LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity gen is generic( bus_width : integer := 15; TOP_GP2 : integer:= 0 ); port( sysclk, reset, wrb : in std_logic; din : in std_logic_vector(bus_width downto 0); rdout: out std_logic_vector(bus_width downto 0) ); end gen; architecture rtl of gen is component wbit1 -- register bit default 1 port( clk : in std_logic; wrb : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; enb : in std_logic; din : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic); end component; signal regSelect : std_logic_vector(bus_width * 2 downto 0); begin ----------------------------------------------------- -- Reg : GP 2 -- Active : 32 -- Type : RW ----------------------------------------------------- reg_gp2 : for bitnum in 0 to bus_width generate wbit1_inst : wbit1 PORT MAP( clk => sysclk, wrb => wrb, reset => reset, enb => regSelect(TOP_GP2), din => din(bitnum), dout => rdout(bitnum) ); end generate; process(sysclk) begin if sysclk'event and sysclk = '1' then regSelect(1) <= '1'; end if; end process; end rtl;