LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all, IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity generic1 is generic( dog_width : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "10101100"; bus_width : integer := 32 ); port( reset, sysclk : in std_logic; a, b, enf, load, qtd, base: in std_logic_vector(bus_width downto 0) ); end generic1; architecture rtl of generic1 is signal foo : std_logic_vector(1+1 downto 0); signal code,code1: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal egg : std_logic_vector(324 to 401); signal baz : std_logic_vector(bus_width*3-1 to bus_width*4); signal complex : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin -- Example of with statement with foo(2 downto 0) select code(9 downto 2) <= "110" & egg(325 to 329) when "000" | "110", "11100010" when "101", (others => '1') when "010", (others => '0') when "011", std_logic_vector(unsigned(a) + unsigned(b)) when others; code1(1 downto 0) <= a(6 downto 5) xor (a(4) & b(6)); foo <= (others => '0'); egg <= (others => '0'); baz <= (others => '1'); complex <= enf & (std_logic_vector("110" * unsigned(load))) & qtd(3 downto 0) & base & "11001"; end rtl;