path: root/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/CcSynch.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/CcSynch.h')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/CcSynch.h b/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/CcSynch.h
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+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/CcSynch.h $ */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995,2012 */
+/* */
+/* p1 */
+/* */
+/* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */
+/* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */
+/* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */
+/* */
+/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
+/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
+/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
+/* */
+/* Origin: 30 */
+/* */
+#ifndef CcSynch_h
+#define CcSynch_h
+// Class Specification *************************************************
+// Class name: CcSynch
+// Parent class: None.
+// Summary: This class is used as a synchronization mechanism. A
+// static step counter is maintained and incremented via the
+// static member function Advance(). An internal step counter
+// is also maintained. The member function IsCurrent()
+// compares the two values to indicate if this instance is
+// "in synch". Calling the IsCurrent() functiona also updates
+// the internal counter to the static counter.
+// The primary use is to ensure that an operation is performed
+// only once over a given time interval. The time interval
+// is controlled by successive calls to Advance(). If an
+// instance is not current, then the operation is performed
+// and the instance will then be current.
+// The parameterized type STEP_TYPE is used for the type of
+// the counters. This type should be selected according to
+// the necessary granularity. For example, an 8 bit integer
+// value allows for 256 unique counter values.
+// The parameterized type ID is used to diferentiate an
+// instantiation of this tmeplate from other instantiations.
+// This class relies on a unique static data member which is
+// generated for each unique instantiation.
+// Cardinality: N
+// Performance/Implementation:
+// Space Complexity: Constant
+// Time Complexity: Constant
+// Usage Examples:
+// struct mytype {};
+// void foo(CcSynch<int, mytpe> & synch)
+// {
+// synch.Advance();
+// if(synch.IsCurrent())
+// {
+// // Operation is performed
+// }
+// if(synch.IsCurrent())
+// {
+// // Operation is not performed
+// }
+// }
+// End Class Specification *********************************************
+// Includes
+template <class STEP_TYPE, class ID>
+class CcSynch
+ {
+ public: // public member functions
+ typedef STEP_TYPE StepType;
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ static void Advance(void);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Advances the static data member step.
+ // Parameters: None.
+ // Returns: No value returned.
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: Static data member step will be incremented.
+ // Exceptions: None.
+ // Concurrency: Reentrant.
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ CcSynch(void);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Initialization
+ // Parameters: No parameters
+ // Returns: No value returned
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: All data members are initialized.
+ // Exceptions: None.
+ // Concurrency: N/A
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ // CcSynch(const CcSynch & e);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Copy
+ // Parameters: e: Reference to instance to copy
+ // Returns: No value returned.
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: All data members are initialized.
+ // Exceptions: None.
+ // Concurrency: N/A.
+ // Notes: The compiler generated copy constructor is sufficient.
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ // ~CcSynch(void);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Destruction
+ // Parameters: None.
+ // Returns: No value returned
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: None.
+ // Exceptions: None.
+ // Concurrency: N/A
+ // Notes: The compiler generated default destructor is sufficient.
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ // CcSynch & operator=(const CcSynch & e);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Assigment
+ // Parameters: e: Reference to instance to assign from
+ // Returns: Reference to this instance
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: All data members will be assigned.
+ // Exceptions: N/A.
+ // Concurrency: N/A.
+ // Notes: The compiler generated default assignment operator is
+ // sufficient.
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ bool IsCurrent(void);
+ // Function Specification ********************************************
+ //
+ // Purpose: Determines if myStep is current with step.
+ // Parameters: None.
+ // Returns: TRUE if myStep is current with step. Otherewise,
+ // FALSE.
+ // Requirements: None.
+ // Promises: myStep will be current with step.
+ // Exceptions: None..
+ // Concurrency: Reenetrant.
+ //
+ // End Function Specification ****************************************
+ private:
+ static StepType step;
+ StepType myStep;
+ };
+#include "CcSynch.inl"
+// Change Log **********************************************************
+// Flag PTR/DCR# Userid Date Description
+// ---- -------- -------- -------- -----------
+// n/a n/a JST 04/06/95 Created.
+// D24747.4 JFP 02/23/96 Added #ifndef BOOL_H
+// End Change Log ******************************************************
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