path: root/lldb/source/API/SBValue.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lldb/source/API/SBValue.cpp')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lldb/source/API/SBValue.cpp b/lldb/source/API/SBValue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21f9a0eed94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/source/API/SBValue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+//===-- SBValue.cpp ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "SBValue.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/Variable.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
+#include "SBProcess.h"
+#include "SBTarget.h"
+#include "SBThread.h"
+#include "SBFrame.h"
+#include "SBDebugger.h"
+using namespace lldb;
+using namespace lldb_private;
+SBValue::SBValue () :
+ m_lldb_object_sp ()
+SBValue::SBValue (const lldb::ValueObjectSP &value_sp) :
+ m_lldb_object_sp (value_sp)
+SBValue::IsValid () const
+ return (m_lldb_object_sp.get() != NULL);
+SBValue::Print (FILE *out_file, SBFrame *frame, bool print_type, bool print_value)
+ if (out_file == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ SBThread sb_thread = frame->GetThread();
+ SBProcess sb_process = sb_thread.GetProcess();
+ lldb_private::StackFrame *lldb_frame = frame->GetLLDBObjectPtr();
+ lldb_private::Thread *lldb_thread = sb_thread.GetLLDBObjectPtr();
+ lldb_private::Process *lldb_process = sb_process.get();
+ lldb_private::ExecutionContext context (lldb_process, lldb_thread, lldb_frame);
+ lldb_private::StreamFile out_stream (out_file);
+ out_stream.Printf ("%s ", m_lldb_object_sp->GetName().AsCString (NULL));
+ if (! m_lldb_object_sp->IsInScope (lldb_frame))
+ out_stream.Printf ("[out-of-scope] ");
+ if (print_type)
+ {
+ out_stream.Printf ("(%s) ", m_lldb_object_sp->GetTypeName().AsCString ("<unknown-type>"));
+ }
+ if (print_value)
+ {
+ ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope = frame->get();
+ const char *val_cstr = m_lldb_object_sp->GetValueAsCString(exe_scope);
+ const char *err_cstr = m_lldb_object_sp->GetError().AsCString();
+ if (!err_cstr)
+ {
+ const char *sum_cstr = m_lldb_object_sp->GetSummaryAsCString(exe_scope);
+ const bool is_aggregate =
+ ClangASTContext::IsAggregateType (m_lldb_object_sp->GetOpaqueClangQualType());
+ if (val_cstr)
+ out_stream.Printf ("= %s ", val_cstr);
+ if (sum_cstr)
+ out_stream.Printf ("%s ", sum_cstr);
+ if (is_aggregate)
+ {
+ out_stream.PutChar ('{');
+ const uint32_t num_children = m_lldb_object_sp->GetNumChildren();
+ if (num_children)
+ {
+ out_stream.IndentMore();
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_children; ++idx)
+ {
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP child_sp (m_lldb_object_sp->GetChildAtIndex (idx, true));
+ if (child_sp.get())
+ {
+ out_stream.EOL();
+ out_stream.Indent();
+ out_stream.Printf ("%s (%s) = %s", child_sp.get()->GetName().AsCString (""),
+ child_sp.get()->GetTypeName().AsCString ("<unknown type>"),
+ child_sp.get()->GetValueAsCString(exe_scope));
+ }
+ }
+ out_stream.IndentLess();
+ }
+ out_stream.EOL();
+ out_stream.Indent ("}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ out_stream.EOL ();
+ }
+const char *
+ if (IsValid())
+ return m_lldb_object_sp->GetName().AsCString();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+const char *
+SBValue::GetTypeName ()
+ if (IsValid())
+ return m_lldb_object_sp->GetTypeName().AsCString();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+SBValue::GetByteSize ()
+ size_t result = 0;
+ if (IsValid())
+ result = m_lldb_object_sp->GetByteSize();
+ return result;
+SBValue::IsInScope (const SBFrame &frame)
+ bool result = false;
+ if (IsValid())
+ result = m_lldb_object_sp->IsInScope (frame.get());
+ return result;
+const char *
+SBValue::GetValue (const SBFrame &frame)
+ const char *value_string = NULL;
+ if ( m_lldb_object_sp)
+ value_string = m_lldb_object_sp->GetValueAsCString(frame.get());
+ return value_string;
+SBValue::GetValueDidChange ()
+ if (IsValid())
+ return m_lldb_object_sp->GetValueDidChange();
+ return false;
+const char *
+SBValue::GetSummary (const SBFrame &frame)
+ const char *value_string = NULL;
+ if ( m_lldb_object_sp)
+ value_string = m_lldb_object_sp->GetSummaryAsCString(frame.get());
+ return value_string;
+const char *
+SBValue::GetLocation (const SBFrame &frame)
+ const char *value_string = NULL;
+ if (IsValid())
+ value_string = m_lldb_object_sp->GetLocationAsCString(frame.get());
+ return value_string;
+SBValue::SetValueFromCString (const SBFrame &frame, const char *value_str)
+ bool success = false;
+ if (IsValid())
+ success = m_lldb_object_sp->SetValueFromCString (frame.get(), value_str);
+ return success;
+SBValue::GetChildAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP child_sp;
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ child_sp = m_lldb_object_sp->GetChildAtIndex (idx, true);
+ }
+ SBValue sb_value (child_sp);
+ return sb_value;
+SBValue::GetIndexOfChildWithName (const char *name)
+ if (IsValid())
+ return m_lldb_object_sp->GetIndexOfChildWithName (ConstString(name));
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+SBValue::GetChildMemberWithName (const char *name)
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP child_sp;
+ const ConstString str_name (name);
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ child_sp = m_lldb_object_sp->GetChildMemberWithName (str_name, true);
+ }
+ SBValue sb_value (child_sp);
+ return sb_value;
+SBValue::GetNumChildren ()
+ uint32_t num_children = 0;
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ num_children = m_lldb_object_sp->GetNumChildren();
+ }
+ return num_children;
+SBValue::ValueIsStale ()
+ bool result = true;
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ result = m_lldb_object_sp->GetValueIsValid();
+ }
+ return result;
+SBValue::Dereference ()
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ if (m_lldb_object_sp->IsPointerType())
+ {
+ return GetChildAtIndex(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+SBValue::TypeIsPtrType ()
+ bool is_ptr_type = false;
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ is_ptr_type = m_lldb_object_sp->IsPointerType();
+ }
+ return is_ptr_type;
+SBValue::GetCurrentExecutionContext ()
+ lldb_private::Process *process = NULL;
+ lldb_private::Thread *thread = NULL;
+ lldb_private::StackFrame *frame = NULL;
+ SBTarget sb_target = SBDebugger::GetCurrentTarget();
+ if (sb_target.IsValid())
+ {
+ SBProcess sb_process = sb_target.GetProcess();
+ if (sb_process.IsValid())
+ {
+ process = sb_process.get();
+ SBThread sb_thread = sb_process.GetCurrentThread();
+ if (sb_thread.IsValid())
+ {
+ thread = sb_thread.GetLLDBObjectPtr();
+ frame = thread->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get();
+ lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_context (process, thread, frame);
+ return exe_context;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_context (process, NULL, NULL);
+ return exe_context;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_context (NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return exe_context;
+void *
+ if (m_lldb_object_sp)
+ return m_lldb_object_sp->GetOpaqueClangQualType();
+ return NULL;
+// Mimic shared pointer...
+lldb_private::ValueObject *
+SBValue::get() const
+ return m_lldb_object_sp.get();
+lldb_private::ValueObject *
+SBValue::operator->() const
+ return m_lldb_object_sp.get();
+lldb::ValueObjectSP &
+ return m_lldb_object_sp;
+const lldb::ValueObjectSP &
+SBValue::operator*() const
+ return m_lldb_object_sp;
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