path: root/src/build/debug/
diff options
authorPatrick Williams <>2011-11-07 16:23:00 -0600
committerA. Patrick Williams III <>2011-11-16 12:56:42 -0600
commit032c54f4f03414618499a6717890a408e80acb77 (patch)
treec3fb15cdd4cb5119937b8b11cedb52aa05e49cc7 /src/build/debug/
parent1e3a888edab060be5b016aff86a5d547b5be6643 (diff)
Simics implementation of debug framework.
Change-Id: Ie9f6963070ced0a39c2e62f685c79d6da01fdcdb Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server Reviewed-by: Andrew J. Geissler <> Reviewed-by: Monte K. Copeland <> Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/debug/')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/debug/ b/src/build/debug/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5be2f8c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+# @file
+# @brief Simics/Python implementation of the common debug framework.
+# This is the Python side of the simics implementation of the debug framework.
+# It operates by opening a Perl script as a subprocess using stdin/stdout to
+# the subprocess as an IPC pipe.
+# The Python script will handle the bridging from framework primatives, such
+# as 'readData', to Simics interfaces. The script will also search for all
+# existing debug modules and automatically instantiate simics commands of the
+# form 'hb-Tool' so they can be used.
+# If the users are expecting another tool name, such as 'hb-printk' instead of
+# 'hb-Printk', or are expecting nicer parameter passing, such as
+# 'hb-trace COMP1,COMP2' instead of 'hb-Trace "components=COMP1,COMP2"', then a
+# manual wrapper command should be implemented in ''.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import re
+# @class DebugFrameworkIPCMessage
+# @brief Wrapper class for constructing a properly formed IPC message for the
+# Python-Perl bridge.
+# The class provides a Pickle-like API (dumps / loads).
+# Messages are of the format:
+# [ "type", "data-in-ascii-encoded-hex" ]
+# Example:
+# The message...
+# [ "display", "48656c6c6f20576f726c642e0a" ]
+# means 'display "Hello World.\n"'
+class DebugFrameworkIPCMessage:
+ msgtype = "unknown"
+ msg = ""
+ def __init__(self, msgtype = "unknown", msg = ""):
+ self.msgtype = msgtype
+ self.msg = msg
+ def dumps(self):
+ return ("[ \"" + self.msgtype + "\", \"" +
+ self.msg.encode("hex") + "\" ]\n")
+ def loads(self,string):
+ pattern = re.compile("\[ \"([^\"]+)\", \"([0-9a-f]*)\" ]")
+ match =
+ self.msgtype =
+ self.msg ="hex")
+# @class DebugFrameworkProcess
+# @brief Provides a wrapper to the 'subprocess' interface and IPC bridge.
+# This class also provides the handling functions for various bridge message
+# types into the appropriate simics interface.
+class DebugFrameworkProcess:
+ process = ""; # subprocess object.
+ tool = ""; # string - tool module name.
+ toolOptions = ""; # string - tool options
+ usage = None; # mode - Usage output instead of Execution.
+ imgPath = "./"; # Image dir path override.
+ result = ""; # Result string for Usage-mode.
+ def __init__(self, tool = "Printk", toolOptions = "",
+ usage = None, imgPath = "./"):
+ # Determine sub-process arguments.
+ process_args = ["./"];
+ if (usage): # Pass --usage if Usage mode selected.
+ process_args = process_args + [ "--usage" ];
+ # Spawn sub-process
+ self.process = subprocess.Popen(process_args,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ # Update instance variables.
+ self.tool = tool;
+ self.toolOptions = toolOptions;
+ self.usage = usage;
+ self.imgPath = imgPath;
+ # Read a message from the process pipe.
+ def recvMsg(self):
+ msg = DebugFrameworkIPCMessage()
+ line = self.process.stdout.readline()
+ if len(line) != 0:
+ msg.loads(line)
+ return (msg.msgtype, msg.msg)
+ else:
+ return ("", "")
+ # Send a message into the process pipe.
+ def sendMsg(self,msgtype,msg):
+ msg = DebugFrameworkIPCMessage(msgtype, msg)
+ self.process.stdin.write(msg.dumps())
+ # End sub-process by closing its pipe.
+ def endProcess(self):
+ self.process.stdin.close()
+ # Display string (or save to result in Usage mode).
+ def display(self,data):
+ if (self.usage):
+ self.result += data
+ else:
+ print data,
+ # Read data from memory.
+ # This message has data of the format "0xADDRESS,0xSIZE".
+ def read_data(self,data):
+ pattern = re.compile("([0-9]+),([0-9]+)")
+ match =;
+ addr = int(
+ size = int(
+ data = "".join(map(chr, conf.phys_mem.memory[[addr , addr+size-1]]))
+ self.sendMsg("data-response", data)
+ # Get tool module name.
+ def get_tool(self,data):
+ self.sendMsg("data-response", self.tool)
+ # Get tool options.
+ def get_tool_options(self,data):
+ self.sendMsg("data-response", self.toolOptions)
+ # Get image path.
+ def get_img_path(self,data):
+ self.sendMsg("data-response", self.imgPath)
+# @fn run_hb_debug_framework
+# @brief Wrapper function to execute a tool module.
+# @param tool - Tool module to execute.
+# @param toolOpts - String containing tool options.
+# @param usage - Usage mode or Execute mode.
+# @param imgPath - Image path override.
+def run_hb_debug_framework(tool = "Printk", toolOpts = "",
+ usage = None, imgPath = "./"):
+ # Create debug sub-process.
+ fp = DebugFrameworkProcess(tool,toolOpts,usage,imgPath)
+ # Read / handle messages until there are no more.
+ msg = fp.recvMsg()
+ while msg[0] != "":
+ operations = { "display" : DebugFrameworkProcess.display,
+ "read-data" : DebugFrameworkProcess.read_data,
+ "get-tool" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_tool,
+ "get-tool-options" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_tool_options,
+ "get-img-path" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_img_path,
+ "exit" : DebugFrameworkProcess.endProcess,
+ }
+ operations[msg[0]](fp,msg[1])
+ msg = fp.recvMsg()
+ # If in Usage mode, return result string.
+ if (usage):
+ return fp.result
+ return None
+# @fn register_hb_debug_framework_tools
+# @brief Create a simics command wrapper for each debug tool module.
+def register_hb_debug_framework_tools():
+ # Find all modules from within Hostboot subdirectory.
+ files = os.listdir("./Hostboot")
+ # Filter out any prefixed with '_' (utility module) or a '.' (hidden file).
+ pattern = re.compile("[^\._]");
+ files = [f for f in files if pattern.match(f)]
+ # Remove the .pm extension from the tool modules.
+ files = [re.sub("\.pm","",f) for f in files];
+ # Create an entry for each module.
+ for tool in files:
+ # Get usage information for each module, fix text to HTML-like.
+ usage = run_hb_debug_framework(tool, usage = 1)
+ usage = re.sub("<","&lt;", usage);
+ usage = re.sub(">","&gt;", usage);
+ usage = re.sub("\t"," ",usage)
+ usage = "<pre>"+usage+"</pre>"
+ # Create command hook.
+ new_command("hb-" + tool,
+ (lambda toolname:
+ lambda options:
+ run_hb_debug_framework(toolname, options))(tool),
+ args = [arg(str_t, "options", "?", "")],
+ type = ["hostboot-commands"],
+ short = "Runs the debug framework for tool " + tool,
+ doc = usage)
+ print "Hostboot Debug Framework: Registered tool:", "hb-" + tool
+# Run the registration automatically whenever this script is loaded.
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