## System states ## state can change to next state in 2 ways: ## - a process emits a GotoSystemState signal with state name to goto ## - objects specified in EXIT_STATE_DEPEND have started SYSTEM_STATES = [ 'BASE_APPS', 'BMC_STARTING', 'BMC_READY', 'HOST_POWERING_ON', 'HOST_POWERED_ON', 'HOST_BOOTING', 'HOST_BOOTED', 'HOST_POWERED_OFF', ] EXIT_STATE_DEPEND = { 'BASE_APPS' : { '/org/openbmc/sensors': 0, }, 'BMC_STARTING' : { '/org/openbmc/control/chassis0': 0, '/org/openbmc/control/power0' : 0, '/org/openbmc/control/host0' : 0, '/org/openbmc/control/flash/bios' : 0, }, } FRU_INSTANCES = { '/system' : { 'fru_type' : 'SYSTEM','is_fru' : True, 'present' : "True" }, '/system/bios' : { 'fru_type' : 'SYSTEM','is_fru' : True, 'present' : "True" }, '/system/misc' : { 'fru_type' : 'SYSTEM','is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis' : { 'fru_type' : 'SYSTEM','is_fru' : True, 'present' : "True" }, '/system/chassis/motherboard' : { 'fru_type' : 'MAIN_PLANAR','is_fru' : True, }, '/system/systemevent' : { 'fru_type' : 'SYSTEM_EVENT', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/refclock' : { 'fru_type' : 'MAIN_PLANAR', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/pcieclock': { 'fru_type' : 'MAIN_PLANAR', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/todclock' : { 'fru_type' : 'MAIN_PLANAR', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/fan0' : { 'fru_type' : 'FAN','is_fru' : True, }, '/system/chassis/fan1' : { 'fru_type' : 'FAN','is_fru' : True, }, '/system/chassis/fan2' : { 'fru_type' : 'FAN','is_fru' : True, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/bmc' : { 'fru_type' : 'BMC','is_fru' : False, 'manufacturer' : 'ASPEED' }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0' : { 'fru_type' : 'CPU', 'is_fru' : True, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1' : { 'fru_type' : 'CPU', 'is_fru' : True, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10': { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11': { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11' : { 'fru_type' : 'CORE', 'is_fru' : False, }, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm16' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm17' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm18' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm19' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm20' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm21' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm22' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm23' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm24' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm25' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm26' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm27' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm28' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm29' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm30' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm31' : { 'fru_type' : 'DIMM', 'is_fru' : True,}, } ID_LOOKUP = { 'FRU' : { 0x01 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0', 0x02 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1', 0x03 : '/system/chassis/motherboard', 0x04 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf0', 0x05 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf1', 0x06 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf2', 0x07 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf3', 0x08 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf4', 0x09 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/membuf5', 0x0c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0', 0x0d : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1', 0x0e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2', 0x0f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3', 0x10 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4', 0x11 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5', 0x12 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6', 0x13 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7', 0x14 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8', 0x15 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9', 0x16 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10', 0x17 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11', 0x18 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12', 0x19 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13', 0x1a : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14', 0x1b : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15', 0x1c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm16', 0x1d : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm17', 0x1e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm18', 0x1f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm19', 0x20 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm20', 0x21 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm21', 0x22 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm22', 0x23 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm23', 0x24 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm24', 0x25 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm25', 0x26 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm26', 0x27 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm27', 0x28 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm28', 0x29 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm29', 0x2a : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm30', 0x2b : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm31', }, 'FRU_STR' : { 'PRODUCT_0' : '/system/bios', 'BOARD_1' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0', 'BOARD_2' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1', 'CHASSIS_3' : '/system/chassis/motherboard', 'BOARD_3' : '/system/misc', 'PRODUCT_12' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0', 'PRODUCT_13' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1', 'PRODUCT_14' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2', 'PRODUCT_15' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3', 'PRODUCT_16' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4', 'PRODUCT_17' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5', 'PRODUCT_18' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6', 'PRODUCT_19' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7', 'PRODUCT_20' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8', 'PRODUCT_21' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9', 'PRODUCT_22' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10', 'PRODUCT_23' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11', 'PRODUCT_24' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12', 'PRODUCT_25' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13', 'PRODUCT_26' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14', 'PRODUCT_27' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15', 'PRODUCT_28' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm16', 'PRODUCT_29' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm17', 'PRODUCT_30' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm18', 'PRODUCT_31' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm19', 'PRODUCT_32' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm20', 'PRODUCT_33' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm21', 'PRODUCT_34' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm22', 'PRODUCT_35' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm23', 'PRODUCT_36' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm24', 'PRODUCT_37' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm25', 'PRODUCT_38' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm26', 'PRODUCT_39' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm27', 'PRODUCT_40' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm28', 'PRODUCT_41' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm29', 'PRODUCT_42' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm30', 'PRODUCT_43' : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm31', 'PRODUCT_47' : '/system/misc', }, 'SENSOR' : { 0x04 : '/org/openbmc/sensors/host/HostStatus', 0x05 : '/org/openbmc/sensors/host/BootProgress', 0x0c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0', 0x0e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1', 0x1e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3', 0x1f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2', 0x20 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1', 0x21 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0', 0x22 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm7', 0x23 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm6', 0x24 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm5', 0x25 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm4', 0x26 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm11', 0x27 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm10', 0x28 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm9', 0x29 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm8', 0x2a : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm15', 0x2b : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm14', 0x2c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm13', 0x2d : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm12', 0x2e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm19', 0x2f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm18', 0x30 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm17', 0x31 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm16', 0x32 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm23', 0x33 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm22', 0x34 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm21', 0x35 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm20', 0x36 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm27', 0x37 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm26', 0x38 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm25', 0x39 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm24', 0x3a : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm31', 0x3b : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm30', 0x3c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm29', 0x3d : '/system/chassis/motherboard/dimm28', 0x3e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core0', 0x3f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core1', 0x40 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core2', 0x41 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core3', 0x42 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core4', 0x43 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core5', 0x44 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core6', 0x45 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core7', 0x46 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core8', 0x47 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core9', 0x48 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core10', 0x49 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0/core11', 0x4a : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core0', 0x4b : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core1', 0x4c : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core2', 0x4d : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core3', 0x4e : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core4', 0x4f : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core5', 0x50 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core6', 0x51 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core7', 0x52 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core8', 0x53 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core9', 0x54 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core10', 0x55 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1/core11', 0x5f : '/org/openbmc/sensors/host/BootCount', 0x60 : '/system/chassis/motherboard', 0x61 : '/system/systemevent', 0x63 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/refclock', 0x64 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/pcieclock', 0xb1 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/todclock', 0xb5 : '/org/openbmc/sensors/host/OperatingSystemStatus', 0xb6 : '/system/chassis/motherboard/pcielink', }, 'GPIO_PRESENT' : {} } GPIO_CONFIG = {} GPIO_CONFIG['SOFTWARE_PGOOD'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'R1', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['BMC_POWER_UP'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'D1', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['SYS_PWROK_BUFF'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'D2', 'direction': 'in'} GPIO_CONFIG['PHY_RST_N'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'D3', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['HDD_PWR_EN'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'D4', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['CP0_DEVICES_RESET_N'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'A1', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['BMC_CP0_PERST_ENABLE'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'A3', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['BMC_UCD_LATCH_LE'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'B4', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['FSI_DATA'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'E0', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['FSI_CLK'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'AA0', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['FSI_ENABLE'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'D0', 'direction': 'out'} GPIO_CONFIG['CRONUS_SEL'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'P6', 'direction': 'out'} # FIXME: net name is FP_PWR_BTN_N in schematic GPIO_CONFIG['POWER_BUTTON'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'I3', 'direction': 'both'} # FIXME: net name is FP_RST_BTN_N in schematic GPIO_CONFIG['RESET_BUTTON'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'G3', 'direction': 'both'} GPIO_CONFIG['PE_MEZZB_PRSNT_N'] = \ {'gpio_pin': 'P7', 'direction': 'in'} HWMON_CONFIG = { '4-0050' : { 'names' : { }, 'labels' : { '176' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core0','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '177' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core1','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '178' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core2','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '179' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core3','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '180' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core4','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '181' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core5','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '182' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core6','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '183' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core7','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '184' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core8','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '185' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core9','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '186' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core10','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '187' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu0/core11','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '102' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm0','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '103' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm1','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '104' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm2','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '105' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm3','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '106' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm4','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '107' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm5','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '108' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm6','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '109' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm7','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '110' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm8','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '111' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm9','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '112' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm10','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '113' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm11','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '114' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm12','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '115' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm13','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '116' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm14','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '117' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm15','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, } }, '5-0050' : { 'labels' : { '188' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core0','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '189' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core1','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '190' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core2','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '191' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core3','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '192' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core4','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '193' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core5','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '194' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core6','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '195' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core7','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '196' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core8','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '197' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core9','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '198' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core10','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '199' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/cpu1/core11','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C', 'critical_upper' : 100, 'critical_lower' : -100, 'warning_upper' : 90, 'warning_lower' : -99, 'emergency_enabled' : True }, '118' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm16','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '119' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm17','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '120' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm18','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '121' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm19','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '122' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm20','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '123' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm21','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '124' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm22','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '125' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm23','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '126' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm24','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '127' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm25','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '128' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm26','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '129' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm27','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '130' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm28','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '131' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm29','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '132' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm30','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, '133' : { 'object_path' : 'temperature/dimm31','poll_interval' : 5000,'scale' : -3,'units' : 'C' }, } }, } POWER_CONFIG = { 'latch_out' : 'BMC_UCD_LATCH_LE', 'power_good_in' : 'SYS_PWROK_BUFF', 'power_up_outs' : [ ('SOFTWARE_PGOOD', True), ('BMC_POWER_UP', True), ], 'reset_outs' : [ ], } # Miscellaneous non-poll sensor with system specific properties. # The sensor id is the same as those defined in ID_LOOKUP['SENSOR']. MISC_SENSORS = { 0x5f : { 'class' : 'BootCountSensor' }, 0x05 : { 'class' : 'BootProgressSensor' }, 0xb5 : { 'class' : 'OperatingSystemStatusSensor' }, } # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4