# IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/test/testcases/testMemUtil.py $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017,2019 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG import sys import os import struct sys.path.append("targets/p9_nimbus/sbeTest" ) sys.path.append("targets/p9_axone/sbeTest" ) import testPSUUtil import testRegistry as reg import testUtil err = False RUN_CYCLES = 1 def gethalfword(dataInInt): hex_string = '0'*(4-len(str(hex(dataInInt))[2:])) + str(hex(dataInInt))[2:] return list(struct.unpack(' 8: pice = arr[:8] arrs += pice if(itag): arrs += [1] if(ecc): arrs += [eccVal] arr = arr[8:] arrs += arr if(itag): arrs += [1] if(ecc): arrs += [eccVal] return arrs def putmem(addr, data, flags, ecc=0): lenInBytes = len(data) if(len(data) < 8): data = data+[0]*(4-len(data)) totalLen = 5 + len(data)/4 coreChipletId = 0x00 if (flags & 0x0040): # LCO mode is set, so chiplet id - 0x20 coreChipletId = 0x20 req = (getsingleword(totalLen) +[ 0,0,0xA4,0x02] +[coreChipletId, ecc] +gethalfword(flags) #0,0,0x0,0xA5] #CoreChipletId/EccByte/Flags -> NoEccOverride/CacheInhibit/FastMode/NoTag/NoEcc/AutoIncr/Adu/Proc + getdoubleword(addr) + getsingleword(lenInBytes) # length of data + data) testUtil.writeUsFifo(req) testUtil.writeEot( ) testUtil.runCycles( RUN_CYCLES ) if(flags & 0x0008): lenInBytes += int(len(data)/8) if(flags & 0x0010): lenInBytes += int(len(data)/8) expData = (getsingleword(lenInBytes) +[0xc0,0xde,0xa4,0x02, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x00,0x0,0x0,0x03]) testUtil.readDsFifo(expData) testUtil.readEot( ) def putmem_failure(addr, data, flags, responseWord, ecc=0): lenInBytes = len(data) if(len(data) < 8): data = data+[0]*(4-len(data)) totalLen = 5 + len(data)/4 coreChipletId = 0x00 if (flags & 0x0040): # LCO mode is set, so chiplet id - 0x20 coreChipletId = 0x20 req = (getsingleword(totalLen) +[ 0,0,0xA4,0x02] +[coreChipletId, ecc] +gethalfword(flags) #0,0,0x0,0xA5] #CoreChipletId/EccByte/Flags -> NoEccOverride/CacheInhibit/FastMode/NoTag/NoEcc/AutoIncr/Adu/Proc + getdoubleword(addr) + getsingleword(lenInBytes) # length of data + data) testUtil.writeUsFifo(req) testUtil.writeEot( ) testUtil.runCycles( RUN_CYCLES ) expResp = ([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] + [0xc0,0xde,0xa4,0x02] + getsingleword(responseWord) + [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x03]) testUtil.readDsFifo(expResp) testUtil.readEot( ) def getmem(addr, len, flags): testUtil.runCycles( RUN_CYCLES ) req = (getsingleword(6) + [0, 0, 0xA4, 0x01] + getsingleword(flags) + getdoubleword(addr) + getsingleword(len)) testUtil.writeUsFifo(req) testUtil.writeEot( ) # read data data = [] lenExp = len if(flags & 0x0008): lenExp += int(len/8) if(flags & 0x0010): lenExp += int(len/8) for i in range(0, int(-(-float(lenExp)//4))): data += list(testUtil.readDsEntryReturnVal()) readLen = testUtil.readDsEntryReturnVal() if(getsingleword(lenExp) != list(readLen)): print getsingleword(lenExp) print list(readLen) raise Exception("Invalid Length") expResp = [0xc0,0xde,0xa4,0x01, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x00,0x0,0x0,0x03]; testUtil.readDsFifo(expResp) testUtil.readEot( ) return data[:lenExp] def getmem_failure(addr, len, flags, responseWord, withLen = True): testUtil.runCycles( RUN_CYCLES ) req = (getsingleword(6) + [0, 0, 0xA4, 0x01] + getsingleword(flags) + getdoubleword(addr) + getsingleword(len)) testUtil.writeUsFifo(req) testUtil.writeEot( ) lenWord = [] if withLen: lenWord = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] expResp = (lenWord + [0xc0,0xde,0xa4,0x01] + getsingleword(responseWord) + [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x03]) testUtil.readDsFifo(expResp) testUtil.readEot( ) def setUnsecureMemRegion(addr, size, controlFlag, responseWord): testUtil.runCycles( RUN_CYCLES ) req = (["write", reg.REG_MBOX0,"0"*(8-len(hex(controlFlag).split('0x')[-1]))+hex(controlFlag).split('0x')[-1] +"00F0D601", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX0 address"], ["write", reg.REG_MBOX1, "0"*(16-len(hex(size).split('0x')[-1]))+hex(size).split('0x')[-1], 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX1 address"], ["write", reg.REG_MBOX2, "0"*(16-len(hex(addr).split('0x')[-1]))+hex(addr).split('0x')[-1], 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX1 address"], ["write", reg.PSU_SBE_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "8000000000000000", 8, "None", "Update SBE Doorbell register to interrupt SBE"]) host_polling_data = ( ["read", reg.PSU_HOST_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "0", 8, "8000000000000000", "Reading Host Doorbell for Interrupt"], ) # Host to SBE req regObj = testPSUUtil.registry() regObj.ExecuteTestOp(testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, req) print "\n Poll on Host side for INTR ...\n" #Poll on HOST DoorBell Register for interrupt regObj.pollingOn( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, host_polling_data, 5) response = ( ["read", reg.REG_MBOX4, "0", 8, "0"*(8-len(hex(responseWord).split('0x')[-1]))+hex(responseWord).split('0x')[-1]+"00F0D601", "Reading Host MBOX4 data to Validate"], ) #SBE->HOST data set execution regObj.ExecuteTestOp( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, response)