#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: hwpf/fapi2/tools/parseErrorInfo.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # EKB Project # # COPYRIGHT 2015 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @file parseErrorInfo.pl # @brief This perl script will parse HWP Error XML files and generate required # FAPI code to create and error log and add FFDC to the error. # # *HWP HWP Owner: N/A # *HWP FW Owner: Thi Tran # *HWP Team: N/A # *HWP Level: 1 # *HWP Consumed by: HB # # Usage: # parseErrorInfo.pl ... use strict; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify perl modules to use #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use XML::Simple; my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); # Uncomment to enable debug output use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; my $target_ffdc_type = "fapi2::Target"; my $buffer_ffdc_type = "fapi2::buffer"; my $variable_buffer_ffdc_type = "fapi2::variable_buffer"; my $ffdc_type = "fapi2::ffdc_t"; # We want to keep the signatures for the ffdc gathering hwp so that # we can create members of the proper types for the ffdc classes. my %signatures = ("proc_extract_pore_halt_ffdc" => ["por_base_state", "por_halt_type_t", "por_ffdc_offset_t"], "hwpTestFfdc1" => [$target_ffdc_type], "proc_extract_pore_base_ffdc" => ["por_base_state", "por_sbe_base_state"], "proc_tp_collect_dbg_data" => [$target_ffdc_type], ); # There are some names used in the XML files which exist in either # c++ keywords (case, for example) or macros (DOMAIN). The one's which # cause problems and need to be changed are here. # # DOMAIN is defined to 1 in math.h my %mangle_names = ("DOMAIN" => "FAPI2_DOMAIN"); # A list of deprecated elements. These will report messages to the # user, and not define anything. They have not been found to be used, # but that doesn't mean they're not ... my %deprecated = ("RC_PROCPM_PMCINIT_TIMEOUT" => "CHIP_IN_ERROR is defined as a callout procedure"); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print Command Line Help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $arg_empty_ffdc = undef; my $arg_output_dir = undef; my $arg_use_variable_buffers = undef; # Get the options from the command line - the rest of @ARGV will # be filenames GetOptions("empty-ffdc-classes" => \$arg_empty_ffdc, "output-dir=s" => \$arg_output_dir, "use-variable-buffers" => \$arg_use_variable_buffers); my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if (($numArgs < 1) || ($arg_output_dir eq undef)) { print ("Usage: parseErrorInfo.pl [--empty-ffdc-classes] [--use-variable-buffers] --output-dir= ...\n"); print (" This perl script will parse HWP Error XML files and creates\n"); print (" the following files:\n"); print (" - hwp_return_codes.H. HwpReturnCode enumeration (HWP generated errors)\n"); print (" - hwp_error_info.H. Error information (used by FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR\n"); print (" when a HWP generates an error)\n"); print (" - collect_reg_ffdc.H. Function to collect register FFDC\n"); print (" - set_sbe_error.H. Macro to create an SBE error\n"); print (" The --empty-ffdc-classes option is for platforms which don't collect ffdc.\n"); exit(1); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hashes containing error names/enum-values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %errNameToValueHash; my %errValuePresentHash; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hashes containing ffdc names/enum-values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %ffdcNameToValueHash; my %ffdcValuePresentHash; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that checks if an entry exists in an array. If it doesn't exist # then it is added. The index of the entry within the array is returned #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub addEntryToArray { my ($arrayref, $entry ) = @_; my $match = 0; my $index = 0; foreach my $element (@$arrayref) { if ($element eq $entry) { $match = 1; last; } else { $index++; } } if (!($match)) { push(@$arrayref, $entry); } return $index; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that figures out an error enum value from an error name and stores # it in global hashes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setErrorEnumValue { my $name = $_[0]; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error name is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($errNameToValueHash{$name})) { # Two different errors with the same name! print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate error name ", $name, "\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out the error enum-value. This is a hash value generated from # the error name. A hash is used for Cronus so that if a HWP is not # recompiled against a new eCMD/Cronus version where the errors have # changed then there will not be a mismatch in error values. # This is a 24bit hash value because FAPI has a requirement that the # top byte of the 32 bit error value be zero to store flags indicating # the creator of the error #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $errHash128Bit = md5_hex($name); my $errHash24Bit = substr($errHash128Bit, 0, 6); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error enum-value is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($errValuePresentHash{$errHash24Bit})) { # Two different errors generate the same hash-value! print ("fapiParseAttributeInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate error hash value\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update the hashes with the error name and ID #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $errValuePresentHash{$errHash24Bit} = 1; $errNameToValueHash{$name} = $errHash24Bit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine that figures out an FFDC ID value from an FFDC name and stores it # in global hashes for use when creating the enumeration of FFDC IDs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setFfdcIdValue { my $name = $_[0]; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the FFDC name is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($ffdcNameToValueHash{$name})) { # Two different FFDCs with the same name! print ("fapiParseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate FFDC name ", $name, "\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out the FFDC enum-value. This is a hash value generated from # the FFDC name. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $ffdcHash128Bit = md5_hex($name); my $ffdcHash32Bit = substr($ffdcHash128Bit, 0, 8); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that the error enum-value is not a duplicate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists($ffdcValuePresentHash{$ffdcHash32Bit})) { # Two different FFDCs generate the same hash-value! print ("fapiParseAttributeInfo.pl ERROR. Duplicate FFDC hash value\n"); exit(1); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update the hashes with the error name and ID #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ffdcValuePresentHash{$ffdcHash32Bit} = 1; $ffdcNameToValueHash{$name} = $ffdcHash32Bit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine to create ffdc methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub addFfdcMethod { my $methods = shift; my $ffdc_uc = shift; my $class_name = shift; my $type = shift; # Remove the leading *_ $class_name = (split (/_/, $class_name, 2))[1]; # If we didn't get a type passed in, this element will get an ffdc_t pair. $type = $ffdc_type if ($type eq undef); # Mangle the uppercase name if needed $ffdc_uc = $mangle_names{$ffdc_uc} if ($mangle_names{$ffdc_uc} ne undef); my $key = $ffdc_uc.$type; my $key_target = $ffdc_uc.$target_ffdc_type; my $key_ffdc = $ffdc_uc.$ffdc_type; # Check to see if this element already has been recorded with this # type or a target type. Note the effect we're shooting for here is # to define the member if it's not been defined before *or* it's # changing from an ffdc_t to a target due to other information in the xml return if ($methods->{$key}{type} eq $type); return if ($methods->{$key_target}{type} eq $target_ffdc_type); # Just leave if this is a variable_buffer ans we're not supporting that. return if (($type eq $variable_buffer_ffdc_type) && ($arg_use_variable_buffers eq undef)); # Set the proper type, and clear out any previous members/methods if # we're going from an ffdc_t to a target. $methods->{$key}{type} = $type; delete $methods->{$key_ffdc} if ($type eq $target_ffdc_type); my $method = ""; my $method_body = ""; # If we're generating empty classes, not using an argument name will avoid the unused parameter warnings my $param = ($arg_empty_ffdc eq undef) ? "i_value" : ""; if ($type eq $ffdc_type) { $method = "\n template< typename T >\n"; $method .= " inline $class_name& set_$ffdc_uc(const T& $param)\n"; $method_body = " {$ffdc_uc.ptr() = &i_value; $ffdc_uc.size() = fapi2::getErrorInfoFfdcSize(i_value); return *this;}\n\n"; $methods->{$key}{member} = "$ffdc_type $ffdc_uc;\n "; } elsif ($type eq $buffer_ffdc_type) { # Two methods - one for integral buffers and one for variable_buffers $method = "\n template< typename T >\n"; $method .= " inline $class_name& set_$ffdc_uc(const fapi2::buffer& $param)\n"; $method_body = " {$ffdc_uc.ptr() = &i_value(); $ffdc_uc.size() = i_value.template getLength(); return *this;}\n\n"; $methods->{$key}{member} = "$ffdc_type $ffdc_uc;\n "; } elsif ($type eq $variable_buffer_ffdc_type) { $method = "\n inline $class_name& set_$ffdc_uc(const fapi2::variable_buffer& $param)\n"; $method_body = " {$ffdc_uc.ptr() = &i_value(); $ffdc_uc.size() = i_value.template getLength(); return *this;}\n\n"; # No need to add the member here, it was added with fapi2::buffer. And we can't have variable # buffer support with out integral buffer support (can we?) } elsif ($type eq $target_ffdc_type) { $method = "\n template< TargetType T >\n"; $method .= " inline $class_name& set_$ffdc_uc(const $type& $param)\n"; $method_body .= " {$ffdc_uc.ptr() = &i_value; $ffdc_uc.size() = fapi2::getErrorInfoFfdcSize(i_value); return *this;}\n\n"; $methods->{$key}{member} = "$ffdc_type $ffdc_uc;\n "; } else { print ("ffdc type $type is unknown"); exit(1); } $method .= ($arg_empty_ffdc eq undef) ? $method_body : " {return *this;}\n\n"; $methods->{$key}{method} = $method; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open output files for writing #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $rcFile = $arg_output_dir; $rcFile .= "/"; $rcFile .= "hwp_return_codes.H"; open(RCFILE, ">", $rcFile); my $eiFile = $arg_output_dir; $eiFile .= "/"; $eiFile .= "hwp_error_info.H"; open(EIFILE, ">", $eiFile); my $ecFile = $arg_output_dir; $ecFile .= "/"; $ecFile .= "hwp_ffdc_classes.H"; open(ECFILE, ">", $ecFile); my $crFile = $arg_output_dir; $crFile .= "/"; $crFile .= "collect_reg_ffdc.H"; open(CRFILE, ">", $crFile); my $sbFile = $arg_output_dir; $sbFile .= "/"; $sbFile .= "set_sbe_error.H"; open(SBFILE, ">", $sbFile); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to hwp_error_info.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "// hwp_error_info.H\n"; print EIFILE "// This file is generated by the perl script parseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print EIFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_HWPERRORINFO_H_\n"; print EIFILE "#define FAPI2_HWPERRORINFO_H_\n\n"; print EIFILE "#include \n"; print EIFILE "#include \n"; print EIFILE "#include \n"; print EIFILE "#include \n"; print EIFILE "/**\n"; print EIFILE " * \@brief Error Information macros and HwpFfdcId enumeration\n"; print EIFILE " *\/\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to hwp_ffdc_classes.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print ECFILE "// hwp_ffdc_classes.H\n"; print ECFILE "// This file is generated by the perl script parseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print ECFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_HWP_FFDC_CLASSES_H_\n"; print ECFILE "#define FAPI2_HWP_FFDC_CLASSES_H_\n\n"; print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#include \n" if ($arg_use_variable_buffers ne undef); print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_NO_FFDC\n"; print ECFILE "#include \n"; print ECFILE "#endif\n"; #print ECFILE "#include \n\n"; print ECFILE "/**\n"; print ECFILE " * \@brief FFDC gathering classes\n"; print ECFILE " *\/\n"; print ECFILE "namespace fapi2\n{\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to collectRegFfdc.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print CRFILE "// collect_reg_ffdc.H\n"; print CRFILE "// This file is generated by the perl script parseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print CRFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_COLLECT_REG_FFDC_H_\n"; print CRFILE "#define FAPI2_COLLECT_REG_FFDC_H_\n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "#include \n"; print CRFILE "namespace fapi2\n"; print CRFILE "{\n"; print CRFILE "template< TargetType C, TargetType P >\n"; print CRFILE "void collectRegFfdc(const fapi2::ffdc_t& i_target,\n"; print CRFILE " const fapi2::HwpFfdcId i_ffdcId,\n"; print CRFILE " fapi2::ReturnCode & o_rc,\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t i_childOffsetMult = 0)\n"; print CRFILE "{\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_INF(\"collectRegFfdc. FFDC ID: 0x%x\", i_ffdcId);\n"; print CRFILE " fapi2::ReturnCode l_rc;\n"; print CRFILE " fapi2::buffer l_buf;\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t l_cfamData = 0;\n"; print CRFILE " uint64_t l_scomData = 0;\n"; print CRFILE " std::vector l_cfamAddresses;\n"; print CRFILE " std::vector l_scomAddresses;\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t l_ffdcSize = 0;\n\n"; print CRFILE " switch (i_ffdcId)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " // void statments for the unused variables\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(l_cfamData);\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(l_scomData);\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(l_ffdcSize);\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(i_target);\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(o_rc);\n"; print CRFILE " static_cast(i_childOffsetMult);\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print start of file information to setSbeError.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print SBFILE "// setSbeError.H\n"; print SBFILE "// This file is generated by the perl script parseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print SBFILE "// When SBE code creates an error, it produces an error value\n"; print SBFILE "// that matches a value in the HwpReturnCode enum in\n"; print SBFILE "// fapiHwpReturnCodes.H. The SBE uses the __ASSEMBLER__\n"; print SBFILE "// primitives in hwpReturnCodes.H to do this. The function\n"; print SBFILE "// that extracts the error value from the SBE needs to call\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR to create the error and get all the\n"; print SBFILE "// actions in the error XML file performed, but that macro can\n"; print SBFILE "// only be called with the enumerator, not the value. This\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_SBE_ERROR macro can be called instead, it calls\n"; print SBFILE "// FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR with the correct error enumerator.\n"; print SBFILE "// Errors containing in their XML are supported\n"; print SBFILE "// in this macro.\n\n"; print SBFILE "// Note that it is expected that this macro will be called\n"; print SBFILE "// in one place (the function that extracts the error from\n"; print SBFILE "// the SBE), if this changes and it is called in multiple\n"; print SBFILE "// places then the macro could be turned into a function to\n"; print SBFILE "// avoid the code size increase of expanding the macro in\n"; print SBFILE "// multiple places. The function approach is slightly more\n"; print SBFILE "// complicated, there is an extra C file and the function\n"; print SBFILE "// must take a parameter for the generic chip ID in the error\n"; print SBFILE "// XML.\n\n"; print SBFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_SETSBEERROR_H_\n"; print SBFILE "#define FAPI2_SETSBEERROR_H_\n\n"; print SBFILE "#define FAPI_SET_SBE_ERROR(RC, ERRVAL)\\\n"; print SBFILE "{\\\n"; print SBFILE "switch (ERRVAL)\\\n"; print SBFILE "{\\\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # For each XML file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foreach my $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { my $infile = $ARGV[$argnum]; my $count = 0; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read XML file. The ForceArray option ensures that there is an array of # elements even if there is only one element #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $errors = $xml->XMLin($infile, ForceArray => ['hwpError', 'collectFfdc', 'ffdc', 'callout', 'deconfigure', 'gard', 'registerFfdc', 'collectRegisterFfdc', 'cfamRegister', 'scomRegister', 'id','collectTrace', 'buffer']); # Uncomment to get debug output of all errors #print "\nFile: ", $infile, "\n", Dumper($errors), "\n"; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each Error #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $err (@{$errors->{hwpError}}) { # Hash of methods for the ffdc-gathering class my %methods; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that expected fields are present #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! exists $err->{rc}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. rc missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $err->{description}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. description missing\n"); exit(1); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that this rc hasn't been deprecated #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($deprecated{$err->{rc}} ne undef) { print "WARNING: $err->{rc} has been deprecated because $deprecated{$err->{rc}}\n"; next; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the error enum value in a global hash #--------------------------------------------------------------------- setErrorEnumValue($err->{rc}); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this is an SBE error, add it to set_sbe_error.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists $err->{sbeError}) { print SBFILE " case fapi2::$err->{rc}:\\\n"; print SBFILE " FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(RC, $err->{rc});\\\n"; print SBFILE " break;\\\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_FFDC macro to hwp_error_info.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_FFDC(RC) "; # For now, this code is removed. It appears to work just fine but # will require more of the fapi2 infrastructure to be in place. # Because the ffdc collection classes create members with real types, # the declarations of the types need to be visible - and they're not # right now. When we get further along, we can enable this code. =begin NO_FFDC_COLLECT_HWP $count = 0; foreach my $collectFfdc (@{$err->{collectFfdc}}) { if ($count == 0) { print EIFILE "{ fapi2::ReturnCode l_tempRc; "; } $count++; print EIFILE "FAPI_EXEC_HWP(l_tempRc, $collectFfdc, RC); "; # collectFfdc is a string we're going to stuff into FAPI_EXEC_HWP # but we need to create the arguments in the ffdc class. The first # element inthe collectFfdc string is the function to call. my @elements = split /,/, $collectFfdc; my @signature = @{$signatures{@elements[0]}}; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#elements; $i++) { @elements[$i] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, @elements[$i], $err->{rc}, @signature[$i-1]); } } if ($count > 0) { print EIFILE "}"; } =cut NO_FFDC_COLLECT_HWP print EIFILE "\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_REG_FFDC macro to hwp_error_info.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_CALL_FUNCS_TO_COLLECT_REG_FFDC(RC) "; foreach my $collectRegisterFfdc (@{$err->{collectRegisterFfdc}}) { #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check that expected fields are present #------------------------------------------------------------------ if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{id}[0]) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. id(s) missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } foreach my $id (@{$collectRegisterFfdc->{id}}) { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check FFDC register collection type: target, child, or based on present children #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{target}) { print EIFILE "fapi2::collectRegFfdc($collectRegisterFfdc->{target}, "; print EIFILE "fapi2::$id, RC); "; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $collectRegisterFfdc->{target}, $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); } elsif (exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{childTargets}) { if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{childTargets}->{parent}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: parent missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{childTargets}->{childType}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: childType missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } print EIFILE "fapi2::collectRegFfdc{childTargets}->{childType}, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE>"; print EIFILE "($collectRegisterFfdc->{childTargets}->{parent}, fapi2::$id, RC); "; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $collectRegisterFfdc->{childTargets}->{parent}, $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); } elsif (exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}) { if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{target}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: target missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{childType}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: childType missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{childPosOffsetMultiplier}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: childPosOffsetMultiplier missing from collectRegisterFfdc\n"); exit(1); } print EIFILE "fapi2::collectRegFfdc{basedOnPresentChildren}->{childType}, fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE>"; print EIFILE "($collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{target}, fapi2::$id, RC, "; print EIFILE "$collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{childPosOffsetMultiplier}); "; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $collectRegisterFfdc->{basedOnPresentChildren}->{target}, $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); } else { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR: Invalid collectRegisterFfdc configuration\n"); exit(1); } } } print EIFILE "\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the ADD_ERROR_INFO macro to hwp_error_info.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print EIFILE "#define $err->{rc}_ADD_ERROR_INFO(RC) "; # Array of EI Objects my @eiObjects; my $eiObjectStr = "const void * l_objects[] = {"; my $eiEntryStr = ""; my $eiEntryCount = 0; my %cdgTargetHash; # Records the callout/deconfigure/gards for Targets my %cdgChildHash; # Records the callout/deconfigure/gards for Children # collect firmware trace foreach my $collectTrace (@{$err->{collectTrace}}) { # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_COLLECT_TRACE; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].collect_trace.iv_eieTraceId = fapi2::CollectTraces::$collectTrace; \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Local FFDC foreach my $ffdc (@{$err->{ffdc}}) { # Set the FFDC ID value in a global hash. The name is _ my $ffdcName = $err->{rc} . "_"; $ffdcName = $ffdcName . $ffdc; setFfdcIdValue($ffdcName); # Add the FFDC data to the EI Object array if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $ffdc); # Add a method to the ffdc-gathering class addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $ffdc, $err->{rc}); $ffdc = $mangle_names{$ffdc} if ($mangle_names{$ffdc} ne undef); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_FFDC; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcObjIndex = $objNum; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcId = fapi2::$ffdcName; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcSize = $ffdc.size(); \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Buffers, looks a lot like local ffdc foreach my $buffer (@{$err->{buffer}}) { # Set the FFDC ID value in a global hash. The name is _ my $bufferName = $err->{rc} . "_"; $bufferName = $bufferName . $buffer; setFfdcIdValue($bufferName); # Add the FFDC data to the EI Object array if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $buffer); # Add a method to the ffdc-gathering class - one for each buffer type addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $buffer, $err->{rc}, $buffer_ffdc_type); addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $buffer, $err->{rc}, $variable_buffer_ffdc_type); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_FFDC; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcObjIndex = $objNum; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcId = fapi2::$bufferName; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].ffdc.iv_ffdcSize = fapi2::getErrorInfoFfdcSize($buffer); \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Procedure/Target/Bus/Child callouts foreach my $callout (@{$err->{callout}}) { if (! exists $callout->{priority}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Callout priority missing\n"); exit(1); } my $elementsFound = 0; if (exists $callout->{hw}) { # HW Callout if (! exists $callout->{hw}->{hwid}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. HW Callout hwid missing\n"); exit(1); } # Check that those HW callouts that need reference targets have them if (($callout->{hw}->{hwid} eq "TOD_CLOCK") || ($callout->{hw}->{hwid} eq "MEM_REF_CLOCK") || ($callout->{hw}->{hwid} eq "PROC_REF_CLOCK") || ($callout->{hw}->{hwid} eq "PCI_REF_CLOCK")) { if (! exists $callout->{hw}->{refTarget}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Callout missing refTarget\n"); exit(1); } } # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_HW_CALLOUT; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].hw_callout.iv_hw = fapi2::HwCallouts::$callout->{hw}->{hwid}; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].hw_callout.iv_calloutPriority = fapi2::CalloutPriorities::$callout->{priority}; \\\n"; if (exists $callout->{hw}->{refTarget}) { # Add the Targets to the objectlist if they don't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $callout->{hw}->{refTarget}); $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].hw_callout.iv_refObjIndex = $objNum; \\\n"; # Add a method to the ffdc-gathering class addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $callout->{hw}->{refTarget}, $err->{rc}); } else { $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].hw_callout.iv_refObjIndex = 0xff; \\\n"; } $eiEntryCount++; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $callout->{procedure}) { # Procedure Callout # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_PROCEDURE_CALLOUT; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].proc_callout.iv_procedure = fapi2::ProcedureCallouts::$callout->{procedure}; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].proc_callout.iv_calloutPriority = fapi2::CalloutPriorities::$callout->{priority}; \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $callout->{bus}) { # A Bus Callout consists of two targets separated by # commas/spaces my @targets = split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/, $callout->{bus}); if (scalar @targets != 2) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. did not find two targets in bus callout\n"); exit(1); } # Add the Targets to the objectlist if they don't already exist my $objNum1 = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $targets[0]); my $objNum2 = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $targets[1]); # Add a method to the ffdc-gathering class addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $targets[0], $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $targets[1], $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_BUS_CALLOUT; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].bus_callout.iv_endpoint1ObjIndex = $objNum1; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].bus_callout.iv_endpoint2ObjIndex = $objNum2; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].bus_callout.iv_calloutPriority = fapi2::CalloutPriorities::$callout->{priority}; \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $callout->{target}) { # Add the Target to cdgTargetHash to be processed with any # deconfigure and GARD requests $cdgTargetHash{$callout->{target}}{callout} = 1; $cdgTargetHash{$callout->{target}}{priority} = $callout->{priority}; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $callout->{childTargets}) { # Check that the parent and childType subelements exist if (! exists $callout->{childTargets}->{parent}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child Callout parent missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $callout->{childTargets}->{childType}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child Callout childType missing\n"); exit(1); } # Add the child info to cdgChildHash to be processed with # any deconfigure and GARD requests my $parent = $callout->{childTargets}->{parent}; my $childType = $callout->{childTargets}->{childType}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{callout} = 1; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{priority} = $callout->{priority}; $elementsFound++; if (exists $callout->{childTargets}->{childPort}) { my $childPort = $callout->{childTargets}->{childPort}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childPort} = $childPort; } if (exists $callout->{childTargets}->{childNumber}) { my $childNum = $callout->{childTargets}->{childNumber}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childNumber} = $childNum; } } if ($elementsFound == 0) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Callout incomplete\n"); exit(1); } elsif ($elementsFound > 1) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Callout has multiple elements\n"); exit(1); } } # callout # Target/Child deconfigures foreach my $deconfigure (@{$err->{deconfigure}}) { my $elementsFound = 0; if (exists $deconfigure->{target}) { # Add the Target to cdgTargetHash to be processed with any # callout and GARD requests $cdgTargetHash{$deconfigure->{target}}{deconf} = 1; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $deconfigure->{childTargets}) { # Check that the parent and childType subelements exist if (! exists $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{parent}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child Deconfigure parent missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childType}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child Deconfigure childType missing\n"); exit(1); } # Add the child info to cdgChildHash to be processed with # any callout and GARD requests my $parent = $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{parent}; my $childType = $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childType}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{deconf} = 1; $elementsFound++; if ( exists $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childPort}) { my $childPort = $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childPort}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childPort} = $childPort; } if ( exists $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childNumber}) { my $childNum = $deconfigure->{childTargets}->{childNumber}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childNumber} = $childNum; } } if ($elementsFound == 0) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Deconfigure incomplete\n"); exit(1); } elsif ($elementsFound > 1) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Deconfigure has multiple elements\n"); exit(1); } } # deconfigure # Target/Child Gards foreach my $gard (@{$err->{gard}}) { my $elementsFound = 0; if (exists $gard->{target}) { # Add the Target to cdgTargetHash to be processed with any # callout and deconfigure requests $cdgTargetHash{$gard->{target}}{gard} = 1; $elementsFound++; } if (exists $gard->{childTargets}) { # Check that the parent and childType subelements exist if (! exists $gard->{childTargets}->{parent}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child GARD parent missing\n"); exit(1); } if (! exists $gard->{childTargets}->{childType}) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. Child GARD childType missing\n"); exit(1); } # Add the child info to cdgChildHash to be processed with # any callout and deconfigure requests my $parent = $gard->{childTargets}->{parent}; my $childType = $gard->{childTargets}->{childType}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{gard} = 1; $elementsFound++; if ( exists $gard->{childTargets}->{childPort}) { my $childPort = $gard->{childTargets}->{childPort}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childPort} = $childPort; } if ( exists $gard->{childTargets}->{childNumber}) { my $childNum = $gard->{childTargets}->{childNumber}; $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}{childNumber} = $childNum; } } if ($elementsFound == 0) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. GARD incomplete\n"); exit(1); } elsif ($elementsFound > 1) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR in $err->{rc}. GARD has multiple elements\n"); exit(1); } } # gard # Process the callout, deconfigures and GARDs for each Target foreach my $cdg (keys %cdgTargetHash) { my $callout = 0; my $priority = 'LOW'; my $deconf = 0; my $gard = 0; if (exists $cdgTargetHash{$cdg}->{callout}) { $callout = 1; } if (exists $cdgTargetHash{$cdg}->{priority}) { $priority = $cdgTargetHash{$cdg}->{priority}; } if (exists $cdgTargetHash{$cdg}->{deconf}) { $deconf = 1; } if (exists $cdgTargetHash{$cdg}->{gard}) { $gard = 1; } # Add the Target to the objectlist if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $cdg); # Add a method to the ffdc-gathering class addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $cdg, $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_CDG; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].target_cdg.iv_targetObjIndex = $objNum; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].target_cdg.iv_callout = $callout; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].target_cdg.iv_deconfigure = $deconf; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].target_cdg.iv_gard = $gard; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].target_cdg.iv_calloutPriority = fapi2::CalloutPriorities::$priority; \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; } # Process the callout, deconfigures and GARDs for Child Targets foreach my $parent (keys %cdgChildHash) { foreach my $childType (keys %{$cdgChildHash{$parent}}) { my $callout = 0; my $priority = 'LOW'; my $deconf = 0; my $gard = 0; my $childPort = 0xFF; my $childNumber = 0xFF; if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}{$childType}->{callout}) { $callout = 1; } if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{priority}) { $priority = $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{priority}; } if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{deconf}) { $deconf = 1; } if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{childPort}) { $childPort = $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{childPort} ; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $childPort, $err->{rc}); } if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{childNumber}) { $childNumber = $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{childNumber} ; addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $childNumber, $err->{rc}); } if (exists $cdgChildHash{$parent}->{$childType}->{gard}) { $gard = 1; } # Add the Target to the objectlist if it doesn't already exist my $objNum = addEntryToArray(\@eiObjects, $parent); addFfdcMethod(\%methods, $parent, $err->{rc}, $target_ffdc_type); # Add an EI entry to eiEntryStr $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].iv_type = fapi2::EI_TYPE_CHILDREN_CDG; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_parentObjIndex = $objNum; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_callout = $callout; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_deconfigure = $deconf; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_childType = fapi2::$childType; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_childPort = $childPort; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_childNumber = $childNumber; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_gard = $gard; \\\n"; $eiEntryStr .= " l_entries[$eiEntryCount].children_cdg.iv_calloutPriority = fapi2::CalloutPriorities::$priority; \\\n"; $eiEntryCount++; } } # Add all objects to $eiObjectStr my $objCount = 0; foreach my $eiObject (@eiObjects) { if ($objCount > 0) { $eiObjectStr .= ", "; } if ($mangle_names{$eiObject} eq undef) { $eiObjectStr .= "$eiObject" } else { $eiObjectStr .= $mangle_names{$eiObject}; } $objCount++; } $eiObjectStr .= "};"; # Print info to file if ($eiEntryCount > 0) { print EIFILE "\\\n{ \\\n $eiObjectStr \\\n"; print EIFILE " fapi2::ErrorInfoEntry l_entries[$eiEntryCount]; \\\n"; print EIFILE "$eiEntryStr"; print EIFILE " RC.addErrorInfo(l_objects, l_entries, $eiEntryCount); \\\n}"; } print EIFILE "\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the return code class to hwp_error_info.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the repeated whitespace and newlines other characters from the description $err->{description} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$|"//g; $err->{description} =~ tr{\n}{ }; $err->{description} =~ s/\h+/ /g; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the return code class to hwp_error_info.H #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $class_name = $err->{rc}; # Remove everything upto and including the first _. This makes the ffdc class # names different from the error code value enum names. $class_name = (split (/_/, $class_name, 2))[1]; # Class declaration print ECFILE "\nclass $class_name\n{\n public:\n"; # Constructor. This traces the description. If this is too much, we can # remove it. if ($arg_empty_ffdc eq undef) { print ECFILE " $class_name(fapi2::errlSeverity_t i_sev = fapi2::FAPI2_ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi2::ReturnCode& i_rc = fapi2::current_err):\n"; print ECFILE " iv_rc(i_rc),\n"; print ECFILE " iv_sev(i_sev)\n"; print ECFILE " { FAPI_ERR(\"$err->{description}\"); }\n"; } else { # Void expression keeps the compiler from complaining about the unused arguments. # We want to set the i_rc to the RC if we're empty. This otherwise gets done in _setHwpError() print ECFILE " $class_name(fapi2::errlSeverity_t i_sev = fapi2::FAPI2_ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, fapi2::ReturnCode& i_rc = fapi2::current_err)\n"; print ECFILE " {\n"; print ECFILE " static_cast(i_sev);\n"; print ECFILE " i_rc = $err->{rc};\n"; print ECFILE " }\n\n"; } # Methods foreach my $key (keys %methods) { print ECFILE $methods{$key}{method}; } # Stick the execute method at the end of the other methods. We allow # passing in of the severity so that macros which call execute() can over-ride # the default severity. print ECFILE " void execute(fapi2::errlSeverity_t i_sev = fapi2::FAPI2_ERRL_SEV_UNDEFINED)\n"; if ($arg_empty_ffdc eq undef) { print ECFILE " {\n"; print ECFILE " FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(iv_rc, $err->{rc});\n"; print ECFILE " fapi2::logError(iv_rc, (i_sev == fapi2::FAPI2_ERRL_SEV_UNDEFINED) ? iv_sev : i_sev);\n"; print ECFILE " }\n\n"; } else { print ECFILE " {\n"; print ECFILE " static_cast(i_sev);\n"; print ECFILE " }\n\n"; } # Instance variables if ($arg_empty_ffdc eq undef) { print ECFILE " private:\n "; foreach my $key (keys %methods) { print ECFILE $methods{$key}{member}; } print ECFILE "fapi2::ReturnCode& iv_rc;\n"; print ECFILE " fapi2::errlSeverity_t iv_sev;\n"; } print ECFILE "};\n\n\n\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For each registerFfdc. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $registerFfdc (@{$errors->{registerFfdc}}) { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that expected fields are present #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (! exists $registerFfdc->{id}[0]) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. id missing from registerFfdc\n"); exit(1); } if (scalar @{$registerFfdc->{id}} > 1) { print ("parseErrorInfo.pl ERROR. multiple ids in registerFfdc\n"); exit(1); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the FFDC ID value in a global hash #---------------------------------------------------------------------- setFfdcIdValue($registerFfdc->{id}[0]); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate code to capture the registers in collect_reg_ffdc.C #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " case $registerFfdc->{id}[0]:\n"; # TODO: RTC 132226 =begin NEED_P9_REGISTERS # Look for CFAM Register addresses foreach my $cfamRegister (@{$registerFfdc->{cfamRegister}}) { print CRFILE " l_cfamAddresses.push_back($cfamRegister);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_cfamData);\n"; } # Look for SCOM Register addresses foreach my $scomRegister (@{$registerFfdc->{scomRegister}}) { print CRFILE " l_scomAddresses.push_back($scomRegister);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_scomData);\n"; } =cut NEED_P9_REGISTERS print CRFILE " break;\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to collect_reg_ffdc.C #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print CRFILE " default:\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Invalid FFDC ID 0x%x\", "; print CRFILE "i_ffdcId);\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; # TODO: RTC 132226 =begin NEED_P9_REGISTERS print CRFILE " uint8_t * l_pBuf = NULL;\n"; print CRFILE " uint8_t * l_pData = NULL;\n"; print CRFILE " std::vector l_targets;\n"; print CRFILE " uint32_t l_chipletPos32 = 0;\n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Populate chiplet vectors (if required by register collection method) and adjust buffer sizes accordingly #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " if (C != TARGET_TYPE_NONE)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetChildChiplets(i_target, i_child, l_targets, TARGET_STATE_FUNCTIONAL);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error: fapiGetChildChiplets: failed to get chiplets.\");\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_targets.empty())\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_INF(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error: No functional chiplets found. \");\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_chipletPos32);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize *= l_targets.size();\n"; print CRFILE " l_pBuf = new uint8_t[l_ffdcSize];\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData = l_pBuf;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else if (P != TARGET_TYPE_NONE)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetChildChiplets(i_target, i_presChild, l_targets, TARGET_STATE_PRESENT);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error: fapiGetChildChiplets: failed to get chiplets.\");\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_targets.empty())\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_INF(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error: No functional chiplets found. \");\n"; print CRFILE " return;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_chipletPos32);\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize *= l_targets.size();\n"; print CRFILE " l_pBuf = new uint8_t[l_ffdcSize];\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData = l_pBuf;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_ffdcSize += sizeof(l_chipletPos32);\n"; print CRFILE " l_pBuf = new uint8_t[l_ffdcSize];\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData = l_pBuf;\n"; print CRFILE " l_targets.push_back(i_target);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Obtain target position and insert as the first word in the buffer #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " bool l_targIsChiplet = i_target.isChiplet();\n\n"; print CRFILE " for (std::vector::const_iterator targetIter = l_targets.begin();\n"; print CRFILE " targetIter != l_targets.end(); ++targetIter)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " if ((fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE != i_child) ||\n"; print CRFILE " (fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE != i_presChild) ||\n"; print CRFILE " (true == l_targIsChiplet))\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " uint8_t l_chipletPos = 0;\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_CHIP_UNIT_POS, &(*targetIter), l_chipletPos);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error getting chiplet position\");\n"; print CRFILE " l_chipletPos = 0xFF;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We print the target's position in the error log whether the target is a # chip or chiplet, so we need to store the chiplet position in a uint32_t # to have consitency in the buffer as ATTR_POS below returns a uint32_t #------------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " l_chipletPos32 = l_chipletPos;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_POS, &(*targetIter), l_chipletPos32);\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: Error getting chip position\");\n"; print CRFILE " l_chipletPos32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " *(reinterpret_cast(l_pData)) = l_chipletPos32;\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData += sizeof(l_chipletPos32);\n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instert cfam data (if any) related to this chip / chiplet into the buffer # If collecting FFDC based on present children, adjust the register address by the appropriate offset #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " for (std::vector::const_iterator cfamIter = l_cfamAddresses.begin();\n"; print CRFILE " cfamIter != l_cfamAddresses.end(); ++cfamIter)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " if (fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE != i_presChild)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetCfamRegister(i_target, (*cfamIter + (l_chipletPos32 * i_childOffsetMult)), l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetCfamRegister(*targetIter, *cfamIter, l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: CFAM error for 0x%x\","; print CRFILE "*cfamIter);\n"; print CRFILE " l_cfamData = 0xbaddbadd;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_cfamData = l_buf.getWord(0);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " *(reinterpret_cast(l_pData)) = l_cfamData;\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData += sizeof(l_cfamData);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instert any scom data (if any) related to this chip / chiplet into the buffer # If collecting FFDC based on present children, adjust the register address by the appropriate offset #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print CRFILE " for (std::vector::const_iterator scomIter = l_scomAddresses.begin();\n"; print CRFILE " scomIter != l_scomAddresses.end(); ++scomIter)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " if (fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE != i_presChild)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetScom(i_target, (*scomIter + (l_chipletPos32 * i_childOffsetMult)), l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_rc = fapiGetScom(*targetIter, *scomIter, l_buf);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " if (l_rc)\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " FAPI_ERR(\"collect_reg_ffdc.C: SCOM error for 0x%llx\","; print CRFILE "*scomIter);\n"; print CRFILE " l_scomData = 0xbaddbaddbaddbaddULL;\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " else\n"; print CRFILE " {\n"; print CRFILE " l_scomData = l_buf.getDoubleWord(0);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " *(reinterpret_cast(l_pData)) = l_scomData;\n"; print CRFILE " l_pData += sizeof(l_scomData);\n"; print CRFILE " }\n"; print CRFILE " }\n\n"; print CRFILE " o_rc.addEIFfdc(i_ffdcId, l_pBuf, l_ffdcSize);\n"; print CRFILE " delete [] l_pBuf;\n"; =cut NEED_P9_REGISTERS print CRFILE "}\n"; print CRFILE "}\n"; print CRFILE "#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the fapiHwpReturnCodes.H file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print RCFILE "// fapiHwpReturnCodes.H\n"; print RCFILE "// This file is generated by perl script parseErrorInfo.pl\n\n"; print RCFILE "#ifndef FAPI2_HWPRETURNCODES_H_\n"; print RCFILE "#define FAPI2_HWPRETURNCODES_H_\n\n"; print RCFILE "#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__\n"; print RCFILE "namespace fapi2\n"; print RCFILE "{\n\n"; print RCFILE "/**\n"; print RCFILE " * \@brief Enumeration of HWP return codes\n"; print RCFILE " *\/\n"; print RCFILE "enum HwpReturnCode\n"; print RCFILE "{\n"; foreach my $key (keys %errNameToValueHash) { print RCFILE " $key = 0x$errNameToValueHash{$key},\n"; } print RCFILE "};\n\n"; print RCFILE "}\n\n"; print RCFILE "#else\n"; foreach my $key (keys %errNameToValueHash) { print RCFILE " .set $key, 0x$errNameToValueHash{$key}\n"; } print RCFILE "#endif\n"; print RCFILE "#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print the HwpFfdcId enumeration to hwp_error_info.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "namespace fapi2\n"; print EIFILE "{\n\n"; print EIFILE "/**\n"; print EIFILE " * \@brief Enumeration of FFDC identifiers\n"; print EIFILE " *\/\n"; print EIFILE "enum HwpFfdcId\n"; print EIFILE "{\n"; foreach my $key (keys %ffdcNameToValueHash) { print EIFILE " $key = 0x$ffdcNameToValueHash{$key},\n"; } print EIFILE "};\n\n"; print EIFILE "}\n\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to hwp_error_info.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print EIFILE "\n\n#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to hwp_ffdc_classes.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print ECFILE "\n};\n"; # close the namespace print ECFILE "\n\n#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print end of file information to set_sbe_error.H #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print SBFILE " default:\\\n"; print SBFILE " FAPI_SET_HWP_ERROR(RC, RC_SBE_UNKNOWN_ERROR);\\\n"; print SBFILE " break;\\\n"; print SBFILE "}\\\n"; print SBFILE "}\n\n"; print SBFILE "#endif\n"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Close output files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ close(RCFILE); close(EIFILE); close(ECFILE); close(CRFILE); close(SBFILE);