# # These allow for the build to be less verbose # ifdef V VERBOSE:= $(V) else VERBOSE:= 0 endif ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1) define Q $(2) endef else define Q @echo " [$1] $(3)" @$(2) endef endif define cook_aflags $(filter-out $(AFLAGS_SKIP_$(1)), $(CPPFLAGS) $(AFLAGS)) $(AFLAGS_$(1)) endef define cook_cflags $(filter-out $(CFLAGS_SKIP_$(1)), $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)) $(CFLAGS_$(1)) endef %.o : %.S include/asm-offsets.h $(call Q,AS, $(CC) $(call cook_aflags,$@) -c $< -o $@, $@) %.s : %.S include/asm-offsets.h $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(call cook_aflags,$@) -E -c $< -o $@, $@) %.o : %.c $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(call cook_cflags,$@) -c $< -o $@, $@) # Force the use of the C compiler, not C++ for the .C files in libpore %.o : %.C $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(call cook_cflags,$@) -x c -c $< -o $@, $@) %.s : %.c $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(call cook_cflags,$@) -S -c $< -o $@, $@) %.i : %.c $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(call cook_cflags,$@) -E -c $< -o $@, $@) %built-in.o : $(call Q,LD, $(LD) $(LDRFLAGS) -r $^ -o $@, $@) %.lds : %.lds.S $(call Q,CC, $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -P -E $< -o $@, $@) %.map: %.elf $(call Q,NM, $(NM) -n $< | grep -v '\( [aNUw] \)\|\(__crc_\)\|\( \$[adt]\)' > $@, $@)