#!/usr/bin/python # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/tools/utils/CommitSbeImageToCMVC.py $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2018 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG ''' ########################################################### # @file CommitSbeImageToCMVC.py # @author: George Keishing # Sangeetha TS # @brief Main Module to support CMVC operation # # Created on March 03, 2016 # ---------------------------------------------------- # @version Developer Date Description # ---------------------------------------------------- # 1.0 gkeishin 03/03/16 Initial create ########################################################### ''' #------------------------- # Imports #------------------------- import getopt import os, sys, glob import shutil # Libraries/utility funcs and user define const import sbeCmvcConstants as errorcode import sbeCmvcUtility as utilcode #------------------------- # Main Function #------------------------- def main(): #------------------------------------------ # Usage tool option #------------------------------------------ def usage(): print " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print " :: Command line USAGE options for Uploading FW SBE image to CMVC :: \n" print " CommitSbeImageToCMVC.py -d -r -p -i " print " \n" print " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" print " | By default user MUST pass CMVC/Release/Path input. |" print " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" print " \n ***** Options Supported *****" print " \t -d,--defect = Defect CMVC number" print " \t -f,--feature = Feature CMVC number" print " \t -r,--release = FW fips release string EX: fips910" print " \t -p,--path = Absolute path of the SBE repo" print " \t -i,--input = [ Optional ] List of image or file to upload" print " \t -b,--bvt = BVT xml file for CI" print " \t -h,--help = Help" print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #------------------------------------------ # Exit from this Main #------------------------------------------ def exit_main(rc): if rc == errorcode.HELP_EXIT: print " [ HELP DOCUMENTATION ]\n" sys.exit(0) if rc: print "\n [ ERROR - MAIN ] Exiting with error code = ", rc sys.exit(rc) else: print "\n SBE Image Upload to CMVC completed [ OK ] " sys.exit(0) #------------------------------------------ # Local var place name holder's #------------------------------------------ defect_num = "None" feature_num = "None" release_name = "None" path_name = "None" file_name = "None" bvt = "None" #---------------------------- # Read command line args #---------------------------- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"d:f:r:p:i:b:h",['defect=', 'feature=', 'release=', 'path=', 'input=', 'bvt=', 'help']) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() exit_main(errorcode.HELP_EXIT) elif opt in ('-d', '--defect'): defect_num = arg elif opt in ('-f', '--feature'): feature_num = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--release'): release_name = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--path'): path_name = arg elif opt in ('-i', '--input'): file_name = arg elif opt in ('-b', '--bvt'): bvt = arg else: usage() exit_main(errorcode.ERROR_EXIT) #---------------------------------- # Preping the data for Image Upload #---------------------------------- print " \n" print " ******************************************************" print " ****** Stagging PPE image Files Upload to CMVC ******" print " ******************************************************" #------------------------------------------------------ # Make sure that it has passed atleast one arg with it #------------------------------------------------------ if len(sys.argv)<2: usage() exit_main(errorcode.ERROR_SYS_EXIT) #------------------------------------------------------------- # Check user inputs and display #------------------------------------------------------------- def input_setting(): print " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print " [ Display User Inputs ]" print " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # Look elsewhere for the name instead of assigning to it locally. # This is now gloabal var global g_cmvc_num if ( defect_num != "None" ) or ( feature_num != "None" ): if not defect_num == "None": g_cmvc_num = 'D'+defect_num #D1234 print " [ CMVC Defect ] \t\t#Number\t = %s"%(g_cmvc_num) else: g_cmvc_num = 'F'+feature_num # F1234 print " [ CMVC Feature ] \t\t#Number\t = %s"%(g_cmvc_num) else: print " [ CMVC Defect/Feature ] Neeed CMVC number. This can't be empty " exit_main(errorcode.ERROR_EXIT) if not release_name == "None": print " [ Fips Release Name ] \t#String\t = %s"%(release_name) else: print " [ Fips release ] Neeed fips release string. This can't be empty " exit_main(errorcode.ERROR_EXIT) if not path_name == "None": print " [ Build Repo Path ] \t\t#String\t = %s"%(path_name) else: print " [ User Build Repo Path ] \t\t#String\t = %s"%(path_name) # Optional, by default looks up predefined files if not file_name == "None": print " [ Files for Check-in - User List ]" for files in file_name.split(","): print " \t\t\t\t#",files else: print " [ Files for Check-in - Default List ]" for files in errorcode.CMVC_FILE_LIST.split(","): print " \t\t\t\t# ",files print " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #------------------------------------------------------------- # CMVC ENV check #------------------------------------------------------------- def UserCmvcENV(): # Assumed the CMVC cofig is there in the user bash ENV # In .bashrc the CMVX ENV would look like this # CMVC specific example #----------------------------------------------------------- #export CMVC_FAMILY=aix@auscmvc1.austin.ibm.com@2035 #export CMVC_BECOME=gkeishin #export CMVC_AUTH_METHOD=PWD #----------------------------------------------------------- l_found_cmvc_conf = False for key in os.environ.keys(): if "CMVC" in key: print "\t %s : %s" % (key,os.environ[key]) l_found_cmvc_conf = True if l_found_cmvc_conf == False: print "\n [ ERROR SETTING ] : The CMVC specific ENV is not set" print " Please add the following CMVC details in ~/.bashrc" print " ------------------------------------------------------" print " export CMVC_FAMILY=aix@@" print " export CMVC_BECOME=" print " export CMVC_AUTH_METHOD=PWD" print " ------------------------------------------------------" return errorcode.ERROR_SETTING return errorcode.SUCCESS_EXIT # Testing CMVC login session.. probe def CheckCmvcAccess(): cmd='File -view src/sbei/sbfw/img/sbe_seeprom_DD2.bin -family aix -release fips910 >/dev/null 2>&1' rc = os.system(cmd) if rc: return errorcode.ERROR_CMVC_LOGIN #--------------------------------------------- # Callling the Func defs in order #--------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # 1) User input params/ Check ENV #------------------------------ input_setting() print "\n [ Checking PPE ENV Pre-req ] " # Check if User has passed the path, else get it from ENV if path_name == "None": # Get the PPE path l_ppe_path = utilcode.utilppeSbENV("SBEROOT") if l_ppe_path == "None": print " PPE Repo ENV Setting Path : [ ERROR CODE: %s ] " % l_ppe_path exit_main(errorcode.ERROR_SETTING) else: print " PPE Repo path Setting : [ %s ]"% l_ppe_path path_name = l_ppe_path print "\n [ Checking CMVC user ENV Pre-req ] " rc_code = UserCmvcENV() if rc_code == errorcode.SUCCESS_EXIT : print " CMVC Setting : [ OK ] " else: print " CMVC Setting : [ ERORR CODE: %s ]"% rc_code #------------------------------ # 2) Check the CMVC login access #------------------------------ print "\n [ Checking CMVC user Login Session access ] " rc_cmvc = CheckCmvcAccess() if rc_cmvc == errorcode.ERROR_CMVC_LOGIN: print " CMVC Login Access : [ ERORR CODE: %s ]"% rc_cmvc print "\t No cmvc login was found in this session." print "\t Issue the cmvclog command to establish a login and re-run." print "\t Command : cmvclog -in " exit_main(rc_cmvc) else: print " CMVC Session Login : [ OK ] " # Call API/Utility funcs def here #------------------------------ # 3) Check track status #------------------------------ print "\n [ Checking CMVC track state ] " l_trackFix = utilcode.utilCheckTrackState(g_cmvc_num,release_name) if l_trackFix == errorcode.SUCCESS_TRACK_STATE : print " Track in fix state. Suitable to continue." else : print " Track not in fix state. Aborting activity." return errorcode.ERROR_TRACK_STATE #------------------------------ # 4) Checkout the code #------------------------------ print "\n [ Creating Sandbox ]" origDir = os.getcwd() utilcode.utilCmvcChangeDir(g_cmvc_num) sbDir = os.getcwd() print "\n [ Checkout Files from CMVC ] " print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" if file_name == "None": file_name = errorcode.CMVC_FILE_LIST for l_filename in file_name.split(","): rc_checkout = utilcode.utilCmvcCheckout(l_filename,release_name,g_cmvc_num) if rc_checkout == errorcode.ERROR_CMVC_CHECKOUT: print " [ CMVC File Checkout Failed ] [Error code : %s]\t:%s"%(rc_checkout,l_filename) # Undo checkout.. dont check errors just do it utilcode.utilRollBack("checkout",g_cmvc_num,release_name) # Return to initial directory of operation os.chdir(origDir) shutil.rmtree(sbDir) exit_main(rc_checkout) else: print " CMVC File Checkout [ OK ]" print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" #------------------------------ # 4) Copy the binaries and file #------------------------------ # Find the files from the repo and copy to the Checkout dir print "\n [ Find files and Overide the checkout file ] " print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" rc_copy = utilcode.utilCmvcRepoPath(path_name,g_cmvc_num,file_name) if rc_copy == errorcode.ERROR_CMVC_FILE_COPY: print " [ File copy Failed ] [ Error code : %s]"%rc_copy # Return to initial directory of operation os.chdir(origDir) shutil.rmtree(sbDir) exit_main(rc_copy) else: print " Files Copied Successfully : [ OK ] " print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" #--------------------- # 6) Checkin the files #--------------------- print "\n [ Check-in Files from CMVC ] " print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" if file_name == "None": file_name = errorcode.CMVC_FILE_LIST for files in file_name.split(","): rc_checkin = utilcode.utilCmvcCheckin(files,release_name,g_cmvc_num) if rc_checkin == errorcode.ERROR_CMVC_CHECKIN: print " [ CMVC File Checkin Failed ] [Error code : %s]\t:%s"%(rc_checkin,files) # Undo checkin.. dont check errors just do it utilcode.utilRollBack("checkin",g_cmvc_num,release_name) # Return to initial directory of operation os.chdir(origDir) shutil.rmtree(sbDir) exit_main(rc_checkin) else: print " CMVC File Checkin [ OK ]" print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" #--------------------------------- # 7) Fix record the defect/release #--------------------------------- print "\n [ Fix the Record to complete in CMVC ] " utilcode.utilCmvcFixComplete(g_cmvc_num, release_name) #--------------------------------- # 8) Trigger Jenkins CI Job #--------------------------------- print "\n [ Trigering Jenkins job ] " rc_ci = utilcode.utilTriggerJenkins(g_cmvc_num, release_name, bvt) if rc_ci == errorcode.ERROR_CI_TRIGGER : print " [ CI Trigger Failed ] [Error code : %s]\t"%(rc_ci) # Return to initial directory of operation os.chdir(origDir) shutil.rmtree(sbDir) exit_main(rc_ci) else : print " CI Trigger [ OK ]" #----------------------------------------- # Return to initial directory of operation #----------------------------------------- os.chdir(origDir) shutil.rmtree(sbDir) # Clean exit print "\n [ Manually Integrate on CMVC post CI ] " exit_main(errorcode.SUCCESS_EXIT) if __name__=="__main__": main()