diff options
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/control/ b/control/
index a2a49a8..a95920b 100755
--- a/control/
+++ b/control/
@@ -11,7 +11,70 @@ import yaml
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from mako.template import Template
-tmpl = '''/* This is a generated file. */
+tmpl = '''
+def indent(str, depth):
+ return ''.join(4*' '*depth+line for line in str.splitlines(True))
+<%def name="genSSE(event)" buffered="True">
+%for member in event['group']:
+ "${member['name']}",
+ {"${member['interface']}",
+ "${member['property']}"}
+%for a in event['action']:
+%for i, p in enumerate(a['parameters']):
+%if (i+1) != len(a['parameters']):
+ static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']}),
+ static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']})
+ ${event['timer']['interval']}
+%for s in event['signal']:
+ PropertyChange{
+ interfacesAdded("${s['obj_path']}"),
+ make_handler(objectSignal<${s['type']}>(
+ "${s['path']}",
+ "${s['interface']}",
+ "${s['property']}",
+ handler::setProperty<${s['type']}>(
+ "${s['path']}",
+ "${s['interface']}",
+ "${s['property']}"
+ )
+ ))
+ },
+ PropertyChange{
+ propertiesChanged(
+ "${s['path']}",
+ "${s['interface']}"),
+ make_handler(propertySignal<${s['type']}>(
+ "${s['interface']}",
+ "${s['property']}",
+ handler::setProperty<${s['type']}>(
+ "${s['path']}",
+ "${s['interface']}",
+ "${s['property']}"
+ )
+ ))
+ },
+/* This is a generated file. */
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include "manager.hpp"
#include "functor.hpp"
@@ -79,9 +142,11 @@ const std::vector<ZoneGroup> Manager::_zoneLayouts
+ std::vector<Action>{
+ %for i, a in enumerate(event['pc']['pcact']):
- precondition::${event['pc']['pcact']['name']}(
- %for i, p in enumerate(event['pc']['pcact']['params']):
+ precondition::${a['name']}(
+ %for p in a['params']:
%for j, v in enumerate(p['values']):
%if (j+1) != len(p['values']):
@@ -92,63 +157,24 @@ const std::vector<ZoneGroup> Manager::_zoneLayouts
- %endif
- SetSpeedEvent{
- Group{
- %for member in event['group']:
- {
- "${member['name']}",
- {"${member['interface']}",
- "${member['property']}"}
- },
- %endfor
- },
- make_action(action::${event['action']['name']}(
- %for i, p in enumerate(event['action']['parameters']):
- %if (i+1) != len(event['action']['parameters']):
- static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']}),
- %else:
- static_cast<${p['type']}>(${p['value']})
- %endif
- %endfor
+ %if (i+1) != len(event['pc']['pcact']):
- Timer{
- ${event['timer']['interval']}
- },
- std::vector<PropertyChange>{
- %for s in event['signal']:
- PropertyChange{
- interfacesAdded("${s['obj_path']}"),
- make_handler(objectSignal<${s['type']}>(
- "${s['path']}",
- "${s['interface']}",
- "${s['property']}",
- handler::setProperty<${s['type']}>(
- "${s['path']}",
- "${s['interface']}",
- "${s['property']}"
- )
- ))
- },
- PropertyChange{
- propertiesChanged(
- "${s['path']}",
- "${s['interface']}"),
- make_handler(propertySignal<${s['type']}>(
- "${s['interface']}",
- "${s['property']}",
- handler::setProperty<${s['type']}>(
- "${s['path']}",
- "${s['interface']}",
- "${s['property']}"
- )
- ))
- },
+ %endif
- }
+ std::vector<SetSpeedEvent>{
+ %for pcevt in event['pc']['pcevts']:
+ SetSpeedEvent{\
+ ${indent(genSSE(event=pcevt), 6)}\
+ },
+ %endfor
+ %else:
+ SetSpeedEvent{\
+ ${indent(genSSE(event=event), 6)}
+ %endif
%if ('pc' in event) and (event['pc'] is not None):
+ },
@@ -206,7 +232,104 @@ def convertToMap(listOfDict):
return listOfDict
-def addPrecondition(event, events_data):
+def getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data):
+ """
+ Parses the sections of an event and populates the properties
+ that construct an event within the generated source.
+ """
+ event = {}
+ # Zone numbers are optional in the events yaml but skip if this
+ # zone's zone number is not in the event's zone numbers
+ if all('zones' in z and
+ z['zones'] is not None and
+ zone_num not in z['zones']
+ for z in e['zone_conditions']):
+ return
+ # Zone conditions are optional in the events yaml but skip
+ # if this event's condition is not in this zone's conditions
+ if all('name' in z and z['name'] is not None and
+ not any(c['name'] == z['name'] for c in zone_conditions)
+ for z in e['zone_conditions']):
+ return
+ # Add set speed event group
+ group = []
+ groups = next(g for g in events_data['groups']
+ if g['name'] == e['group'])
+ for member in groups['members']:
+ members = {}
+ members['obj_path'] = groups['type']
+ members['name'] = (groups['type'] +
+ member)
+ members['interface'] = e['interface']
+ members['property'] = e['property']['name']
+ group.append(members)
+ event['group'] = group
+ # Add set speed actions and function parameters
+ action = []
+ for eActions in e['actions']:
+ actions = {}
+ eAction = next(a for a in events_data['actions']
+ if a['name'] == eActions['name'])
+ actions['name'] = eAction['name']
+ params = []
+ for p in eAction['parameters']:
+ param = {}
+ if type(eActions[p]) is not dict:
+ if p == 'property':
+ param['value'] = str(eActions[p]).lower()
+ param['type'] = str(
+ e['property']['type']).lower()
+ else:
+ # Default type to 'size_t' when not given
+ param['value'] = str(eActions[p]).lower()
+ param['type'] = 'size_t'
+ params.append(param)
+ else:
+ param['type'] = str(eActions[p]['type']).lower()
+ if p != 'map':
+ param['value'] = str(
+ eActions[p]['value']).lower()
+ else:
+ emap = convertToMap(str(eActions[p]['value']))
+ param['value'] = param['type'] + emap
+ params.append(param)
+ actions['parameters'] = params
+ action.append(actions)
+ event['action'] = action
+ # Add property change signal handler
+ signal = []
+ for path in group:
+ signals = {}
+ signals['obj_path'] = path['obj_path']
+ signals['path'] = path['name']
+ signals['interface'] = e['interface']
+ signals['property'] = e['property']['name']
+ signals['type'] = e['property']['type']
+ signal.append(signals)
+ event['signal'] = signal
+ # Add optional action call timer
+ timer = {}
+ interval = "static_cast<std::chrono::seconds>"
+ if ('timer' in e) and \
+ (e['timer'] is not None):
+ timer['interval'] = (interval +
+ "(" +
+ str(e['timer']['interval']) +
+ ")")
+ else:
+ timer['interval'] = (interval +
+ "(" + str(0) + ")")
+ event['timer'] = timer
+ return event
+def addPrecondition(zNum, zCond, event, events_data):
Parses the precondition section of an event and populates the necessary
structures to generate a precondition for a set speed event.
@@ -229,13 +352,14 @@ def addPrecondition(event, events_data):
precond['pcgrp'] = group
- # Add set speed event precondition action
- pc = {}
- pc['name'] = event['precondition']['name']
- pcs = next(p for p in events_data['preconditions']
+ # Add set speed event precondition actions
+ pc = []
+ pcs = {}
+ pcs['name'] = event['precondition']['name']
+ epc = next(p for p in events_data['preconditions']
if p['name'] == event['precondition']['name'])
params = []
- for p in pcs['parameters']:
+ for p in epc['parameters']:
param = {}
if p == 'groups':
param['type'] = "std::vector<PrecondGroup>"
@@ -255,9 +379,18 @@ def addPrecondition(event, events_data):
param['values'] = values
- pc['params'] = params
+ pcs['params'] = params
+ pc.append(pcs)
precond['pcact'] = pc
+ pcevents = []
+ for pce in event['precondition']['events']:
+ pcevent = getEvent(zNum, zCond, pce, events_data)
+ if not pcevent:
+ continue
+ pcevents.append(pcevent)
+ precond['pcevts'] = pcevents
# Add precondition property change signal handler
signal = []
for member in group:
@@ -296,92 +429,18 @@ def getEventsInZone(zone_num, zone_conditions, events_data):
if 'events' in events_data:
for e in events_data['events']:
- # Zone numbers are optional in the events yaml but skip if this
- # zone's zone number is not in the event's zone numbers
- if all('zones' in z and z['zones'] is not None and
- zone_num not in z['zones'] for z in e['zone_conditions']):
- continue
- # Zone conditions are optional in the events yaml but skip if this
- # event's condition is not in this zone's conditions
- if all('name' in z and z['name'] is not None and
- not any(c['name'] == z['name'] for c in zone_conditions)
- for z in e['zone_conditions']):
- continue
event = {}
# Add precondition if given
if ('precondition' in e) and \
(e['precondition'] is not None):
- event['pc'] = addPrecondition(e, events_data)
- # Add set speed event group
- group = []
- groups = next(g for g in events_data['groups']
- if g['name'] == e['group'])
- for member in groups['members']:
- members = {}
- members['obj_path'] = groups['type']
- members['name'] = (groups['type'] +
- member)
- members['interface'] = e['interface']
- members['property'] = e['property']['name']
- group.append(members)
- event['group'] = group
- # Add set speed action and function parameters
- action = {}
- actions = next(a for a in events_data['actions']
- if a['name'] == e['action']['name'])
- action['name'] = actions['name']
- params = []
- for p in actions['parameters']:
- param = {}
- if type(e['action'][p]) is not dict:
- if p == 'property':
- param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]).lower()
- param['type'] = str(e['property']['type']).lower()
- else:
- # Default type to 'size_t' when not given
- param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]).lower()
- param['type'] = 'size_t'
- params.append(param)
- else:
- param['type'] = str(e['action'][p]['type']).lower()
- if p != 'map':
- param['value'] = str(e['action'][p]['value']).lower()
- else:
- emap = convertToMap(str(e['action'][p]['value']))
- param['value'] = param['type'] + emap
- params.append(param)
- action['parameters'] = params
- event['action'] = action
- # Add property change signal handler
- signal = []
- for path in group:
- signals = {}
- signals['obj_path'] = path['obj_path']
- signals['path'] = path['name']
- signals['interface'] = e['interface']
- signals['property'] = e['property']['name']
- signals['type'] = e['property']['type']
- signal.append(signals)
- event['signal'] = signal
- # Add optional action call timer
- timer = {}
- interval = "static_cast<std::chrono::seconds>"
- if ('timer' in e) and \
- (e['timer'] is not None):
- timer['interval'] = (interval +
- "(" + str(e['timer']['interval']) + ")")
+ event['pc'] = addPrecondition(zone_num,
+ zone_conditions,
+ e,
+ events_data)
- timer['interval'] = (interval +
- "(" + str(0) + ")")
- event['timer'] = timer
+ event = getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data)
+ if not event:
+ continue
return events
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud