path: root/src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C
diff options
authorMark Wenning <>2012-03-20 11:37:13 -0500
committerA. Patrick Williams III <>2012-04-04 13:23:18 -0500
commitdd7a32e1a27ecac1c8decaa958cbca7ef139c6bc (patch)
tree65706898117498bf0c280e772c3e850386b0c378 /src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C
parent36123c3c9911bc6feefc27e17b4285f1079b569f (diff)
Refactor InitService
Finish join() conversion, remove TaskArgs Cleanup Initservice Cleanup ExtInitService Cleanup IStepDisp Add SPLess Halt & Shutdown command. Implements code for Tasks 35508, 3855, 36929 and 38870 . RTC: 38196 Change-Id: I554655412b529ef6cd143fea361a39bd584d18b5 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C b/src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C
index 2db1c44b6..0c42e9678 100644
--- a/src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C
+++ b/src/usr/initservice/extinitsvc/extinitsvc.C
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include <trace/interface.H>
#include <errl/errlentry.H>
-#include <initservice/taskargs.H> // task entry routine
+#include <initservice/taskargs.H> // task entry macro
#include "extinitsvc.H"
#include "extinitsvctasks.H"
@@ -51,36 +51,31 @@ namespace INITSERVICE
extern trace_desc_t *g_trac_initsvc;
- * @brief set up _start() task entry procedure using the macro in taskargs.H
+ * _start() task entry procedure using the macro in taskargs.H
TASK_ENTRY_MACRO( ExtInitSvc::getTheInstance().init );
-void ExtInitSvc::init( void *io_ptr )
+void ExtInitSvc::init( errlHndl_t &io_rtaskRetErrl )
errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
uint64_t l_task = 0;
const TaskInfo *l_ptask = NULL;
- TaskArgs::TaskArgs l_args;
- uint64_t l_childrc = 0;
- // set up pointer to our taskargs
- INITSERVICE::TaskArgs *pTaskArgs =
- static_cast<INITSERVICE::TaskArgs *>( io_ptr );
printk( "ExtInitSvc entry.\n" );
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "Extended Initialization Service is starting %p.", io_ptr );
+ // @todo detach from initservice
+ // task_detach();
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "Extended Initialization Service is starting." );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// loop through the task list and start up any tasks necessary
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
for ( l_task=0;
+ l_task < ( sizeof(g_exttaskinfolist)/sizeof(TaskInfo) ) ;
l_task++ )
// make a local copy of the extended image task
@@ -92,226 +87,155 @@ void ExtInitSvc::init( void *io_ptr )
- l_args.clear();
// dispatch the task
l_errl = InitService::getTheInstance().dispatchTask( l_ptask,
- &l_args );
+ NULL );
// process errorlogs returned from the task that was launched
if ( l_errl )
TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "ERROR: dispatching task, errlog=0x%p",
- l_errl );
- // break out of loop with error.
- break;
- }
- // make local copies of the values in TaskArgs that are returned from
- // the child.
- // this also clears the errorlog from the TaskArgs struct, so
- // use it or lose it ( see taskargs.H for details ).
- l_childrc = l_args.getReturnCode();
- l_errl = l_args.getErrorLog();
- if ( l_errl )
- {
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- " Child task %s returned 0x%llx, errlog=0x%p",
+ "ERROR: task %s returned errlog=0x%p",
- l_childrc,
l_errl );
- // break out of loop with error
+ // break out of loop with error.
- else
- {
- // Check child results for a valid nonzero return code.
- // If we have one, and no errorlog, then we create and
- // post our own errorlog here.
- if ( l_childrc != 0 )
- {
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "EIS: Child task %s returned 0x%llx, no errlog",
- l_ptask->taskname,
- l_childrc );
- /*@ errorlog tag
- * @userdata1 returncode from task
- * @userdata2 0
- *
- * @devdesc The task returned with an error,
- * but there was no errorlog returned.
- *
- */
- l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(
- l_childrc,
- 0 );
- // break out of loop with error
- break;
- } // end if
- } // end else
} // endfor
// die if we drop out with an error
if ( l_errl )
- // dropped out of loop with error.
- // Commit the log first, then stop right here.
+#if 0
+ // @todo detach this task and just do task_end()
+ // Commit the errorlog here.
TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "ExtInitSvc: Committing errorlog..." );
+ "ExtInitSvc ERROR: Committing errorlog %p & shutdown",
+ l_errl );
errlCommit( l_errl, INITSVC_COMP_ID );
- // pass an error code to initsvc that we are shutting down.
- pTaskArgs->postReturnCode( TASKARGS_SHUTDOWN_RC );
- //Tell initservice to perform shutdown sequence
+ // Tell the kernel to shut down. This will not actually
+ // happen until the last thread has ended.
+ // end the task.
+ end_task();
+ // end the task and pass the errorlog to initservice to be committed.
+ // initservice should do the shutdown.
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "ExtInitSvc: ERROR: return to initsvc with errlog %p",
+ l_errl );
+ task_end2( l_errl );
TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- EXIT_MRK "ExtInitSvc finished.");
+ "ExtInitSvc finished OK.");
- // Test if the child posted an errorcode. If so, don't
- // bother to run the unit tests.
- if ( pTaskArgs->getReturnCode() == 0 )
+ // =====================================================================
+ // ----- Unit Tests -------------------------------------------------
+ // =====================================================================
+ /**
+ * @note run all of the unit tests after we finish the rest
+ * There are 2 images generated in the build:
+ * hbicore.bin (HostBoot shippable image)
+ * hbicore_test.bin (runs all unit tests)
+ * Only hbicore_test.bin has the module, so that's
+ * how we test whether to run this.
+ */
+ // If the test task does not exist then don't run it.
+ if ( VFS::module_exists( cxxTestTask.taskname ) )
- // =====================================================================
- // ----- Unit Tests -------------------------------------------------
- // =====================================================================
- /**
- * @note run all of the unit tests after we finish the rest
- * There are 2 images generated in the build:
- * hbicore.bin (HostBoot shippable image)
- * hbicore_test.bin (runs all unit tests)
- * Only hbicore_test.bin has the module, so when
- * we execute startTask() below on hbicore.bin, it will return -ENOENT,
- * no module present. This is OK.
- *
- * @todo can we call call module_load() to see if exists?
- * ask Doug or Patrick
- *
- */
- printk( "start CxxTest.\n" );
- // add a do-while loop so there is only one return at the bottom....
- do
+ printk( "CxxTest entry.\n" );
+ // Pass it a set of args so we can wait on the barrier
+ errlHndl_t l_cxxerrl = NULL;
+ const TaskInfo *l_pcxxtask = &cxxTestTask;
+ TRACDCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "Run CxxTest Unit Tests: %s",
+ l_pcxxtask->taskname );
+ l_cxxerrl = InitService::getTheInstance().startTask( l_pcxxtask,
+ NULL );
+ // process any errorlogs from cxxtestexec (not sure there are any...)
+ if ( l_cxxerrl )
- // Pass it a set of args so we can wait on the barrier
- errlHndl_t l_cxxerrl = NULL;
- TaskArgs::TaskArgs l_cxxtestargs;
- const TaskInfo *l_pcxxtask = &CXXTEST_TASK;
- uint64_t l_cxxchildrc = 0;
- errlHndl_t l_cxxchilderrl = NULL;
+#if 0
+ // @todo detach this task and just do task_end()
+ // First commit the errorlog...
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "Committing errorlog %p from cxxtask",
+ l_cxxerrl );
+ errlCommit( l_cxxerrl, INITSVC_COMP_ID );
- l_cxxtestargs.clear();
+ // Tell the kernel to shut down. This will not actually
+ // happen until the last thread has ended.
+ InitService::getTheInstance().doShutdown( SHUTDOWN_STATUS_UT_FAILED);
- TRACDCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- ENTER_MRK "Run Unit Tests (if is present): %s",
- l_pcxxtask->taskname );
- // If the test task does not exist then don't run it.
- if(!VFS::module_exists(l_pcxxtask->taskname)) break;
- l_cxxerrl = InitService::getTheInstance().startTask( l_pcxxtask,
- &l_cxxtestargs );
- // process errorlogs returned from the task that was launched
- // @TODO if we are running the non-test version of HostBoot, this
- // will always post an extra errorlog. We need a way to know
- // if we are running the _test version or not.
- if ( l_cxxerrl )
- {
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "Committing error from cxxtask launch" );
- errlCommit( l_cxxerrl, INITSVC_COMP_ID );
- break; // ERROR, break out of do-while.
- }
- // make local copies of the values in TaskArgs that are returned from
- // the child.
- // this also clears the errorlog from the TaskArgs struct, so
- // use it or lose it ( see taskargs.H for details ).
- l_cxxchildrc = l_cxxtestargs.getReturnCode();
- l_cxxchilderrl = l_cxxtestargs.getErrorLog();
- if ( l_cxxchilderrl )
- {
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- " Child task returned 0x%llx, errlog=0x%p",
- l_cxxchildrc,
- l_cxxchilderrl );
- errlCommit( l_cxxchilderrl, INITSVC_COMP_ID );
- }
- else
- {
- // Check child results for a valid nonzero return code.
- // If we have one, and no errorlog, then we create and
- // post our own errorlog here.
- if ( l_cxxchildrc != 0 )
- {
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- "Child task returned 0x%llx, no errlog",
- l_cxxchildrc );
- /*@ errorlog tag
- * @userdata1 returncode from istep
- * @userdata2 0
- *
- * @devdesc The unit test dispatcher returned with an
- * error, but there was no errorlog returned.
- */
- l_cxxerrl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(
- l_cxxchildrc,
- 0 );
- errlCommit( l_cxxerrl, INITSVC_COMP_ID );
- } // end if
- } // end else
- } while(0); // end do-while
- printk( "finish CxxTest.\n" );
+ // end the task.
+ end_task();
- }
+ // end the task and pass the errorlog to initservice to be committed.
+ // initservice should do the shutdown.
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "CxxTest: ERROR: return to initsvc with errlog %p",
+ l_cxxerrl );
+ task_end2( l_cxxerrl );
+ } // endif l_cxxerrl
- // =====================================================================
- // ----- Shutdown all CPUs -----------------------------------------
- // =====================================================================
- TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
- EXIT_MRK "CxxTests finished.");
+ // make up and post an errorlog if any tests failed.
+ if ( CxxTest::g_FailedTests )
+ {
+ // some unit tests failed, post an errorlog
+ /*@ errorlog tag
+ * @moduleid CXXTEST_MOD_ID
+ * @reasoncode CXXTEST_FAILED_TEST
+ * @userdata1 number of failed tests
+ * @userdata2 0
+ *
+ * @devdesc One or more CxxTest Unit Tests failed.
+ *
+ */
+ l_cxxerrl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(
+ CxxTest::g_FailedTests,
+ 0 );
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "CxxTest ERROR: %d failed tests, build errlog %p.",
+ CxxTest::g_FailedTests,
+ l_cxxerrl );
- uint64_t l_shutdownStatus = SHUTDOWN_STATUS_GOOD;
+ // end the task and pass the errorlog to initservice to be committed.
+ // initservice should do the shutdown.
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc, "CxxTest: return to initsvc with errlog" );
- if (CxxTest::g_FailedTests)
- {
- l_shutdownStatus = SHUTDOWN_STATUS_UT_FAILED;
- }
+ task_end2( l_cxxerrl );
+ } // endif g_FailedTest
- //Tell initservice to perform shutdown sequence
- InitService::getTheInstance().doShutdown(l_shutdownStatus);
+ printk( "CxxTest exit.\n" );
- printk( "ExtInitSvc exit.\n" );
+ } // endif cxxtest module exists.
+ // finish things up, return to initservice with goodness.
+ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_initsvc,
+ "ExtInitSvc finished OK, return to initsvc with NULL.");
+ printk( "ExtInitSvc exit.\n" );
- // return to _start()
+ task_end2( NULL );
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