S
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+.section .text.intvects
+ _start
+ ;// Enter 64 bit mode
+ mfmsr 0
+ lis 11, 0x8000
+ sldi 11,11, 32
+ or 11,11,0
+ mtmsr 11
+ isync
+ ;// Relocate code
+ bl pre_relocate ;// fill LR with address
+ mflr 2
+ lis 1,0x0010
+ cmpl 0,2,1 ;// Check LR is less than 1MB
+ blt finished_relocate ;// No need to relocate if less than 1MB
+ ;// Get addresses for relocation.
+ ;// Write address in r5
+ ;// Read address in r1
+ li 5,0
+ li 1, -1 ;// fill r1 with ffff..ffffff
+ lis 3, 0x1
+ subi 3,3,1 ;// fill r3 with 0000..00ffff
+ xor 1,1,3 ;// mask off r1 ffff..ff0000
+ and 1,1,2 ;// and with pre_relocate's address from r2 to get start of
+ ;// rom section.
+ ;// Update LR to low address.
+ and 6,2,3
+ mtlr 6
+ ;// Moving 1MB , so load r2 with (1MB / 8 bytes per word)
+ lis 2, 0x2
+ mtctr 2
+ ;// The dcbst/sync/icbi/isync sequence comes from PowerISA
+ ld 4, 0(1)
+ std 4, 0(5)
+ dcbst 0,5
+ sync
+ icbi 0,5
+ isync
+ addi 1,1,8
+ addi 5,5,8
+ bdnz+ relocate_loop
+ ;// Now that we've relocated, erase exception prefix.
+ mfmsr 11
+ li 10, 0x40 ;// bit 6 is MSR_EP
+ not 10,10
+ and 11,11,10
+ mtmsr 11
+ ;// Jump to low address.
+ blr
+ ;// Jump to main.
+ b _main
+ _start + 0x100
+ b _start
+.section .text
+ ;// Set up initial TOC Base
+ lis 2, main@h
+ ori 2, 2, main@l
+ ld 2,8(2)
+ ;// Set up initial stack
+ lis 1, kernel_stack@h
+ ori 1, 1, kernel_stack@l
+ addi 1, 1, 16368
+ ;// Set up exception stack
+ lis 3, exception_stack@h
+ ori 3, 3, exception_stack@l
+ addi 3, 3, 16368
+ mtsprg0 3
+ ;// Call main.
+ bl main
+ b _main_loop
+.section .data
+ .balign 1024
+ .space 16*1024
+ .space 16*1024
+.section .text.hreset
+ b _start
diff --git a/src/makefile b/src/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3247e581e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+IMGDIR = ../img
+OBJDIR = ../obj
+include ../
+SUBDIRS = kernel.d
+IMAGES += ${IMGDIR}/kernel.elf
+IMAGES += ${IMGDIR}/kernel.bin
+all: ${SUBDIRS}
+clean: $(patsubst %.d,%.clean, ${SUBDIRS})
+ (rm -f ${IMAGES} )
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