# IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/tools/debug/simics-debug-framework.py $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG import os import os.path import subprocess import re import random import sys import imp import struct testIstepAuto = imp.load_source("testIstepAuto", os.environ['SBE_TOOLS_PATH'] + "/testIstepAuto.py") err = False syms = {}; def check_sbe_tools_path (): global SBE_TOOLS_PATH SBE_TOOLS_PATH = os.environ['SBE_TOOLS_PATH']; def register_sbe_debug_framework_tools(): check_sbe_tools_path () fillSymTable() # Create command hook. new_command("sbe-istep",testIstepAuto.sbe_istep_func, args = [arg(float_t, "Major/start istep"), arg(float_t, "Minor/end istep")], alias = "istep", type = ["sbe-commands"], short = "Runs the debug framework for istep ", doc = "") new_command("sbe-trace", collectTrace, args = [arg(int_t, "procNr")], alias = "strace", type = ["sbe-commands"], short = "Runs the debug framework for trace ", doc = "") new_command("sbe-su", collectStackUsage, args = [arg(int_t, "procNr")], alias = "susage", type = ["sbe-commands"], short = "Runs the debug framework for stack usage ", doc = "") print "SBE Debug Framework: Registered tool:", "sbe-istep" print "SBE Debug Framework: Registered tool:", "sbe-trace" print "SBE Debug Framework: Registered tool:", "sbe-su" def fillSymTable(): # symFile = os.environ['SBE_IMG_OUT_LOC'] + "/sbe.syms" # TODO via RTC:168436 - figure out the DD level from simics flag, # as of now defaulting to DD1 symFile = SBE_TOOLS_PATH + "/sbe_DD1.syms" # symFile = os.environ['sb'] + "/../obj/ppc/sbei/sbfw/simics/sbe.syms" f = open( symFile, 'r') for line in f: words = line.split() if( len( words ) == 4 ): syms[words[3]] = [words[0], words[1]] # Print least available stack of each thread in SBE during a Run. # # Logic is - during init, ppe kernel fills the stack memory with '0xEFCDAB03'. # So while traversing the stack, starting from lowest memory to the top, # the first memory address where the pattern('0xEFCDAB03') is broken, # will be the deepest stack usage point of tht thread during the run def collectStackUsage ( procNr ): threads = ('g_sbeSyncCommandProcessor_stack', 'g_sbeCommandReceiver_stack', 'g_sbe_Kernel_NCInt_stack', 'g_sbeAsyncCommandProcessor_stack') print "==================================Stack usage===================================" # Dump stack memory to binary files for thread in threads: cmd = "pipe \"p9Proc" + `procNr` + ".sbe.mibo_space.x 0x" + syms[thread][0] + " 0x"+syms[thread][1]+"\" \"sed 's/^p:0x........ //g' | sed 's/ ................$//g' | sed 's/ //g' | xxd -r -p> "+thread+"\"" ( rc, out ) = quiet_run_command( cmd, output_modes.regular ) if ( rc ): print "simics ERROR running %s: %d "%( cmd, rc ) print "Thread".ljust(40)+"Least Available[bytes]".ljust(30)+"Max usage[%]" for thread in threads: with open(thread, "rb") as f: word = struct.unpack('I', f.read(4))[0] leastAvailable = 0 while (1): if (word == int("0xEFCDAB03", 16)): leastAvailable += 4 word = struct.unpack('I', f.read(4))[0] else: break print str("["+thread+"]").ljust(40) + str(leastAvailable).ljust(30) + str("%.2f" % (100 * (1 - (leastAvailable/float(int("0x"+syms[thread][1], 16)))))) def collectTrace ( procNr ): fileName = "sbe_" + `procNr` + "_tracMERG" cmd1 = "pipe \"p9Proc" + `procNr` + ".sbe.mibo_space.x 0x" + syms['g_pk_trace_buf'][0] + " 0x2028\" \"sed 's/^p:0x........ //g' | sed 's/ ................$//g' | sed 's/ //g' | xxd -r -p> ppetrace.bin\"" cmd2 = "shell \"" + SBE_TOOLS_PATH + "/ppe2fsp ppetrace.bin sbetrace.bin \"" # TODO via RTC:168436 - figure out the DD level from simics flag, as of now defaulting to DD1 cmd3 = "shell \"" + "fsp-trace -s " + SBE_TOOLS_PATH + "/sbeStringFile_DD1 sbetrace.bin >" + fileName + "\"" cmd4 = "shell \"" + "cat " + fileName + "\"" ( rc, out ) = quiet_run_command( cmd1, output_modes.regular ) if ( rc ): print "simics ERROR running %s: %d "%( cmd1, rc ) run_command ( cmd2 ) run_command ( cmd3 ) run_command ( cmd4 ) # MAGIC_INSTRUCTION hap handler # arg contains the integer parameter n passed to MAGIC_INSTRUCTION(n) # See src/include/arch/ppc.H for the definitions of the magic args. # SBE magic args should range 8000..8190. def sbe_magic_instruction_callback(user_arg, cpu, inst_num): # Check if its for ppe processor if(SIM_get_class_name(SIM_object_class(cpu)) != "ppe"): return; if inst_num == 8000: #MAGIC_SIMICS_CHECK iface = SIM_get_interface(cpu, "int_register") iface.write(iface.get_number("r3"), 1) print "SBE::isSimicsRunning = true" # Run the registration automatically whenever this script is loaded. register_sbe_debug_framework_tools() # Register the magic instruction hap handler (a callback). # Currently registering a range does not work on simics for sbe SIM_hap_add_callback( "Core_Magic_Instruction", sbe_magic_instruction_callback, None )