#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/tools/utils/conv_rel_branch.pl $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2018 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); # Globals my %power_platforms = (); my %relations = (); my $latest_power_platform = ""; my $fsp_ci_jenkins_rel_file = "/gsa/ausgsa/home/f/s/fspcibld/patches/cipatch_xml"; use constant MASTER => "master"; my $debug = 0; my $help = 0; # Set local variables based on ENV variables my $PROJECT_ROOT = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`; # Parse command line parameters GetOptions("debug!" => \$debug, "help" => \$help); # List of commands tool can run my %commands = ( "rtob" => \&execute_rel_to_branch, "btor" => \&execute_branch_to_rel, ); if ($help) { execute_help(); } else { my $command = shift @ARGV; if ($commands{$command}) { system("git remote -v | grep gerrit -q"); die "Gerrit remote DNE, must run in repo with gerrit remote" if $?; # Build release to branch relation hash. build_relations(); &{$commands{$command}}(); } else { execute_help(); } } ############################## Begin Actions ################################### sub execute_rel_to_branch { my $release = ""; GetOptions("release:s" => \$release); die "Missing release" if $release eq ""; # Get power platform associated with release my $power_platform = get_power_platform($release); # Find release in relations hash. my $branch = $relations{$power_platform}{$release}; die "Fips release => $release has no corresponding gerrit branch" if (!$branch); print "$branch \n"; } sub execute_branch_to_rel { my $branch = ""; GetOptions("branch:s" => \$branch); die "Missing branch" if $branch eq ""; # Get power platform associated with branch my $power_platform = get_power_platform($branch); # Find branch in relations hash. my $release = ""; if( $power_platform ) { foreach my $rel (sort keys %{$relations{$power_platform}}) { if ($relations{$power_platform}{$rel} eq "$branch") { $release = $rel; last; } } } die "Gerrit branch => $branch has no corresponding fips release" if ($release eq ""); print "$release \n"; } sub execute_help { my $command = shift @ARGV; if ($command eq "") { print " Usage:\n"; print " conv_rel_branch [options]\n\n"; print " Tool to convert fips release to branches and vice versa\n\n"; print " Requires:\n"; print " Tool to run in git repo that has gerrit remote\n\n"; print " Available subtools:\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %commands) { print " $key\n"; } print "\n"; print " Global options:\n"; print " --debug Enable debug mode.\n"; print " --help Display help on a specific tool.\n"; } elsif (not defined $commands{$command}) { die "Unknown subcommand: $command.\n"; } else { my %help = ( "rtob" => q( Convert release to branch Options: --release= Fips release name (e.g. fips810) [required]. ), "btor" => q( Convert branch to fips release Options: --branch= Remote gerrit branch (e.g. release-fips910, master) [required]. ), ); print "rel_branch $command:"; print $help{$command}; } } ############################## Begin Sub Routines ############################## # sub get_release_branches # # Get all branches in gerrit that are prefixed 'release-' and remove the prefix # *Note branches with string 'master' are removed from this to result in direct # matches of fips releases only. Master branches will be dervied later. # # @return array - sorted names of branches (e.g release-fips810 ...) # sub get_release_branches { chdir($PROJECT_ROOT); die $? if ($?); # Parse for remote gerrit branches associated directly with a release my $cmd = "git branch -a | grep -e remotes/gerrit/release"; $cmd .= " | sed -e 's/^[ \\t]*remotes\\/gerrit\\///'"; my @release_branches = sort (split('\n',`$cmd`)); print "Release Branches:\n" if $debug; print Dumper \@release_branches if $debug; return @release_branches; } # sub get_fips_releases # # Get all fips releases that fsp-ci-jenkins uses in sorted order. # # @return array - sorted names of releases (e.g fips910, fips920, etc) # sub get_fips_releases { chdir($PROJECT_ROOT); die $? if ($?); # Parse fsp-ci-jenkins xml file for releases my $cmd = "cat $fsp_ci_jenkins_rel_file | grep release | "; $cmd .= "sed -e 's/^[ \\t]*//' -e 's/<\\/release>[ \\t]*//'"; my @fips_releases = sort (split('\n',`$cmd`)); print "Fips Release:\n" if $debug; print Dumper \@fips_releases if $debug; return @fips_releases; } # sub get_power_platform # # Takes a references (release or gerrit branch) and determines the power # platform it belongs to. # # @return string - power platform (e.g. p8, p9) # sub get_power_platform { my $reference = shift; my $power_platform = ""; if ($reference =~ m/master/) { # Remove prefix from older platforms (e.g. master-p8). If nothing is # replaced then it is the latest power platform. $reference =~ s/master-//; if ($reference eq MASTER) { $power_platform = $latest_power_platform; } else { $power_platform = $reference; } } else { ($power_platform) = $reference =~ /fips(.*)[0-9][0-9]/; if ( !$power_platform ) { ($power_platform) = $reference =~ /op(.*)[0-9][0-9]/; } if ( $power_platform ) { $power_platform = "p$power_platform"; $power_platforms{$power_platform} = 1; } } return $power_platform; } # sub branchExists sub branchExists { my $branch = shift; chomp($branch); my $brChk = `git branch -a | grep $branch`; if ($brChk eq "") { return 0; } else { return 1; } } # sub build_relations # # Build a relationship hash between fips releases and gerrit branches using # fsp-ci-jenkins xml and git branch command within PPE. # # Structure: # power_platform => # fips-release => gerrit-branch # Example: # p9 => # fips920 => master # sub build_relations { my @releases = get_fips_releases(); my @branches = get_release_branches(); # Fill in fips release keys foreach my $release (@releases) { my $power_platform = get_power_platform($release); $relations{$power_platform}{$release} = ""; } # Fill in fips release values, which are gerrit release branches. foreach my $branch (@branches) { my $power_platform = get_power_platform($branch); my $release = $branch; $release =~ s/release-//; $relations{$power_platform}{$release} = $branch; } # Handle master branches for each platform my @platforms = sort keys %power_platforms; foreach my $i (0 .. $#platforms) { my $power_platform = $platforms[$i]; # Lastest power platform matches branch master my $master = MASTER; # Previous power platforms match branch "master-$platform" if ($i < $#platforms) { $master = MASTER."-$power_platform"; } else { # Set latest power platform $latest_power_platform = $power_platform; } # Check for first fips release without a gerrit branch. Due to sort # order, it will be the next in order release. It is done this way # to avoid issues when fips releases are ahead of gerrit branches. In # other words it is possible to have fips releases past gerrit master. my $flag = 0; my $prev_rel = ""; foreach my $release (sort keys %{$relations{$power_platform}}) { if ($relations{$power_platform}{$release} eq "") { if (branchExists($master) and ($flag == 0)) { $relations{$power_platform}{$release} = $master; if ( $prev_rel ne "" ) { $relations{$power_platform}{$prev_rel} = ""; } $prev_rel = $release; $flag = 1; } elsif (branchExists($master) and ($flag == 1)) { $relations{$power_platform}{$release} = $master; $relations{$power_platform}{$prev_rel} = ""; $prev_rel = $release; $flag = 0; } else { ## Release branch could not be found print "Warning: Release branch for $release couldn't be found in current repo for $power_platform\n" if $debug; } #last; } } } print "Relations:\n" if $debug; print Dumper \%relations if $debug; }