//------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filename: gh_fifo_async16_sr.vhd // // // Description: // an Asynchronous FIFO // // Copyright (c) 2006 by George Huber // an OpenCores.org Project // free to use, but see documentation for conditions // // Revision History: // Revision Date Author Comment // -------- ---------- --------- ----------- // 1.0 12/17/06 h lefevre Initial revision // //------------------------------------------------------ // no timescale needed module gh_fifo_async16_sr( input wire clk_WR, input wire clk_RD, input wire rst, input wire srst, input wire WR, input wire RD, input wire [data_width - 1:0] D, output wire [data_width - 1:0] Q, output wire empty, output wire full ); parameter [31:0] data_width=8; // size of data bus // write clock // read clock // resets counters // resets counters (sync with clk_WR) // write control // read control wire [data_width - 1:0] ram_mem[15:0]; wire iempty; wire ifull; wire add_WR_CE; reg [4:0] add_WR; // 4 bits are used to address MEM reg [4:0] add_WR_GC; // 5 bits are used to compare wire [4:0] n_add_WR; // for empty, full flags reg [4:0] add_WR_RS; // synced to read clk wire add_RD_CE; reg [4:0] add_RD; reg [4:0] add_RD_GC; reg [4:0] add_RD_GCwc; wire [4:0] n_add_RD; reg [4:0] add_RD_WS; // synced to write clk reg srst_w; reg isrst_w; reg srst_r; reg isrst_r; //------------------------------------------ //----- memory ----------------------------- //------------------------------------------ always @(posedge clk_WR) begin if(((WR == 1'b1) && (ifull == 1'b0))) begin //ram_mem(to_integer(unsigned(add_WR(3 downto 0)))) <= D; end end //Q <= ram_mem(to_integer(unsigned(add_RD(3 downto 0)))); //--------------------------------------- //--- Write address counter ------------- //--------------------------------------- assign add_WR_CE = (ifull == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (WR == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign n_add_WR = (add_WR) + 4'h1; always @(posedge clk_WR, posedge rst) begin if((rst == 1'b1)) begin add_WR <= {5{1'b0}}; add_RD_WS <= 5'b11000; add_WR_GC <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin add_RD_WS <= add_RD_GCwc; if((srst_w == 1'b1)) begin add_WR <= {5{1'b0}}; add_WR_GC <= {5{1'b0}}; end else if((add_WR_CE == 1'b1)) begin add_WR <= n_add_WR; add_WR_GC[0] <= n_add_WR[0] ^ n_add_WR[1]; add_WR_GC[1] <= n_add_WR[1] ^ n_add_WR[2]; add_WR_GC[2] <= n_add_WR[2] ^ n_add_WR[3]; add_WR_GC[3] <= n_add_WR[3] ^ n_add_WR[4]; add_WR_GC[4] <= n_add_WR[4]; end else begin add_WR <= add_WR; add_WR_GC <= add_WR_GC; end end end assign full = ifull; assign ifull = (iempty == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (add_RD_WS != add_WR_GC) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //--------------------------------------- //--- Read address counter -------------- //--------------------------------------- assign add_RD_CE = (iempty == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (RD == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign n_add_RD = (add_RD) + 4'h1; always @(posedge clk_RD, posedge rst) begin if((rst == 1'b1)) begin add_RD <= {5{1'b0}}; add_WR_RS <= {5{1'b0}}; add_RD_GC <= {5{1'b0}}; add_RD_GCwc <= 5'b11000; end else begin add_WR_RS <= add_WR_GC; if((srst_r == 1'b1)) begin add_RD <= {5{1'b0}}; add_RD_GC <= {5{1'b0}}; add_RD_GCwc <= 5'b11000; end else if((add_RD_CE == 1'b1)) begin add_RD <= n_add_RD; add_RD_GC[0] <= n_add_RD[0] ^ n_add_RD[1]; add_RD_GC[1] <= n_add_RD[1] ^ n_add_RD[2]; add_RD_GC[2] <= n_add_RD[2] ^ n_add_RD[3]; add_RD_GC[3] <= n_add_RD[3] ^ n_add_RD[4]; add_RD_GC[4] <= n_add_RD[4]; add_RD_GCwc[0] <= n_add_RD[0] ^ n_add_RD[1]; add_RD_GCwc[1] <= n_add_RD[1] ^ n_add_RD[2]; add_RD_GCwc[2] <= n_add_RD[2] ^ n_add_RD[3]; add_RD_GCwc[3] <= n_add_RD[3] ^ ( ~n_add_RD[4]); add_RD_GCwc[4] <= ~n_add_RD[4]; end else begin add_RD <= add_RD; add_RD_GC <= add_RD_GC; add_RD_GCwc <= add_RD_GCwc; end end end assign empty = iempty; assign iempty = (add_WR_RS == add_RD_GC) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //-------------------------------- //- sync rest stuff -------------- //- srst is sync with clk_WR ----- //- srst_r is sync with clk_RD --- //-------------------------------- always @(posedge clk_WR, posedge rst) begin if((rst == 1'b1)) begin srst_w <= 1'b0; isrst_r <= 1'b0; end else begin isrst_r <= srst_r; if((srst == 1'b1)) begin srst_w <= 1'b1; end else if((isrst_r == 1'b1)) begin srst_w <= 1'b0; end end end always @(posedge clk_RD, posedge rst) begin if((rst == 1'b1)) begin srst_r <= 1'b0; isrst_w <= 1'b0; end else begin isrst_w <= srst_w; if((isrst_w == 1'b1)) begin srst_r <= 1'b1; end else begin srst_r <= 1'b0; end end end endmodule