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+# Running Tests
+## Setting Up Your Environment
+For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be setting up an environment in Docker.
+Docker is handy because it's fairly portable, and won't interfere with the rest
+of your machine setup. It also offers a strong guarantee that you're testing
+the same way that others working on the project are. Finally, we can get away
+with using the same Docker image that's run by the OpenBMC continuous
+integration bot, so we have even more confidence that we're running relevant
+tests the way they'd be run upstream.
+### Install Docker
+Installation of Docker CE (Community Edition) varies by platform, and may differ
+in your organization. But the
+[Docker Docs]( are a good place to
+start looking.
+Check that the installation was successful by running `sudo docker run
+### Download OpenBMC Continuous Integration Image
+You'll want a couple of different repositories, so start by making a place for
+it all to go, and clone the CI scripts:
+mkdir openbmc-ci-tests
+cd openbmc-ci-tests
+git clone
+### Add `phosphor-host-ipmid`
+We also need to put a copy of the project you want to test against here. But
+you've probably got a copy checked out already, so we're going to make a
+*git worktree*. You can read more about those by running `git help worktree`,
+but the basic idea is that it's like having a second copy of your repo - but the
+second copy is in sync with your main copy, knows about your local branches, and
+protects you from checking out the same branch in two places.
+Your new worktree doesn't know about any untracked files you have in your main
+worktree, so you should get in the habit of committing everything you want to
+run tests against. However, because of the implementation of
+``, you can't run the CI with untracked changes anyways,
+so this isn't the worst thing in the world. (If you make untracked changes in
+your testing worktree, it's easy to update a commit with those.)
+Note the placeholders in the following steps; modify the commands to match your
+directory layout.
+cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git worktree add /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid
+Now, if you `cd /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests`, you should see a directory
+`phosphor-host-ipmid/`, and if you enter it and run `git status` you will see
+that you're likely on a new branch named `phosphor-host-ipmid`. This is just for
+convenience, since you can't check out a branch in your worktree that's already
+checked out somewhere else; you can safely ignore or delete that branch later.
+However, Git won't be able to figure out how to get to your main worktree
+(`/my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid`), so we'll need to mount it when we run. Open
+up `/path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/openbmc-build-scripts/` and
+find where we call `docker run`, way down at the bottom. Add an additional
+argument, remembering to escape the newline ('\'):
+docker run --blah-blah-existing-flags \
+ -other \
+ -args
+Then commit this, so you can make sure not to lose it if you update the scripts
+cd openbmc-build-scripts
+git add
+git commit -m "mount phosphor-host-ipmid"
+NOTE: There are other ways to do this besides a worktree; other approaches
+trade the cruft of mounting extra paths to the Docker container for different
+You can create a local upstream:
+cd openbmc-ci-tests
+mkdir phosphor-host-ipmid
+cd phosphor-host-ipmid
+git init
+cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git remote add /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid ci
+git push ci
+This method would require you to push your topic branch to `ci` and then `git
+checkout` the appropriate branch every time you switched topics:
+cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git commit -m "my changes to be tested"
+git push ci
+cd /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git checkout topic-branch
+You can also create a symlink from your Git workspace into `openbmc-ci-tests/`.
+This is especially not recommended, since you won't be able to work on your code
+in parallel while the tests run, and since the CI scripts are unhappy when you
+have untracked changes - which you're likely to have during active development.
+## Building and Running
+The OpenBMC CI scripts take care of the build for you, and run the test suite.
+Build and run like so:
+sudo WORKSPACE=$(pwd) UNIT_TEST_PKG=phosphor-host-ipmid \
+ ./openbmc-build-scripts/
+The first run will take a long time! But afterwards it shouldn't be so bad, as
+many parts of the Docker container are already downloaded and configured.
+## Reading Output
+Your results will appear in
+`openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid/test/test-suite.log`, as well as being
+printed to `stdout`. You will also see other `.log` files generated for each
+test file, for example `sample_unittest.log`. All these `*.log` files are
+human-readable and can be examined to determine why something failed
+# Writing Tests
+Now that you've got an easy working environment for running tests, let's write
+some new ones.
+## Setting Up Your Environment
+In `/my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid`, create a new branch based on `master` (or
+your current patchset). For this tutorial, let's call it `sensorhandler-tests`.
+git checkout -b sensorhandler-tests master
+This creates a new branch `sensorhandler-tests` which is based on `master`, then
+checks out that branch for you to start hacking.
+## Write Some Tests
+For this tutorial, we'll be adding some basic unit testing of the struct
+accessors for `get_sdr::GetSdrReq`, just because they're fairly simple. The text
+of the struct and accessors is recreated here:
+ * Get SDR
+ */
+namespace get_sdr
+struct GetSdrReq
+ uint8_t reservation_id_lsb;
+ uint8_t reservation_id_msb;
+ uint8_t record_id_lsb;
+ uint8_t record_id_msb;
+ uint8_t offset;
+ uint8_t bytes_to_read;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace request
+inline uint8_t get_reservation_id(GetSdrReq* req)
+ return (req->reservation_id_lsb + (req->reservation_id_msb << 8));
+inline uint16_t get_record_id(GetSdrReq* req)
+ return (req->record_id_lsb + (req->record_id_msb << 8));
+} // namespace request
+} // namespace get_sdr
+We'll create the tests in `test/sensorhandler_unittest.cpp`; go ahead and start
+that file with your editor.
+First, include the header you want to test, as well as the GTest header:
+#include <sensorhandler.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+Let's plan the test cases we care about before we build any additional
+scaffolding. We've only got two functions - `get_reservation_id()` and
+`get_record_id()`. We want to test:
+- "Happy path" - in an ideal case, everything works correctly
+- Error handling - when given bad input, things break as expected
+- Edge cases - when given extremes (e.g. very large or very small numbers),
+ things work correctly or break as expected
+For `get_reservation_id()`:
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_HappyPath)
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_NullInputDies)
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_Uint16MaxWorksCorrectly)
+For `get_record_id()`, we have pretty much the same set of tests:
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_record_id_HappyPath)
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_record_id_NullInputDies)
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_record_id_Uint16MaxWorksCorrectly)
+In the case of these two methods, there's really not much else to test. Some
+types of edge cases - like overflow/underflow - are prevented by C++'s strong
+typing; other types - like passing the incorrect type - are impossible to
+insulate against because it's possible to cast anything to a `GetSdrReq*` if we
+want. Since these are particularly boring, they make a good example for a
+tutorial like this; in practice, tests you write will likely be for more
+complicated code! We'll talk more about this in the Best Practices section
+Let's implement the `get_reservation_id()` items first. The implementations for
+`get_record_id()` will be identical, so we won't cover them here.
+For the happy path, we want to make it very clear that the test value we're
+using is within range, so we express it in binary. We also want to be able to
+ensure that the MSB and LSB are being combined in the correct order, so we make
+sure that the MSB and LSB values are different (don't use `0x3333` as the
+expected ID here). Finally, we want it to be obvious to the reader if we have
+populated the `GetSdrReq` incorrectly, so we've labeled all the fields. Since we
+are only testing one operation, it's okay to use either `ASSERT_EQ` or
+`EXPECT_EQ`; more on that in the Best Practices section.
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_HappyPath)
+ uint16_t expected_id = 0x1234; // Expected ID spans both bytes.
+ GetSdrReq input = {0x34, // Reservation ID LSB
+ 0x12, // Reservation ID MSB
+ 0x00, // Record ID LSB
+ 0x00, // Record ID MSB
+ 0x00, // Offset
+ 0x00}; // Bytes to Read
+ uint16_t actual = get_sdr::request::get_reservation_id(&input);
+ ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected_id);
+We don't expect that our `GetSdrReq` pointer will ever be null; in this case,
+the null pointer validation is done much, much earlier. So it's okay for us to
+specify that in the unlikely case we're given a null pointer, we die. We don't
+really care what the output message is.
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_NullInputDies)
+ ASSERT_DEATH(get_sdr::request::get_reservation_id(nullptr), ".*");
+Finally, while negative values are taken care of by C++'s type system, we can at
+least check that our code still works happily with `UINT16_MAX`. This test is
+similar to the happy path test, but uses an edge value instead.
+TEST(SensorHandlerTest, GetSdrReq_get_reservation_id_Uint16MaxWorksCorrectly)
+ uint16_t expected_id = 0xFFFF; // Expected ID spans both bytes.
+ GetSdrReq input = {0xFF, // Reservation ID LSB
+ 0xFF, // Reservation ID MSB
+ 0x00, // Record ID LSB
+ 0x00, // Record ID MSB
+ 0x00, // Offset
+ 0x00}; // Bytes to Read
+ uint16_t actual = get_sdr::request::get_reservation_id(&input);
+ ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected_id);
+The `get_record_id()` tests are identical, except that they are testing the
+Record ID field. They will not be duplicated here.
+Finally, we'll need to add the new tests to `test/`. You can mimic other
+existing test setups:
+# Build/add sensorhandler_unittest to test suite
+sensorhandler_unittest_CPPFLAGS = \
+ -Igtest \
+sensorhandler_unittest_CXXFLAGS = \
+sensorhandler_unittest_LDFLAGS = \
+ -lgtest_main \
+ -lgtest \
+ -pthread \
+sensorhandler_unittest_SOURCES = \
+ %reldir%/sensorhandler_unittest.cpp
+check_PROGRAMS += %reldir%/sensorhandler_unittest
+## Run the New Tests
+Commit your test changes. Then, you'll want to checkout the
+`sensorhandler-tests` branch in your CI worktree, which will involve releasing
+it from your main worktree:
+cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git add test/sensorhandler_unittest.cpp
+git commit -s
+git checkout master # Here you can use any branch except sensorhandler-tests
+cd /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git checkout sensorhandler-tests
+Now you can run the test suite as described earlier in the document. If you see
+a linter error when you run, you can actually apply the cleaned-up code easily:
+cd ./phosphor-host-ipmid
+git diff # Examine the proposed changes
+git add -u # Apply the proposed changes
+git commit --amend
+(If you will need to apply the proposed changes to multiple commits, you can do
+this with interactive rebase, which won't be described here.)
+## Best Practices
+While a good unit test can ensure your code's stability, a flaky or
+poorly-written unit test can make life harder for contributors down the road.
+Some things to remember:
+Include both positive (happy-path) and negative (error) testing in your
+testbench. It's not enough to know that the code works when it's supposed to; we
+also need to know that it fails gracefully when something goes wrong. Applying
+edge-case testing helps us find bugs that may take years to occur (and
+reproduce!) in the field.
+Keep your tests small. Avoid branching - if you feel a desire to, instead
+explore that codepath in another test. The best tests are easy to read and
+When a test fails, it's useful if the test is named in such a way that you can
+tell _what it's supposed to do_ and _when_. That way you can be certain whether
+the change you made really broke it or not. A good pattern is
+`Object_NameCircumstanceResult` - for example,
+`FooFactory_OutOfBoundsNameThrowsException`. From the name, it's very clear that
+when some "name" is out of bounds, an exception should be thrown. (What "name"
+is should be clear from the context of the function in `FooFactory`.)
+Don't test other people's code. Make sure to limit the test assertions to the
+code under test. For example, don't test what happens if you give a bad input to
+`sdbusplus` when you're supposed to be testing `phosphor-host-ipmid`.
+However, don't trust other people's code, either! Try to test _how you respond_
+when a service fails unexpectedly. Rather than checking if `sdbusplus` fails on
+bad inputs, check whether you handle an `sdbusplus` failure gracefully. You can
+use GMock for this kind of testing.
+Think about testing when you write your business logic code. Concepts like
+dependency injection and small functions make your code more testable - you'll
+be thanking yourself later when you're writing tests.
+Finally, you're very likely to find bugs while writing tests, especially if it's
+for code that wasn't previously unit-tested. It's okay to check in a bugfix
+along with a test that verifies the fix worked, if you're only doing one test
+and one bugfix. If you're checking in a large suite of tests, do the bugfixes in
+independent commits which your test suite commit is based on:
+master -> fix Foo.Abc() -> fix Foo.Def() -> Fix Foo.Ghi() -> test Foo class
+## Sending for Review
+You can send your test update and any associated bugfixes for review to Gerrit
+as you would send any other change. For the `Tested:` field in the commit
+message, you can state that you ran the new unit tests written.
+# Reviewing Tests
+Tests are written primarily to be read. So when you review a test, you're the
+first customer of that test!
+## Best Practices
+First, all the best practices listed above for writing tests are things you
+should check for and encourage when you're reading tests.
+Next, you should ensure that you can tell what's going on when you read the
+test. If it's not clear to you, it's not going to be clear to someone else, and
+the test is more prone to error - ask!
+Finally, think about what's _not_ being tested. If there's a case you're curious
+about and it isn't covered, you should mention it to the committer.
+## Quickly Running At Home
+Now that you've got a handy setup as described earlier in this document, you can
+quickly download and run the tests yourself. Within the Gerrit change, you
+should be able to find a button that says "Download", which will give you
+commands for various types of downloads into an existing Git repo. Use
+"Checkout", for example:
+cd openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid
+git fetch "" \
+ refs/changes/43/23043/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
+This won't disturb the rest of your Git repo state, and will put your CI
+worktree into detached-HEAD mode pointing to the commit that's under review. You
+can then run your tests normally, and even make changes and push again if the
+commit was abandoned or otherwise left to rot by its author.
+Doing so can be handy in a number of scenarios:
+- Jenkins isn't responding
+- The Jenkins build is broken for a reason beyond the committer's control
+- The committer doesn't have "Ok-To-Test" permission, and you don't have
+ permission to grant it to them
+# Credits
+Thanks very much to Patrick Venture for his prior work putting together
+documentation on this topic internal to Google.
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