path: root/src/usr/diag/prdf/util/prdfFilters.H
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1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/util/prdfFilters.H b/src/usr/diag/prdf/util/prdfFilters.H
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/diag/prdf/util/prdfFilters.H
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+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/util/prdfFilters.H $ */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2012 */
+/* */
+/* p1 */
+/* */
+/* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */
+/* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */
+/* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */
+/* */
+/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
+/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
+/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
+/* */
+/* Origin: 30 */
+/* */
+ @file prdfFilter.H
+ @brief FILTER_CLASSes selectivly remove bits from a prdfBitKey type object
+/* Includes */
+#if !defined(PRDFBITLKEY_H)
+#include <prdfBitKey.H>
+#include <vector>
+/* Forward References */
+class prdfBitKey;
+/* User Types */
+ prdfFilter Specifies and interface for removing unwanted bits from a prdfBitKey.
+ Abstract base class
+ @see prdfBitKey
+class prdfFilter
+ /**
+ Destructor. This implementation does nothing
+ */
+ virtual ~prdfFilter(void);
+ /**
+ Apply filter to the prdfBitKey.
+ @post bit_list may be modified
+ @return true if bit_list was modified, otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & io_bit_list) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Undo the filter effect (if possible)
+ * @post bit_list may be modified
+ * @Return tru if bit_list was modified, otherwise false
+ * @note: bit_lists are sometimes used to reset an error register based on the bit that was
+ * analyzed. If the Apply() function modifes the bit_list in such a way that make it unusable
+ * to reset the error register (eg. moves a bit to a new postition) than the Undo() function
+ * should put the bit_list back into a state that can be used to reset an error register.
+ */
+ virtual bool Undo(prdfBitKey & io_bit_list) { return false; }
+ /**
+ Default Constructor
+ @note The default compiler generated copy constructor and assignment operator
+ are adaquate.
+ */
+ prdfFilter(void) {}
+//! prdfFilterPriority
+ prdfFilterPriority maintains a "subset" BitKey or a "priority" set of bits.
+ When this filter is applied to a BitKey, If the "priority" BitKey is a subset of the
+ BitKey than the BitKey becomes the priorty BitKey. (The non-priority bits are turned off);
+ Otherwise the BitKey remains unchanged.
+ \verbatim
+ Examples:
+ Priority BitKey: ("1")
+ Original BitKey: ("1", "5", "31")
+ Filtered BitKey: ("1")
+ Priority BitKey: ("1")
+ Original BitKey: ("5", "31")
+ Filtered BitKey: ("5", "31")
+ Priority BitKey: ("2", "7")
+ Original BitKey: ("2", "5", "31")
+ Filtered BitKey: ("2", "5", "31")
+ Priority BitKey: ("2", "7")
+ Original BitKey: ("2", "7", "31")
+ Filtered BitKey: ("2", "7")
+ \endverbatim
+ */
+class prdfFilterPriority : public prdfFilter
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ \param i_bld ptr bit list string encoding
+ */
+ prdfFilterPriority(const char * i_ble)
+ : ivBitKey(i_ble)
+ {}
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ \param iBitList BitKey
+ */
+ prdfFilterPriority(const prdfBitKey & iBitList)
+ : ivBitKey(iBitList)
+ {}
+ /*!
+ Apply the filter to a bit list
+ \param ioBitList to apply filter to
+ \returns true if iBitList modified otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & ioBitList);
+ prdfBitKey ivBitKey;
+//! PrioritySingleBitFilter
+ PrioritySingleBitFilter removes all but one bit from a prdfBitKey object.
+ Priority (to not be removed) is given to the bits specified and in the order
+ specified.
+ @par Example
+ @code
+ const char * const BIT_LIST_STRING_31_26 = "\x20\x1B"; // priority bits
+ PrioritySingleBitFilter psbFilter(BIT_LIST_STRING_31_26);
+ ScanCommRegisterChip scr(...); // see iipScanCommRegisterChip.h
+ ResolutionMap resMap(...); // see iipResolutionMap.h
+ // when the error register is read, the resulting list of bits on
+ // is passed to psbFilter. the result is used to look up a resolution
+ // in the ResultionMapa resMap and the resolution is called
+ ErrorRegisterMask ereg(scr,resMap,&psbFilter);
+ ...
+ rc = ereg.Analyze(serviceData); // See iipErrorRegisterMask.h
+ // ereg will apply filter prioritizing bit 31 then bit 26
+ // and finally any remaining bits
+ @endcode
+ @par functionality
+ - if no priority bits exist in prdfBitKey object then
+ - eliminate all but first entry in list
+ - else if priority bits exist then
+ - eliminate all non-priority bit entries
+ - if multiple priority bit entries exist then elminate all but one,
+ favoring the first qualified entry found in the list.
+class PrioritySingleBitFilter : public prdfFilter
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ @param pbls Priority bit list string: list of bit positions that have priority
+ @note bit position priority values in pbls are the bit position + 1 of the bit list,
+ thus to prioritize bit positions 0,1, & 2 in the bit list, pbls would = "\x01\x02\x03";
+ */
+ PrioritySingleBitFilter(const char * pbls = NULL)
+ {
+ if (NULL != pbls)
+ {
+ while('\0' != pbls[0])
+ {
+ iv_bitList.push_back(pbls[0]+1);
+ pbls++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ PrioritySingleBitFilter(const std::vector<uint8_t> & pbls)
+ {
+ iv_bitList = pbls;
+ };
+ /**
+ Apply filter to bit list
+ @param bit_list : the bit list to filter
+ @pre none
+ @post Bit list will only have one value - the one with the highest
+ priority. If multiple values have equally highest priority then the first
+ value in the list is used.
+ @return true of bit list was modified otherwise false
+ @note If the bit list is empty then it will be left empty.
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & bit_list);
+private: // functions
+private: // Data
+ std::vector<uint8_t> iv_bitList;
+//! prdfFilterTranspose
+ prdfFilterTranspose transposes an exactly matching key to a single bit. If there is not an
+ exact match, the key is not modified.
+class prdfFilterTranspose : public prdfFilterPriority
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ \param i_bitKey bit list key
+ \param iBitPos bit to set if i_bitKey matches target.
+ */
+ prdfFilterTranspose(const prdfBitKey &i_bitKey,uint32_t iBitPos)
+ : prdfFilterPriority(i_bitKey),ivSingleBitPos(iBitPos)
+ {}
+ /**
+ Apply filter to bit list
+ \param bit_list : the bit list to filter
+ \pre none
+ \post If the provide BitList exactly matches the internal BitList than the provided
+ bitlist is modified such that all bits are cleared and ivSingleBitPos is set.
+ \return true of bit list was modified otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & iBitList);
+ /**
+ * Undo the filter Apply()
+ * @post bit_list may be modified
+ * @Return true if bit_list was modified, otherwise false
+ * @Note This function will only Undo the transposition if the transposed result bit is on
+ */
+ virtual bool Undo(prdfBitKey & iBitList);
+private: // functions
+private: // Data
+ uint32_t ivSingleBitPos;
+//! SingleBitFilter
+ Reduces a BitKey to single bit
+ \code
+ // usually in chip class header file
+ SingleBitFilter sbFilter;
+ ScanCommRegisterChip scr; // @see iipScanCommRegisterChip.h
+ ResolutionMap resMap; // @see prdfResolutionMap.H
+ // in ctor of chip class definition
+ ErrorRegisterMask ereg(scr,resMap,&sbFilter);
+ // ...
+ rc = ereg.Analyze(serviceData); // See iipErrorRegisterMask.h
+ // ereg will apply filter before analyzing the error
+ \endcode
+ */
+class SingleBitFilter: public prdfFilter
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ */
+ SingleBitFilter(): prdfFilter() {}
+ /*!
+ Remove all but one bit from bit_list
+ \param ioBitList Target bit list
+ \returns true if ioBitList was modified otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & ioBitList);
+private: // functions
+private: // Data
+//! FilterLink
+ FilterLink links two FILTER_CLASS types together allowing two filters
+ to act on a single prdfBitKey object.
+ @code
+ prdfFilter * foo(prdfFilter & f1, prdfFilter & f2)
+ {
+ prdfFilter * joint = new FilterLink(f1,f2);
+ return joint;
+ }
+ @endcode
+ */
+class FilterLink: public prdfFilter
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ <ul>
+ <br><b>Parameters: </b> Two Filters to be linked
+ <br><b>Requirements:</b> parm filters objects must exist and be valid
+ <br><b>Promises: </b> Object created
+ <br><b>Exceptions: </b> N/A
+ <br><b>Notes: </b>
+ </ul><br>
+ */
+ FilterLink(prdfFilter & f1, prdfFilter & f2);
+ /*
+ Destructor
+ <ul>
+ <br><b>Parameters: </b> None.
+ <br><b>Returns: </b> No value returned
+ <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+ <br><b>Promises: </b> None.
+ <br><b>Exceptions: </b> None.
+ <br><b>Notes: </b> Default is sufficient
+ </ul><br>
+ */
+ // ~xspprdFilterLink();
+ /**
+ Apply Filter(s)
+ <ul>
+ <br><b>Parameters: </b> reference to a BIT_LIST (see iipbtlst.h)
+ <br><b>Returns: </b> [TRUE | FALSE] - was bit list modified?
+ <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+ <br><b>Promises: </b> bit_list is modified (if rc == TRUE)
+ <br><b>Exceptions: </b> N/A
+ <br><b>Notes: </b> calls all the other associated filters
+ </ul><br>
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply ( prdfBitKey & bit_list );
+ /**
+ * Undo the filter Apply()
+ * @post bit_list may be modified
+ * @Return true if bit_list was modified, otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Undo(prdfBitKey & iBitList);
+private: // functions
+private: // Data
+ // may be extended to use a vector if needed
+ prdfFilter & xFilter1;
+ prdfFilter & xFilter2;
+//! ScanCommFilter
+ ScanCommFilter reads a HW scom register to determin which bits to
+ removes bits from a prdfBitKey object
+ @par Base class prdfFilter
+ @code
+ // This class is useful for Error registers whose bits can be
+ // configured to report different ways depending on another
+ // enable register.
+ ScanCommRegister enableScr(...); // see iipScanCommRegisterChip.h
+ ScanCommFilter scfFirXstop(enableScr,INVERT);
+ ScanCommFilter scfFirRer(enableScr,NONINVERT);
+ ScanCommRegister scr(...); // see iipScanCommRegisterChip.h
+ ResolutionMap resMap(...); // see iipResolutionMap.h
+ ErrorRegisterMask eregFirXstop(scr,resMap,&scfFirXstop);
+ ErrorRegisterMask eregFirRer(scr,resMap,&scfFirRer);
+ ...
+ rc = eregFirXstop.Analyze(serviceData); // See iipErrorRegisterMask.h
+ // ereg will apply filter
+ @endcode
+ */
+class ScanCommFilter: public prdfFilter
+ // Enum for use as the second parameter in the constructor.
+ enum InvertValue {
+ NONINVERT = 0x0,
+ INVERT = 0x1
+ };
+ /*!
+ Constructor
+ \param r Reference to a scan comm register
+ \param invert whether or not to bit-wise invert the value from the scan comm read
+ */
+ ScanCommFilter(SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_r, InvertValue invert = NONINVERT)
+ :
+ prdfFilter(),
+ scr(i_r),
+ xInvert(invert)
+ { }
+ /*!
+ Turn off bits in bit list based on contents of scan com register
+ @post bit_list may be modified
+ @return true if bit_list was modified, otherwise false
+ */
+ virtual bool Apply(prdfBitKey & bit_list);
+private: // functions
+private: // Data
+ InvertValue xInvert;
+inline FilterLink::FilterLink(prdfFilter & f1, prdfFilter & f2)
+: xFilter1(f1), xFilter2(f2) {}
+// Change Log *************************************************************************************
+// Flag Reason Vers Date Coder Description
+// ---- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
+// V400 09/12/94 JST Initial Creation
+// fips 03/19/04 dgilbert Rename to prdfFilter.H added doxygen comments
+// 558003 fips310 06/21/06 dgilbert Add Undo() to filter
+// 582595 fips310 12/12/06 iawillia Update priority sb filter to maintain bit order.
+// End Change Log ********************************************************************************
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