#!/usr/bin/env python # Created 01/26/15 by Jason Albert # Program to create VPD images from input template files # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2010,2014 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG ############################################################ # Imports - Imports - Imports - Imports - Imports - Imports ############################################################ import os # Get the path the script resides in scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) import sys sys.path.insert(0,scriptPath + "/pymod"); import out import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import struct import re import argparse import textwrap ############################################################ # Classes - Classes - Classes - Classes - Classes - Classes ############################################################ class RecordInfo: """Stores the info about each vpd record""" def __init__(self): # The packed record in memory self.record = bytearray() # The packed ecc in memory self.ecc = bytearray() # The name of the record where the toc entry is located self.tocName = None # The location of the Record Offset in toc record self.tocRecordOffset = None # The location of the Record Length in toc record self.tocRecordLength = None # The location of the ECC Offset in toc record self.tocEccOffset = None # The location of the ECC Length in toc record self.tocEccLength = None ############################################################ # Function - Functions - Functions - Functions - Functions ############################################################ # Find file in a given path or paths # searchPath comes from the --inpath option def findFile(filename, searchPath): found = False paths = searchPath.split(os.path.pathsep) for path in paths: #print("Trying %s" % (os.path.join(path,filename))) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): found = 1 break if found: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, filename)) else: return None # Function to write out the resultant tvpd xml file def writeTvpd(manifest, outputFile): tree = ET.ElementTree(manifest) tree.write(outputFile, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) return None # Parses a tvpd file using ET. That will generate errors for bad xml formatting # The valid XML is then checked to make sure the required tags are found at each level def parseTvpd(tvpdFile, topLevel): # Accumulate errors and return the total at the end # This allows the user to see all mistakes at once instead of iteratively running errorsFound = 0 # Let the user know what file we are reading # We could make this optional with a new function param in the future out.msg("Parsing tvpd %s" % tvpdFile) # Read in the file # If there are tag mismatch errors or other general gross format problems, it will get caught here # Once we return from this function, then we'll check to make sure only supported tags were given, etc.. tvpdRoot = ET.parse(tvpdFile).getroot() # Print the top level tags from the parsing if (clDebug): out.debug("Top level tag/attrib found") for child in tvpdRoot: out.debug("%s %s" % (child.tag, child.attrib)) # Do some basic error checking of what we've read in # Make sure the root starts with the vpd tag # If it doesn't, it's not worth syntax checking any further # This is the only time we'll just bail instead of accumulating if (tvpdRoot.tag != "vpd"): out.error("%s does not start with a tag. No further checking will be done until fixed!" % tvpdFile) return(1, None) # We at least have a proper top level vpd tag, so loop thru the rest of the levels and check for any unknown tags # This will also be a good place to check for the required tags # Define the expected tags at this level vpdTags = {"name" : 0, "size" : 0, "VD" : 0, "record" : 0} # Go thru the tags at this level for vpd in tvpdRoot: # See if this is a tag we even expect if vpd.tag not in vpdTags: out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the level" % vpd.tag) errorsFound+=1 # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is continue # It was a supported tag else: vpdTags[vpd.tag]+=1 # Do the record level checks if (vpd.tag == "record"): # Define the expected tags at this level recordTags = {"rdesc" : 0, "keyword" : 0, "rtvpdfile" : 0, "rbinfile" : 0} # Make sure the record has a name attrib, save for later use recordName = vpd.attrib.get("name") if (recordName == None): out.error("A tag is missing the name attribute") errorsFound+=1 recordName = "INVALID" # Set the invalid name so the code below can use it without issue # Loop thru the tags defined for this record for record in vpd: # See if this is a tag we even expect if record.tag not in recordTags: out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the level for record %s" % (record.tag, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is continue # It was a supported tag else: recordTags[record.tag]+=1 # Do the keyword level checks if (record.tag == "keyword"): # Define the expected tags at this level keywordTags = {"kwdesc" : 0, "kwformat" : 0, "kwlen" : 0, "kwdata" : 0} # Make sure the keyword has a name attrib, save for later use keywordName = record.attrib.get("name") if (keywordName == None): out.error(" tag in record %s is missing the name attribute" % (recordName)) errorsFound+=1 keywordName = "INVALID" # Set the invalid name so the code below can use it without issue # Loop thru the tags defined for this keyword for keyword in record: # See if this is a tag we even expect if keyword.tag not in keywordTags: out.error("Unsupported tag <%s> found while parsing the level for keyword %s in record %s" % (keyword.tag, keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # We continue here because we don't want to parse down this hierarcy path when we don't know what it is continue # It was a supported tag else: keywordTags[keyword.tag] +=1 # We've checked for unknown keyword tags, now make sure we have the right number of each # This is a simple one, we can only have 1 of each for tag in keywordTags: if (keywordTags[tag] != 1): out.error("The tag <%s> was expected to have a count of 1, but was found with a count of %d for keyword %s in record %s" % (tag, keywordTags[tag], keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # We've checked for unknown record tags, now make sure we've got the right number, they don't conflict, etc.. recordTagTotal = bool(recordTags["keyword"]) + bool(recordTags["rbinfile"]) + bool(recordTags["rtvpdfile"]) # keyword, rbinfile and rtvpdfile are mutually exclusive. Make sure we have only one if (recordTagTotal > 1): out.error("For record %s, more than one tag of type keyword, rbinfile or rtvpdfile was given!" % (recordName)) out.error("Use of only 1 at a time is supported for a given record!") errorsFound+=1 # We checked if we had more than 1, let's make sure we have at least 1 if (recordTagTotal < 1): out.error("For record %s, 0 tags of type keyword, rbinfile or rtvpdfile were given!" % (recordName)) out.error("1 tag of the 3 must be in use for the record to be valid!") errorsFound+=1 # Make sure the rdesc is available if (recordTags["keyword"] and recordTags["rdesc"] != 1): out.error("The tag was expected to have a count of 1, but was found with a count of %d for record %s" % (recordTags["rdesc"], recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # Do some checking of what we found at the vpd level # Top level is the manifest passed in on the command line # When false, it's just a record description and doesn't require the high level descriptors if (topLevel == True): comparer = 1 else: comparer = 0 # Don't go thru all of them, "record" has special handling below for tag in ["name", "size", "VD"]: if (vpdTags[tag] != comparer): out.error("The tag <%s> was expected to have a count of %d, but was found with a count of %d" % (tag, comparer, vpdTags[tag])) errorsFound+=1 # Make sure at least one record tag was found if (vpdTags["record"] == 0): out.error("At least one must be defined for the file to be valid!") errorsFound+=1 # If this is an included tvpd, it can only have 1 record in it # This check is just by convention. If a compelling case to change it was provided, it could be done if (topLevel == False): if (vpdTags["record"] > 1): out.error("More than 1 record entry found in %s. Only 1 record is allowed!" % (tvpdFile)) errorsFound+=1 ###### # All done, vary our return based upon the errorsFound if (errorsFound): return (errorsFound, None) else: return(0, tvpdRoot) # Function to write properly packed/encoded data to the vpdFile def writeDataToVPD(vpdFile, data, offset = None): rc = 0 # If the user gave an offset, save the current offset and seek to the new one entryOffset = None if (offset != None): entryOffset = vpdFile.tell() vpdFile.seekg(offset) # Write the data vpdFile.write(data) # Restore the offset to original location if given if (offset != None): vpdFile.seekg(entryOffset) return rc # Turn the tvpd keyword data into packed binary data we can write to the file def packKeyword(keyword, length, data, format): # We'll return a bytearray of the packed data keywordPack = bytearray() # Write the keyword keywordPack += bytearray(keyword.encode()) # Write the length # The < at the front says to pack it little endian if (keyword[0] == "#"): # Keywords that start with pound have a 2 byte length # H is 2 bytes keywordPack += struct.pack(" 40, so now we just need to fill to nearest word pfLength = (4 - (len(record) % 4)) return pfLength ############################################################ # Main - Main - Main - Main - Main - Main - Main - Main ############################################################ rc = 0 # We could possibly run in two different modes # 1) manifest mode - the user passes in one xml file that gives all the required input args # 2) cmdline mode - the user passes in multiple command line args that recreate what would be in the manifest # 1 is the easiest option to start with, and maybe all that is needed. We start with manifest mode! ################################################ # Command line options # Create the argparser object # We disable auto help options here and add them manually below. This is we can get all the optional args in 1 group parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The VPD image creation tool', add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=textwrap.dedent('''\ Examples: ./createVpd.py -m examples/simple/simple.tvpd -o /tmp ./createVpd.py -m examples/rbinfile/rbinfile.tvpd -i examples/rbinfile -o /tmp ''')) # Create our group of required command line args reqgroup = parser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments') reqgroup.add_argument('-m', '--manifest', help='The input file detailing all the records and keywords to be in the image', required=True) reqgroup.add_argument('-o', '--outpath', help='The output path for the files created by the tool', required=True) # Create our group of optional command line args optgroup = parser.add_argument_group('Optional Arguments') optgroup.add_argument('-h', '--help', help="Show this help message and exit", action="store_true") optgroup.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help="Enables debug printing",action="store_true") optgroup.add_argument('-r', '--binary-records', help="Create binary files for each record in the template",action="store_true") optgroup.add_argument('-k', '--binary-keywords', help="Create binary files for each keyword in the template",action="store_true") optgroup.add_argument('-i', '--inpath', help="The search path to use for the files referenced in the manifest") # We've got everything we want loaded up, now look for it args = parser.parse_args() # Because we had to monkey with the groups above, we disabled the built in help handling so that all optional args were grouped together # So, if help was given, check that first then call it and bail if (args.help): parser.print_help() exit(0) # Get the manifest file and get this party started clManifestFile = args.manifest # Look for output path clOutputPath = args.outpath # Make sure the path exists, we aren't going to create it if (os.path.exists(clOutputPath) != True): out.error("The given output path %s does not exist!" % clOutputPath) out.error("Please create the output directory and run again") exit(1) # Look for input path clInputPath = args.inpath # Make sure the path exists if (clInputPath != None): # Add the CWD onto the path so the local directory is always looked at clInputPath += ":." else: # Set it the CWD since it will be used throughout the program and having it set to None breaks things clInputPath = "." # Debug printing clDebug = args.debug # Create separate binary files for each record clBinaryRecords = args.binary_records # Create separate binary files for each keyword clBinaryKeywords = args.binary_keywords # We are going to do this in 3 stages # 1 - Read in the manifest and any other referenced files. This will create a complete XML description of the VPD # We will also check to make sure that all required tags are given and no extra tags exist # 2 - Parse thru the tvpd description and make sure the data with in the tags is valid. This is checks like data not greater than length, etc.. # 3 - With the XML and contents verified correct, loop thru it again and write out the VPD data # Note: Looping thru the XML twice between stage 1 and 2 makes it easier to surface multiple errors to the user at once. # If we were trying to both validate the xml and data at once, it would be harder to continue and gather multiple errors like we do now ################################################ # Work with the manifest out.setIndent(0) out.msg("==== Stage 1: Parsing tvpd XML") out.setIndent(2) errorsFound = 0 # Get the full path to the file given manifestfile = findFile(clManifestFile, clInputPath) if (manifestfile == None): out.error("The manifest file %s could not be found! Please check your -m or -i cmdline options for typos" % (clManifestFile)) exit(1) # Read in the manifest (rc, manifest) = parseTvpd(manifestfile, True) if (rc): out.error("Problem reading in the manifest! - %s" % manifestfile) exit(rc) # Stash away some variables for use later vpdName = manifest.find("name").text # If the user passed in the special name of FILENAME, we'll use in the input file name, minus the extension, as the output if (vpdName == "FILENAME"): vpdName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clManifestFile))[0] # Determining the size given vpdSize = manifest.find("size").text # Make a new string with only the number maxSizeBytes = re.match('[0-9]*', vpdSize).group() # Check to see if the number is even there if (maxSizeBytes == ''): maxSizeBytes = '0' out.error("No number detected in the size string. Format of string must be number first, then units, e.g. 16KB. Remove any characters or white space from in front of the number.") errorsFound+=1 # Make a new string with the number removed sizeUnits = vpdSize[len(maxSizeBytes):] # Remove a space, if one was inserted between the number and units whitespace = re.match(' *', sizeUnits).group() sizeUnits = sizeUnits[len(whitespace):] # Check the units to see if they are okay if (sizeUnits == "kB" or sizeUnits == "kb" or sizeUnits == "Kb" or sizeUnits == "KB"): maxSizeBytes = int(maxSizeBytes) * 1024 elif (sizeUnits == "b" or sizeUnits == "B"): maxSizeBytes = int(maxSizeBytes) elif (sizeUnits == "Mb" or sizeUnits == "MB"): maxSizeBytes = int(maxSizeBytes) * 1024 * 1024 elif (sizeUnits == ""): out.error("Please specify units at the end of the size string. Acceptable units: B; KB; MB.") errorsFound+=1 else: out.error("Unexpected units in the size string. Expected: B; KB; MB. Yours: %s" % sizeUnits) errorsFound+=1 # Look for rtvpdfile lines for record in manifest.iter("record"): recordName = record.attrib.get("name") # See if a rtvpdfile was given and if so, load it in rtvpdfile = record.find("rtvpdfile") if (rtvpdfile != None): # Get the full path to the file given fileName = findFile(rtvpdfile.text, clInputPath) if (fileName == None): out.error("The rtvpdfile %s could not be found! Please check your tvpd or input path" % (rtvpdfile.text)) errorsFound+=1 break # Read in the rtvpdfile since it exists (rc, recordTvpd) = parseTvpd(fileName, False) if (rc): out.error("Error occurred reading in %s" % fileName) errorsFound+=1 break # Merge the new record into the main manifest # ET doesn't have a replace function. You can do an extend/remove, but that changes the order of the file # The goal is to preserve record & keyword order, so that method doesn't work # The below code will insert the rtvpdfile record in the list above the current matching record definition # Then remove the original record definition, preserving order # Since the referenced file also starts with tag, you need to get one level down and find the start of the record element, hence the find # We know this will contain a record because the parse validates that. No need to check for find errors. subRecord = recordTvpd.find("record") # -------- # Make sure the record found in rtvpdfile is the same as the record in the manifiest # We have to do this error check here because the recordName doesn't exist in parseTvpd subRecordName = subRecord.attrib.get("name") if (subRecordName != recordName): out.error("The record (%s) found in %s doesn't match the record name in the manifest (%s)" % (subRecordName, rtvpd.text, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 break # Everything looks good, insert/remove manifest.insert(list(manifest).index(record), subRecord) manifest.remove(record) # All done with error checks, bailout if we hit something if (errorsFound): out.msg("") out.error("%d error%s found in the tvpd xml. Please review the above errors and correct them." % (errorsFound, "s" if (errorsFound > 1) else "")) exit(errorsFound) ################################################ # Verify the tvpd XML # read thru the complete tvpd and verify/check actual tag contents out.setIndent(0) out.msg("==== Stage 2: Verifying tvpd syntax") out.setIndent(2) errorsFound = 0 # Keep a dictionary of the record names we come across, will let us find duplicates recordNames = dict() # Loop thru our records and then thru the keywords in each record for record in manifest.iter("record"): # Pull the record name out for use throughout recordName = record.attrib.get("name") out.msg("Checking record %s" % recordName) out.setIndent(4) # -------- # Make sure we aren't finding a record we haven't already seen if (recordName in recordNames): out.error("The record \"%s\" has previously been defined in the tvpd" % recordName) errorsFound+=1 else: recordNames[recordName] = 1 # -------- # Make sure the record name is 4 charaters long if (len(recordName) != 4): out.error("The record name entry \"%s\" is not 4 characters long" % recordName) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # Do very basic checking on the rbinfile if found # It is assumed that this file was generated by this tool at an earlier date, so it should be format correct # We'll simply ensure it is actually a record that goes with this record name if (record.find("rbinfile") != None): # Get the name rbinfile = record.find("rbinfile").text # Get the full path to the file given rbinfile = findFile(rbinfile, clInputPath) if (rbinfile == None): out.error("The rbinfile %s could not be found! Please check your tvpd or input path" % (rbinfile)) errorsFound+=1 break # It does, read it in so we can check the record name out.msg("Reading rbinfile %s" % (rbinfile)) rbinfileContents = open(rbinfile, mode='rb').read() # -------- # Check the record name # This is just the hard coded offset into any record where the contents of the RT keyword would be found if (recordName != rbinfileContents[6:10].decode()): out.error("The record name found %s in %s, does not match the name of the record %s in the tvpd" % (rbinfileContents[6:10].decode(), rbinfile, recordName)) clErrors+=1 # -------- # For the keyword tags we'll do much more extensive checking if (record.find("keyword") != None): # Track the keywords we come across so we can find duplicate keywordNames = dict() # Loop through the keywords and verify them for keyword in record.iter("keyword"): # Pull the keyword name out for use throughout keywordName = keyword.attrib.get("name") # Setup a dictionary of the supported tags kwTags = {"keyword" : False, "kwdesc" : False, "kwformat" : False, "kwlen" : False, "kwdata" : False} # -------- # Make sure we aren't finding a record we haven't already seen if (keywordName in keywordNames): out.error("The keyword \"%s\" has previously been defined in record %s" % (keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 else: keywordNames[keywordName] = 1 # -------- # We'll loop through all the tags found in this keyword and check for all required and any extra ones for kw in keyword.iter(): if kw.tag in kwTags: # Mark that we found a required tag kwTags[kw.tag] = True # Save the values we'll need into variables for ease of use if (kw.tag == "kwformat"): kwformat = kw.text.lower() # lower() for ease of compare if (kw.tag == "kwlen"): kwlen = int(kw.text) if (kw.tag == "kwdata"): kwdata = kw.text else: # Flag that we found an unsupported tag. This may help catch typos, etc.. out.error("The unsupported tag \"<%s>\" was found in keyword %s in record %s" % (kw.tag, keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # Make sure all the required kwTags were found for kw in kwTags: if (kwTags[kw] == False): out.error("Required tag \"<%s>\" was not found in keyword %s in record %s" % (kw, keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # Now we know the basics of the template are correct, now do more indepth checking of length, etc.. # -------- # Make sure the keyword is two characters long if (len(keywordName) != 2): out.error("The length of the keyword %s in record %s is not 2 characters long" % (keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # A check to make sure the RT keyword kwdata matches the name of the record we are in if ((keywordName == "RT") and (recordName != kwdata)): out.error("The value of the RT keyword \"%s\" does not match the record name \"%s\"" % (kwdata, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # Check that the length specified isn't longer than the keyword supports # Keywords that start with # are 2 bytes, others are 1 byte if (keywordName[0] == "#"): maxlen = 65535 else: maxlen = 255 if (kwlen > maxlen): out.error("The specified length %d is bigger than the max length %d for keyword %s in record %s" % (kwlen, maxlen, keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # If the input format is bin, make sure the file exists and then read in the data if (kwformat == "bin"): # Get the full path to the file given databinfile = findFile(kwdata, clInputPath) if (databinfile == None): out.error("The databinfile %s could not be found! Please check your tvpd or input path" % (kwdata)) errorsFound+=1 break # It does, read it in so we can check the record name # We'll replace the kwdata with the actual data instead of the file name for the rest of the checks kwdata = open(databinfile, mode='rb').read() # -------- # If the input format is hex, make sure the input data is hex only if (kwformat == "hex"): # Remove white space and carriage returns from the kwdata kwdata = kwdata.replace(" ","") kwdata = kwdata.replace("\n","") # Now look to see if there are any characters other than 0-9 & a-f match = re.search("([^0-9a-fA-F]+)", kwdata) if (match): out.error("A non hex character \"%s\" was found at %s in the kwdata for keyword %s in record %s" % (match.group(), match.span(), keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # -------- # Verify that the data isn't longer than the length given # Future checks could include making sure hex data is hex if (kwformat == "ascii" or kwformat == "bin"): if (len(kwdata) > kwlen): out.error("The length of the value is longer than the given for keyword %s in record %s" % (keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 elif (kwformat == "hex"): # Convert hex nibbles to bytes for len compare if ((len(kwdata)/2) > kwlen): out.error("The length of the value is longer than the given for keyword %s in record %s" % (keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 else: out.error("Unknown keyword format \"%s\" given for keyword %s in record %s" % (kwformat, keywordName, recordName)) errorsFound+=1 # Done with the record, reset the output out.setIndent(2) # All done with error checks, bailout if we hit something if (errorsFound): out.msg("") out.error("%d error%s found in the tvpd data. Please review the above errors and correct them." % (errorsFound, "s" if (errorsFound > 1) else "")) tvpdFileName = clOutputPath + "/" + vpdName + "-err.tvpd" writeTvpd(manifest, tvpdFileName) out.msg("Wrote tvpd file to help in debug: %s" % tvpdFileName) exit(errorsFound) # We now have a correct tvpd, use it to create a binary VPD image out.setIndent(0) out.msg("==== Stage 3: Creating binary VPD image") out.setIndent(2) # Create our output file names tvpdFileName = clOutputPath + "/" + vpdName + ".tvpd" vpdFileName = clOutputPath + "/" + vpdName + ".vpd" # This is our easy one, write the XML back out # Write out the full template vpd representing the data contained in our image writeTvpd(manifest, tvpdFileName) out.msg("Wrote tvpd file: %s" % tvpdFileName) # Now the hard part, write out the binary file # Open up our file to write vpdFile = open(vpdFileName, "wb") # Process for creating the binary file # There are 2 ways the file could be created # 1 - write the data to file on disk as the records are created # 2 - write the data to memory and then write the complete image at the end # Option 2 was selected for a few reasons # - This isn't a large amount of data where flushing to disk as we went along would help performance # - When the TOC entries are created, we don't know the offset/length to provide. This has to be updated later # By keeping the records in memory, it's marginally easier to update the TOC info since you don't have to manage file position # - While ECC isn't supported now, if it is needed in the future, the entire record will be available in memory for the algoritm # If writing to the file was done, the data would have to be read back and sent to the ECC algorithm # # The rest of this process is pretty straight forward. There are some helper functions implemented at the top of the file # The most difficult piece is tracking the total image size and managing the TOC offset locations so they can be later updated # Our dictionary of all the records we've created in memory, along with info like TOC offsets recordInfo = dict() # Track total image size as the various records are created imageSize = 0 # The VHDR and VTOC are created by the tool based upon the info in the tvpd # The rest of the records are derived from the tvpd ################################################ # Create VHDR recordName = "VHDR" recordInfo[recordName] = RecordInfo() # Create the ECC block recordInfo[recordName].record += bytearray(bytearray.fromhex("0000000000000000000000")) # Create the Large Resource Tag recordInfo[recordName].record += bytearray(bytearray.fromhex("84")) # Create the Record Length recordInfo[recordName].record += struct.pack(' maxSizeBytes): out.error("The generated binary image (%s) is too large for the size given (%s)"%(imageSize, maxSizeBytes)) errorsFound += 1 # Catch the errors if (errorsFound): out.msg("") out.error("%d error%s found while creating the binary image. Please review the above errors and correct them." % (errorsFound, "s" if (errorsFound > 1) else "")) # Return the number of errors found as the return code exit (errorsFound)