path: root/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/
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Diffstat (limited to 'debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/')
1 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/ b/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..205b767a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# DExTer : Debugging Experience Tester
+# ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~
+# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# See for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+"""Calculate a 'score' based on some dextIR.
+Assign penalties based on different commands to decrease the score.
+1.000 would be a perfect score.
+0.000 is the worst theoretical score possible.
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, Counter
+import difflib
+import os
+from itertools import groupby
+from dex.command.StepValueInfo import StepValueInfo
+PenaltyCommand = namedtuple('PenaltyCommand', ['pen_dict', 'max_penalty'])
+# 'meta' field used in different ways by different things
+PenaltyInstance = namedtuple('PenaltyInstance', ['meta', 'the_penalty'])
+def add_heuristic_tool_arguments(parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-variable-optimized',
+ type=int,
+ default=3,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each'
+ ' occurrence of a variable that was optimized'
+ ' away',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-misordered-values',
+ type=int,
+ default=3,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each'
+ ' occurrence of a misordered value.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-irretrievable',
+ type=int,
+ default=4,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each'
+ " occurrence of a variable that couldn't"
+ ' be retrieved',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-not-evaluatable',
+ type=int,
+ default=5,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each'
+ " occurrence of a variable that couldn't"
+ ' be evaluated',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-missing-values',
+ type=int,
+ default=6,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each missing'
+ ' value',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-incorrect-values',
+ type=int,
+ default=7,
+ help='set the penalty multiplier for each'
+ ' occurrence of an unexpected value.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-unreachable',
+ type=int,
+ default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random
+ help='set the penalty for each line stepped onto that should'
+ ' have been unreachable.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-misordered-steps',
+ type=int,
+ default=2, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random
+ help='set the penalty for differences in the order of steps'
+ ' the program was expected to observe.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-missing-step',
+ type=int,
+ default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random
+ help='set the penalty for the program skipping over a step.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--penalty-incorrect-program-state',
+ type=int,
+ default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random
+ help='set the penalty for the program never entering an expected state'
+ ' or entering an unexpected state.',
+ metavar='<int>')
+class Heuristic(object):
+ def __init__(self, context, steps):
+ self.context = context
+ self.penalties = {}
+ worst_penalty = max([
+ self.penalty_variable_optimized, self.penalty_irretrievable,
+ self.penalty_not_evaluatable, self.penalty_incorrect_values,
+ self.penalty_missing_values, self.penalty_unreachable,
+ self.penalty_missing_step, self.penalty_misordered_steps
+ ])
+ # Get DexExpectWatchType results.
+ try:
+ for command in steps.commands['DexExpectWatchType']:
+ command.eval(steps)
+ maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len(
+ command.values)) * worst_penalty
+ name, p = self._calculate_expect_watch_penalties(
+ command, maximum_possible_penalty)
+ name = name + ' ExpectType'
+ self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p,
+ maximum_possible_penalty)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # Get DexExpectWatchValue results.
+ try:
+ for command in steps.commands['DexExpectWatchValue']:
+ command.eval(steps)
+ maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len(
+ command.values)) * worst_penalty
+ name, p = self._calculate_expect_watch_penalties(
+ command, maximum_possible_penalty)
+ name = name + ' ExpectValue'
+ self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p,
+ maximum_possible_penalty)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ penalties = defaultdict(list)
+ maximum_possible_penalty_all = 0
+ for expect_state in steps.commands['DexExpectProgramState']:
+ success = expect_state.eval(steps)
+ p = 0 if success else self.penalty_incorrect_program_state
+ meta = 'expected {}: {}'.format(
+ '{} times'.format(expect_state.times)
+ if expect_state.times >= 0 else 'at least once',
+ expect_state.program_state_text)
+ if success:
+ meta = '<g>{}</>'.format(meta)
+ maximum_possible_penalty = self.penalty_incorrect_program_state
+ maximum_possible_penalty_all += maximum_possible_penalty
+ name = expect_state.program_state_text
+ penalties[meta] = [PenaltyInstance('{} times'.format(
+ len(expect_state.encounters)), p)]
+ self.penalties['expected program states'] = PenaltyCommand(
+ penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # Get the total number of each step kind.
+ step_kind_counts = defaultdict(int)
+ for step in getattr(steps, 'steps'):
+ step_kind_counts[step.step_kind] += 1
+ # Get DexExpectStepKind results.
+ penalties = defaultdict(list)
+ maximum_possible_penalty_all = 0
+ try:
+ for command in steps.commands['DexExpectStepKind']:
+ command.eval()
+ # Cap the penalty at 2 * expected count or else 1
+ maximum_possible_penalty = max(command.count * 2, 1)
+ p = abs(command.count - step_kind_counts[])
+ actual_penalty = min(p, maximum_possible_penalty)
+ key = ('{}'.format(
+ if actual_penalty else '<g>{}</>'.format(
+ penalties[key] = [PenaltyInstance(p, actual_penalty)]
+ maximum_possible_penalty_all += maximum_possible_penalty
+ self.penalties['step kind differences'] = PenaltyCommand(
+ penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if 'DexUnreachable' in steps.commands:
+ cmds = steps.commands['DexUnreachable']
+ unreach_count = 0
+ # Find steps with unreachable in them
+ ureachs = [
+ s for s in steps.steps if 'DexUnreachable' in
+ ]
+ # There's no need to match up cmds with the actual watches
+ upen = self.penalty_unreachable
+ count = upen * len(ureachs)
+ if count != 0:
+ d = dict()
+ for x in ureachs:
+ msg = 'line {} reached'.format(x.current_location.lineno)
+ d[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(upen, upen)]
+ else:
+ d = {
+ '<g>No unreachable lines seen</>': [PenaltyInstance(0, 0)]
+ }
+ total = PenaltyCommand(d, len(cmds) * upen)
+ self.penalties['unreachable lines'] = total
+ if 'DexExpectStepOrder' in steps.commands:
+ cmds = steps.commands['DexExpectStepOrder']
+ # Form a list of which line/cmd we _should_ have seen
+ cmd_num_lst = [(x, c.lineno) for c in cmds
+ for x in c.sequence]
+ # Order them by the sequence number
+ cmd_num_lst.sort(key=lambda t: t[0])
+ # Strip out sequence key
+ cmd_num_lst = [y for x, y in cmd_num_lst]
+ # Now do the same, but for the actually observed lines/cmds
+ ss = steps.steps
+ deso = [s for s in ss if 'DexExpectStepOrder' in]
+ deso = [['DexExpectStepOrder'] for s in deso]
+ # We rely on the steps remaining in order here
+ order_list = [int(x.expression) for x in deso]
+ # First off, check to see whether or not there are missing items
+ expected = Counter(cmd_num_lst)
+ seen = Counter(order_list)
+ unseen_line_dict = dict()
+ skipped_line_dict = dict()
+ mispen = self.penalty_missing_step
+ num_missing = 0
+ num_repeats = 0
+ for k, v in expected.items():
+ if k not in seen:
+ msg = 'Line {} not seen'.format(k)
+ unseen_line_dict[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(mispen, mispen)]
+ num_missing += v
+ elif v > seen[k]:
+ msg = 'Line {} skipped at least once'.format(k)
+ skipped_line_dict[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(mispen, mispen)]
+ num_missing += v - seen[k]
+ elif v < seen[k]:
+ # Don't penalise unexpected extra sightings of a line
+ # for now
+ num_repeats = seen[k] - v
+ pass
+ if len(unseen_line_dict) == 0:
+ pi = PenaltyInstance(0, 0)
+ unseen_line_dict['<g>All lines were seen</>'] = [pi]
+ if len(skipped_line_dict) == 0:
+ pi = PenaltyInstance(0, 0)
+ skipped_line_dict['<g>No lines were skipped</>'] = [pi]
+ total = PenaltyCommand(unseen_line_dict, len(expected) * mispen)
+ self.penalties['Unseen lines'] = total
+ total = PenaltyCommand(skipped_line_dict, len(expected) * mispen)
+ self.penalties['Skipped lines'] = total
+ ordpen = self.penalty_misordered_steps
+ cmd_num_lst = [str(x) for x in cmd_num_lst]
+ order_list = [str(x) for x in order_list]
+ lst = list(difflib.Differ().compare(cmd_num_lst, order_list))
+ diff_detail = Counter(l[0] for l in lst)
+ assert '?' not in diff_detail
+ # Diffs are hard to interpret; there are many algorithms for
+ # condensing them. Ignore all that, and just print out the changed
+ # sequences, it's up to the user to interpret what's going on.
+ def filt_lines(s, seg, e, key):
+ lst = [s]
+ for x in seg:
+ if x[0] == key:
+ lst.append(int(x[2:]))
+ lst.append(e)
+ return lst
+ diff_msgs = dict()
+ def reportdiff(start_idx, segment, end_idx):
+ msg = 'Order mismatch, expected linenos {}, saw {}'
+ expected_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, '-')
+ seen_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, '+')
+ msg = msg.format(expected_linenos, seen_linenos)
+ diff_msgs[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(ordpen, ordpen)]
+ # Group by changed segments.
+ start_expt_step = 0
+ end_expt_step = 0
+ to_print_lst = []
+ for k, subit in groupby(lst, lambda x: x[0] == ' '):
+ if k: # Whitespace group
+ nochanged = [x for x in subit]
+ end_expt_step = int(nochanged[0][2:])
+ if len(to_print_lst) > 0:
+ reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst,
+ end_expt_step)
+ start_expt_step = int(nochanged[-1][2:])
+ to_print_lst = []
+ else: # Diff group, save for printing
+ to_print_lst = [x for x in subit]
+ # If there was a dangling different step, print that too.
+ if len(to_print_lst) > 0:
+ reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst, '[End]')
+ if len(diff_msgs) == 0:
+ diff_msgs['<g>No lines misordered</>'] = [
+ PenaltyInstance(0, 0)
+ ]
+ total = PenaltyCommand(diff_msgs, len(cmd_num_lst) * ordpen)
+ self.penalties['Misordered lines'] = total
+ return
+ def _calculate_expect_watch_penalties(self, c, maximum_possible_penalty):
+ penalties = defaultdict(list)
+ if c.line_range[0] == c.line_range[-1]:
+ line_range = str(c.line_range[0])
+ else:
+ line_range = '{}-{}'.format(c.line_range[0], c.line_range[-1])
+ name = '{}:{} [{}]'.format(
+ os.path.basename(c.path), line_range, c.expression)
+ num_actual_watches = len(c.expected_watches) + len(
+ c.unexpected_watches)
+ penalty_available = maximum_possible_penalty
+ # Only penalize for missing values if we have actually seen a watch
+ # that's returned us an actual value at some point, or if we've not
+ # encountered the value at all.
+ if num_actual_watches or c.times_encountered == 0:
+ for v in c.missing_values:
+ current_penalty = min(penalty_available,
+ self.penalty_missing_values)
+ penalty_available -= current_penalty
+ penalties['missing values'].append(
+ PenaltyInstance(v, current_penalty))
+ for v in c.encountered_values:
+ penalties['<g>expected encountered watches</>'].append(
+ PenaltyInstance(v, 0))
+ penalty_descriptions = [
+ (self.penalty_not_evaluatable, c.invalid_watches,
+ 'could not evaluate'),
+ (self.penalty_variable_optimized, c.optimized_out_watches,
+ 'result optimized away'),
+ (self.penalty_misordered_values, c.misordered_watches,
+ 'misordered result'),
+ (self.penalty_irretrievable, c.irretrievable_watches,
+ 'result could not be retrieved'),
+ (self.penalty_incorrect_values, c.unexpected_watches,
+ 'unexpected result'),
+ ]
+ for penalty_score, watches, description in penalty_descriptions:
+ # We only penalize the encountered issue for each missing value per
+ # command but we still want to record each one, so set the penalty
+ # to 0 after the threshold is passed.
+ times_to_penalize = len(c.missing_values)
+ for w in watches:
+ times_to_penalize -= 1
+ penalty_score = min(penalty_available, penalty_score)
+ penalty_available -= penalty_score
+ penalties[description].append(
+ PenaltyInstance(w, penalty_score))
+ if not times_to_penalize:
+ penalty_score = 0
+ return name, penalties
+ @property
+ def penalty(self):
+ result = 0
+ maximum_allowed_penalty = 0
+ for name, pen_cmd in self.penalties.items():
+ maximum_allowed_penalty += pen_cmd.max_penalty
+ value = pen_cmd.pen_dict
+ for category, inst_list in value.items():
+ result += sum(x.the_penalty for x in inst_list)
+ return min(result, maximum_allowed_penalty)
+ @property
+ def max_penalty(self):
+ return sum(p_cat.max_penalty for p_cat in self.penalties.values())
+ @property
+ def score(self):
+ try:
+ return 1.0 - (self.penalty / float(self.max_penalty))
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return float('nan')
+ @property
+ def summary_string(self):
+ score = self.score
+ isnan = score != score # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
+ color = 'g'
+ if score < 0.25 or isnan:
+ color = 'r'
+ elif score < 0.75:
+ color = 'y'
+ return '<{}>({:.4f})</>'.format(color, score)
+ @property
+ def verbose_output(self): # noqa
+ string = ''
+ string += ('\n')
+ for command in sorted(self.penalties):
+ pen_cmd = self.penalties[command]
+ maximum_possible_penalty = pen_cmd.max_penalty
+ total_penalty = 0
+ lines = []
+ for category in sorted(pen_cmd.pen_dict):
+ lines.append(' <r>{}</>:\n'.format(category))
+ for result, penalty in pen_cmd.pen_dict[category]:
+ if isinstance(result, StepValueInfo):
+ text = 'step {}'.format(result.step_index)
+ if result.expected_value:
+ text += ' ({})'.format(result.expected_value)
+ else:
+ text = str(result)
+ if penalty:
+ assert penalty > 0, penalty
+ total_penalty += penalty
+ text += ' <r>[-{}]</>'.format(penalty)
+ lines.append(' {}\n'.format(text))
+ lines.append('\n')
+ string += (' <b>{}</> <y>[{}/{}]</>\n'.format(
+ command, total_penalty, maximum_possible_penalty))
+ for line in lines:
+ string += (line)
+ string += ('\n')
+ return string
+ @property
+ def penalty_variable_optimized(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_variable_optimized
+ @property
+ def penalty_irretrievable(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_irretrievable
+ @property
+ def penalty_not_evaluatable(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_not_evaluatable
+ @property
+ def penalty_incorrect_values(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_incorrect_values
+ @property
+ def penalty_missing_values(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_missing_values
+ @property
+ def penalty_misordered_values(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_misordered_values
+ @property
+ def penalty_unreachable(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_unreachable
+ @property
+ def penalty_missing_step(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_missing_step
+ @property
+ def penalty_misordered_steps(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_misordered_steps
+ @property
+ def penalty_incorrect_program_state(self):
+ return self.context.options.penalty_incorrect_program_state
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