// Copyright © 2017, International Business Machines Corp. // Copyright © 2017 - 2018 Raptor Engineering, LLC // All Rights Reserved // // See LICENSE file for licensing details module system_fpga_top ( // LPC clock input wire lpc_clock, // General I/O input wire sysen, output reg sysgood, input wire debug_in, // DD1 temp fix for VCS overcurrent bug input wire seq_cont, // Enable outputs output reg vdda_en, output reg vddb_en, output reg vcsa_en, output reg vcsb_en, output reg vdna_en, output reg vdnb_en, output reg vioa_en, output reg viob_en, output reg vppab_en, output reg vppcd_en, output reg vddrab_en, output reg vttab_en, output reg vddrcd_en, output reg vttcd_en, output reg avdd_en, output reg miscio_en, output reg atx_en, // Power Good inputs input wire vdda_pg, input wire vddb_pg, input wire vcsa_pg, input wire vcsb_pg, input wire vdna_pg, input wire vdnb_pg, input wire vioa_pg, input wire viob_pg, input wire vppab_pg, input wire vppcd_pg, input wire vddrab_pg, input wire vddrcd_pg, input wire avdd_pg, input wire miscio_pg, input wire atx_pg, input wire bmc_vr_pg, // I2C inout i2c_scl, inout i2c_sda, // Second CPU presence detect input wire cpub_present_n, output wire cpub_clk_oea, output wire cpub_clk_oeb, // Resets output reg lpc_rst, input wire bmc_boot_complete_n, output reg bmc_rst, output reg fan_rst, output reg usbhub_rst, inout cpu_stby_rst, // Reserved for future use output reg dual_5v_ctrl, output reg window_open_n, // BMC system reset signalling output reg bmc_system_reset_request_n, // Component disable lines output reg pmc_disable_n, // System status lines inout nic1_act_led_n, inout nic2_act_led_n, inout nic1_link_led_n, inout nic2_link_led_n, input wire nic1_green_led_n, input wire nic2_green_led_n, input wire bmc_uid_led_req, // Front panel indicators output reg panel_nic1_led_cathode, output reg panel_nic2_led_cathode, output reg panel_uid_led, // Front panel switches input wire panel_reset_in_l, // FlexVer™ connections input wire flexver_reset_in_l ); // CPU standby reset is on 1.1V domain, but FPGA I/Os are on 3.3V domain // Use open-drain reset signal reg cpu_stby_rst_assert = 1'b1; SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b0) ) cpu_stby_rst_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(cpu_stby_rst), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(cpu_stby_rst_assert), .D_OUT_0(1'b0) ); // Make NIC activity lights work // WARNING: Hic Sunt Dracones! // // The base reference design Talos is built on never quite got the networking LEDs correct. // After two iterations of nonfunctional SuperMicro / IBM design and no direct access to Broadcom // documentation, Raptor decided the rear LED functionality was not important enough to hold up // the entire Talos project. As a result, the three offending signals were wired up to this // FPGA, and the front panel LEDs were isolated from the Broadcom NIC and connected to this FPGA. // // Detailed testing on production hardware subsequently revealed the LED drivers are all open drain, // active low, with no pull-up provided on the activity line. Furthermore, LINKLED_L is anything but // what it says on the tin; it appears to only go low when in 10Mbps mode. To top off this whole mess, // the last reference design errata led to the anode and cathode of the activity LED being swapped. // // What this means in practice: // 1.) The FPGA needs to provide some degree of pull-up to 3.3V on the NIC activity lines // 2.) LINKLED_L needs to be pulled high whenever GRNLED_L is low // // With these workarounds, the network link and activity LEDs on the front and rear panel function normally. wire nic1_act_led_n_in; wire nic2_act_led_n_in; SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) nic1_act_led_n_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(nic1_act_led_n), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0), .D_OUT_0(1'b1), .D_IN_0(nic1_act_led_n_in) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) nic2_act_led_n_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(nic2_act_led_n), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0), .D_OUT_0(1'b1), .D_IN_0(nic2_act_led_n_in) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) nic1_link_led_n_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(nic1_link_led_n), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(~nic1_green_led_n), .D_OUT_0(1'b1) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) nic2_link_led_n_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(nic2_link_led_n), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(~nic2_green_led_n), .D_OUT_0(1'b1) ); // I2C pin control lines wire i2c_scl_in; wire i2c_scl_out; wire i2c_scl_direction; wire i2c_sda_in; wire i2c_sda_out; wire i2c_sda_direction; SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) i2c_scl_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(i2c_scl), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(i2c_scl_direction), .D_OUT_0(i2c_scl_out), .D_IN_0(i2c_scl_in) ); SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101001), .PULLUP(1'b1) ) i2c_sda_io ( .PACKAGE_PIN(i2c_sda), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(i2c_sda_direction), .D_OUT_0(i2c_sda_out), .D_IN_0(i2c_sda_in) ); // TODO update version parameter fpga_version = 8'b00000110; parameter vendor_id1 = 8'h52; parameter vendor_id2 = 8'h43; parameter vendor_id3 = 8'h53; parameter vendor_id4 = 8'h20; parameter RAIL_SIZE = 15; reg [RAIL_SIZE - 1:0] en_buf = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b0}}; reg [RAIL_SIZE - 1:0] pg_buf; reg sysgood_buf; wire clk_in; wire clk_in_lpc; wire clk_in_ring; wire stdby_sed; reg sysen_buf; parameter railarray_0 = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b0}}; parameter railarray_1 = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b1}}; // synchronizing signals reg [RAIL_SIZE - 1:0] pg_s1 = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b0}}; reg [RAIL_SIZE - 1:0] pg_s2 = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b0}}; reg sysen_s1 = 1'b0; reg sysen_s2 = 1'b0; reg seq_s1 = 1'b1; reg seq_s2 = 1'b1; // Timer (Watchdog and Delay) signals reg [RAIL_SIZE - 1:0] delay_done = {RAIL_SIZE{1'b0}}; reg [23:0] w_count = 0; reg [16:0] d_count = 0; // at 4.16MHz, w_count(23) being one means approximately 100ms have passed, good for checking watchdog between EN and PG // d_count(16) being one means approximately 15ms have passed, good enough for delay betwen one rail and the next reg wait_err = 1'b0; reg operation_err = 1'b0; reg err_found = 1'b0; wire clear_err = 1'b0; wire master_reset_reqest; // I2C signals wire i2c_read_req; reg [7:0] i2c_data_to_master = 8'b00000000; wire [7:0] i2c_data_from_master; wire i2c_data_valid; wire i2c_rst = 1'b0; reg [7:0] i2c_reg_cur = 8'b00000000; parameter i2c_addr = 7'b0110001; parameter i2c_clr_err_addr = 8'b00000011; parameter i2c_pg_reg_addr1 = 8'b00000101; parameter i2c_pg_reg_addr2 = i2c_pg_reg_addr1 + 1; parameter i2c_status_reg_addr = i2c_pg_reg_addr2 + 1; parameter i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr1 = i2c_status_reg_addr + 1; parameter i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr2 = i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr1 + 1; parameter i2c_pg_stat_reg_addr1 = i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr2 + 1; parameter i2c_pg_stat_reg_addr2 = i2c_pg_stat_reg_addr1 + 1; parameter i2c_version_reg_addr = 8'b00000000; parameter i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr1 = 8'b00001100; parameter i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr2 = i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr1 + 1; parameter i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr3 = i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr1 + 2; parameter i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr4 = i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr1 + 3; reg [15:0] i2c_pg_reg = 1'b0; reg i2c_clr_err = 1'b0; // Front panel control signals wire panel_nic1_led_cathode_std; wire panel_nic2_led_cathode_std; wire panel_uid_led_std; reg [2:0] bmc_startup_kr = 3'b000; reg [2:0] bmc_startup_fader = 3'b000; // Implement nasty ring oscillator for fallback use when main system clock is offline // Thanks to Clifford Wolf for the idea and basic code! wire chain_in; wire chain_out; wire [99:0] buffers_in; wire [99:0] buffers_out; assign buffers_in = {buffers_out[98:0], chain_in}; assign chain_out = buffers_out[99]; assign chain_in = !chain_out; SB_LUT4 #( .LUT_INIT(16'd2) ) buffers [99:0] ( .O(buffers_out), .I0(buffers_in), .I1(1'b0), .I2(1'b0), .I3(1'b0) ); // Divide unstable 10MHz ring clock down to ~2MHz reg [2:0] ring_clock_divider; always @(posedge chain_out) begin ring_clock_divider = ring_clock_divider + 1; end assign clk_in_ring = ring_clock_divider[2]; // Divide input 33MHz clock down to 4.125MHz reg [2:0] lpc_clock_divider; always @(posedge lpc_clock) begin lpc_clock_divider = lpc_clock_divider + 1; end assign clk_in_lpc = lpc_clock_divider[2]; reg clock_select = 1'b1; assign clk_in = (clock_select)?clk_in_ring:clk_in_lpc; // I2C device i2c_slave #( .SLAVE_ADDR(i2c_addr) ) i2c_slave_instance( .scl_in(i2c_scl_in), .scl_out(i2c_scl_out), .scl_direction(i2c_scl_direction), .sda_in(i2c_sda_in), .sda_out(i2c_sda_out), .sda_direction(i2c_sda_direction), .clk(clk_in), .rst(i2c_rst), .read_req(i2c_read_req), .data_to_master(i2c_data_to_master), .data_valid(i2c_data_valid), .data_from_master(i2c_data_from_master) ); // Generate BMC startup "Knight Rider" display for front panel wire slow_clk; reg [16:0] slow_clk_counter; always @(posedge clk_in) begin slow_clk_counter <= slow_clk_counter + 1; end assign slow_clk = slow_clk_counter[16]; reg [1:0] bmc_startup_kr_state = 0; always @(posedge slow_clk) begin case (bmc_startup_kr_state) 0: begin bmc_startup_kr <= 3'b100; bmc_startup_kr_state <= 1; end 1: begin bmc_startup_kr <= 3'b010; bmc_startup_kr_state <= 2; end 2: begin bmc_startup_kr <= 3'b001; bmc_startup_kr_state <= 3; end 3: begin bmc_startup_kr <= 3'b010; bmc_startup_kr_state <= 0; end default: begin bmc_startup_kr_state = 0; end endcase end // Generate fading lamp test for front panel wire fader_clk; reg [12:0] fader_clk_counter; always @(posedge clk_in) begin fader_clk_counter <= fader_clk_counter + 1; end assign fader_clk = fader_clk_counter[12]; reg [5:0] fader_pwm_level = 0; reg [6:0] fader_pwm_internal_counter = 0; always @(posedge fader_clk) begin fader_pwm_internal_counter = fader_pwm_internal_counter + 1; if (fader_pwm_internal_counter >= 64) begin fader_pwm_level = 63 - (fader_pwm_internal_counter - 64); end else begin fader_pwm_level = fader_pwm_internal_counter; end end reg [5:0] fader_pwm_counter = 0; always @(posedge clk_in) begin fader_pwm_counter = fader_pwm_counter + 1; if (fader_pwm_counter >= fader_pwm_level) begin bmc_startup_fader = 3'b000; end else begin bmc_startup_fader = 3'b111; end end assign i2c_rst = 1'b0; // Handle I2C // 2 8-bit registers with PGOOD state on error always @(posedge clk_in) begin i2c_clr_err <= 1'b0; if (i2c_data_valid == 1'b1) begin // data from master is register to be read i2c_reg_cur <= i2c_data_from_master; // pulse clear err signal if i2c master reads register 0x03 if (((i2c_data_from_master) == i2c_clr_err_addr)) begin i2c_clr_err <= 1'b1; end end else if (i2c_read_req == 1'b1) begin i2c_reg_cur <= i2c_reg_cur + 1; end case (i2c_reg_cur) i2c_clr_err_addr: begin i2c_data_to_master <= 8'b11111111; end i2c_pg_reg_addr1: begin i2c_data_to_master <= i2c_pg_reg[15:8]; end i2c_pg_reg_addr2: begin i2c_data_to_master <= i2c_pg_reg[7:0]; end i2c_status_reg_addr: begin i2c_data_to_master <= {2'b00, ~cpub_present_n, wait_err, operation_err, err_found, sysen_buf, sysgood_buf}; end i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr1: begin i2c_data_to_master <= en_buf[7:0]; end i2c_pwr_en_stat_reg_addr2: begin i2c_data_to_master <= en_buf[RAIL_SIZE-1:8]; end i2c_pg_stat_reg_addr1: begin i2c_data_to_master <= pg_buf[7:0]; end i2c_pg_stat_reg_addr2: begin i2c_data_to_master <= pg_buf[RAIL_SIZE-1:8]; end i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr1: begin i2c_data_to_master <= vendor_id1; end i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr2: begin i2c_data_to_master <= vendor_id2; end i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr3: begin i2c_data_to_master <= vendor_id3; end i2c_vendor_id_reg_addr4: begin i2c_data_to_master <= vendor_id4; end i2c_version_reg_addr: begin i2c_data_to_master <= fpga_version; end default: begin i2c_data_to_master <= 8'b00000000; end endcase end always @(posedge clk_in) begin pg_s1 <= pg_buf; pg_s2 <= pg_s1; sysen_s1 <= sysen_buf; sysen_s2 <= sysen_s1; seq_s1 <= seq_cont; seq_s2 <= seq_s1; if ((clear_err == 1'b1)) begin wait_err <= 1'b0; operation_err <= 1'b0; err_found <= 1'b0; w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; end else if ((sysen_s2 == 1'b0 || err_found == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done <= 0; end else if ((pg_s2[0] == 1'b1 && en_buf[0] == 1'b1 && delay_done[0] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[0] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[1] == 1'b1 && en_buf[1] == 1'b1 && delay_done[1] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[1] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[2] == 1'b1 && en_buf[2] == 1'b1 && delay_done[2] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[2] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[3] == 1'b1 && en_buf[3] == 1'b1 && delay_done[3] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[3] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[4] == 1'b1 && en_buf[4] == 1'b1 && delay_done[4] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[4] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[5] == 1'b1 && en_buf[5] == 1'b1 && delay_done[5] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[5] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[6] == 1'b1 && en_buf[6] == 1'b1 && delay_done[6] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[6] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[7] == 1'b1 && en_buf[7] == 1'b1 && delay_done[7] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[7] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[8] == 1'b1 && en_buf[8] == 1'b1 && delay_done[8] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[8] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[9] == 1'b1 && en_buf[9] == 1'b1 && delay_done[9] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[9] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[10] == 1'b1 && en_buf[10] == 1'b1 && delay_done[10] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[10] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[11] == 1'b1 && en_buf[11] == 1'b1 && delay_done[11] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[11] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[12] == 1'b1 && en_buf[12] == 1'b1 && delay_done[12] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[12] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[13] == 1'b1 && en_buf[13] == 1'b1 && delay_done[13] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[13] <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[14] == 1'b1 && en_buf[14] == 1'b1 && delay_done[14] == 1'b0)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; d_count <= d_count + 1; if ((d_count[16] == 1'b1)) begin d_count <= {17{1'b0}}; delay_done[14] <= 1'b1; end end // Error Checks // Check time between Enables going high and PGOODs arriving. Error out after 100ms else if ((pg_s2[0] == 1'b0 && en_buf[0] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[1] == 1'b0 && en_buf[1] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[2] == 1'b0 && en_buf[2] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[3] == 1'b0 && en_buf[3] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[4] == 1'b0 && en_buf[4] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[5] == 1'b0 && en_buf[5] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[6] == 1'b0 && en_buf[6] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[7] == 1'b0 && en_buf[7] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[8] == 1'b0 && en_buf[8] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[9] == 1'b0 && en_buf[9] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[10] == 1'b0 && en_buf[10] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[11] == 1'b0 && en_buf[11] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[12] == 1'b0 && en_buf[12] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[13] == 1'b0 && en_buf[13] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end else if ((pg_s2[14] == 1'b0 && en_buf[14] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= w_count + 1; if ((w_count[23] == 1'b1)) begin w_count <= {24{1'b0}}; wait_err <= 1'b1; end end if ((( ~(delay_done & ~pg_s2)) != railarray_1)) begin operation_err <= 1'b1; end if (((wait_err | operation_err) == 1'b1 && clear_err == 1'b0)) begin err_found <= 1'b1; end else begin i2c_pg_reg[14:0] <= pg_s2[14:0]; end end // Assign Ports to Enables always @(posedge clk_in) begin atx_en = ~en_buf[0]; miscio_en = en_buf[1]; vdna_en = en_buf[2]; vdnb_en = en_buf[3] & ~cpub_present_n; avdd_en = en_buf[4]; vioa_en = en_buf[5]; viob_en = en_buf[6] & ~cpub_present_n; vdda_en = en_buf[7]; vddb_en = en_buf[8] & ~cpub_present_n; vcsa_en = en_buf[9]; vcsb_en = en_buf[10] & ~cpub_present_n; vppab_en = en_buf[11]; vppcd_en = en_buf[12] & ~cpub_present_n; vddrab_en = en_buf[13]; vttab_en = en_buf[13]; vddrcd_en = en_buf[14] & ~cpub_present_n; vttcd_en = en_buf[14] & ~cpub_present_n; end // Assign Ports to PGood buffer always @(posedge clk_in) begin pg_buf[0] = atx_pg; pg_buf[1] = miscio_pg; pg_buf[2] = vdna_pg; pg_buf[3] = vdnb_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[3]); pg_buf[4] = avdd_pg; pg_buf[5] = vioa_pg; pg_buf[6] = viob_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[6]); pg_buf[7] = vdda_pg; pg_buf[8] = vddb_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[8]); pg_buf[9] = vcsa_pg; pg_buf[10] = vcsb_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[10]); pg_buf[11] = vppab_pg; pg_buf[12] = vppcd_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[12]); pg_buf[13] = vddrab_pg; pg_buf[14] = vddrcd_pg | (cpub_present_n & en_buf[14]); end // Enable outputs // Shut everything off if an error has occurred // Otherwise, if system enable is up, then enable short delay is done after previous rail // Otherwise, disable after next rail goes down always @(posedge clk_in) begin en_buf[0] = (sysen_s2 | pg_s2[1]) & ~err_found; en_buf[1] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[0]) | pg_s2[2]) & ~err_found; en_buf[2] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[1]) | pg_s2[3]) & ~err_found; en_buf[3] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[2]) | pg_s2[4]) & ~err_found; en_buf[4] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[3]) | pg_s2[5]) & ~err_found; en_buf[5] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[4]) | pg_s2[6]) & ~err_found; en_buf[6] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[5]) | pg_s2[7]) & ~err_found; en_buf[7] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[6]) | pg_s2[8]) & ~err_found; en_buf[8] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[7]) | pg_s2[9]) & ~err_found; en_buf[9] = (( ~seq_s2 & sysen_s2 & delay_done[8]) | pg_s2[10]) & ~err_found; en_buf[10] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[9]) | pg_s2[11]) & ~err_found; en_buf[11] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[10]) | pg_s2[12]) & ~err_found; en_buf[12] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[11]) | pg_s2[13]) & ~err_found; en_buf[13] = ((sysen_s2 & delay_done[12]) | pg_s2[14]) & ~err_found; en_buf[14] = (sysen_s2 & delay_done[13]) & ~err_found; end // ERR state reset always @(posedge clk_in) begin clear_err = i2c_clr_err; end // CPUB clk enables always @(posedge clk_in) begin cpub_clk_oea = ~cpub_present_n; cpub_clk_oeb = ~cpub_present_n; end // System PWRGOOD always @(posedge clk_in) begin sysgood_buf = delay_done[14]; sysgood = sysgood_buf & ~bmc_boot_complete_n; lpc_rst = sysgood_buf; end // CPU Reset always @(posedge clk_in) begin cpu_stby_rst_assert = ~en_buf[0]; end // BMC RESETs always @(posedge clk_in) begin bmc_rst = bmc_vr_pg; usbhub_rst = sysgood_buf & ~bmc_boot_complete_n; fan_rst = bmc_vr_pg; end // debug_in override allows non-BMC control of FPGA always @(posedge clk_in) begin sysen_buf = sysen | ~debug_in; // sysen_buf = ~debug_in; end // Enable V5_0_DUAL rail always @(posedge clk_in) begin dual_5v_ctrl = 1'b0; end // Enable PMC always @(posedge clk_in) begin pmc_disable_n = 1'b1; end // Not used always @(posedge clk_in) begin window_open_n = 1'b0; end // Generate standard front panel NIC activity indications always @(posedge clk_in) begin panel_nic1_led_cathode_std = ~(nic1_act_led_n_in & ~nic1_green_led_n); panel_nic2_led_cathode_std = ~(nic2_act_led_n_in & ~nic2_green_led_n); end // Wire up UID request to front panel always @(posedge clk_in) begin panel_uid_led_std = bmc_uid_led_req; end // Assign front panel indicators according to BMC status always @(posedge clk_in) begin if (!bmc_boot_complete_n) begin panel_nic1_led_cathode = panel_nic1_led_cathode_std; panel_nic2_led_cathode = panel_nic2_led_cathode_std; panel_uid_led = panel_uid_led_std; end else begin panel_nic1_led_cathode = bmc_startup_fader[0]; panel_nic2_led_cathode = bmc_startup_fader[1]; panel_uid_led = bmc_startup_fader[2]; end end // Generate master reset request signals always @(posedge clk_in) begin master_reset_reqest = ~(panel_reset_in_l & flexver_reset_in_l); bmc_system_reset_request_n = ~master_reset_reqest; end endmodule