path: root/src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C
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authorBenjamin Weisenbeck <>2018-06-21 13:21:15 -0500
committerZane C. Shelley <>2018-06-28 10:57:35 -0400
commite52b70dbea223fe340f78316b40a4b64a2798b66 (patch)
tree7d4ba229001cb8db965160bd1026031db18bb4f4 /src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C
parent37c183df85403808febd487683814acc193677f3 (diff)
PRD: Centaur address translation support for dynamic memory deallocation
Change-Id: Ic8b260cf65dd72b4e8e3589b6f0a67c5f59fecb4 RTC: 190115 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Caleb N. Palmer <> Tested-by: Jenkins Server <> Reviewed-by: Zane C. Shelley <> Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins OP Build CI <> Tested-by: Jenkins OP HW <> Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C b/src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C
index 894d0122b..71a96bb14 100644
--- a/src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C
+++ b/src/usr/diag/prdf/plat/mem/prdfMemDynDealloc.C
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ using namespace PlatServices;
namespace MemDealloc
+ HASH_MODE_128B = 0,
bool isEnabled()
return ( isHyprRunning() && (isHyprConfigPhyp() || isHyprConfigOpal()) &&
@@ -136,8 +145,251 @@ uint64_t __countBits( uint64_t i_val )
return o_count;
-int32_t __getMcaPortAddr( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
- uint64_t & o_addr )
+/** @brief Combines the rank and bank together. Note that the rank/bank will be
+ * split in two to make room for the row and column. This function will
+ * return the rank/bank in both parts (right justified).
+ * @param i_ds DIMM select (D).
+ * @param i_mrnk Master rank (M0-M2).
+ * @param i_srnk Slave rank (S0-S2).
+ * @param i_numDs Number of configured DIMM select bits.
+ * @param i_numMrnk Number of configured master rank bits.
+ * @param i_numSrnk Number of configured slave rank bits.
+ * @param i_bnk Bank (DDR3: B2-B0, DDR4: BG1-BG0,B1-B0).
+ * @param i_ddrVer DDR version (DDR3 or DDR4).
+ * @param i_hash Hash value (0, 1, or 2).
+ * @param o_upperRnkBnk Upper rank/bank bits (right justified).
+ * @param o_numUpperRnkBnk Number of configured upper rank/bank bits.
+ * @param o_lowerRnkBnk Lower rank/bank bits (right justified).
+ * @param o_numLowerRnkBnk Number of configured lower rank/bank bits.
+ */
+void getRankBank( uint64_t i_ds, uint64_t i_mrnk, uint64_t i_srnk,
+ uint64_t i_numDs, uint64_t i_numMrnk, uint64_t i_numSrnk,
+ uint64_t i_bnk, uint64_t i_ddrVer, uint64_t i_hash,
+ uint64_t & o_upperRnkBnk, uint64_t & o_numUpperRnkBnk,
+ uint64_t & o_lowerRnkBnk, uint64_t & o_numLowerRnkBnk )
+ // The number of bank bits can be determined from the DDR version.
+ uint64_t numBnk = (DDR3 == i_ddrVer) ? 3 : 4;
+ // Calculate the number of combined rank/bank bits.
+ uint64_t numRnkBnk = i_numDs + i_numMrnk + i_numSrnk + numBnk;
+ // Build the rank (D,M0-M2,S0-S2)
+ uint64_t rnk = i_ds;
+ rnk <<= i_numMrnk; rnk |= i_mrnk;
+ rnk <<= i_numSrnk; rnk |= i_srnk;
+ // Get the rank components
+ uint64_t upperRnk = (rnk & ~0x1) << numBnk;
+ uint64_t lowerRnk = (rnk & 0x1) << numBnk;
+ // Get the bank components
+ uint64_t upperBnk = 0, lowerBnk = 0;
+ if ( DDR3 == i_ddrVer )
+ {
+ upperBnk = i_bnk & 0x4; // B2
+ lowerBnk = i_bnk & 0x3; // B1-B0
+ }
+ else // DDR4
+ {
+ upperBnk = (i_bnk & 0x3) << 2; // B1-B0
+ lowerBnk = (i_bnk & 0xC) >> 2; // BG1-BG0
+ }
+ // The last bit of the rank and the upper part of the bank will be swapped
+ // in certain conditions.
+ bool swap = ( (0 != i_hash) || // Normal case: hash is non-zero
+ (0 != i_numSrnk) || // Special case: any slave ranks
+ (3 == i_numMrnk) ); // Special case: 8 master ranks (3 bits)
+ // Combine rank and bank.
+ uint64_t rnkBnk = upperRnk |
+ lowerRnk >> (swap ? (numBnk - 2) : 0) |
+ upperBnk << (swap ? 1 : 0) |
+ lowerBnk;
+ // The combined rank/bank will need to be split to insert the column and
+ // row bits.
+ uint64_t shift = numBnk + i_hash;
+ if ( 0 != i_numSrnk ) shift += i_numSrnk; // Special case: any slave ranks
+ if ( 3 == i_numMrnk ) shift += i_numMrnk; // Special case: 8 master ranks
+ uint64_t mask = (0xffffffffffffffffull >> shift) << shift;
+ o_upperRnkBnk = (rnkBnk & mask) >> shift;
+ o_lowerRnkBnk = rnkBnk & ~mask;
+ o_numUpperRnkBnk = numRnkBnk - shift;
+ o_numLowerRnkBnk = shift;
+/** @brief Takes the combined rank/bank and adds the row and column. This will
+ * give us bits 0:32 of the Centaur address as described in sections
+ * 5.6 and 5.7 of Centaur chip spec.
+ * @param i_upperRnkBnk Upper rank/bank bits (right justified).
+ * @param i_numUpperRnkBnk Number of configured upper rank/bank bits.
+ * @param i_lowerRnkBnk Lower rank/bank bits (right justified).
+ * @param i_numLowerRnkBnk Number of configured lower rank/bank bits.
+ * @param i_row Row (R18-R0)
+ * @param i_numRow Number of configured row bits.
+ * @param i_col Column (C13,C11,C9-C3)
+ * @param i_numCol Number of configured column bits.
+ * @param i_ddrVer DDR version (DDR3 or DDR4).
+ * @param i_mbaIlMode MBA interleave mode. (from MBAXCR[12])
+ * @return Bits 0-34 of the Centaur address (right justified).
+ */
+uint64_t combineComponents( uint64_t i_upperRnkBnk, uint64_t i_numUpperRnkBnk,
+ uint64_t i_lowerRnkBnk, uint64_t i_numLowerRnkBnk,
+ uint64_t i_row, uint64_t i_numRow,
+ uint64_t i_col, uint64_t i_numCol,
+ uint64_t i_ddrVer, uint64_t i_mbaIlMode )
+ // Get the row components.
+ uint64_t r17 = 0; // DDR4 only
+ uint64_t upperRow = 0, numUpperRow = 0;
+ uint64_t lowerRow = 0, numLowerRow = 0;
+ if ( DDR3 == i_ddrVer )
+ {
+ // upper:r16-r15 lower:r14-r0
+ upperRow = (i_row & 0x18000) >> 15; numUpperRow = i_numRow - 15;
+ lowerRow = i_row & 0x07fff; numLowerRow = 15;
+ }
+ else // DDR4
+ {
+ // upper:r16-r14 lower:r13-r0
+ r17 = (i_row & 0x20000) >> 17;
+ upperRow = (i_row & 0x1c000) >> 14; numUpperRow = i_numRow - 14;
+ lowerRow = i_row & 0x03fff; numLowerRow = 14;
+ if ( 18 == i_numRow ) numUpperRow -= 1; // r17 is not in numUpperRow
+ }
+ // Get the column components.
+ uint64_t upperCol = i_col & 0x1fe;
+ uint64_t c3 = i_col & 0x001;
+ uint64_t numUpperCol = i_numCol - 1;
+ uint64_t numC3 = 1;
+ // Start building the address.
+ uint64_t addr = r17;
+ addr <<= i_numUpperRnkBnk; addr |= i_upperRnkBnk;
+ addr <<= numUpperRow; addr |= upperRow;
+ addr <<= numUpperCol; addr |= upperCol;
+ if ( HASH_MODE_128B == i_mbaIlMode )
+ {
+ addr <<= numC3; addr |= c3;
+ addr <<= i_numLowerRnkBnk; addr |= i_lowerRnkBnk;
+ }
+ else // HASH_MODE_256B
+ {
+ addr <<= i_numLowerRnkBnk; addr |= i_lowerRnkBnk;
+ addr <<= numC3; addr |= c3;
+ }
+ // Insert the fixed row bits.
+ addr = (addr & 0xfffffffffffffc00ull) << numLowerRow |
+ lowerRow << 10 |
+ (addr & 0x00000000000003ffull);
+ return addr;
+/** @brief Translates a physical address (rank, bank, row, col) to a 40 bit
+ * Centaur address. The algorithm is derived from Sections 5.4, 5.6,
+ * and 5.7 of Centaur chip spec.
+ * @param i_ds DIMM select (D).
+ * @param i_mrnk Master rank (M0-M2).
+ * @param i_srnk Slave rank (S0-S2).
+ * @param i_numMrnk Number of configured master rank bits.
+ * @param i_numSrnk Number of configured slave rank bits.
+ * @param i_row Row (R18-R0)
+ * @param i_numRow Number of configured row bits.
+ * @param i_col Column (C13,C11,C9-C3)
+ * @param i_numCol Number of configured column bits.
+ * @param i_bnk Bank (DDR3: B2-B0, DDR4: BG1-BG0,B1-B0).
+ * @param i_mba MBA position (0 or 1)
+ * @param i_ddrVer DDR version (DDR3 or DDR4).
+ * @param i_cenIlMode Centaur interleave mode. (from MBSXCR[0:4])
+ * @param i_mbaIlMode MBA interleave mode. (from MBAXCR[12])
+ * @param i_hash Rank hash. (from MBAXCR[10:11])
+ * @param i_cfg Rank config. (from MBAXCR[8])
+ * @return The returned 40-bit Cenaur address.
+ */
+uint64_t transPhysToCenAddr( uint64_t i_ds, uint64_t i_mrnk, uint64_t i_srnk,
+ uint64_t i_numMrnk, uint64_t i_numSrnk,
+ uint64_t i_row, uint64_t i_numRow,
+ uint64_t i_col, uint64_t i_numCol,
+ uint64_t i_bnk, uint64_t i_mba,
+ uint64_t i_ddrVer,
+ uint64_t i_cenIlMode, uint64_t i_mbaIlMode,
+ uint64_t i_hash, uint64_t i_cfg )
+ // Get the combine rank/bank.
+ uint64_t upperRnkBnk, numUpperRnkBnk;
+ uint64_t lowerRnkBnk, numLowerRnkBnk;
+ getRankBank( i_ds, i_mrnk, i_srnk,
+ i_cfg, i_numMrnk, i_numSrnk,
+ i_bnk, i_ddrVer, i_hash,
+ upperRnkBnk, numUpperRnkBnk,
+ lowerRnkBnk, numLowerRnkBnk );
+ // Get bits 0:32 as described in sections 5.6 and 5.7 of the Centaur spec.
+ uint64_t addr = combineComponents( upperRnkBnk, numUpperRnkBnk,
+ lowerRnkBnk, numLowerRnkBnk,
+ i_row, i_numRow, i_col, i_numCol,
+ i_ddrVer, i_mbaIlMode );
+ // Adjust for Centaur interleave mode as described in sections 5.4.1 of the
+ // Centaur spec.
+ if ( 0 != i_cenIlMode )
+ {
+ // MBSXCR[0] just indicates there is interleaving so that can be
+ // ignored and we'll just use MBSXCR[1:4].
+ i_cenIlMode &= 0xf;
+ // Now, a value of 0 indicates bit 23 is interleaved and a value of 9
+ // indicates bit 32 is interleaved. So we should be able to invert it to
+ // give us the shift value.
+ uint64_t shift = 9 - i_cenIlMode;
+ uint64_t mask = (0xffffffffffffffffull >> shift) << shift;
+ // Insert the MBA bit.
+ addr = (addr & mask) << 1 | i_mba << shift | (addr & ~mask);
+ }
+ // Bits 33:39 are zero.
+ addr <<= 7;
+ return addr;
+// Given the number of configured ranks, return the number of configured rank
+// bits (i.e. 1 rank=0 bits, 2 ranks=1 bit, 4 ranks=2 bits, 8 ranks=3 bits).
+// This could be achieved with log2() from math.h, but we don't want to mess
+// with floating point numbers (FSP uses C++ standard).
+uint64_t ranks2bits( uint64_t i_numRnks )
+ switch ( i_numRnks )
+ {
+ case 1: return 0;
+ case 2: return 1;
+ case 4: return 2;
+ case 8: return 3;
+ }
+ return 0;
+template <TYPE T>
+int32_t __getPortAddr( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
+ uint64_t & o_addr );
+template <>
+int32_t __getPortAddr<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
+ uint64_t & o_addr )
int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;
@@ -233,17 +485,142 @@ int32_t __getMcaPortAddr( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
return o_rc;
+template <>
+int32_t __getPortAddr<TYPE_MBA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
+ uint64_t & o_addr )
+ #define PRDF_FUNC "[DEALLOC::__getPortAddr<TYPE_MBA>] "
+ int32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;
+ o_addr = 0;
+ TargetHandle_t mba = i_chip->GetChipHandle();
+ ExtensibleChip * mbChip = getConnectedParent(i_chip, TYPE_MEMBUF);
+ uint64_t mbaPos = i_chip->getPos();
+ uint64_t ds = i_addr.getRank().getDimmSlct(); // D
+ uint64_t mrnk = i_addr.getRank().getRankSlct(); // M0-M2
+ uint64_t srnk = i_addr.getRank().getSlave(); // S0-S2
+ uint64_t row = i_addr.getRow(); // R18-R0
+ uint64_t col = i_addr.getCol(); // C13,C11,C9-C3
+ uint64_t bnk = i_addr.getBank(); // DDR3: B2-B0, DDR4: BG1-BG0,B1-B0
+ // Get the number of configured address bits for the master and slave ranks.
+ uint64_t num_mrnk = getNumMasterRanksPerDimm<TYPE_MBA>( mba, ds );
+ uint64_t num_srnk = getNumRanksPerDimm<TYPE_MBA>( mba, ds ) / num_mrnk;
+ uint64_t mrnkBits = ranks2bits( num_mrnk );
+ uint64_t srnkBits = ranks2bits( num_srnk );
+ do
+ {
+ // Get the number of configured address bits for the row and column.
+ uint8_t rowBits, colBits;
+ o_rc = getDimmRowCol( mba, rowBits, colBits );
+ if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
+ {
+ PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "getDimmConfig() failed. HUID:0x%08X",
+ i_chip->GetId());
+ break;
+ }
+ // The attribute used in getDimmRowCol() returns a value for colBits
+ // which includes c2-c0. Those bits are tied to zero and are not
+ // included in col. Therefore, we need to subtract 3 to get the real
+ // value.
+ colBits = colBits - 3;
+ // Get the DDR verion of the DIMM (DDR3, DDR4, etc...)
+ uint8_t ddrVer = getDramGen<TYPE_MBA>( mba );
+ // Get the Centaur interleave mode (MBSXCR[0:4]).
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mbsxcr = mbChip->getRegister("MBSXCR");
+ o_rc = mbsxcr->Read();
+ if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
+ {
+ PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Read() failed on MBSXCR. HUID:0x%08X",
+ mbChip->GetId() ) ;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint64_t cenIlMode = mbsxcr->GetBitFieldJustified( 0, 5 );
+ // Get the rank config (MBAXCR[8]), rank hash (MBAXCR[10:11]), and
+ // MBA interleave mode (MBAXCR[12]).
+ const char * reg_str = ( 0 == mbaPos ) ? "MBA0_MBAXCR" : "MBA1_MBAXCR";
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mbaxcr = mbChip->getRegister( reg_str );
+ o_rc = mbaxcr->Read();
+ if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
+ {
+ PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Read() failed on %s. HUID:0X%08X",
+ reg_str, mbChip->GetId() );
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t cfg = mbaxcr->GetBitFieldJustified( 8, 1 );
+ uint8_t hash = mbaxcr->GetBitFieldJustified( 10, 2 );
+ uint8_t mbaIlMode = mbaxcr->GetBitFieldJustified( 12, 1 );
+ // Form the address from info gathered above
+ o_addr = transPhysToCenAddr( ds, mrnk, srnk,
+ mrnkBits, srnkBits,
+ row, rowBits, col, colBits,
+ bnk, mbaPos,
+ ddrVer,
+ cenIlMode, mbaIlMode,
+ hash, cfg );
+ } while(0);
+ return o_rc;
+ #undef PRDF_FUNC
template<TYPE T>
-uint32_t __getGrpInfo( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
- uint64_t & o_grpId, uint64_t & o_grpSize,
- uint64_t & o_grpBar );
+void __getGrpPrms( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint8_t o_portPos,
+void __getGrpPrms<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint8_t o_portPos,
+ // Get the connected MCS chip and MCA target position.
+ ExtensibleChip * mcs_chip = getConnectedParent( i_chip, TYPE_MCS );
+ o_portPos = i_chip->getPos() % MAX_MCA_PER_MCS;
+ o_mcfgp = mcs_chip->getRegister("MCFGP");
+ o_mcfgpm = mcs_chip->getRegister("MCFGPM");
-uint32_t __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
- uint64_t & o_grpId, uint64_t & o_grpSize,
- uint64_t & o_grpBar )
+void __getGrpPrms<TYPE_MBA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint8_t o_portPos,
+ // Get the connected MI chip and MBA target position.
+ ExtensibleChip * mi_chip = getConnectedParent( i_chip, TYPE_MI );
+ o_portPos = i_chip->getPos();
+ o_mcfgp = mi_chip->getRegister("MCFGP");
+ o_mcfgpm = mi_chip->getRegister("MCFGPM");
+template<TYPE T>
+uint32_t __getGrpInfo( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
+ uint64_t & o_grpId, uint64_t & o_grpSize,
+ uint64_t & o_grpBar )
#define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::__getGrpInfo] "
@@ -251,12 +628,12 @@ uint32_t __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
- // Get the connecte MCS chip and MCA target position.
- ExtensibleChip * mcs_chip = getConnectedParent( i_chip, TYPE_MCS );
- uint8_t mcaPos = i_chip->getPos() % MAX_MCA_PER_MCS;
+ // Get mcaPos and MCFGP/M registers
+ uint8_t portPos = 0xFF;
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mcfgp = nullptr;
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mcfgpm = nullptr;
+ __getGrpPrms<T>( i_chip, portPos, mcfgp, mcfgpm );
- SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mcfgp = mcs_chip->getRegister("MCFGP");
- SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * mcfgpm = mcs_chip->getRegister("MCFGPM");
o_rc = mcfgp->Read(); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
o_rc = mcfgpm->Read(); if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
@@ -264,29 +641,28 @@ uint32_t __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
uint8_t mcGrpCnfg = mcfgp->GetBitFieldJustified( 1, 4 );
switch ( mcGrpCnfg )
- case 0: o_grpChnls = 1; break; // 11
- case 1: o_grpChnls = (0 == mcaPos) ? 1 : 3; break; // 13
- case 2: o_grpChnls = (0 == mcaPos) ? 3 : 1; break; // 31
- case 3: o_grpChnls = 3; break; // 33
- case 4: o_grpChnls = 2; break; // 2D
- case 5: o_grpChnls = 2; break; // 2S
- case 6: o_grpChnls = 4; break; // 4
- case 7: o_grpChnls = 6; break; // 6
- case 8: o_grpChnls = 8; break; // 8
+ case 0: o_grpChnls = 1; break; // 11
+ case 1: o_grpChnls = (0 == portPos) ? 1 : 3; break; // 13
+ case 2: o_grpChnls = (0 == portPos) ? 3 : 1; break; // 31
+ case 3: o_grpChnls = 3; break; // 33
+ case 4: o_grpChnls = 2; break; // 2D
+ case 5: o_grpChnls = 2; break; // 2S
+ case 6: o_grpChnls = 4; break; // 4
+ case 7: o_grpChnls = 6; break; // 6
+ case 8: o_grpChnls = 8; break; // 8
PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Invalid MC channels per group value: 0x%x "
- "on 0x%08x port %d", mcGrpCnfg, mcs_chip->getHuid(),
- mcaPos );
+ "on 0x%08x", mcGrpCnfg, i_chip->getHuid() );
o_rc = FAIL;
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Get the group ID and group size.
- o_grpId = mcfgp->GetBitFieldJustified( (0 == mcaPos) ? 5 : 8, 3 );
+ o_grpId = mcfgp->GetBitFieldJustified( (0 == portPos) ? 5 : 8, 3 );
o_grpSize = mcfgp->GetBitFieldJustified( 13, 11 );
// Get the base address (BAR).
- if ( 0 == mcaPos ) // MCS channel 0
+ if ( 0 == portPos ) // MCS channel 0
// Channel 0 is always from the MCFGP.
o_grpBar = mcfgp->GetBitFieldJustified(24, 24);
@@ -314,8 +690,8 @@ uint32_t __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Invalid MC channels per group value: "
- "0x%x on 0x%08x port %d", mcGrpCnfg,
- mcs_chip->getHuid(), mcaPos );
+ "0x%x on 0x%08x", mcGrpCnfg,
+ i_chip->getHuid() );
o_rc = FAIL;
@@ -330,13 +706,8 @@ uint32_t __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, uint64_t & o_grpChnls,
-template<TYPE T>
uint32_t __insertGrpId( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls,
- uint64_t i_grpId );
-uint32_t __insertGrpId<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls,
- uint64_t i_grpId )
+ uint64_t i_grpId )
#define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::__insertGrpId] "
@@ -437,12 +808,7 @@ uint8_t __lrotate( uint8_t i_b3mf, uint8_t i_num )
return o_b3mf;
-template<TYPE T>
-uint64_t __getMsb( uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls, uint64_t i_grpId );
-uint64_t __getMsb<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls,
- uint64_t i_grpId )
+uint64_t __getMsb( uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls, uint64_t i_grpId )
uint64_t o_msb = 0;
@@ -480,12 +846,7 @@ uint64_t __getMsb<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t i_grpChnls,
-template<TYPE T>
-void __insertMsb( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpSize, uint64_t i_msb );
-void __insertMsb<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpSize,
- uint64_t i_msb )
+void __insertMsb( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpSize, uint64_t i_msb )
// i_grpSize is a mask for the BAR. All we have to do is count the number
// of bits in that value to determine how many extra bits we need to shift
@@ -496,11 +857,7 @@ void __insertMsb<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpSize,
-template<TYPE T>
-void __addBar( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpBar );
-void __addBar<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpBar )
+void __addBar( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpBar )
// The BAR field is 24 bits and always starts at bit 8 of the real address.
io_addr |= (i_grpBar << 32);
@@ -510,10 +867,6 @@ void __addBar<TYPE_MCA>( uint64_t & io_addr, uint64_t i_grpBar )
template<TYPE T>
uint32_t getSystemAddr( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
- uint64_t & o_addr );
-uint32_t getSystemAddr<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
uint64_t & o_addr )
#define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::getSystemAddr] "
@@ -524,15 +877,15 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddr<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
// Get the group information.
uint64_t grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar;
- o_rc = __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>(i_chip, grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar);
+ o_rc = __getGrpInfo<T>(i_chip, grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar);
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Get the 40-bit port address (right justified).
- o_rc = __getMcaPortAddr( i_chip, i_addr, o_addr );
+ o_rc = __getPortAddr<T>( i_chip, i_addr, o_addr );
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Insert the group ID.
- o_rc = __insertGrpId<TYPE_MCA>( o_addr, grpChnls, grpId );
+ o_rc = __insertGrpId( o_addr, grpChnls, grpId );
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Notes on 3 and 6 channel per group configs:
@@ -542,12 +895,12 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddr<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
// hashing algorithm.
if ( 3 == grpChnls || 6 == grpChnls )
- uint64_t msb = __getMsb<TYPE_MCA>( o_addr, grpChnls, grpId );
- __insertMsb<TYPE_MCA>( o_addr, grpSize, msb );
+ uint64_t msb = __getMsb( o_addr, grpChnls, grpId );
+ __insertMsb( o_addr, grpSize, msb );
// Add the BAR to the rest of the address.
- __addBar<TYPE_MCA>( o_addr, grpBar );
+ __addBar( o_addr, grpBar );
} while (0);
@@ -556,32 +909,12 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddr<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
#undef PRDF_FUNC
-uint32_t getSystemAddr<TYPE_MBA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip, MemAddr i_addr,
- uint64_t & o_addr )
- #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::getSystemAddr] "
- // TODO - RTC: 190115
- PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "not supported on MBA yet: i_chip=0x%08x",
- i_chip->getHuid() );
- return FAIL; // Returning FAIL will prevent us from sending any false
- // messages to the hypervisor.
- #undef PRDF_FUNC
template<TYPE T>
uint32_t getSystemAddrRange( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
- MemAddr i_saddr, MemAddr i_eaddr,
- uint64_t & o_saddr, uint64_t & o_eaddr );
-uint32_t getSystemAddrRange<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
- MemAddr i_saddr, MemAddr i_eaddr,
- uint64_t & o_saddr, uint64_t & o_eaddr )
+ MemAddr i_saddr, MemAddr i_eaddr,
+ uint64_t & o_saddr, uint64_t & o_eaddr )
#define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::getSystemAddrRange] "
@@ -591,17 +924,17 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddrRange<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
// Get the group information.
uint64_t grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar;
- o_rc = __getGrpInfo<TYPE_MCA>(i_chip, grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar);
+ o_rc = __getGrpInfo<T>(i_chip, grpChnls, grpId, grpSize, grpBar);
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Get the 40-bit port addresses (right justified).
- o_rc = __getMcaPortAddr( i_chip, i_saddr, o_saddr );
- o_rc |= __getMcaPortAddr( i_chip, i_eaddr, o_eaddr );
+ o_rc = __getPortAddr<T>( i_chip, i_saddr, o_saddr );
+ o_rc |= __getPortAddr<T>( i_chip, i_eaddr, o_eaddr );
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Insert the group ID.
- o_rc = __insertGrpId<TYPE_MCA>( o_saddr, grpChnls, grpId );
- o_rc |= __insertGrpId<TYPE_MCA>( o_eaddr, grpChnls, grpId );
+ o_rc = __insertGrpId( o_saddr, grpChnls, grpId );
+ o_rc |= __insertGrpId( o_eaddr, grpChnls, grpId );
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc ) break;
// Notes on 3 and 6 channel per group configs:
@@ -615,13 +948,13 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddrRange<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
// MSB b00 and MSB b10, respectively.
if ( 3 == grpChnls || 6 == grpChnls )
- __insertMsb<TYPE_MCA>( o_saddr, grpSize, 0 );
- __insertMsb<TYPE_MCA>( o_eaddr, grpSize, 2 );
+ __insertMsb( o_saddr, grpSize, 0 );
+ __insertMsb( o_eaddr, grpSize, 2 );
// Add the BAR to the rest of the address.
- __addBar<TYPE_MCA>( o_saddr, grpBar );
- __addBar<TYPE_MCA>( o_eaddr, grpBar );
+ __addBar( o_saddr, grpBar );
+ __addBar( o_eaddr, grpBar );
} while (0);
@@ -629,23 +962,6 @@ uint32_t getSystemAddrRange<TYPE_MCA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
#undef PRDF_FUNC
-uint32_t getSystemAddrRange<TYPE_MBA>( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
- MemAddr i_saddr, MemAddr i_eaddr,
- uint64_t & o_saddr, uint64_t & o_eaddr )
- #define PRDF_FUNC "[MemDealloc::getSystemAddrRange] "
- // TODO - RTC: 190115
- PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "not supported on MBA yet: i_chip=0x%08x",
- i_chip->getHuid() );
- return FAIL; // Returning FAIL will prevent us from sending any false
- // messages to the hypervisor.
- #undef PRDF_FUNC
template<TYPE T>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud