diff options
authorPatrick Williams <>2013-11-04 12:57:16 -0600
committerA. Patrick Williams III <>2013-11-07 14:59:05 -0600
commit503a82e95be52cfbf4f67dbb6270f4dff27e3ae6 (patch)
parentc46a0d9db4701cca885329a29adf589da75f0ba7 (diff)
hbRelease: publish-cq adds release note to each defect in CQ.
Change-Id: I37048daf756addb285b77c8405637ef1391eb175 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server Reviewed-by: Daniel M. Crowell <> Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/tools/hbRelease b/src/build/tools/hbRelease
index 695708968..ead769d6e 100755
--- a/src/build/tools/hbRelease
+++ b/src/build/tools/hbRelease
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
use POSIX;
use Text::Wrap;
use List::Util 'max';
+use Term::ReadKey;
+use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
my $debug = 0;
my $help = 0;
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ my %commands = ( "define" => \&execute_define,
"add-forcedep" => \&execute_add_forcedep,
"verify-patches" => \&execute_verify_patches,
"release" => \&execute_release,
+ "publish-cq" => \&execute_publish_cq,
"build-name" => \&execute_build_name,
"help" => \&execute_help,
@@ -327,6 +330,40 @@ sub execute_release
+sub execute_publish_cq
+ my $level = "";
+ my $track = "";
+ my $released = "";
+ GetOptions("name:s" => \$level,
+ "level:s" => \$level,
+ "track:s" => \$track,
+ "released:s" => \$released);
+ die "Missing level name" if ($level eq "");
+ die "Missing track" if ($track eq "");
+ my $level_info = config_get_level($level);
+ $released = $level_info->{released} if ($released eq "");
+ my $commits = git_commit_history($level, $released);
+ foreach my $commit (@{$commits})
+ {
+ my $changeid = gerrit_changeid_num($commit);
+ my $cq = cq_workitem_num($commit);
+ if ($cq ne "")
+ {
+ print "Change-Id: $changeid\n" if ($debug);
+ print "CQ: $cq\n" if ($debug);
+ bq_add_releasenote($cq, $changeid, $level, $track);
+ }
+ }
sub execute_build_name
my $release = "810";
@@ -447,6 +484,17 @@ q(
--level=<name> The level to release [required].
+ "publish-cq" =>
+ Update CQ tracks for any released commits to indicate which Hostboot
+ build the commit was added to and which CQ track was used to add the
+ HB release to CMVC.
+ Options:
+ --level=<name> The level to publish [required].
+ --track=<name> The CQ number used release [required].
+ --released=<commit> Alternate starting point for publish [optional].
"build-name" =>
Display a properly formatted build name based on the date.
@@ -1401,6 +1449,29 @@ sub cq_workitem_num
+# sub gerrit_changeid_num
+# Determine the Gerrit Change-Id associated with a git commit.
+# @param[in] commit - The git commit.
+# @return string - Gerrit Change-Id number (or "").
+sub gerrit_changeid_num
+ my $commit = shift;
+ my $message = git_commit_msg($commit);
+ if ($message =~ m/Change-Id:\s*(I[0-9a-z]+)/)
+ {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
# sub rtc_hyperlink
@@ -1683,3 +1754,91 @@ sub array_intersect
return \@result;
+ # globals used to store the cookie file name for logging into BQ.
+my $cookie_fh = "";
+my $cookie_name = "";
+use constant BQ_SERVER => "";
+# sub bq_login
+# Login to the BestQuest website.
+sub bq_login
+ return if ($cookie_name ne "");
+ my %bq_login_params = ( user => "UNKNOWN",
+ passwd => "UNKNOWN",
+ database => "AIXOS",
+ schema => "STGC_AIX",
+ cqserver => "",
+ cqport => "6600" );
+ # Read username / password.
+ print "BestQuest username: ";
+ chomp($bq_login_params{user} = ReadLine 0);
+ print "BestQuest password: ";
+ ReadMode 'noecho';
+ chomp($bq_login_params{passwd} = ReadLine 0);
+ ReadMode 'normal';
+ print "\n";
+ # Create parameters.
+ my $login_post = "verb=login_form_response";
+ foreach my $key (keys %bq_login_params)
+ {
+ $login_post = $login_post."&login_".$key."=".$bq_login_params{$key};
+ }
+ # Create a tempfile to hold the cookies.
+ ($cookie_fh, $cookie_name) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
+ # Do login.
+ system "wget -q -O - --save-cookies $cookie_name ".
+ "--post-data '$login_post' ".BQ_SERVER." > /dev/null";
+# sub bq_add_releasenote
+# Adds a string "Change X added to Hostboot level Y and released under Z." to
+# a CQ defect / feature.
+# @param[in] - CQ defect / feature.
+# @param[in] - Corresponding Gerrit Change-Id.
+# @param[in] - Hostboot release level.
+# @param[in] - Hostboot release track.
+sub bq_add_releasenote
+ my $cq = shift;
+ my $change_id = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $release = shift;
+ my $note = "Change%20$change_id%20added%20to%20Hostboot%20level%20".
+ "$level%20and%20released%20under%20$release";
+ # Login to BQ.
+ bq_login();
+ print "Updating release note for $cq.\n";
+ # Find CQ ID for defect/feature.
+ my $cqid_cmd = "wget -q -O - --load-cookies $cookie_name ".
+ BQ_SERVER."?defect=$cq | grep 'CQ ID:' -A1 | tail -n1 | ".
+ "sed 's/<\\/a.*//' | sed 's/.*recordType=//' | ".
+ "sed 's/\">/ /'";
+ my $cqid_result = `$cqid_cmd`;
+ chomp $cqid_result;
+ my ($cqtype,$cqid) = split / /, $cqid_result;
+ # Add release comment.
+ system "wget -q -O - --load-cookies $cookie_name '".BQ_SERVER.
+ "?verb=editnote_form_response&table=$cqtype&id=$cqid&uid=$cq&".
+ "note_string=$note' > /dev/null";
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