#!/bin/bash usage() { echo "$0 git-tag-prefix" echo -e "\tIf inside git dir specify a tag prefix to use." echo -e "\tWhere a prefix is anything before the first dash '-' character." echo if test -d .git || git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Possible tags include:" git tag | cut -d '-' -f 1 | sort | uniq fi } if test -e .git || git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $# -ne "1" ] ; then usage exit 1; fi TAG_PREFIX="$1" #Check that there is at least one of such a prefix if ! git tag | grep -q "$TAG_PREFIX" ; then echo -e "There isn't a single gix tag with prefix '$TAG_PREFIX'\n" usage exit 1; fi version=`git describe --exact-match --match "$TAG_PREFIX-*" 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$version" ]; then version=`git describe --match "$TAG_PREFIX-*" 2>/dev/null` fi if [ -z "$version" ]; then version=`git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD 2>/dev/null` fi if [ ! -z "$EXTRA_VERSION" ]; then version="$version-$EXTRA_VERSION" fi if git diff-index --name-only HEAD |grep -qv '.git'; then if [ ! -z "$USER" ]; then version="$version-$USER" fi version="$version-dirty" diffsha=`git diff|sha1sum` diffsha=`cut -c-7 <<< "$diffsha"` version="$version-$diffsha" fi echo $version else if [ ! -z "$SKIBOOT_VERSION" ]; then echo $SKIBOOT_VERSION else if [ ! -z "`cat .version`" ]; then cat .version else exit 1; fi fi fi